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Breen builds?

jim940jim940 Member Posts: 178 Arc User
edited December 2012 in Federation Discussion
What is everyone planning for their Breen ship?

Currently thinking of:

Breen 3 Pcs set. (Engines, Deflector, Shields)

In Front:
3x Advance Fleet Dual Heavy Disruptors (yes yes I know in STO they use Polaron but in DS9 it was Disruptors).
1x Advance Fleet Photon Torpedo.

2x Advance Fleet Disruptor Beam Banks.
2x Advance Fleet Disruptor Turrets.

Tactical Consoles:
4x Disruptor Induction Coils (Blue's or Purples) Either Mk X or Mk XI (depends what I can afford)

Science Consoles:
1x Ionized Gas Sensor
1x SubSpace Jumper
1x Emitter Array MkX or MkXI (Purple) (I extend shields all the time as a Engineer)

Engineering Consoles:
3x Neutronium Alloy Mk XI (Purple)

Still have a few days to pick up the consoles I don't have yet etc. Which will be good.

What are you guys thinking about?

Post edited by jim940 on


  • tovalmorgantovalmorgan Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    2x Advance Fleet Disruptor Beam Banks.

    I assume you mean beam arrays. cause a Dual beam bank can't be mounted in a rear weapon slot
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  • nikephorusnikephorus Member Posts: 2,744 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Why the beam arrays? Your compromising your forward damage. This thing is basically an escort with 8 weapon slots.
  • futurepastnowfuturepastnow Member Posts: 3,660 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    I'm thinking that 8th weapon slot is the perfect place for a Tricobalt mine launcher. Maybe find room for a dispersal pattern for it, too.

    Other than that, I'm going to make a general energy-draining escort build, probably with polarized disruptor DCs front and turrets rear. I don't have a Tholian ship, I'll have to see if I can afford one for that torpedo launcher, too. And since this will be on a KDF character, of course I'll make room for the Leech.

    Not sure about the Breen set. It's a free energy drain power, but pretty worthless otherwise. I might try it, but will probably end up with a fleet shield, engine, and deflector.
  • jim940jim940 Member Posts: 178 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    I assume you mean beam arrays. cause a Dual beam bank can't be mounted in a rear weapon slot

    D'oh your absolutely right.
    nikephorus wrote: »
    Why the beam arrays? Your compromising your forward damage. This thing is basically an escort with 8 weapon slots.

    Because I tend to over shoot my targets, and being in a cruiser that hasn't matter much (using Dual Disruptor Beam banks in front).

    Gives me near even DPS any way I get attacked, so in like Battle Royal (the foundry mission) being in the middle of 3 enemy ships is okay, I don't need to worry about turning too fast etc and can hit most things around me easily.

  • admiralm0ttadmiralm0tt Member Posts: 53 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    I went with three Polarized Disruptor Dual Heavy Cannons and a Disruptor Dual Beam Bank (fore) and four Disruptor Turrets (aft). All tac consoles are the disruptor coils, borg console, etc. I like the fact that the turrets hammer away while I turn around for another barrage from the fore weapons. Is my DPS the highest? Probably not, but the green disruptors look very natural on this ship. I've equipped the MACO set (sometimes rotate in the Borg set), and overall am happy with the build.

    Anyone else care to share their build?
  • tom61stotom61sto Member Posts: 3,682 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    jim940 wrote: »
    3x Advance Fleet Dual Heavy Disruptors (yes yes I know in STO they use Polaron but in DS9 it was Disruptors).

    What episodes have them firing Disruptors in the show? I only recall them using the energy dissipator and then following up with torps (which were white), and Memory Alpha only lists that as the armament. No reason not to go disruptor, just curious.
  • nikephorusnikephorus Member Posts: 2,744 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    It was mentioned in star trek generations that the breen are one of the species that use disruptors.
  • jim940jim940 Member Posts: 178 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    tom61sto wrote: »
    What episodes have them firing Disruptors in the show? I only recall them using the energy dissipator and then following up with torps (which were white), and Memory Alpha only lists that as the armament. No reason not to go disruptor, just curious.

    Nope Torpedoes were Green in Changing Face of Evil. But your right in DS9 all they showed were torpedoes.

    I've been tempted to make a torpedo boat, but it wouldn't be too fun.

    And nikephorus is right, the Breen, Klingon's and Romulans are all known to use Type 3 disruptors.

  • vyronas47vyronas47 Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    nikephorus wrote: »
    It was mentioned in star trek generations that the breen are one of the species that use disruptors.

    This is true, however at that moment Riker and Worf were discussing ground weapons.
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  • lordmalak1lordmalak1 Member Posts: 4,681 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Gotta spare mk12 omega set waiting for a ship, as well a full 4 pc. set of mk12 ap DHC's and turrets taking up valuable bank space. If it works well I'll likely strip my raptors phasers until I can buy fleet ultra-rares.

    Oh wait- this is the fed shipyard, I got nuthin but 200k in FM's.

    Ooooohhhh, the possibilities.
    KBF Lord MalaK
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    Now shaddup about the queues, it's a BUG
  • redrickyredricky Member Posts: 1,004 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    jim940 wrote: »
    What is everyone planning for their Breen ship?

    Currently thinking of:

    Breen 3 Pcs set. (Engines, Deflector, Shields)

    In Front:
    3x Advance Fleet Dual Heavy Disruptors (yes yes I know in STO they use Polaron but in DS9 it was Disruptors).
    1x Advance Fleet Photon Torpedo.

    2x Advance Fleet Disruptor Beam Banks.
    2x Advance Fleet Disruptor Turrets.

    Tactical Consoles:
    4x Disruptor Induction Coils (Blue's or Purples) Either Mk X or Mk XI (depends what I can afford)

    Science Consoles:
    1x Ionized Gas Sensor
    1x SubSpace Jumper
    1x Emitter Array MkX or MkXI (Purple) (I extend shields all the time as a Engineer)

    Engineering Consoles:
    3x Neutronium Alloy Mk XI (Purple)

    Still have a few days to pick up the consoles I don't have yet etc. Which will be good.

    What are you guys thinking about?

    Go all turrets in the back, it's senseless to put beams there that won't work with CRF. If you can't keep PvE targets in your forward arc go all beams. Given the CC options on this with a LTC Sci that shouldn't be a problem.

    Sci Consoles are a mess. The Ionized Gas Sensor is just terrible, and the Jumper is a waste on something that turns like a Sci Recon. You won't be extending much with just a Lt. Eng. Go Flow Cap x2 and a Field Generator. Eng consoles, 1 Neut, 1 enemy specific, 1 z-store console.

    The Breen set is awful compared to rep gear, but if you want to RP then do what makes you happy. If you're going to RP, then you should have the Dissipator console and run Flow Caps for it and the 3 pc Breen set drain.

    Without Boff and Doff layout you're only posting one third of your build.
    CommanderDonatra@Capt.Sisko: ahhh is it supposed to do that?
    Norvo Tigan@dontdrunkimshoot: hell ya, maybe
  • jim940jim940 Member Posts: 178 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    redricky wrote: »
    The Ionized Gas Sensor is just terrible,

    Nothing that came out of The Undiscovered Country can be terrible. :P
    redricky wrote: »
    and the Jumper is a waste on something that turns like a Sci Recon.

    Not when you need to get from point A to B fast. Even if your slightly out of the combat zone, pops you right in the action and ready to release all your weapons. It is better then using full impulse, especially in combat when its disabled to cross 10km's or more of distance.
    redricky wrote: »
    then you should have the Dissipator console

    I will try it, but not sold just yet, depends how good it is in battle. :)
    redricky wrote: »
    Without Boff and Doff layout you're only posting one third of your build.

    In Space my Doff layout is:
    • Kudak'ika (Energy Weapons Officer Blue - 50% Chance to Reduce the time to recharge when using targeted Subsystem Attacks)
    • Amal Constance (Warp Core Engineer Blue - 20% Chance of temporarily Improving your ship power on use of any Emergency Power Ability +20)
    • Nia Teri Iserman (Astrometric Scientist Purple - Recharge time reduced on use of any transwarp abilities) I typically run the Excelsior
    • Mitchel Noah (Nurse Blue - +150% crew recovery rate in combat)
    • Maryetta Krystal (Nurse Green - +100% crew recovery rate in Combat)

    Currently have these as Doffs that I'll probably use:

    Sek -> Tactical Cmdr Station
    • -> Tactical Team 1
    • -> Beam Target Auxiliary 2
    • -> Beam Target Shields 3
    • -> Attack Pattern Delta 3 (may change this)

    Omet'likan -> Tactical Lt Station
    • -> Torpedo High Yield 1
    • -> Torpedo Spread 2

    Inray -> Science Lt Cmdr Station
    • -> Science Team 1
    • -> Tractor Beam 2
    • -> Transfer Shield Strength 3

    Ping -> Engineer Lt Station
    • -> Engineering Team 1
    • -> Extend Shields 1

    Deandra -> Universal Ensign (Engineer) Station
    • -> Emergency Power to Shields 1

  • deusemperordeusemperor Member Posts: 136 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    My Breen Ship build:

    3 fleet dhc disruptors, omega torp

    3 polarized disruptor turrets, cutting beam

    Deflector: [M.A.C.O. Graviton Deflector Array Mk XII]
    Engine: [Elite Fleet Efficient Combat Impulse Engines Mk XII [Turn]x2 [Spd] [Pow]]
    Shield: [Elite Fleet Adaptive Resilient Shield Array Mk XII [Cap]x2 [Reg] [Adapt]]

    [Weapons Battery][Red Matter Capacitor][Subspace Field Modulator]


    Engineering: Neutronium, eps mk 12 purple, [Console - Zero-Point Energy Conduit]

    Sci: [Console - Universal - Assimilated Module][Console - Rule 62 Multipurpose Combat Console][Console - Science - Field Generator Mk XII]
    Tac: 4 disruptor tac consoles mk 12 purple.


    Com Tac: tt1, beta1, torpspread 3, canon scatter volley 3
    lt. Tac: ts1, csv1
    Lt Eng: emergency power to shields 1, Aux to structural integrity
    ensign eng: epts1
    lt Com Sci: hazard emitters 1, hazard emitters 2 or transfer shield strength 2, transfer shield strength 3.


    2x Conn Officer reduce tac team cooldown. (Hamlets)
    Exocomp for batteries
    2x Shield distribution doff
  • glassguitarglassguitar Member Posts: 427 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Working on getting the ship for all toons, so I will have two tacs, an engi and a sci flying it at times.

    I prefer vanilla conosle setups so will be standard neutroniums, emitters and tac consoles, with borg console and it's breen console.

    For the Tacs I will set it up like an escort pretty much. Weapons load out 1xDBB 2xDHC and Torp fore Cutting beam and 2xTurrets aft. Not going to post my DOFFs and BOFFs since that is too much info for my opponents in PvP .... LOL.

    For my engi this will be the torpedo boat I have always dreamed about ... no idea exactly what to do yet, but I can definitely say GRAV WELL and multiple torp spreads!

    Science officer no idea at all. Currently she has the Vo'Brick carrier and a Mirror Qin. I dig the carrier when it's the right ship for the job but detest the raptor, so this will be the ship she flies for STFs and other group actions where the carrier is awkward.
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    I'll actually list both my Fed and KDF planned Breen nonsense here. :)

    Fed Engineer

    Romulan: +3% Crit, ShieldHealOnCritProc
    Omega: +30 Weapon, KineticProc

    TT1, THY2, TS3, APO3
    TT1, FAW2

    EPtS1, AtS1

    PH1, HE2, TSS3

    DOFFs: 2x DCE(EPt), DCE(AtS), SDO(BFI), WCE(EPt)

    D/E/S: Borg

    Fore: 2x Romulan Plasma Beam Array, Experimental Beam Array, Hyper-Plasma Torp
    Aft: 2x Romulan Plasma Beam Array, Cutting Beam, Omega Torp

    Eng: Borg, 0Point, Neut
    Sci: Breen, EPM, ISO
    Tac: 4x Plasma Infusers

    Devices: SFM, Aux Batt, Eng Batt

    KDF Engineer

    Romulan: +3% Crit, ShieldHealOnCritProc
    Omega: +30 Weapon, KineticProc

    TT1, THY2, TS3, APO3
    THY1, CSV1

    EPtS1, AtS1

    PH1, HE2, TSS3

    DOFFs: 3x PWO(Torp), ME(ET), SDO(BFI)

    D/E/S: KHG

    Fore: 2x Rapid Trans, Breen Cluster, Tric Device
    Aft: 4x Polarized Disruptor Turrets

    Eng: Borg, Neut, SIF
    Sci: Breen, Leech, PDS
    Tac: 3x Trans Compressor, Warhead Yield

    Devices: SFM, Aux Batt, Eng Batt

    Fed Science

    Romulan: +30 Shield, ShieldHealOnCritProc
    Omega: HullRegen, ShieldRegen

    TT1, DPB1, APO1, APD3
    FAW1, TS2

    EPtS1, AtS1
    HE1, ES1, TR1

    DOFFs: DCE(AtS), DO, GS(TR), 2x SDO(BFI)

    D/E/S: Omega

    Fore: 3x Dominion Polaron Beam Array, Chroniton Flux Torp
    Aft: 3x Dominion Polaron Beam Array, Chroniton Mine Launcher

    Eng: Graviton Pulse, EPM, Neut
    Sci: 3x Flow Cap
    Tac: 3x Polaron Phase Mod, Breen

    Devices: SFM, Aux Batt, Weapon Batt

    KDF Tactical

    Romulan: +3% Crit, PlacOnCritProc
    Omega: +30 Weapon, KineticProc

    TT1, BO2, CRF2, APO3
    TS1, THY2

    EPtS1, AtS1

    PH1, HE2, TSS3

    DOFFs: 2x DCE(EPt), DCE(AtS), SDO(BFI), WCE(EPt)

    D/E/S: Reman/Romulan (can't decide)

    Fore: 2x Romulan Plasma DHC, Romulan Plasma DBB, Hyper-Plasma Torp
    Aft: Romulan Plasma Turret, Cutting Beam, Experimental Beam Array, Plasma Mine Launcher

    Eng: Borg, 0Point, Neut
    Sci: AMS, Leech, Breen
    Tac: 3x Plasma Infuser, Ambiplasma

    Devices: SFM, Aux Batt, Eng Batt
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