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Ok Cryptic here it is...

ronofborgronofborg Member Posts: 0 Arc User
We (other players and I) have been putting up with your changes back and forth. Some were good..adding new ships and such. But the lockbockes were ok...fleet starbases were ok...a little much and dilithium as currency even bites. There is are several types of currency..energy credits, dilithium, latunum (which is worth TRIBBLE), fleet marks, fleet credits, and now omega and romulan marks. Make up your minds.
By now a new race should have been introduced as playable...and in its own faction. Romulans should have been released a long time ago...and you have been giving away cardassian and dominion ships that could have been used to release those playable factions.
Again you released a season without doing your homework really well, tons of bugs and issues. You make more grind just to get stuff we already have or were close to getting and now have to grind...grind...grind to get back to where we were.
I bought a lifetime account to see this game expand and really wow us all...but now it's getting stagnet! Plz use your heads and actually work with your fanbase and address our issues...yes you made it to where we can change toons without logging out...that was amaging...but we need more. Plz work on releasing a new race, increasing rank...fix the dam upper/lower half rear admiral....fix bugs ingame....get us more interesting missions..like you were doing with the episodes.
Thank you
Post edited by ronofborg on


  • ronofborgronofborg Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    They are the ones who wanted to make the game...so they should figure it out with keeping in line with what the public players who have contributed alot of time and money really want.
  • bugshubugshu Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    This is a good post and I agree with most of the OPs points. Of course we all knew that new episode content would die the day the foundry came out and most people wanted the foundry anyway. The fact that people found an exploit in the foundry and it became the most popular mission in the game was very much predictable. Its laughable that Cryptic believes the exploit shouldnt be in the game; when players figured out a way to reward themelves for time spent in contrast to Cryptics total lack of respect for the value of time players invested and spent playing the game.

    Cryptic took the money players invested in STO and used it to build Neverwinter and punted development to foundry authors.

    STO will never be given any respect by the devs and owners of this company and game until or unless they realize that it might have more revenue potential than neverwinter nights. And Im not overly certain that it will be around much longer if they continue to bleed cash like they did under Atari ownership.

    From day 1 Cryptic has had an aversion towards retaining players and hoping that they will stick around long enough that they might make some money off of them. Its arrogance and pride really. Cryptic seems to want to tell us how to enjoy the game rather than listen to us, value our time, and build a partnership we both enjoy more.

    Punting new content in favor of putting in grind based reasons to play has been the theme and nature of this games content team from the day they decided to build hundreds of missions for neverwinter nights and hand STO development mostly over to foundry authors.

    They know they dropped the ball on content and even so they dont have plans on fixing. Its why they are doing all they can to sort of push people into playing foundry missions as replacements for content.

    There are good foundry missions. The problem with them is foundry authors cannot reward players with good loot drops and investments for time spent playing foundry games.

    Removing the one good foundry mission that did this in the clicker missions and calling it an exploit doesnt help the cause.

    The clicker mission isnt about debate over being an exploit anymore. Its a debate over how players time should be respected and rewarded. And Cryptic is saying players time spent in game and playing sto has little if any value to them. They want zen purchases more than they want happy customers that show up and play daily.

    Good Post but new content is probably history. We may get one new fe series next year but I doubt we get 2. 5 episodes a year seems all we can expect anymore and not always can we expect those. Your right the game is stagnant. On a day they released a whole season of updates its already stagnant. You can pee in a swamp and watch still waters show some ripples but it doesnt turn the water into something fresh that youd want to drink.

    Anyway, its a nice post but probably a pipe dream. Still, I like your optimism and belief that it might happen.

    Honestly, Id rather they come out with a 4th playable class beyond sci / eng / tacts before adding more "races" and "ships" and "factions" to the game. Anything that would be more fun than writing posts that Cryptic doesnt respect or believe would be more fun.

    Seriously this game could be fun if Cryptic would respect its customers and if they would invest money spent for STO into STO instead of into NWN. STO customers are paying for a game nobody really wants or cares about. Its a shame really. But Cryptic wants a game out there where they own the licensing fees and their greed towards "not" sharing with paramount allows them an excuse to let our game rot.

    Keep posting. I too hope the devs listen but they dont and mostly they tell me Im wrong until 18 months after the fact when they realize maybe I just actually played this game enough to know what was happening.

    Good Luck Sir
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