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Grind, Grind, Grind, Grind......

craigthemastercraigthemaster Member Posts: 74 Arc User
Im a little miffed to say the least. Firstly we were all happy with the old way getting drops data chips and what not the old way to get the MK XII MACO gear and we were told that this "new" way of a reputation would be for one, Quincker, Easyer and less of a grind. All I have done since they swaped it over is spray bugs STF's and fill up reputations with yet MORE currancies that have appeared in game. I have just reached Teir 5 and started filling some of the Romulan stuff and was suprised to see it only has a 2 minute cool down on he project but you don't get items from this you get accsess to a store where each item cost anything from 20.000 Dilithium upwards. What an absalut insult and joke to those of us that have played the game for so long and done nothing but constantly get punished with the constant grind of gear and time comnsuming up hill struggle to get the top level Gear. I really feel sorry for new players starting, who want to do PvP and get involved with the new Academy starting on the 29th of december. They can't get decent gear. Sheilds or anything and will have to constantly grind for about three months just to get to tear 5. Then constantly grind another few months just to get a half decent build. So by the time Star trek online is celibrating its 4th birthday next year you new starters should have atleast two decent forward guns and a turret or two. For the new MK XII Romulan sheilds you need 500 marks a bunch off dilithium 18.000 to be exact. (JOKE) So what more lies are in store for future releases. Are they ever going to do anything with the PvP areaner and culture. Probably not. It seems all the game is at the miniute is lock box hell and PAY TO PLAY OR WIN. What are your thoughts...
Post edited by craigthemaster on


  • craigthemastercraigthemaster Member Posts: 74 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Im not saying that the stuff is useless and bad. All im saying is that to get there is more of grind then that of the old way. I do admit that some of the stuff I have tested on tribble server is great. (its all free if you wanted to go over test it the guy is on DS9 near to where we use to requisition the STF gear). Its got all the drops from the projects. Just think we have once again gotten the rotten end of the stick with gear grinding.
  • pennyprimrosepennyprimrose Member Posts: 77 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Im not saying that the stuff is useless and bad. All im saying is that to get there is more of grind then that of the old way. I do admit that some of the stuff I have tested on tribble server is great. (its all free if you wanted to go over test it the guy is on DS9 near to where we use to requisition the STF gear). Its got all the drops from the projects. Just think we have once again gotten the rotten end of the stick with gear grinding.
    I think a 100% certain reward of MK XII sets after 35-40 days of minimal grinding (1-2 STFs a day), is pretty good for new players. I played STFs for about 3 months and never completed a full MK XII set. You can bank up extra Omega Marks, because you will not be spending all of them for reputation every day. And you don't have to spend any of your BNP until you hit Tier V. So being able to level to 50, and then starting reputation, completing it and unlocking MK XII end game gear in about a total of a 2 month period is awesome.
  • cdiederichscdiederichs Member Posts: 134 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Firstly we were all happy with the old way getting drops data chips and what not the old way to get the MK XII MACO gear

    Are you on crack?? :confused:

    NOBODY was happy with the old system, or were you simply not aware of the HUNDREDS of threads where we all denounced how unfair random tech drops were when thousands of Elite STF runs will still not yield a full set while at the same time a lucky first timer would max out.

    In the new system, you know what you're getting and how long it will take. Simple as that.
  • craigthemastercraigthemaster Member Posts: 74 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    No I'm not on crack, What a horrible thing to say. And yes you know exactly what your getting thats the illusion. You can see the reward at the end of the rainbow. A very long rainbow of constant Grind. 1000 Omaga marks 36000 dilithium. You add all those STF's togeter at 940 dilithium. 60 Omaga marks you do this for all 6 bits of ground and space. And then the alts of those sets I guarantee its far better the old way. But yes you are going to get it the new way. But at so much cost. I just think they need to rethink the amount of Dilithium an stf you get or the amount it takes to contribute to the projects. Far to much.
  • themariethemarie Member Posts: 1,055 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    No one was happy with the previous STF system. Months of grinding three or four elite STFs a day and managed two tokens for MK XII gear, and not even on the same character.

    The solution should have been put the XII gear in the store for a very large amount of chips (100+ chips each piece). Or perhaps some sort of crafting element to it. (50 chips, X samples, Y samples, Z unrep material).

    The rep system is ok, but the policy of having to re-grind from scratch, with little to no acknowledgment of previous effort has turned me off to the game. I haven't STF'd in four days, I'm just burnt out totally on running the same eight raids over and over and over and over some more.

    Even if I come back and finish Tier Five, all I've done is unlock store where I have to grind hours across days to earn things... it's just not worth playing anymore.

    The 8,000 a day cap sucks. The utter lack of "easy" sources of dilth sucks.

    My suggestions to "fix" the system:

    1) Eliminate the refine-cap. If I get lucky and end up with 10,000 dilth a day I should be able to process all of it.

    2) Reduce the cost of everything globally in the unlock stores. We already toiled to get permission to buy these items, I should NOT have to grind another 54,000 dilth just to get the gun I want. At most AT MOST items should cost 3 days of max-refine. 24,000 should be the HIGH END price.

    3) More sources for dilth. How about a vender that turns unwanted items into 100 dilth? A dilth auction-house where people can post XI and XII items for dilth. A box of 1024 dilth should be mission reward option for each and every mission, every day. There is no incentive to go back and play FEs and other plot missions once you have all the gear across all your toons.
  • mustafatennickmustafatennick Member Posts: 868 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    I agree with you on your first point it takes forever with this new system but then again the old system could technically have took longer

    The Romulus weapons are a joke really makes me lol when someone fires a volley of gimmick green torpedoes at my plasma resistant adaptive shield array which just about everyone runs these days for stf purposes

    As for this "you can easily get mk12 stuff with two stfs a day" your having a laugh aren't you isn't it about 600 marks just for one item plus however many thousand dilithium

    But can't complain too much as nothin will change for the better they'll just add more new content and forget about the severely bugged in places content that already exists or they could go one better In the new year and buff the jemhadar pay2win machine even more just for a right ol' laugh
    ----=====This is my opinion you don't have to listen and no one else has to read them these "OPINIONS" are based on my exploits and my learning other people will have their opinions and that's fine just don't knock my way of doing things thanks=====---- :cool:
  • ddesjardinsddesjardins Member Posts: 3,056 Media Corps
    edited December 2012
    I understand your frustration. In the case of my TAC toon, I lucked out and got full MK XII sets in less than 20 STF's. I actually got the MACO XII shield from my very first STF, and to say I was stunned would be an understatement. I converted more weapons to dil than I can shake a stick at.

    My Sci toon need more than 200 STF's to achieve only one set of Shields, Deflector and Engines. I ended up buying fleet weapons as I could not seem to get anything better than rare. Don't get me started on the ground sets.

    The old system was at best random and inconsistent. From a players standpoint, it was the quintessential grind.

    Fast forward to today, and I am nearly complete Reputation T5 for both Romulan and OMEGA. The process has not been a grind beyond the troubles and cost resets of the first few weeks. My only complaint is that 2 of my toons actually lack the experience necessary to complete 2 assignments per day. My other two toons have more than 5 million unused expertise.

    Some of the early new consumables and and consoles are 'not bad'. Many of the T4 elements are 'very good to excellent'. The passive bonuses are 'alot of fun', and I'm looking forward to building a Romulan 'all plasma' vessel at some point. Given the damage I have seen a few deal in PvE, I am certainly intrigued.

    The new reputation system is fun, offers opportunities to see new micro factions implemented AND add consistency to the development of characters. What more could you want?
  • kamiyama317kamiyama317 Member Posts: 1,295 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    I hated the old system, to be honest. Most of the time we would complete and STF and it wouldn't drop a prototype borg tech. In the few times it did, someone else would get the roll on it.

    I imagine I did over 100 STF's and never got a complete set of Omega. I never even tried to get MACO.

    I hate the new system because it is still a grind. There are too many grinds in this game. You grind for your starbase, your grind for your embassy, your grind for reputation... They are all trash compactor mechanics where you log in, feed the compactor some valuable items, log out, and then rinse and repeat 100 times.

    All I want is some set items. You shouldn't have to punish yourself this hard to get them!

    Next "feature" to be released by Cryptic: Mail order blood donations! Send us your blood, get free items!
  • craigthemastercraigthemaster Member Posts: 74 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    reyan01 wrote: »
    All really depends if the ends justify the means.

    I hit Omega T4 a few days ago, and am quite impressed with the Omega Plasma torpedo and the new Borg set. I would, therefore, argue that it was worth it overall.

    Not convinced it would've been if the set was useless though.
    I hated the old system, to be honest. Most of the time we would complete and STF and it wouldn't drop a prototype borg tech. In the few times it did, someone else would get the roll on it.

    I imagine I did over 100 STF's and never got a complete set of Omega. I never even tried to get MACO.

    I hate the new system because it is still a grind. There are too many grinds in this game. You grind for your starbase, your grind for your embassy, your grind for reputation... They are all trash compactor mechanics where you log in, feed the compactor some valuable items, log out, and then rinse and repeat 100 times.

    All I want is some set items. You shouldn't have to punish yourself this hard to get them!

    Next "feature" to be released by Cryptic: Mail order blood donations! Send us your blood, get free items!
    But im all out of blood. They took that too
  • craigthemastercraigthemaster Member Posts: 74 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Thats most probably the greatest idea's I have heard yet. We can craft what we want. It would also improve craft aswell.
  • wraithshadow13wraithshadow13 Member Posts: 1,728 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    to be honest, i too think this game has become too much of a grind. It's killing my alts, i don't like that i have to grind currencies not to buy something, but to unlock it only to have to grind more to actually buy it. The costs of these things alone is ridiculous, especially how little extra benefit you're getting from going up to the higher mark. The game was a grind before season 7 and all season 7 did was add a few new grinds and a new place to do it. players should never had to pay to unlock an item in the store, that's what they did when they leveled up to the next tier so making them grind for the level req, then the unlock, then again for the price of the item itself is pretty much triple charging them for an item that they used to be able to get for a single cost. The only real problem with the last system was people wanted a guaranteed way to get MK XII.

    I don't get on and play all that much any more simply because this game has gone from being a great way to spend time to being almost like a second job because i'm stuck doing content i don't really like (usually at inconvenient times for bonus') for little to no pay off at the end. Grinding for a reward isn't so bad, but Cryptic has made it grinding to the level requirement needed to grind to unlock the item in a store you have to grind to pay for with the possibility to grind to unlock to upgrade it later on.

    It just seems like an excessive way of saying we've given up on new content or game improvements because this was just easier.

    P.S. I know it sounds a little harsh and i'm sorry for that, but this game really seems to have lost that great Star Trek feel only to become 'Generic Space Game the MMO'
  • mjaymor78mjaymor78 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    The old system grind, grind, grind and you may get tech to drop.

    New system grind, but not as much as you did before and you don't have to do the same STF over and over again. You get Dilithium each run you do, so giving some of that back is not that big of a deal.

    I like the new system compared to the previous.
    Join Date: Dec 2009
  • craigthemastercraigthemaster Member Posts: 74 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    I have spoken to many people in my fleet now and they have also all said they wanted to do pvp but cant as the grind to the gear is too much. They run Gorn mine feild and SB 24 constantly to try get something decent. We have managed to help a few out with MK XII gear but its the sets that they wanted. With out the borg sets and Maco/Omaga whats the point lol.
  • craigthemastercraigthemaster Member Posts: 74 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Well for thoe of you that still think Its "BETTER" the new way here is some numbers for you.
    to get all ground sets you will need:

    8250 Marks
    135.000 dilithium
    Borg Pro's 90

    this is just for ground all ground sets mk X, XI, MK XII

    for all space sets MK XII, MK XI, MK X

    417.000 Dilithium
    16.500 Marks
    90 Borg Pro's

    For the borg Sets MK X, MK XI, MK XII and the special torp and cutting beams along with anything else you need:

    7.575 marks
    238.500 dilithium
    15 Borg pro's

    for all store unlocks or consumables you need

    1.350 marks

    so in total you will need.

    790.500 Dilithium
    33.675 marks
    195 borg pro's

    This is just for the Omega Reputation i have not taken into account the Romulan Grind yet. But for those who think that the old way was unfair or worse these type of numbers kind of say otherwise. Now consider you have two toons or three. I myself have 14. But only 4 are main toons.....

    Try to work out how many STF's it takes to get this much and then try to say its better. We never spent Dilithium on our MACO gear before hand. We got the drops that we converted into Dilithium. now were grinding it to spend it on the vry stuff were grinding for. Its one bit CON.
  • mustafatennickmustafatennick Member Posts: 868 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Nail head the hit on.... my friend diabolical ruined the game IMO

    ----=====This is my opinion you don't have to listen and no one else has to read them these "OPINIONS" are based on my exploits and my learning other people will have their opinions and that's fine just don't knock my way of doing things thanks=====---- :cool:
  • c7h16fo2pc7h16fo2p Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Well for thoe of you that still think Its "BETTER" the new way here is some numbers for you.
    to get all ground sets you will need:


    The fact that you've been able to break down exactly what's required not to mention your progress is nicely tracked means I prefer the new way. I never even bothered with STFs after getting the Borg space set previously because I've got no patience for random drops.

    Also your calculations assume that you get every single item/set, I (and probably a lot of people) skipped Mk X entirely and got only 1 Mk XI ground set for the instant remodulation while I save up for the Mk XII sets.

    If you're someone who has to have every item the moment it comes out then yea sorry, it sucks, but I'm happy to keep working on it gradually getting the gear I want, so it's all good.
  • kamiyama317kamiyama317 Member Posts: 1,295 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    I think they should reduce the dilithium costs of reputation stuff by 50%.

    Just my opinion.
  • twg042370twg042370 Member Posts: 2,312 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    What are your thoughts...

    1. Here's a game with actual grind I'd like you to try out. Questing falls by the wayside pretty quickly and you're just killing X number of mobs. Pretty looking game, mind you.

    What you should have typed was "Tagging Epohhs is repetitive and boring."

    2. "Pay to win" might apply to PvP. But this isn't a PvP game nor should the development be focused in that direction. What you mean to say is "Pay to kill Borg NPCs five seconds faster." and I'm quite fine with letting people spend their money to do that.

    3. What minor grind there is is for vanity items and gear you don't need outside of specific situations. It's your choice to stick your hand in that particular cookie jar, but you're not forced into it by the game.
  • pegasussgcpegasussgc Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    I love the new system. With the old system I ran almost 1000 Elite STF's (about 800 were ground) and did not even complete a single ground mk xii set. I did see quite a few people around me getting the drops, some on their first runs. With the new system I ran about 50-75 ESTF's and after reaching T5 bought the Omega, Maco and Adapted Maco mkxii ground sets. Anyone who thinks this this new reputation system is more of a grind than the "lucky" drop system is either crazy or was one of those lucky people.

    I like having goals to accomplish and with the reputation system you actually have attainable goals. The previous system was entirely random.
  • phantomeightphantomeight Member Posts: 567 Bug Hunter
    edited December 2012
    1. OP's wall of text clearly shows their thinking process without even reading the content of said wall. This immediately invalidates any creative thought that they have.

    2. Earning marks is stupid easy. The required marks can be earned in under 100 STF runs for an entire MACO set... vs 1000's with no results under the old system due to a bad RNG. I wasn't one of the dopes that traded all their edc's and what not for DL even though it was a bad deal, so I barely had to run STFs anyway. With the winter event and the Tau Dewa sector block, I am sitting on 2000 Romulan marks and I don't know what I want to do with them....

    3. Earning the EC to buy the other stuff is flat out disgustingly easy. When playing the game on Elite... I stumble upon the required EC in the first hour of play.

    4. Doing officer reports and "Battleship Royal Rumble" every 30 minutes makes me so rich and is so fun that it makes me want to puke......

    There is no grind for the rep system. I never ever went to myself... "TRIBBLE I gotta sign on to do some stfs or my rep projects wont keep moving..." Just regular play earned my way through and I work 50 hour work weeks and have a baby to take care of.. It is clear that some just don't understand STO or the numbers, or would rather chat on Drozana with their left hand on the keyboard and their right hand elsewhere...
    join Date: Sep 2009 - I want my changeling lava lamp!
  • centersolacecentersolace Member Posts: 11,178 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    New system may be boring, but at least it isn't a waste of time.
  • unangbangkayunangbangkay Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    New system may be boring, but at least it isn't a waste of time.

    Exactly this, but this conflict will NEVER be resolved, because what pro-diceroll folks want is diametrically opposed to what pro-rep folks want.

    Pro-Rep folks want to know what they're getting, when they're getting it, and how much it will cost. The rep system does this, and at that point the only quibble is over the exact price. For the record, I'm pro-Rep, but it is generally a load of TRIBBLE that I have to pay to unlock, then pay again to buy.

    Pro-roll folks basically want to opportunity to luck out, regardless of whether or not this affects people other than themselves. They want to be the lucky first-timers that won the roll, or the person that opened a lockbox and got a Bug or whatever (though they're often the same folks that hypocritically complain about drop chances in lockboxes). They have time, and that's the only currency they want to pay, on the very small chance that they won't actually have to spend the time and get a windfall.

    I don't like to sound accusatory, but Pro-Roll folks are basically being selfish, and the way gear works in STO works against the fairness of rolls. Why? Any drop in the game that's not a battery can make you money. As a free-to-play game, accumulating currencies is VERY important for advancement at the endgame. As a result, EVERYONE rolls need on EVERYTHING. The Need/Greed/Pass system and the etiquette that's built up around it is destroyed. It is nothing but a mad scramble for random chance.

    I'm pro-Rep not because it makes it easier for me to get my sets (I lucked out pre-S7 on my Mk XI Borg and Maco sets). At the rate I make resources I'll be buying my Mk XIIs by STO's 6th Anniversary. Instead I'm pro-Rep but because it guarantees that EVERYONE will get their sets...eventually (including me). I've seen too many friends and guildmates go YEARS and never see the drop they want or need.

    There's too much unhelpful randomness in the world as it is, we don't that much of it in our entertainments.
  • gizmox64gizmox64 Member Posts: 322 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    What I would love to see with the Reputation is better sorting of rewards or projects, the Mark X, XI, XII get bunched in a list, everything is just in a long list. Yes you can up or down arrow the little section, but it will not remember that once the character screen is closed. I'd like to see gear totally separate in Mark value with sections of Space, and Ground as a start.

    Another improvement would be to actually list what I am getting. The MACO stuff will display the item I'm getting with full details. The Romulan stuff on the other hand only says it will unlock MK (tier here) Purple Rifles. Which I unlocked only to find there are NO split beams!

    Plus the whole fact you have to do projects to get to the Tier level, I get that, but then have to "claim" the tier reward, then pay to unlock each weapon type, then pay who knows what for the actual item in the store, as it doesn't even tell you how much they will cost after you've spend the resource just to View it in the store tab.

    Very Rare Romulan Plasma Beam Arrays Mk XII... ok what are they? What are the stats, the procs? Can I get a better one in the Exchange for a few million EC instead. No way to tell ATM. It just seems as a big rushed joke. I'll admin I have been only playing for 3 months now so perhaps this is the best of the best way of doing things in comparison to the past.
  • mvaiksmvaiks Member Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    I believe that the new system is a huge improvement over the random loot tables we had before. I played more than 400 STFs and NEVER completed a single MK XII set (space or ground) on my FED and KDF toons. It was utterly frustrating!

    I agree the new system needs some fine tuning (things cost a little too much, etc...) but I take the new system over the old anytime.

    If I run 400 STFs on the new system I will receive at least:

    75 Omega marks (yes, I always get the optional. Just don't pug!) = 30.000 total
    960 dil x 400 = 384000 dil
    1 BNP x 400 = 400 BNP (there are missions where I get 6 or 11)

    With these rewards I can get pretty much what I need (I dont need every set on its X, XI and XII variants, only XII).
    --- My sig begins here ---
    Member since Jan 24th 2010 (more or less)
    Career Officer
  • craigthemastercraigthemaster Member Posts: 74 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    If all people are going for is the Mk XII Gear MACO/OMEGA what is the point in haveing the MK X MK XI gear in the reputation system. If peole are moaning about The old system being unfair because it was to Random then what is the point in playing.... The entire game is based on random drops. The lock box's are a random drop where the game will only release a ship at a certain time through out the day. Drops in STF's Compleatly random. Why is it you get Green MK X gear in an Elite and Blue MK XI, Is this not Random. Or do we need a reputaion system to get random drops.

    We could have a General reputation system that levels with your Captain. Starting at lvl1 you get LVL 1 gear and so on until LvL 50 where you can unlock MK XII purple gear. But instead of using E?C to buy them it will charge us a mixture Od Dilithium E/C latinum Omega marks Romulan marks. This way we can be 100% sure to get that MK XII purple Phaser rely you been wanting for the last year or so and the Neutronium Alloy MK XII for just as long. Is this not just as important as the MACO gear. Is it not worth just as much and needed also. This way we can be sure we get what we want with no risk of CHANCE or randomnisity ingame. This way we can all out fit our ships get the same gear same build and be all the same. Peolpe want things to easily with hardly any work. The random drop was more of a suprise and felt you worked with something of reward at the end. We still knew how to geth the Gear. What STF's to run to get what. Was a case of just doing it. They could easily have increased the drop rate and took into account who had the gear already and who didnt.
  • aruman1aruman1 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    From the point of view of a new player like me the reputation system is still lacking in many way, for example it's lacking decent weapons and consoles; so the better solution was leaving the stf drop, maybe giving each stf a more defined loot table intested of random TRIBBLE, and then implementing the reputation system to fill the gap.
    Btw the real problem here is that aside the stf there is no better pve that demand and give better gear, in my opinion this game need stf designed for 20 ships.
  • kiloacekiloace Member Posts: 488 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    I do see where he's coming from. You grind and grind and grind and grind to level up the tiers in the Rep system, then, when you get to the FINAL TIER (which occurs to me, its gonna take you a minimum of ~40 days with all the projects and such) and THEN you need a crapton of Omega Marks and other resources to get what you want, and THEN that only unlocks them in the store? So THEN, you can go grind up some dilithium to actually BUY the things.

    I personally feel like they can cut out the store part of it, at least for the STF sets. They are individual pieces of equipment and I think it makes more sense realistically for you to requisition a piece, submit your supplies, and then wait the time to get the piece without having to have the whole store thing in there. Besides, how many copies of the set piece are you going to need to justify having to unlock it in a STORE first?
  • init0init0 Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    I played STO when it was first released but it was so utterly dismal back then that I quit until it went free2play / pay2win and now came back to give it a try.

    I created a new character and am now VA since about a week and I'm sorry to say but I doubt I'll be here very much longer. The problem is that this game has little to no activities that feel even remotely "rewarding". I can grind the same 4-5 boring STFs until my fingers begin to rot (or I gouge my eyes out from boredom, whichever comes sooner) and then I don't even get anything except the right to grind some more.

    What I also find simply terrible are the 20h time sinks for the reputation grind missions... What is the purpose of that time sink exactly? If you (Cryptic) are worried that people will get reputation too fast then you could at least have used your brains (or better yet: simply copied WOW) and give players the option to grind a maximum of, say, 15'000 reputation per week and faction (but without boring, pointless time sinks).

    It's like they are trying to force people to play the game over the period of a few months (like many developers do in subscription-based games because that's how they earn their money) but in STO it would be far better to simply allow people to blast through the game as fast as possible, buy their iWin buttons and then quit.

    I have no idea why ANYONE in their right mind would design a pay2win game without a subscription and then attempt to force people to spread out their "enjoyment" of the game over a few months instead of simply being able to blast through it in a few days (like a normal single player game). Because let's be honest: there is simply not enough content to keep a normal gamer entertained for more then a few days.

    Isn't that exactly the intended purpose of a front-loaded payment system like STO has? So the developers don't actually have to provide any long-term goals because they don't have to care if people quit quickly, as long as they spent some cash on the store?

    Anyway... The thought that I have to grind the same 5 boring STF for the badges and then waste my time by logging in every 20h for the next few months makes me puke. I'm never gonna do that. The game just isn't worth that sort of effort.

    Just look at how the loot and reputation system works in WOW. Sure, that's not great either but compared to this utter fail system it wins hands down and makes STO seem like a cheap student project by comparison.

    So in conclusion: If you want to keep me hooked to STO long enough so I might actually consider dropping any money on your (horrendously overpriced) store then remove all time sinks and accept that this is not a game that offers any long-term motivation. Better to remove all gating and time sinks and milk the customers more quickly. You'll earn more money and the players will not have to grind (and then, once they're bored they'll move on to other games but you don't have to care because you already got their cash).

    This system makes no sense for a cash-shop-driven game. You don't want to keep people here, do you? You want them in McDonalds mode: come in, buy burgers, eat, leave.
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