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Fleet XO looking for new fleet

gt86gt86 Member Posts: 52 Arc User
edited November 2012 in Earth Spacedock
I am the 2nd in command of the current fleet I am in and I am possibly looking for a new fleet. The majority of my fleet including the leader have decided to leave STO because they aren't happy with S7. He has offfered to turn the fleet over to me but it would be a fleet of just myself and possible 1 or 2 other people since everyone else looks to be leaving.

I am a Tactical Captain that has had full control of our fleet projects for out small fleet of 15 people. We have levels up to close to T3 in all sub tiers and a full blown T2 SB and getting close to T3. I contribute to projects on a regualr basis to the point to where I have lifetime fleet credit score of 1.3 million. I log in regular and atleast once a day to check doff assignments and fleet projects.

I would prefer a co-operative fleet not a competative one, I do use Team speak and have a head set. I'm not looking to come in as a high ranked officer. But I don't want to join a fleet where it will take 6 months for me to get access to the fleet bank and Star base venders. I'm not really sold on the huge fleets but will be willing to give one a shot but would prefer to small to medium size fleet where everyone can talk and get to know each other via voice chat while in game. I am in The U.S. on the eastern time zone and speak english. I Would like to join a fleet that likes ot team up and do things together and dosen't have a bunch of BS strict rules. I'm not against rules and procedures but I'm not looking for a fleet that has a ton of them. I'm more about having fun and enjoying the game and the people I play it with and not interested in Role Play to much or strict you have to play the game this way in our fleet type stuff.

Thank you
Post edited by gt86 on


  • tarsudotarsudo Member Posts: 343 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    if you and your friends speak spanish you are welcome with us

  • troubiltroubil Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Howdie gt86,

    I'll give you some info about the Blacksheep. We're a medium size fleet with about 230 members, a fair number are very active. Our Starbase is progressing nicely being a Tier 3, one sub-category Tier 3, and two sub-catagories Tier 2. Our members have been doing a great job contributing towards it.

    We don't use Teamspeak, but do have a Vent server available for fleet use. It is not mandatory for people to use Vent, but it's there for those that do.

    You won't have immediate access to the fleet bank, but it doesn't take long. As you move up in rank, the amount of access you get increases. Even if you aren't able to grab something from the bank, you can just yell out and someone that is higher rank can grab it for you.

    I'll give you our fleet web site, and you can learn more about us there. You can also post any questions you have on our forum, or send an in-game message to @Troubl.


    Take care!
    Member of the Blacksheep
    "Who's interfering? We're... taking over." :cool: -Captain James T. Kirk (A Piece of the Action)
  • hrci2907hrci2907 Member Posts: 648 Media Corps
    edited November 2012

    My fleet is cooperative, has teamspeak and you can get accses to fleet bank imediatly!

    For more inforation you can visit our sto thread: http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=433701


    contact me ingame: hRCI@hrci2907
    "This is your ultimate STO Youtube channel!"
  • cogadhfaolcogadhfaol Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited November 2012

    if you and the other members of your old fleet are looking for a new start, then your welcome to join my fleet, where you will have freedom to express ideas for fleet operations, we are an open minded fleet where teamwork and co-operation is key to how we operate. just message me ingame at Cogadh Faol@cogadhfaol. If your interested.

    Cogadh Faol
    XIIIth Death's Legion
    Commanding Officer
  • vkfphoenixlordvkfphoenixlord Member Posts: 1,991 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Good afternoon. I hope you will take a moment and consider the Vulcan Kolinahr Fleet. We are a small but great fleet. We are easy going, dedicated and friendly. We all come from different backgrounds and have different ways of doing things, but that?s part of what makes us great.

    Anyone in our fleet is happy to help others when needed, in almost any aspect of the game and in some cases RL. We have a fleet TeamSpeak3 server that we use for voice chat not just in-game but also to hang out as well and get to know each other better (not required, just available). Many of us are located on the East Coast and Midwest (USA), Europe and now even parts of the Middle East. :D

    Although I say our fleet is dedicated, we also realize that everyone has lives as well, so when you need to take the time, you don't need to be concerned about losing your position within the fleet due to RL too. We do not discriminate against such things because we understand that sometimes real life issues and problems can take time to resolve, and that some time is needed to sort things out.

    So please, think about joining and moving with us into 2410 armed with the best Intel, the most specific and targeted body of knowledge about STO, and a group of Fleet-mates who will be there with you in the crunch. Our Starbase is Tier 3 with the shipyard upgrade currently in progress and we have started making inroads into our Embassy Tiers. We also provide commodities to all for donation to the projects.

    The Vulcan Kolinahr Fleet

    Live Long and Prosper!

    If you would like additional information on the [VKF] please don?t hesitate to contact me or any of our members.
  • tarsudotarsudo Member Posts: 343 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Hmm, why would you not want to continue with your fleet? It's a lot to throw away. It's fairly easy to gain new fleet members and many fleets here have copied and pasted their usual welcome message. I'm not going to do that, I'm going to encourage you not to throw away all your hard work and to rebuild your fleet better than it was before.

    Good luck.

    Matt, he comment that his leader left sto, then so many things they cant do
  • latinumbarlatinumbar Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Check out the 44th. Casual, age 18+. TS server available.

    As a former fleet XO, I'm sure you understand that bank access needs to be restricted for new members. We restrict until your first promotion (which usually occurs on a monthly basis). However, if you need something before then, just ask. We're not stingy. Same goes for starbase store access.

    We have T4 shipyard, T4 starbase, and about 3 days away from starting T4 engineering upgrade. We discuss starbase projects on our forums regularly. We've done 'some' of special projects, including the most recent dance floor project.

    We are medium sized, maybe 60+ members. We have a KDF alt fleet (although only T2 there). We have some rules, but you can read about those on our website and decide for yourself if it's too restrictive or not.


    or PM me if you have questions
    Come join the 44th Fleet.
  • phyrexianherophyrexianhero Member Posts: 768 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I have sent you a private message. :)
    Playing since January 2010. STOwiki administrator. Accolade hunter.
    My STOwiki page | Reachable in-game @PhyrexianHero
    Fed Armada: Section 31 (level 730, 2700+ members)
    KDF Armada: Klingon Intelligence (level 699, 2100+ members)
  • hfmuddhfmudd Member Posts: 881 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    He also said his leader offered to turn the fleet over to him. Seems a waste to just give it up.

    As someone who's recently found himself in a similar position to the OP (and thus has been reading this thread with some interest), perhaps I can offer some explanation and/or perspective.

    One of my characters is in a fleet that has shrunk significantly since I joined it almost two years ago, to the point where it's now basically myself and maybe five other active players. Activity and morale is low and recruiting is basically dead in the water; nor can I blame others not wanting to join. I've been logging in daily to collect dilithium and manage my Duty Officers, and pour those earnings into the fleet starbase. At times it's felt like I'm the only one doing anything to help with that.

    Right now there's talk of putting this stub of a fleet under the umbrella of a much larger one, changing our name and becoming part of their organization, yet remaining a separate fleet with a separate base as far as the game's concerned. As with the person I'm responding to, there's a desire (on both sides) to not give up or waste what we've worked for. But I think this is a foolish choice, and that keeping a separate base is redundant and wasteful in its own way, and here's why:

    If I join another fleet, I can have immediate access to a full-featured base maintained and fed by dozens (or even more) of active players. Or I can toil away by myself for the next few years, logging in every day to work my "second job" and hoping to maybe make Tier 2 before the game ends - an accomplishment that will be seen and valued by no one but myself. Should I continue to pour my time and effort down a dead-end rathole, or acknowledge that everything I've built to date could be duplicated if not surpassed by any decent-sized fleet in a matter of days or weeks, and find something better to put my future efforts toward - a giant to stand on the shoulders of?

    It may not have mattered so much before a couple of seasons ago, but the mechanics of the base system (and how it scales at the upper levels) overwhelmingly favor large fleets. There's pride, certainly, in having a house you built yourself with your own two hands... but if the choice is between living in a tiny shack out in the woods with no heat, water, electricity or internet, or an apartment building in town with all of the above amenities and garbage service too - honestly, where are you going to want to live?

    It would also be different if you were leaving friends behind in the fleet... but as the OP says, everyone else already left him. So it is with me also. Better to make a clean break and a fresh start, IMO.
    Join Date: January 2011
  • glxtrader1glxtrader1 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    The TRIBBLE Fleet of TRIBBLE welcomes you!, we are very active poopers with activities all over the place, we look for hardcore poopers, specially since Season 7 started, since, face it, it's all pretty much TRIBBLE now in STO

    Keep Vulcan Boob Chick, only baktag likes to stare at guys in MMOs
  • drudgydrudgy Member Posts: 367 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Feel free to check out the Divine Protectorate. Were a small to mid size fleet, looking to grow a bit. There are no strict rules or anything odd like that, however we use Ventrilo instead of TS. We've got both a Klingon and Federation fleet and very casual in our play style.

    Check out our website, and if you have any questions let me know!
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