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sandormen123sandormen123 Member Posts: 862 Arc User
I think it would behoove me to give some thanks to the developers.

Fleet Admiral Kerayz & Kerayzee says thanks.

I think they have gotten a great project together with flying colours. (disregarding certain bugs and imbalances).
I was really worried that S7 would create a more chaotic world, having to little time for to many tasks. I was wrong. Yes, the universe has just expanded a lot, but I haven't been forced into harder grinding than before. Now I grind what I need, WHEN i need it. I do not stock up for the future... ...The purpose with long time projects like the starbase and embassy is logical. -a place to toss extras into, if your character have 'leftovers'.
I must have been 'lucky' or completely missed out on something... ...I have almost daily thrown 8000 dil into the starbase, I haven't really had any need for dilithium otherwise.
There has been more fun things to do though, like actually going to do some Sector Patrols(!) Yup. With S7, and New Romulus, after doing the dailys there, doing the Explore New worlds, Vlugta mining, Defera invation zone and DOFF'ing inbetween, I log into my alternate character, the Trill-Klink, and have her raid freighters, execute prisoners, uhm, trade prisoners, and some other stuff, to collect contraband she can give to her sister in the FED fleet. After all, contraband is not easily come by in the lawabiding federal space, ironically enough. :cool:

All in all. thank you producers for creating, and building such a nice game. Looking forward to Your next project(s).

Post edited by sandormen123 on


  • plox21plox21 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited November 2012

    But it is shame that haters will show up here in no time and tell you that you are wrong in everything , good post btw.
  • angryandroidangryandroid Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I couldn't agree more. Season 7 launch was handled terribly, with some bad decisions made. Now that most of those issues have been resolved, it is easy to logon and just enjoy the game, more naturally progressing.

    With the extra changes scheduled for this week, I think it will be even better.
  • whitecloud197whitecloud197 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    +2 this post,

    I quite like all the extra things to do ! and all the extra fleet stuff to work towards!

    Im waiting impatiently for my RL friend to hit 50 for the first time so him and I can gear his character up together and do the fleet projects.
  • khamseenairkhamseenair Member Posts: 2,640 Bug Hunter
    edited November 2012
    I, like a lot of others, do complain about things I feel need improved but it doesn't take away from the fact that I love the game. I've got 6 Fed toons, 3 KDF toons, around 1800 hours of gameplay, been a lifer since beta, bought so many items from the c-store it's unreal and I honestly don't regret any of it.

    I do love how much the game has changed and progressed over the years and I look forward to it's continued success.
    Join date is wrong, I've actually been around since STO Beta.
    True alters don't have a "main". Account wide unlocks for all unique event rewards!!
  • grievasgrievas Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I agree to great extent, but not quite completely. the thing that requires some kind of solution is the appropriate contribution requirements on Starbase projects for small fleets. my proposal is the tiered fleet member cap with some additional mechanism in place that would prevent abuse, like constant rotation of members.
  • xantrisxantris Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I'm happy with the season, and will be happier with the next patch and the promised adjustments. Good job devs.
  • luxchristianluxchristian Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I think it would behoove me to give some thanks to the developers.

    All in all. thank you producers for creating, and building such a nice game. Looking forward to Your next project(s).


    I'm eager to see what S8 will bring us :-)
  • sandormen123sandormen123 Member Posts: 862 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    thank You for the nice responds.
    It is nice to see that the none-haters (mature people) are still out there.
    Yeah. I agree there are many 'minor' details to sort out. :o
    At least they are not completely gamebreaking. -For the people with the slightest sense of 'adapt, improvise and overcome' -or whatever priority comes first.

    I am happy to see that there are more people being able to take a step back and say to themselves; "I'll wait and see. It might not be that bad. it is only a dynamic game in a constant change".

    -then go back to the game some hours later and find it something like; 'Hmm. It feels more structured/'optional'/-more... ...as in a proper mmo, where grinding is [shivers] actually NOT the purpose. The big picture is to have a game where you can go back and continue where you left it. (With missions/projects completed as a 'bonus' on top).

    What I can wish from here of at the moment. is a ranking-system in PvP. That way we would get rid of aLOT of obnoxious speak of overpowered and unbalanced. We might get down to bug related topics, instead of those posts we don't like, but are influenced by/of.

    Again. greetings to the developers and their motivations for keeping this fine IP running.;)
  • obliquidensobliquidens Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Are you all really so swoon by this game due to your lack of overall quality in your dork lives that your settling for the manipulative POS there serving you? I'm not a hater but realize when there bottom line greed is serving us up a manure sandwich. WAKE UP. THE MATRIX has you.
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