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Alternate route for borg neural processors...

conundrumnsaconundrumnsa Member Posts: 705 Arc User
How would people feel about an alternate method of earning Born Neural Processors? Currently the only way to get them is Elite STFs. A lot of people don't like STFs...at least not the elite ones. This also means they are likely not good at them. Forcing them into them to get the games best goodies is a diservice to both them and the regulars who do enjoy ESTFS. I'd like to see a way we could earn them an alternate way, such as turning in 100 Omega Marks for one BNP. ESTF players would still be able to get them far faster, but it would provide an alternate means for the non-uber.

And to answer the inevitable question "Y U NEED MK XII IF U NO ESTF???!!!"

Because we want them. Besides, don't tell us you only use them in ESTFS.
Post edited by conundrumnsa on


  • xantrisxantris Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    How would people feel about an alternate method of earning Born Neural Processors? Currently the only way to get them is Elite STFs. A lot of people don't like STFs...at least not the elite ones. This also means they are likely not good at them. Forcing them into them to get the games best goodies is a diservice to both them and the regulars who do enjoy ESTFS. I'd like to see a way we could earn them an alternate way, such as turning in 100 Omega Marks for one BNP. ESTF players would still be able to get them far faster, but it would provide an alternate means for the non-uber.

    And to answer the inevitable question "Y U NEED MK XII IF U NO ESTF???!!!"

    Because we want them. Besides, don't tell us you only use them in ESTFS.

    I wouldn't mind a project with a stiff conversation rate on changing omega marks to BNP. The conversion should be painful enough to encourage people to play elite though.
  • lucianazetalucianazeta Member Posts: 740 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    xantris wrote: »
    I wouldn't mind a project with a stiff conversation rate on changing omega marks to BNP. The conversion should be painful enough to encourage people to play elite though.

    I personally don't think it should happen.

    MKXII visuals used to mean something you know?

    E-peen matter. :V
  • ufpterrellufpterrell Member Posts: 736 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    The Elite STFs aren't hard by any measure, especially Infected.... it's a piece of cake. The only STF's I'd class as truly hard are Into the Hive and Hive Onslaught, as the groups me and my fleet have been putting together have yet to complete them with the optionals completed. Build up your gear and you will be able to do STF's... and if you don't want to there are other sets to get like the Romulan and Reman sets.

    Looking for a dedicated Star Trek community? Visit www.ufplanets.com for details.
  • aarons9aarons9 Member Posts: 961
    edited November 2012
    its kind of stupid the way they have the system now..
    you grind the estfs, then you get the gear you need to do estfs..

    i would much prefer that estfs were locked out until you hit t4 and was able to get the gear..
    they should make the normal how elite is in drops and make elite better.. give us something to work towards.

    so many times i join an estf and 3 of the 5 people dont have gear and they die 50 times .. it makes the team lose.. specially cse.. :(

    oh nobody does normal stfs anymore.. the loot sucks..

    really the way it is now is backwards.. you have to grind estfs to get stf gear?

    and not like it was, where you maybe had to do some normal stfs for a week to get xi gear, then estfs for like a month to get a full set of xii gear.. you gotta start doing estfs with NO stf gear.

    the system now will take months before you can even get the xi set.
    plus 100s of thousands of dilithium, ec and xp
    [12:35] Vessel Two of Two Unimatrix 01 deals 225232 (271723) Plasma Damage to you with Plasma Lance.
    [12:44] Vessel One of Two Unimatrix 01 deals 1019527 (1157678) Kinetic Damage to you with Plasma Energy Bolt Explosion.
  • ufpterrellufpterrell Member Posts: 736 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    In that case they shouldn't be doing ELITE stf's until they have decent gear. That's the whole reason there are normal level STF's too! I think elites should be locked out until Tier 3 or link them to an accolade for when you get the Mark X/XI sets. WoW has a good system where you can't take part in heroic 5 man dungeons untli you reach a set item level.

    Looking for a dedicated Star Trek community? Visit www.ufplanets.com for details.
  • xantrisxantris Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    aarons9 wrote: »
    its kind of stupid the way they have the system now..
    you grind the estfs, then you get the gear you need to do estfs..

    i would much prefer that estfs were locked out until you hit t4 and was able to get the gear..
    they should make the normal how elite is in drops and make elite better.. give us something to work towards.

    so many times i join an estf and 3 of the 5 people dont have gear and they die 50 times .. it makes the team lose.. specially cse.. :(

    oh nobody does normal stfs anymore.. the loot sucks..

    really the way it is now is backwards.. you have to grind estfs to get stf gear?

    and not like it was, where you maybe had to do some normal stfs for a week to get xi gear, then estfs for like a month to get a full set of xii gear.. you gotta start doing estfs with NO stf gear.

    the system now will take months before you can even get the xi set.
    plus 100s of thousands of dilithium, ec and xp

    Purple XI gear isn't the entry point anymore, it never should have been in the first place.
  • xceptionalzeroxceptionalzero Member Posts: 76 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Its all "I want all the rewards right now! with no effort" these days...sigh

    if you fail at elites play norms till you get the tactics, build up your gear and then move onto elites.

    If you dont have to work for it...whats the point.

    Just go play the other content in the game if you dont like the stfs, theres plenty to choose from.
  • starkaosstarkaos Member Posts: 11,556 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    If you feel inexperienced or incompetent towards STFs, then the ISE is the best Elite STF for getting Borg Neural Processors. Stay out of more difficult STFs until you are comfortable with it. All that is needed for the ISE is to know the 10% rule.
  • conundrumnsaconundrumnsa Member Posts: 705 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Its all "I want all the rewards right now! with no effort" these days...sigh

    if you fail at elites play norms till you get the tactics, build up your gear and then move onto elites.

    If you dont have to work for it...whats the point.

    Just go play the other content in the game if you dont like the stfs, theres plenty to choose from.

    Congrats on completely failing at reading comprehension ol uber one.

    Because earning 100 OMs is so much faster than running one eSTF.
  • lnbladelnblade Member Posts: 410 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    starkaos wrote: »
    If you feel inexperienced or incompetent towards STFs, then the ISE is the best Elite STF for getting Borg Neural Processors. Stay out of more difficult STFs until you are comfortable with it. All that is needed for the ISE is to know the 10% rule.
    You don't even need the 10% Rule. Infected space is literally impossible to fail, because your main objective is to destroy all Borg ships and structures in the system.
  • kalvorax#3775 kalvorax Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    lnblade wrote: »
    You don't even need the 10% Rule. Infected space is literally impossible to fail, because your main objective is to destroy all Borg ships and structures in the system.

    ^^ This.

    heck, you could spend hours in ISE just blowing up borg if you wanted to.....and getting blown up rofl...thats if everyone else left lol
    I find this line of replies sadly hilarious. We put a lot of work into the massive list of fixes/changes above, and ya'll are hung up on the ability to skip our content. =p
  • lnbladelnblade Member Posts: 410 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Congrats on completely failing at reading comprehension ol uber one.

    Because earning 100 OMs is so much faster than running one eSTF.
    I agree, it would be nice to have an alternate route to getting the Mk XII gear besides the Elite STFs. Have it take a lot longer, so that the people who want to run ESTFs can get their instant gratification, and everyone else has to spend a lot of time grinding for it.
  • starkaosstarkaos Member Posts: 11,556 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    lnblade wrote: »
    You don't even need the 10% Rule. Infected space is literally impossible to fail, because your main objective is to destroy all Borg ships and structures in the system.

    People always want to try for the optional to get the extra 15 OM. Infected space is possible to fail due to some of your team leaving. Try taking on the Tactical Cube when there is only 2 people left and they are of average skill.
  • stofskstofsk Member Posts: 1,744 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    lnblade wrote: »
    You don't even need the 10% Rule. Infected space is literally impossible to fail, because your main objective is to destroy all Borg ships and structures in the system.
    While you're correct that Infected has no fail condition like Cure and Khitomer does, and so technically you can't 'lose', the problem is if people don't bring enough DPS to the party or don't observe the 10% rule if they aren't damage dealers, Infected can become a hard slog and you CAN end in a stalemate - especially if people get fed up and leave.

    I've been in PUGs that didn't observe the 10% rule and we've won, either because the entire party is full of tacs running escorts (this happened last night) or we just kept perservering even when one supposed-elite player got fed up and called us all noobs and left us in the lurch. THAT game lasted over an hour.

    A similar game to that last one had too many people depart while at the same time no-one left could bring enough damage to bear or they were off chasing regular spheres instead of the nanite ones. I played a game like that just before the servers went down for the S7 launch. I even said at the start '10% rule' and nobody replied to me. Considering it was like 10mins to the server shut down, and we had gotten stuck at the first transformer which was swarming with nanite spheres and nobody was targeting them, I figured I may as well abort; but even if that weren't an issue, I'd hate to play a game like that for over an hour before people figured out what they had to do. While the 10% rule is not always necessary, I have to disagree that you don't need it or don't need to be aware of it.
  • gaalomgaalom Member Posts: 530 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    You see devs this is why you should have held your ground on the stfs, you gave them this rep system and now they want a way to do it without even having to do stfs thats good. Do any of you players know what a mmorpg is? Or do I need to describe it to you slowly? This is just wow.
  • zerobangzerobang Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    How would people feel about an alternate method of earning Born Neural Processors? Currently the only way to get them is Elite STFs. A lot of people don't like STFs...at least not the elite ones.

    I hate to break it to you, but wearing that Elite STF Gear kinda implies that you are good at Elite STFs.

    And if you don't play STFs what do you want with STF gear? That stuff has only one function and that is to be more efficient at STFs.
    Instant Remodulator and +extra dmg vs. Borg and effects that clear Nanite infestations... none of that is really needed when you shoot anything that is not Borg.

    Be honest, you just want the Shiny Helmet but you don't want to work for it.
  • hrisvalarhrisvalar Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    zerobang wrote: »
    Be honest, you just want the Shiny Helmet but you don't want to work for it.

    That is exactly it.

    Now what I don't get, is why you're acting like that's a bad thing. If you're a big, though, superintelligent and whatnot Elite STFer, just, you know, generally superior, why is playing dressup so important to you? Showing your elite status can be done by other means. Titles are way less likely to get your awesomeness called into question than some shiny suit...

    People want the costumes cause they'd like to customize their characters, even if they're not RPers (who, really, have no business wearing full tactical getup, complete with an airtight helmet, into Quarks, unless they're fumigating the place) they often have this idea of what their character does in Starfleet that may or may not make the M.A.C.O. armor suitable for them. It's not that unusual. And as for the K.H.G. stuff... The K.D.F. has very little in costume customization options, within and without the C-store. The concentration of people who would want that unlock, for reasons other than peacocking, is even (and understandably) higher still there.

    There are 0 other uniform unlocks that can be earned through similar systems. Yes, there's a token jacket at level 40, and yes, there's some diplomatic options that the doff system made almost as easy to obtain, but no, the Lobi slotmachines and veteran awards don't even come close to it. There's no such reward for completing all storyline missions. There's no such reward for doing 500 Foundry missions, or creating 5. (Is there some kind of prize for making the spotlight?) PvP? Hell no. You bothered to get all the academy lore datachips? Great! Here's nothing. Not even a title on this one.

    I understand the STF people think they are super special, but they're really not. They're people with too much time on their hands, like the rest of us who play online games, and who merely choose to run different content than other players, over and over again, using tactics and builds other people worked out for them two days after the content was released, complaining about all the people who didn't major in Assimilated Strategies at the University of Youtube, and have thus far been lucky to get a shiny to go with their diploma. No. Give the shiny to the guy who invented the 10% rule for you. 95% of you are really in no position to strut.

    Anyway, I'm not against prestige items, but I do think if you're going to have them, have them for different things. There needs to be more than just the one choice. And until there are, exclusivity will have to take a backseat. Though even then, you'll always have people doing things they don't want to do, and doing them badly, cause they really want that particular shiny, for whatever reason.

    And just for the record, while I wouldn't use the system myself (I stopped doing normal mode 500 STFs ago*) I don't think a project exchanging 100 Omega Marks for a Borg Neural Processor is out of bounds. Seems like a very sensible thing to do.

    * On my main anyway. You would not want to be subjected to some of my alts in ESTFs.
  • conundrumnsaconundrumnsa Member Posts: 705 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    gaalom wrote: »
    You see devs this is why you should have held your ground on the stfs, you gave them this rep system and now they want a way to do it without even having to do stfs thats good. Do any of you players know what a mmorpg is? Or do I need to describe it to you slowly? This is just wow.

    Yes, MMOs are multiplayer games full of elitist holier than thou jerks.
  • conundrumnsaconundrumnsa Member Posts: 705 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    zerobang wrote: »
    I hate to break it to you, but wearing that Elite STF Gear kinda implies that you are good at Elite STFs.

    And if you don't play STFs what do you want with STF gear? That stuff has only one function and that is to be more efficient at STFs.
    Instant Remodulator and +extra dmg vs. Borg and effects that clear Nanite infestations... none of that is really needed when you shoot anything that is not Borg.

    Be honest, you just want the Shiny Helmet but you don't want to work for it.

    As has been pointed out, you don't have to be good, you can farm ISE.

    Also, as pointed out in the OP. The BS you only need endgame gear for endgame content holds no water at all because the elitists use that gear in ALL of the games content.
  • conundrumnsaconundrumnsa Member Posts: 705 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    hrisvalar wrote: »
    That is exactly it.

    Now what I don't get, is why you're acting like that's a bad thing. If you're a big, though, superintelligent and whatnot Elite STFer, just, you know, generally superior, why is playing dressup so important to you? Showing your elite status can be done by other means. Titles are way less likely to get your awesomeness called into question than some shiny suit...

    People want the costumes cause they'd like to customize their characters, even if they're not RPers (who, really, have no business wearing full tactical getup, complete with an airtight helmet, into Quarks, unless they're fumigating the place) they often have this idea of what their character does in Starfleet that may or may not make the M.A.C.O. armor suitable for them. It's not that unusual. And as for the K.H.G. stuff... The K.D.F. has very little in costume customization options, within and without the C-store. The concentration of people who would want that unlock, for reasons other than peacocking, is even (and understandably) higher still there.

    There are 0 other uniform unlocks that can be earned through similar systems. Yes, there's a token jacket at level 40, and yes, there's some diplomatic options that the doff system made almost as easy to obtain, but no, the Lobi slotmachines and veteran awards don't even come close to it. There's no such reward for completing all storyline missions. There's no such reward for doing 500 Foundry missions, or creating 5. (Is there some kind of prize for making the spotlight?) PvP? Hell no. You bothered to get all the academy lore datachips? Great! Here's nothing. Not even a title on this one.

    I understand the STF people think they are super special, but they're really not. They're people with too much time on their hands, like the rest of us who play online games, and who merely choose to run different content than other players, over and over again, using tactics and builds other people worked out for them two days after the content was released, complaining about all the people who didn't major in Assimilated Strategies at the University of Youtube, and have thus far been lucky to get a shiny to go with their diploma. No. Give the shiny to the guy who invented the 10% rule for you. 95% of you are really in no position to strut.

    Anyway, I'm not against prestige items, but I do think if you're going to have them, have them for different things. There needs to be more than just the one choice. And until there are, exclusivity will have to take a backseat. Though even then, you'll always have people doing things they don't want to do, and doing them badly, cause they really want that particular shiny, for whatever reason.

    And just for the record, while I wouldn't use the system myself (I stopped doing normal mode 500 STFs ago*) I don't think a project exchanging 100 Omega Marks for a Borg Neural Processor is out of bounds. Seems like a very sensible thing to do.

    * On my main anyway. You would not want to be subjected to some of my alts in ESTFs.

    It's quite simple really. The raider mentaility has two parts. They want the best stuff. They want all other rewards to be inferior.
  • vesterengvestereng Member Posts: 2,252 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Yeah the irony of it is pretty awesome.

    Hey everyone here is a system that supports casual play and give people an easier time to old gear allowing you to play what you want.

    I think they should just open the whole thing up if you ask me. Let people buy everything for cash if they want.
    Willing to pay 200 bucks for t5, go for it, borg marks, fleet marks, whatever.

    After they opened up stf for cash purchase might aswell. Sure lock the grinders up but cash people need their rewards I say. I have no idea why cash people should be locked behind a gate for f2p'ers for 3 months. Wasn't dilithium supposedly a time currency...
    Maybe they figured people would buy other stuff while waiting on permission to buy stf gear I don't know
  • jimipaigejimipaige Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I agree with the last poster. Ihave arthrtis very bad aand I cannot move my ship around as I like. I get killed every time I do an elite. So how about a break Cryptic? Think of a way to earn processors that is not so difficult. Please?

    Admiral Jerolithe
  • weylandjuarezweylandjuarez Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    As someone who has run the Elites many, many times and that has full Omega/MACO/KHG Mk XII space and ground sets on all 3 of my characters, I have a question:

    In order to get the complete set of costume options and titles you have to get the Elite optionals on Infected, Cure and Khitomer Accord space and ground - and Infected Ground is the hardest of the lot to achieve - every time I've made that optional (and I've lost it many more times than I've gotten it), every team member knew the rules, was properly geared up and pulled their weight.

    If you have even one team member that's unfamiliar with Infected or can't contribute then you're extremely unlikely to get the IGE optional - heck, every time I have gotten it it's been literally with seconds to spare.

    Whatever you may think about the old random drop system for Proto Tech, to my mind, those that have the Omega Force Shadow Operative title truly earned it.

    So my question is this: is it just the shiny armor and the helmets? Because you can get those now just by running ISE ad-nauseum. Or, when you finally get your Mk XII ground set and realise there's players with titles you don't have and costume pieces you don't have, are you going to ask for an easy way to get those too?
    Please join our peaceful protest to help make STO a better game
    Proudly not contributing to PWE's bottom-line since October 2012
  • harrymonkleyharrymonkley Member Posts: 100 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Elite STFs don't require uber gear to complete - but they do have some other requirements;
    components to heal your ship injuries when you get killed,
    a sensible build,
    some teamwork and tactics/co-ordination,
    situational awareness.

    Unfortunately the game does not teach players how to build their ships effectively or work with others to achieve common objectives, and the majority of players will not take the time to actively seek ways to master the game's mechanics.

    At the moment, the borg NPC's damage output is bugged (and borticus is trying to fix this atm) so people struggling with the difficulty level of elite STFs since S7 was introduced might well find that the problem resolves itself before they have progressed far enough in the rep system to need the neural processors.
  • futurepastnowfuturepastnow Member Posts: 3,660 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    That sounds like a use for the crafting system. Take huge quantities of the Borg crafting materials that already drop on Defera, infuse them with some Omega Marks and rare particle traces, and boom.
  • romuzariiromuzarii Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    How would people feel about an alternate method of earning Born Neural Processors? Currently the only way to get them is Elite STFs. A lot of people don't like STFs...at least not the elite ones. This also means they are likely not good at them. Forcing them into them to get the games best goodies is a diservice to both them and the regulars who do enjoy ESTFS. I'd like to see a way we could earn them an alternate way, such as turning in 100 Omega Marks for one BNP. ESTF players would still be able to get them far faster, but it would provide an alternate means for the non-uber.

    And to answer the inevitable question "Y U NEED MK XII IF U NO ESTF???!!!"

    Because we want them. Besides, don't tell us you only use them in ESTFS.

    So I'm curious about your master plan. You want an alternate way to farm BNPs, right? Okay I got the gist of that part. But you want to use 100 omega marks to purchase them, correct? So how did you figure you could obtain those omega marks since they only drop in elite STFs? Oh, sure, you can get a handful of them elsewhere but you're talking like at least 10 days per BNP with borg alerts I think. There might be other options but I'm doubting it.

    Oh wait I get it. This is just an act. Your suggestion which is 100 marks for 1 BNP is actually an attempt to get BNPs even faster. So instead of getting 1 BNP per fight, you can get 3 BNP every two fights when you purchase that third BNP with the 120+ marks you have gotten. Oh okay the scheme has been revealed, you know, since the only way to get omega marks aside from like 10 for doing borg alerts is doing STFs and maybe something else I haven't discovered yet.

    I'm not actually against this idea whatsoever but I do think the whole innocent act has been amusing to read. I know it's an innocent act of a hardcore player when they start spouting internet slang like Y U NEED MK XII IF U NO ESTF???!!! That and the fact that your vocab isn't a complete mess like the typical complainer who wants everything handed to them on a silver platter just screams the obvious truth. I commend your efforts, sir/mam.

    I could bother mentioning that maybe they could do a 100,000 fleet credit per BNP thing or out right buying BNPs with dilithium or 5,000 romulan marks or whatever because if you are being sincere about this I am fairly certain it will be your comeback argument and how I am supposed to magically know that omega marks were merely an example and I'm just trying to troll or whatever and the flame wars will then commence thereby getting this thread closed in due time, but I strongly believe borg gear should be earned through doing borg STFs, period. Not because I want YOU to be lesser than I. It's because that's the entire point of their bloody existence is to provide borg gear. Skipping them makes STFs pointless to exist. I'm all for alternative methods of obtaining items but when it comes to the end game part of a MMO it is always a bad idea to allow alternative and reliable methods of obtaining it's rewards. Especially in this MMO where STFs are the only end game in existence and for a long while now. It's pitiful but it's what we have.

    Do we really need to ruin that too so the ultimate lazy gamer that's gaming for no good reason when they are skipping most of the gameplay can skip them? Even if making them take longer than just doing the STFs? I don't know. My gut says hell no. But my brain is saying getting TRIBBLE faster is never a bad thing no matter how you try to spin the negatives. And no matter how you try to sell it, such a change in the system WILL allow me to get BNPs faster. That's why I'm not against it. It gets me what I want faster. I'd be an idiot to not want it. My point is, there's a very good reason why we shouldn't get it.
  • szerontzurszerontzur Member Posts: 2,724 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I'm generally a fan of making long winded replies, but..

    BNPs are a difficulty-based currency. Step up to the plate if you want them.
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