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gangeregangere Member Posts: 3 Arc User
What the heck is with this new reputation system?? a couple STF runs, and then 5 DAYS of doing NOTHING to get to the first tier? I'm at the top of the gear I can get with EC and Dilithium on most of my guys, and I want to move forward, but now there's this HUGE wait time, while I can do NOTHING to advance. Oh, sure, I can gather stuff for further "assignments", which I have to wait for anyway. On top of that, the first tier is even worse for a wait, and it looks like the top tier, where the gear I need is, would take FREAKING MONTHS!!!!!

I stopped playing WoW because of the stupid emphasis on reputation building to even get the gear to start running heroics, which I need to get into a raid. At least, with WoW, I have something to work on daily to get somewhere. This is just "take half an hour to do our STFs, then wait 5 days to do anything else." Seriously? You want me to wait around on my butt doing nothing?

Looks like I'm going back to WoW to waste my free time. This is just totally BOGUS.
Post edited by gangere on


  • xantrisxantris Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    gangere wrote: »
    What the heck is with this new reputation system?? a couple STF runs, and then 5 DAYS of doing NOTHING to get to the first tier? I'm at the top of the gear I can get with EC and Dilithium on most of my guys, and I want to move forward, but now there's this HUGE wait time, while I can do NOTHING to advance. Oh, sure, I can gather stuff for further "assignments", which I have to wait for anyway. On top of that, the first tier is even worse for a wait, and it looks like the top tier, where the gear I need is, would take FREAKING MONTHS!!!!!

    I stopped playing WoW because of the stupid emphasis on reputation building to even get the gear to start running heroics, which I need to get into a raid. At least, with WoW, I have something to work on daily to get somewhere. This is just "take half an hour to do our STFs, then wait 5 days to do anything else." Seriously? You want me to wait around on my butt doing nothing?

    Looks like I'm going back to WoW to waste my free time. This is just totally BOGUS.

    It's just as well. chances are you max out your captains ship in a week or two, get bored of not having anything left to work for, and quit anyway
  • sinistermind4sinistermind4 Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I agree that this reputation system is TRIBBLE. Everyone worked hard to get toons to level 50 and now have to work even harder to get reputation stuff. Why do we have to level our toons twice just to get things we already had. I think PW should think about what they are doing to their players!
  • nnitennite Member Posts: 32 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I agree that this reputation system is TRIBBLE. Everyone worked hard to get toons to level 50 and now have to work even harder to get reputation stuff. Why do we have to level our toons twice just to get things we already had. I think PW should think about what they are doing to their players!

    I dont think the Reputation is TRIBBLE, but replace old stf reward system was bad, I mean, reputation could be na add-in for the system, keep the old stf reward system and use the reputation point to get some "new" set, as fleet weaps could be also a "new" set.

  • foundrelicfoundrelic Member Posts: 1,380 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    nnite wrote: »
    I dont think the Reputation is TRIBBLE, but replace old stf reward system was bad, I mean, reputation could be na add-in for the system, keep the old stf reward system and use the reputation point to get some "new" set, as fleet weaps could be also a "new" set.


    The problem with the old system was that people were playing STF's, sometimes for nearly as long as they've been in the game and STILL not getting the MKXII item drops.

    I can speak from experience on this, I hit 50 ten days after I started playing, ground out Elite STFS and did not get a SINGLE prototype drop for the MKXII gear.

    Meanwhile others were getting the drops on their first run.

    This system eliminates the chance factor.

    While I agree the amount of time needed to get through it is a little ridiculous (Since when do small projects take more time than big ones?) with some tweaks this system can be made a lot better.
  • marielangmarielang Member Posts: 93 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    2 little 2 late uesd to get drops blue quality or better we kept the fleet bank stocked with good items for people who had just joined or leveld up. used to get salvage that could sell for extra dilithium. btran no longer had dilithium reward. dof and other dilithium cost have jumped up over 1000% in some places and the star base still has 200,000 dilithium upgrade missions. This is Like Being ***** and Afterwards Having the Rapist Say Hes Real Sorry Here Have a Free Morning After Pill. you have still gutted this game and I think you will see it soon in you bottom line profits. all you had to do to make the old system work was to let mk12 omaga/maco/honor. be pruchesed for 100 or 150 edc's each. the old saying goes KISS Keep It Simple Stupid.
  • captainbradycaptainbrady Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Agree totally with the OP. What I'm sick of is the trolls who insist that everything that PWE does is perfect, and the rest of us are a bunch of crybabies. Makes me suspect these are just people working for marketing. All companies do this to make a sense of opposition, when there is none at all. I work for an online travel agency, and I know for a fact that our marketing department uses sock accounts to post flattering things about our company. If you think PWE doesn't do the same, you probably have been consuming large amounts of bleach and should lay off it for a while.
  • eurialoeurialo Member Posts: 667 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    foundrelic wrote: »
    The problem with the old system was that people were playing STF's, sometimes for nearly as long as they've been in the game and STILL not getting the MKXII item drops.

    Until season 6 you need a bit of luck, but it wasn't so difficult having at least a mk XI set. May be you had to try several times to have a prototype borg savage or tech but old stf had a better drop and in a few week you had your mk XII set.

    Now one stf drops just some dilithium, nothing more. You also need about 2 months to complete tier 5 reputation, and you are forced to play a lot of stf, fleet action and daily missions to get several king of marks, dilithium and EC... At the end of this new job, toy will have to pay a lot of dilithium to have your set. Do you think this is easier or better? I do not think so. The idea is good, not how it was achieved.

    We need a little step back... PW should raise the dilithium reward in stf and add some items drop (put it as reward for optional), also increase dilithium and drop rate in fleet action and dailies... The reputation system, the fleetbase system and the embassy are high resources demanding... The one who play just 2 hour a day is damaged from all the job they have to do.

    Playing STO spamming FAW is like playing chess using always the computer's suggested moves
  • hereticknight085hereticknight085 Member Posts: 3,783 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    gangere wrote: »
    would take FREAKING MONTHS!!!!!

    4 to 6 to quote the devs.
    It is said the best weapon is one that is never fired. I disagree. The best weapon is one you only have to fire... once. B)
  • khamseenairkhamseenair Member Posts: 2,640 Bug Hunter
    edited November 2012
    Personally, I like and dislike the reputation system all at the same time. It has it's merits in that it removes the random chance of getting the drops, but it goes the opposite way in that it removes the instant gratification of lucking out and getting a reward, and replaces it with a 9-5 shift for pennies.

    The duration of the 'projects' needs to be reduced... drastically.
    Join date is wrong, I've actually been around since STO Beta.
    True alters don't have a "main". Account wide unlocks for all unique event rewards!!
  • gangeregangere Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    4 to 6 to quote the devs.

    4 to 6 weeks of starting the "projects" right after the last one ended. I'm sorry, but I work full time. I can't be logging in in the middle of the day to start new projects, and I don't have the time to be running STFs every night. It would take me at least 2 months to get through it, probably close to 3, with much of the time I do have available to play just sitting around doing nothing because of the timing of things.

    I play(ed) this game to waste my free time when I have it, and forget about the real world whenever I can. Now, I'm forced to just sit and wait, for nothing. It's not the rep system itself, it's the way it was implemented. There's a right way and a wrong way. WoW did it right, in Wrath and Cataclysm. They simplified things too much and made the game boring with Pandaria. That's why I switched to this game. Heck, I was having so much fun running space battles so often I paid for a lifetime membership. Then PW did this.

    I went back to WoW, and as boring as it has been getting two levels over the last two days, it was better than doing nothing.
  • kyeto13kyeto13 Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    gangere wrote: »
    4 to 6 weeks of starting the "projects" right after the last one ended. I'm sorry, but I work full time. I can't be logging in in the middle of the day to start new projects, and I don't have the time to be running STFs every night. It would take me at least 2 months to get through it, probably close to 3, with much of the time I do have available to play just sitting around doing nothing because of the timing of things.

    Ok, so you can't log-in in the middle of the day to restart your projects once they run out? Cool YOU DONT HAVE TO ALWAYS HAVE THE PROJECTS RUNNING!!! You are not getting penalized for not having a project running. All that you lose is the opportunity cost of what? a few hours? a day maybe of the Reputation cooking? If you are seriously THAT worked up over having an empty slot in your reputation system, work out a schedule. You know how long it takes to run a project. don't start a new one until you can be sure to come back and refill its replacement.

    Again, this is not a life or death situation. If your Strawberries in Farmville can wither and die, so can your Reputation system run dry for a few hours.
    Live on Earth. Work in Space. Play with Dragons. Join the best add on to STO, the Neverwinter holodeck program! Only 14 GPL a month.
  • hereticknight085hereticknight085 Member Posts: 3,783 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    gangere wrote: »
    4 to 6 weeks...

    No, 4 to 6 months.
    It is said the best weapon is one that is never fired. I disagree. The best weapon is one you only have to fire... once. B)
  • jniebaumjniebaum Member Posts: 43 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    The new rep system yes is good but has some minor and major flaws. The quick and skinny of some of its major flaws is it ignores any past achievement you have done for the Omega Force, and Reman/Romulans pryor to S7. Also it makes getting any of the new items a tedious pointless endevour. The time gate also detracts from the store. After getting to X Tier you now have to run a project to not only unlock the tier but afterwards run other 40hr projects to get access to (what looks like) 1 single purchase of a item from the store.

    For those interested in time numbers here is what it looks like now vs what it looked like then. Now this is assuming you run the STFs for the marks (omega).

    Currently (assuming you do not buy any store upgrades til Tier 5) the time to get to T5 and unlock a full set (Deflect, Shield, Engine, 1 Weapon) = 1593 hrs (66 days).

    In that time you could have, under the old system, ran 4780 normal(or elite) STFs. Earned multiple Full Sets of Omega and MACO/HonorGuard sets and more mk XI weapons that one could ever need. (I know some are gonna say that those arn't mk XII gear but the devs believe that Mk X gear should be "just fine, and the Mk XII is just for those who want to have something that feels Special", I'm ofcourse Paraphrasing as its been along time sense I read that.)
  • somriksomrik Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    foundrelic wrote: »
    The problem with the old system was that people were playing STF's, sometimes for nearly as long as they've been in the game and STILL not getting the MKXII item drops.

    I can speak from experience on this, I hit 50 ten days after I started playing, ground out Elite STFS and did not get a SINGLE prototype drop for the MKXII gear.

    Meanwhile others were getting the drops on their first run.

    This system eliminates the chance factor.

    While I agree the amount of time needed to get through it is a little ridiculous (Since when do small projects take more time than big ones?) with some tweaks this system can be made a lot better.
    The system has its good sides and bad sides.

    Good in that it eliminates the chance factor and pretty much garuntees the gear if you put in the time and dilithium.

    The bad?

    Well let see I have about 700 omega marks.

    I guess i dont have to do STFs for the next couple of weeks.

    lets see. 763/26 (actual amount of omega marks I have/Omega Projects as I dont need any of the gear at t1.)

    = Enough for 29 projects. /2 = 14.5 since I can have two at the same time 24+16 = 40 hours. So every 40 hours I can do two projects so thats what? 560(14*40) hours(3 weeks or so) total to get through all my marks?

    I think I messed up my math some where.
  • jellico1jellico1 Member Posts: 2,719
    edited November 2012
    foundrelic wrote: »
    The problem with the old system was that people were playing STF's, sometimes for nearly as long as they've been in the game and STILL not getting the MKXII item drops.

    I can speak from experience on this, I hit 50 ten days after I started playing, ground out Elite STFS and did not get a SINGLE prototype drop for the MKXII gear.

    Meanwhile others were getting the drops on their first run.

    This system eliminates the chance factor.

    While I agree the amount of time needed to get through it is a little ridiculous (Since when do small projects take more time than big ones?) with some tweaks this system can be made a lot better.

    It makes nothing better worse actually

    Tying number of completed stfs to the existing accolades
    And letting admiral Quinn give you your drop
    Would have worked much easier than this

    Upping the drop rate

    No your wrong this is much worse than what we had
    Jellico....Engineer ground.....Da'val Romulan space Sci
    Saphire.. Science ground......Ko'el Romulan space Tac
    Leva........Tactical ground.....Koj Romulan space Eng

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