Looking for a medium to heavy RP fleet. I rp a Captain with an established history. So hopefully a Fleet that won't require me to regress my RP history and play a Cadet or Ensign. Other then that I'd just like to find a nice group of mature players that like to RP. I don't need to be star of the show or even rank up in your fleet. I just want to find a solid group of people to be IC with.
Im on the same boat as you, really dont know what im doing at times, just flying around doing some missions, not fully got to grip with the game yet.
Im looking for a fleet to join regardless of where i have to start.
I did, but never heard back.
Hello feel free to have a look at our fleet or please feel free to contact me @juroden and I can tell you all about it!
As for not hearing back, just grab me and I'll get you straight.
I see it now. Please check your application on the site? Rhys had responded to you on Friday.