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Fleet Mark Missions

holyhelmetholyhelmet Member Posts: 0 Arc User
Please increase the number of fleet marks rewarded for these missions.

Using fleet mark boosters and playing during the fleet mark event and completing the defend the starbase mission and only getting 27 fleet marks is a joke. Same for colony invasion with getting all the optionals.

To be honest, the fleet mark missions were fun at 1st, but now they have become a chore! I try to get fleet members to earn some fleet marks but they all say they hate doing the missions. And this is true. It feels like you have to get up at 5am in the morning and go to work and do some hard labour, get back to base and be told that you didnt do a good enough job and you must do it all again for another 12 months..

Now there is the reputation system and you need to get yourselves some romulan marks and omega marks, not to mention the new embassy.

So we like all this new stuff to do, but theres so much grinding to be done, that there isnt enough hours in the day. Even the members who are not working are not willing to do the fleet mark missions over and over again.

I have lost count of the number of fleet members that have stopped coming on to the game because they feel it is now a game of hard labour to get what you want. I have definately cut my gaming time on STO by alot for the same reasons and started to play other games where it is more about fun.

If you are lucky one night, you can earn your self about 400 fms in 2 hours on the event with boosters, less if you end up in bad teams. But at the end of that you feel like "not doing those missions again"
But if you been working all day, then what about my daily dilithium, romulan marks, omega marks.

Dont even get me started on duty officer requirements......
Post edited by holyhelmet on


  • littlemonchichilittlemonchichi Member Posts: 103 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    holyhelmet wrote: »
    Please increase the number of fleet marks rewarded for these missions.

    Using fleet mark boosters and playing during the fleet mark event and completing the defend the starbase mission and only getting 27 fleet marks is a joke. Same for colony invasion with getting all the optionals.

    To be honest, the fleet mark missions were fun at 1st, but now they have become a chore! I try to get fleet members to earn some fleet marks but they all say they hate doing the missions. And this is true. It feels like you have to get up at 5am in the morning and go to work and do some hard labour, get back to base and be told that you didnt do a good enough job and you must do it all again for another 12 months..

    Now there is the reputation system and you need to get yourselves some romulan marks and omega marks, not to mention the new embassy.

    So we like all this new stuff to do, but theres so much grinding to be done, that there isnt enough hours in the day. Even the members who are not working are not willing to do the fleet mark missions over and over again.

    I have lost count of the number of fleet members that have stopped coming on to the game because they feel it is now a game of hard labour to get what you want. I have definately cut my gaming time on STO by alot for the same reasons and started to play other games where it is more about fun.

    If you are lucky one night, you can earn your self about 400 fms in 2 hours on the event with boosters, less if you end up in bad teams. But at the end of that you feel like "not doing those missions again"
    But if you been working all day, then what about my daily dilithium, romulan marks, omega marks.

    Dont even get me started on duty officer requirements......

    Where can i place my signature? :(

    Damn right Dude!
    If you want to work at the Fleetbase with a small Fleet it isnt funny anymore.
    To chase for Dilithium AND Fleet Marks is in the meantime work.
    This is the reason i stopped wasting my time at the moment for this and wait for changes.

    This with the Officer at the Fleetbase and doing some Fleet Non-Combat Dutys and get a little bit more Fleet Marks would be a nice first change.

    It's awful to know the fleetbase unfinished and there is no chance to continue working at the base. :(
    "Be excellent to each other and Party on Dudes!"
  • holyhelmetholyhelmet Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    You can put your signature here...

    Our starbase has come to a grinding halt as no one wants to spend most of their time grinding for fleet marks and trying to get the duty officers.
  • darramouss1darramouss1 Member Posts: 1,811 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    I can't remember where but I think I read somewhere that the devs are going to look at scaling the requirements for fleets based on size. I hope so as my small fleet can't make the fleet marks needed to even budge out base.

    Funny thing is that we've got no issues with DOFFs. Hell, I've got over 1,000 mini-DOFF packs in my bank!!
  • holyhelmetholyhelmet Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    where did you get the doff packs from?
  • baudlbaudl Member Posts: 4,060 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    i try to do the fleet action dailys...they are FAST and reward 50 marks + dilithium and purple loot.
    anyway today it seemed gorn minefield is not rewarding fleet marks anymore...i hope this was/is a bug.
    Go pro or go home
  • recksracerrecksracer Member Posts: 128 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    baudl wrote: »
    i try to do the fleet action dailys...they are FAST and reward 50 marks + dilithium and purple loot.
    anyway today it seemed gorn minefield is not rewarding fleet marks anymore...i hope this was/is a bug.

    You can't even do the fleet action dailys on the kdf side.

    The 20 man ground ones never launch and the 5 man space one has been unavailable for me since the last patch.
  • baudlbaudl Member Posts: 4,060 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    recksracer wrote: »
    You can't even do the fleet action dailys on the kdf side.

    The 20 man ground ones never launch and the 5 man space one has been unavailable for me since the last patch.

    yeah there have been some issues on fed side too, a shame really. last time i didn't get any fleet marks for the gorn minefield daily and the enemy packs (vorchas and Bop) are too few...long respawn waiting time there. half of the time in there you are just flying around and wait for respawn. (either reduce participants or increase respawn rate...i prefer less player)
    Go pro or go home
  • littlemonchichilittlemonchichi Member Posts: 103 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    there is no way with this sources for fleet marks to continue working at the fleetbase.

    if you could exchange the useless fleetcredits to fleetmarks would be a kind 1. step.
    would be a good reason to use dilithium again, cause therefore you get many fleetcredits.
    millions of fleetcredits. useless.

    what do you need for a fleetship? 40k?
    who is buying everyday a new ship?

    small fleets with a small amount of active players are trying this only a few days with the fleetevents.
    20 fleetmarks for the fleetevent?
    how often you play an event per day? 5 times? 10 times?

    small fleets with maybe 10 active player cant solve ONE tier III project per day with this amounts.
    there is a difference between theorie and practice: you can calculate as long you want, but if you wannna go from TIER II to TIER III you need 75 000 exp points or 75 1000 exp projects with 600 fleetmarks - 45 000fleetmarks. you have the power/will and patience to get them via fleetevents?
    the TIER III shipyard - 5400 fleetmarks - would need 270 fleetevent runs :D:D:D
    and after finishing it and beeing excited to get the shipyard appears the upgrad to tier III fleetbase with 10800 fleetmarks

    it is always very funny for me, to read people writting with wise words "it is possible, we make it too" blah bla blah "the starbase isnt thought to finish it fast..." and so on and write in the same sentence (in this moment i know it is a germanspeaking player) about the dosi rotgut and/or the romulan ale for the bartender project - people they donate to projects know already that this is a translation error and therefore is needed food/drink common.
    these people are showing that they sell only a secondhand wisdom.
    "Be excellent to each other and Party on Dudes!"
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