Incoming rage post. Disregard if you have an issue with them.
PW, kindly back out of the US game market, and sell Cryptic back to Atarii, or someone else who won't impose an imperialist P2W/P2P monetary system on us.
The worst we ever got from Atarii was spectacularly sh-tty customer service.
Now we get that
- Endless marketing from the lock-box lottery system
- $50 ships that perform similarly or worse than 750-1500z ships
- 70+ day timegate grinds
- nearly-forced pay-ins to advance through dilithium centric end-game content difficulty tiers
- a sh-tty rep system
- a terrible F2P matrix and mentality
- whole plethora of other game-breaking bugs, bad decisions, and player-walls.
Pay 2 Win, and Pay 2 Progress mindsets just make the player base really unhappy at you, not to mention start hemmoraging off.
Sure you can make a living from the people with fat wallets, but making many small optional transactions usually is more profitable than relying on several large required ones.
Cryptic's C-Store was profitable before you guys stepped in. Atarii was just stupid and bankrupting, selling assets because they had to. I'd rather take their antics over yours though.
That sounds infinity better than PW, your right.
Lets see, the development team gets slashed to a quarter of what it is now and all development accept for the bare minimum stops and the game slowly dies.
Please go play a different game if you don't like this one so much.
Winning the knowledge that your vanity base was done more quickly than someone else's vanity base?
This thread has now most definitely run its course, and isn?t providing any constructive feedback, so due to this as well as the nature of the original post, I'm closing this thread down.