Just entered into a Ground STF (Cure) and was protecting the transformers as the borg were trying to shut them down as we were working on taking out the turrets and the force fields in order to progress through the level. I was quite surprised to see that now when using melee weapons the borg are adapting. Say, what? I thought they only were able to adapt to energy weapons, not melee...
Is this something in the release notes that I missed? I guess I just don't understand how a borg can adapt to getting chopped up by a sword or whatnot...
Anyone else experience this?
Can't say that I really care too much for this change. It makes an already difficult mission even that more difficult...
Just entered into a Ground STF (Cure) and was protecting the transformers as the borg were trying to shut them down as we were working on taking out the turrets and the force fields in order to progress through the level. I was quite surprised to see that now when using melee weapons the borg are adapting. Say, what? I thought they only were able to adapt to energy weapons, not melee...
Is this something in the release notes that I missed? I guess I just don't understand how a borg can adapt to getting chopped up by a sword or whatnot...
Anyone else experience this?
Can't say that I really care too much for this change. It makes an already difficult mission even that more difficult...
What melee weapon were you using? The Ferengi whip is energy, as are the nano-lurpas and bat'leth.
What melee weapon were you using? The Ferengi whip is energy, as are the nano-lurpas and bat'leth.
Brandon =/\=
^ This
The Borg can't adapt to any of the standard melee weapons, but any of the special ones that add other types of damage to their strikes... yeah, they adapt.
Was named Trek17.
Been playing STO since Open Beta, and have never regarded anything as worse than 'meh', if only due to personal standards.
What melee weapon were you using? The Ferengi whip is energy, as are the nano-lurpas and bat'leth.
Brandon =/\=
Only abilities related to melee they adapt too are the ones you mentioned plus the radiation proc of the elite fleet bat'leth which is remade from the old anti-borg bat'leth that was stripped from us, and the gorn bite.
The only other thing related to this I have seen is when the melee changes were made they missed 2 things that don't fall in line with the 80% shield penetration which are the gorn bite and the sweeping strikes skill are still at 50%.
Whether it's a change or not I dunno, but I've definitely received a They've Adapted tag.
The only weapon I use on Defera is the Crystalline Sword, so the only source for that would've been if I'd been shot by some type of tactical drone, sword goes all glowy, and they adapted to the plasma damage.
Sorry for the delay in responding as I was away from the PC all weekend. I was using the Shard of Kahless that you get as a mission reward. As far as I knew, it was just a standard Bat'leth and not energy based.
I know that when attacking the borg drones with it, I was doing hardly any damage at all, and the green words "ADAPTED" kept floating up with every strike.
I switched back to my regular Tholian pistol weapon after that and was able to do damage, but it just struck me as odd that the Bat'leth was unable to do much damage and they were able to adapt to the melee damage from it.
Another odd occurrence is that using radiation from the science kits causes the borg to adapt. Obviously they shouldn't be adapting to it as you can't remodulate radiation.
The nasty part of that bug is that when you hit them with radiation, the green adapted will float up for every weapon/energy type you use. It says adapted for everything until you clear it, but you still do normal damage until they "really" adapt to it. For more situations than not you'll find yourself streaming 1s of damage at them until you can tell.
I just jumped in and tested the Shard of Kahless on some Borg and they were not adapting. Is it possible you were using a kit power that they can adapt to in combination with it?
Can we please get a 12 gauge shotgun?!!??! Actually how about and endgame TR-116 obviously with some sort of trade off so it's not OP and everyone doesn't just 'get' one. Maybe a TR-116 drop box?
I'm not sure why they never just replicated a bunch of M249's or something and just mow them down. Picard finally got it in First Contact with the Tommy Gun on the Holodeck.
join Date: Sep 2009 - I want my changeling lava lamp!
Can we please get a 12 gauge shotgun?!!??! Actually how about and endgame TR-116 obviously with some sort of trade off so it's not OP and everyone doesn't just 'get' one. Maybe a TR-116 drop box?
I'm not sure why they never just replicated a bunch of M249's or something and just mow them down. Picard finally got it in First Contact with the Tommy Gun on the Holodeck.
How about a nice juicy M1 Abram with shields
The Emperor isn't please with Cryptic apparent lack of progress for the Empire. Lord Vader is on his way
I just jumped in and tested the Shard of Kahless on some Borg and they were not adapting. Is it possible you were using a kit power that they can adapt to in combination with it?
Brandon =/\=
I don't believe I was using any kit powers at the time. However, I was using a Gorn Engineer and had taken a bite out of him while I was swatting at him with the Shard. Could they be adapting to the poison in the bite perhaps?
What melee weapon were you using? The Ferengi whip is energy, as are the nano-lurpas and bat'leth.
Brandon =/\=
The Borg can't adapt to any of the standard melee weapons, but any of the special ones that add other types of damage to their strikes... yeah, they adapt.
Been playing STO since Open Beta, and have never regarded anything as worse than 'meh', if only due to personal standards.
Only abilities related to melee they adapt too are the ones you mentioned plus the radiation proc of the elite fleet bat'leth which is remade from the old anti-borg bat'leth that was stripped from us, and the gorn bite.
The only other thing related to this I have seen is when the melee changes were made they missed 2 things that don't fall in line with the 80% shield penetration which are the gorn bite and the sweeping strikes skill are still at 50%.
UHm. If they do, that's certainly a change.
Whether it's a change or not I dunno, but I've definitely received a They've Adapted tag.
The only weapon I use on Defera is the Crystalline Sword, so the only source for that would've been if I'd been shot by some type of tactical drone, sword goes all glowy, and they adapted to the plasma damage.
I know that when attacking the borg drones with it, I was doing hardly any damage at all, and the green words "ADAPTED" kept floating up with every strike.
I switched back to my regular Tholian pistol weapon after that and was able to do damage, but it just struck me as odd that the Bat'leth was unable to do much damage and they were able to adapt to the melee damage from it.
The nasty part of that bug is that when you hit them with radiation, the green adapted will float up for every weapon/energy type you use. It says adapted for everything until you clear it, but you still do normal damage until they "really" adapt to it. For more situations than not you'll find yourself streaming 1s of damage at them until you can tell.
Completed Starbase, Embassy, Mine, Spire and No Win Scenario
Nothing to do anymore.
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Brandon =/\=
I'm not sure why they never just replicated a bunch of M249's or something and just mow them down. Picard finally got it in First Contact with the Tommy Gun on the Holodeck.
How about a nice juicy M1 Abram
I don't believe I was using any kit powers at the time. However, I was using a Gorn Engineer and had taken a bite out of him while I was swatting at him with the Shard. Could they be adapting to the poison in the bite perhaps?