Im going to have to check this out when the servers go back online. Sounds pretty cool!
i have it too......oh i know why it does it at the end of "they boldly rode" you haven't really left the mission area so of course when you go to you bridge after leaving or before doing that mission you wont get it
EDIT: This thread has been closed due to being a "necro" thread. Remember, if a thread has not been posted to in over 30 days, please start a new thread to discuss a topic Thanks! ~BranFlakes
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i have it too......oh i know why it does it at the end of "they boldly rode" you haven't really left the mission area so of course when you go to you bridge after leaving or before doing that mission you wont get it
EDIT: This thread has been closed due to being a "necro" thread. Remember, if a thread has not been posted to in over 30 days, please start a new thread to discuss a topic Thanks! ~BranFlakes