Any chance we can get a peak of what is will look like?
Also, if any of the devs could confirm whether we are getting a new popup dialog window, or possibly confirm it it is being redesigned so it doesnt cover half the screen??
ps. the new borg adapted UI is great.
I expect the more radical UI changes may be sector space and ground-based. SS needs its own UI distinct from space flight; the greyed out abilities are messy. Giving SS its own UI could pave the way for an exploration revamp and create more SS activities. Ground, I think may get modded to push shooter mode. I expect to see the UI get shifted to look more like Neverwinter and get important buttons off of the circular mini-map and into more visible places, while also organizing menus to reduce the number of things accessed by dropdown.
I'd go one further and say I expect (or hope) it won't have the same issues with losing items in the tray that the current site has. Maybe savable tray configurations, maybe ship tray layouts individually saved.
Now, my fear is that the new UI will come with pushes designed to force people into using shooter mode. And that's a dicey prospect. I actually think shooter mode makes for a better game and that it's somewhat pointless except as an immersion tool as long as it's optional. It would have been better to launch with it and from what we've seen, it's the only mode in Neverwinter. But forcing people into it will be unpopular, if that happens.
a little screeny would be nice
but the last posters idea is also fine
It's so the opponant knows what you're doing....
"Second star on the right, and straight on till morning."
U.S.S. Weatherlight
Ya I'd Much rather have a visual aid telling me what the enemy ship is doing then have my annoying idiot BOFF constantly saying "Yo, The Enemy just activated Reverse Shield Polarity, Dawg!! Our Weapons Aint Doin Shizznit!" :P
And yes my Boff is Snoop Dogg.
Like I can really see that..... :rolleyes:
What would his Klingon counterpart say?
1) We trim down the number of redundant tabs and windows
2) Everything is made in a manner that allows for (and encourages) UI mods.
However I sincerely hope they don't make shooter mode remotely necessary, in any capacity.
One thing I would like to see gone is the tray linking that quickly becomes a disaster of disorganization. I would like to be able to preset which tray positions are dedicated to which inventory and/or device slots and lock it that way, right now the positions aren't dedicated to the slots but to the devices themselves, if I put a hypospray in one position, and replace it with a hypospray of the same type it will go to the same tray position, put if I replace that hypospray with something different, it will end up in a different tray position that could be anywhere in the 10 different trays available, if it must be that way at least have it limit itself to the visible trays.
Device slots on a ship or character should have a dedicated minibar on the ui separate from the action bars.
Action bars need more customization, selecting mode 4 should open a 4th bar rather than closing half of the existing controls and the "new" bar function in arrange UI that opens another set of action bars should have selectable orientation.
Last but certainly not least, this new shuttle linking system is a mess, the very minor convenience of having a shuttle preselected for shuttle missions is not worth all of the complications that have come along with it, it was better before this was introduced.
I'm a firm believer in the axiom "If It Ain't Broke don't Fix It" so I'm at a loss for why time is being wasted tweaking things that were fine as they were, creating new problems, while ignoring long standing problems that are long overdue for adjustment. There seems to be a problem of tunnel vision concentrating on things they want to do while not paying enough attention to the wider scope of things that need doing and some new gimmick isn't worth having if it arrives broken or breaks something else.
maybe in theory... in reality i only see a neon glowing ball of Ship that is even brighter because my phasers light up its shields and i stare more at my powertrays cooldowns than i look at the enemy anyway.
Expecting a massive look change like the Federation UI being more LCARish and the KDF's UI looking more classic Klingon. But one of the major things I like to see is color coding for BOFF powers and you can drag and dedicated power spots so no matter what you change, those slots always be for that power or device.
And hoping there could be color coding added for the Universal slots, if you got a whole list of BOFFs, sometimes it can get rather confusing.
Exactly. Because when we have titles, names, damage floaters, crit floaters, health bars, multi-coloured lasers, glory balls of exploding neon colour, AOE effects, engine trails, movement particles, visible damage, shield rings, fighters, all the parts of the UI and the status bars and we really need to have purple glowing ships.....