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Seeking A Fleet To Call Home...

jennyluvejennyluve Member Posts: 74 Arc User
edited January 2013 in Earth Spacedock
I'm happy to announce that I have found a home. Thank you all so very much for answering my post, it's a testament to the dedication and devotion that we all have to Star Trek. I honestly didn't expect to have this kind of response and frankly I'm rather blown away as it were.

If you'd like, you're free to hit me up in-game so maybe we could hang out or rough up some badguys: kira@opaserv
Been playing since launch.
Post edited by jennyluve on


  • dorusnonndorusnonn Member Posts: 116 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Greetings Jen!

    I won't type a long post here, but consider us as a possible solution. The Timelords Fleet is a smaller (approx. 25-30 members altogether, at least 10-15 active daily) Fleet spanned across the globe, from Eastern Europe till the West Coast of the US.

    Fleet Site/Forum: CHECK (although we aren't webdesigners)
    Leadership interested in everything EXCEPT numbers ;) : CHECK
    Soon-to-be-Friends: CHECK

    Check out the links in the signature to reach us or read the first post of our Recruiting Thread here: http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=321711

    We're more than happy to answer any of your questions.

    My handle: Dorus@DorusNonn

    Kind regards,
    Adm. Dorus

    P.S.: Don't let the name fool you .. we are not all Dr. Who fanboys ;)
    Being here since 2011 Spring
  • jurrethjurreth Member Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Hi Jen!

    I am Rear Admiral Jureth and I'd like to take a moment and introduce you to Lotus Fleet.

    Lotus Fleet is a small to medium size fleet with members spanning the globe that have come together as not just an in game fleet but a Star Trek community. We have a dedicated leadership headed up by Fleet Admiral Jamie and his XO Admiral Kheren along with myself and two other division commanders. Our motto has always been quality over quantity when it comes to members, and the person behind the keyboard matters more to us than the pixels on the screen.

    We have a newly launched website at www.lotusfleet.org, and while we are not a new Fleet by any means we were forced to leave our old site about a year ago and it took some time to get the new one up and running.

    It sounds like your Trek lore might be on par with the best of us, but even if it is our comprehensive Academy can help you brush up and maybe even teach you a thing or two :)

    We have a dedicated events department that will soon be scheduling events as the new year starts to include fleet marks events, STFs, daily runs, and whatever else our members might come up with!

    Most of all we all want to enjoy Star Trek and have fun while doing it. Thank you for your time and I hope you'll check out Lotus Fleet!
    Rear Admiral Jureth
    Senior Retention and Recruitment Officer
    Command Division, Lotus Fleet
  • knight2309knight2309 Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Hi Jenny! I'm a member of a mirror universe themed fleet called Dark Mirror. We're a small, close knit group around and in our 30's that honestly feels more like family rather than just simply fleet mates. I have to say, this is the best group of ppl I've met in this game. We cut up and laugh all the time on teamspeak3 together. They are not about trying to become a mega fleet either... Everyone knows everyone and all decisions made are voted on by all.

    If I need fleet marks, they'll buy whats needed and give them to me for me to donate! If I need Romulan marks (b/c I didn't pay attention that a certain project cost 500 of them) they'll help me grind to get them. I've been playing for around 6 months now and have learned so much thx to these guys. They've helped me with my build, taught me things I had no idea were in the game and just simply made the whole experience of playing so much more fun.

    If you're interested feel free to check us out at www.darkmirror.guildlaunch.com I wish you luck in finding a fleet home soon that matches just what you're looking for. I know 1st hand how much more fun this game can be once you do!

    See you among the stars!!!
  • admiralandyadmiralandy Member Posts: 189 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Hi Jen,

    I'd like to invite you to my fleet.

    Were a 18+ fleet, mostly based in UK with a few USA members.

    Average fleet age is 25-35. Most of the regular members have partners/families so I don't think u need to worry about the creep factor,as I think were a reasonably mature gaming group when it comes to relationships.

    Were about a half dozen at peek times and were getting on very well, bit of fleet chat, some comms members are working on Teamspeak and Vent for fleet team events.

    I think small is beautiful and am trying to keep the fleet a modest size so that the social interaction isn't lost as I don't know about you but I wouldn't have time to build meangingful social groups encompassing 25 or 200!

    We don't have a website but is something a co-founder has thought might be worth looking into.

    It would be easier to char discuss in game so message me @HighAdmiralAndy.

    GL finding a fleet whoever you choose.

    PS I am also an uber geek.
  • aquitaine985aquitaine985 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Hey Jen! I'm one of the Executives from Lag Industries. We run a fleet based on a company. You will live in cubicles too small for your creativity or physical/psychological health. You won't be paid, but you are allowed to steal as many office supplies as you can carry. No, I'm not massively happy to see you, it's a stapler I've got stashed away... We have several hundred members, a fair chuck are pretty active too, people don't get lost in the mix and have every chance of making a name for themselves and rising up. There's always room and time for everyone. Our TS is populated not only with our own members but people from other fleets that have a habit of stopping over, specially on Drunken Fridays.

    1. A website - Yep, we have a pretty sexy website which can be found -->here<-- We're always on the lookout for some fresh blood to help us run it as our current web wizard is rather inactive, and rubbing my face against the keyboard has less effect then I'd like...

    2. A leadership who are not interested in just numbers - We don't promote people on what they give to the fleet, or how good they are. We recruit based on how social/helpful they are, how much they use our website & TS3, how much they take part in our contests (we like giving away expensive sh*t!)

    3. Friends - Any fleet that doesn't offer this isn't really worth a look in.

    We have TRIBBLE Monday, Pizza Tuesday, Leopard-Print Budgie Smuggler Wednesday, Bring-Your-Bear-to-Work Thursday but sadly have no special Fridays. We're usually either running about town with nets and blow tubes or answering bear-related legal claims.

    We're an increasing sight in the PVP queues, we run plenty of PVE, we're active, avid starbase builders and laid back.

    Please feel free to nose around the site, TS, or PM me ;)

    Happy New Year!
    Lag Industries STO PvP Fleet - Executive
    A Sad Panda of Industrial calibre.
    2010: This is Cryptic PvP. Please hold the line, your call is very important to us...
  • srspellssrspells Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    hey jen i wont do a long drawn out thing.

    we are OPA play with us see what you think.
    we use dolby axon as a mic system.

    no site but I feel ya there as im a gfx designer for 6 years.

    hope to play with ya.
    || Open Door Policy ||
    | Dues Ex Mechina |
    Fleet Leader
  • xsharpexxsharpex Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    jennyluve wrote: »

    Despite the fact that I've had an STO account since 07' (according to my account page), I've had a hell of a time finding "friends" who actually want to play with me without trying to ask me out or otherwise just being creepers. I'm hoping that this post will change that.

    best line everrr! almost fell out of my seat. anyway, best of luck finding a new home for your toon.
  • pokersmith1pokersmith1 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Hi Jennifer,

    We are the Elite Defense Starfleet/ Elite Defense Stovokor. We are a laid back fleet that lets our members pursue their interest, be it PvE or PvP, but we also help each other fulfill out objectives. We are a mixed european/american fleet and we like to play federation as well as klingon. Currently, we have a t4 federation starbase, t3 klingon starbase and t1 embassy (fed as well as kdf).

    If you like, please check out our website (here).

    We will be happy to have you in our fleet.

    -3rr0r (@pokersmith1)
    Elite Defense Starfleet
    Elite Defense Stovokor
  • troubiltroubil Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    As per your request, sent you an in-game message. Whatever fleet you decide to join, hope you have fun with it!
    Member of the Blacksheep
    "Who's interfering? We're... taking over." :cool: -Captain James T. Kirk (A Piece of the Action)
  • gerwalk0769gerwalk0769 Member Posts: 1,095 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Hi Jennifer-

    I enjoyed your post, thanks for it. Perhaps you would consider The First Expeditionary Fleet. The fleet is casual, small and is made up of many different kinds of members. Some are social and others are not. Some members like numbers, some like tactics, some like STO uniforms, and others like to find the highest climbing points on various maps. Many members teach, learn, build friendships and are helpers.

    When the leadership PUG's stf's they focus on helping other players win the match, optionals are just that. Obtaining optionals during a PUG or Fleet Event should not get in the way of having a good time with Fleetmates. Members also pursue their own interests and are from North America, Europe and Australia.

    We have a Tier 3 Starbase and a webpage. Hope this piques your interest, and hope that the fleet can be a resource for you. We can talk more in depth later if you like. You can reach me in game @osiri. I'll try reaching out to you.

    Best of luck.
    Joined STO in September 2010.
  • tehjoneltehjonel Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    sounds like you could fit in well with our fleet.

    website: special task force unit

    leadership: our fleet has three leaders: two female, and one male. the two females are college students and the male leader is always online. they're great leaders. we basically have a council system. the officers and leaders discuss an issue among themselves and members before a decision is made. it's kept things peaceful for the entire year i've been in this fleet.

    voice: teamspeak 3. optional, not necessary. it's there if anyone in the fleet wants to use it for coordination or socializing.

    members: everyone is comfortable with each other. we're all chill, goofy, mature, and funny. a year ago, we were strangers. today, we're all still playing together in the same fleet. our members are from america, europe, new zealand, and canada.

    mentors: we have many skilled members that excel in different areas as well as general knowledge of the game. if there's one thing about this fleet, is that we look out for each other. so if there's anything you wanna ask, someone will answer in a helpful manner. basically, we all have each other's back's when we need something.

    bank: anyone can deposit into the bank. but only officers can take something out. it's just a safety measure. if anyone needs something, ask an officer. there's rarely an instance they'll say no.

    resources: our starbase is not mandatory contribution. there is no pressure to contribute to fleet projects. we feel that if you like the fleet and want to see the fleet resources grow, you will feel compelled to contribute. not the other way around. this kind of policy encourages loyalty among the members. it's worked out fine without problems.

    friends: i've joined this group about a year ago (i'm a free-to-player). and i couldn't have asked for a better fleet to join. we're not top tier, but we're recognized by other fleets and loyal to each other. we've all come to add each other on our steam lists, given each other nicknames, make fun of each other playfully, and use our real names on occasion.

    recruitment: i am not a recruiter. i just keep my eyes open for potential recruits. we recruit at least one person a month. we like to keep our fleet close and comfortable rather than large and obscure. everyone can recruit, but they are also responsible for that potential member. recruits are on a trial of a few days, max of seven days. just to see if they fit in.

    if you think our fleet fits what you're looking for, i'll drop you a friend invite and invite you to our private chat channel.

    good hunting.
  • gulberatgulberat Member Posts: 5,505 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Hi Jennifer,

    I realize you're getting bombarded right now with a lot of different options, but I also wanted to let you know about Zion Fleet.

    We are primarily a Christian fleet, though being a Christian is NOT required for membership. We believe in treating all of our fleetmates, regardless of denomination or belief, in a kind and fair manner. That does mean we have standards of conduct towards each other--no cursing, belittling other players or their beliefs, being (politely, respectfully) honest, and not being crude. I can also attest to the fact that women are treated with respect in our fleet and do not have to worry about any sort of harassment.

    We hold prayer meetings every few weeks. Attendance is not required, but we would consider it a privilege to have you.

    There are people with diverse interests in the fleet. Some enjoy STFs, some like PVP, others of us are Foundry authors and fans, and some are just casual players. Our starbase is currently Tier II. While it's coming along slowly compared to some of the larger/more aggressive fleets, the reason is this: we do not pressure our members to contribute. We are simply grateful for anything you can provide and choose to provide, when it is convenient for you.

    You can definitely make friends as a member of Zion Fleet. You'll also get to know people from other allied Christian fleets, through our shared Teamspeak channel.

    We do have a website: http://www.zionfleet.com/

    For me, though, the best part has been getting to know people through Teamspeak.

    I hope you will come by and see us. If you do decide to join, the application is...on our website. :D

    Finally--Please check out our short Foundry mission, Zion Fleet Orientation. It doesn't qualify for rewards, but it WILL give you a nice little look at our fleet and what we're like, and who to contact with various types of questions. :)

    Christian Gaming Community Fleets--Faith, Fun, and Fellowship! See the website and PM for more. :-)
    Proudly F2P.  Signature image by gulberat. Avatar image by balsavor.deviantart.com.
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