What was the point of changing the drop in STF's if you have a chance to get 1 to 11 Borg Neural Processor? I have played STF many times and I only get 1 BNP, 1 time I got 6. If you made changes to make it easier for FTP people why did you do this with BNP? I have been a lifer since pre order and I don't understand this. It seems to be a contradiction. Is this a random chance? If so what is the chance? Is there something you have to do what is it? I have played STF where we failed the optional and ones where we completed everything and I only gotten 1 BNP.
I have tried to look this up but I can't find anything anywhere
When you complete an STF on elite you get a BNP guaranteed.
There is a loot roll at the end for each person that guarantees them an extra reward or two. This is normally gear, but can be extra omega marks or BNP's.
When you got 6, you actually got the usually 1 and then 5 extra as a random reward, 11 is 1 plus 10 extra.
this is sort of there to replace the random drops, and the chance of the MK XII gear from the past. the XII sets cost 10 BNP as part of their projects so it goes part of the way to buying you which ever piece you want. or you can turn them in for dilithium.
its not as good as just receiving a piece straight up like before, but it helps take out the possibility of never getting the bit you want as you have a set goal to reach. the extra rewards just make it easier.
the idea is to make the system easier than the more complex and convoluted way we had before, and allow people to earn rewards without being forced to play missions they dont like.
while i dont know what the chances are, i do know from only having played a few elites that the drop rate is pretty decent, and you dont have to get the optional. just finish the mission.
While it takes a lot longer, it's far less frustrating. No more first timers getting that shield you've done the map 120 times for and still not got...
Oh and Captainrevo1? You made the Worst of all worlds stuff? WIN!! I loved those! Thank you
How do you turn in the Borg Neural Processors for dilithium? I assume it's not as simple as hitting "discard" but I wasn't sure. I figured I should ask.
In the immortal words of Captain Sisko: "It may not be what you believe, but that doesn't make it wrong."
Don't believe the lies in this forum. I am NOT an ARC user. I play STO on Steam or not at all.
How do you turn in the Borg Neural Processors for dilithium? I assume it's not as simple as hitting "discard" but I wasn't sure. I figured I should ask.
You need to successfully complete one Elite STF, and it unlocks the BNP hand-in reputation mission.
The mission goes in the upgrades slot, takes 15 seconds, requires 5 BNPs, and gives 500 dil.
Its both. There are two missions you can choose from. One is 500 dilithium for 50 Omega marks and the other mission is 5 BNP for 1,000 dilithium. Consequently, you can also turn in 50 Rommie marks for 500 Dil in the Rom Rep System as well.
You only need 10 BNP's for each of the new Mk XII Omega Rep set items, or 5 for the Borg Mk XII's. I'm sitting on over 154 BNP's have can't decide what to do with them lol.
You only need 10 BNP's for each of the new Mk XII Omega Rep set items, or 5 for the Borg Mk XII's. I'm sitting on over 154 BNP's have can't decide what to do with them lol.
While there is the possibility that BNPs will be used for future sets, that is mere speculation. I suspect that BNPs will be just for Borg Sets and there will be other items for set items for other major enemies like Undine and Iconian. There is the possibility of new Borg sets being introduced, but right now someone only needs 195 BNPs to purchase every Mk XII set unless they want to outfit their Bridge Officers. That would require an extra 60 BNPs. So if you have everything you have at the moment, then the logical course is to use them for dilithium.
There is a loot roll at the end for each person that guarantees them an extra reward or two. This is normally gear, but can be extra omega marks or BNP's.
When you got 6, you actually got the usually 1 and then 5 extra as a random reward, 11 is 1 plus 10 extra.
this is sort of there to replace the random drops, and the chance of the MK XII gear from the past. the XII sets cost 10 BNP as part of their projects so it goes part of the way to buying you which ever piece you want. or you can turn them in for dilithium.
its not as good as just receiving a piece straight up like before, but it helps take out the possibility of never getting the bit you want as you have a set goal to reach. the extra rewards just make it easier.
the idea is to make the system easier than the more complex and convoluted way we had before, and allow people to earn rewards without being forced to play missions they dont like.
Oh and Captainrevo1? You made the Worst of all worlds stuff? WIN!! I loved those! Thank you
Don't believe the lies in this forum. I am NOT an ARC user. I play STO on Steam or not at all.
The mission goes in the upgrades slot, takes 15 seconds, requires 5 BNPs, and gives 500 dil.
5 BNPs = 1000 dil
Its both. There are two missions you can choose from. One is 500 dilithium for 50 Omega marks and the other mission is 5 BNP for 1,000 dilithium. Consequently, you can also turn in 50 Rommie marks for 500 Dil in the Rom Rep System as well.
I've completed more than 1 and it is still not unlocked on one character. I can do it on another though.
"There is no problem in the universe that can't be solved with a bribe, a paid assassin, or an overpowered fighter." - Chubain from Jumpgate Evolution
While there is the possibility that BNPs will be used for future sets, that is mere speculation. I suspect that BNPs will be just for Borg Sets and there will be other items for set items for other major enemies like Undine and Iconian. There is the possibility of new Borg sets being introduced, but right now someone only needs 195 BNPs to purchase every Mk XII set unless they want to outfit their Bridge Officers. That would require an extra 60 BNPs. So if you have everything you have at the moment, then the logical course is to use them for dilithium.
It would be nice if the Lock boxes randomly has BNP, and ultra rare skeleton keys that could be used 100 times