Cryptic has really done it this time, in there quest for my money they blew it. I have been averaging $100 a month in zen purchases, but with the release of this latest "Season 7" patch, and thier obvious attempt to get us to spend more, they instead made me mad as hell. I refuse to spend another dime on zen until 1 they bring back ALL of the ways we could earn dilithium. bring back some kind of end drop for stfs or some kind of reward other than stupid marks that make u use up all your other resorces to make any use of. Remove the cost in dilithium for Dof recruiting. And finnaly Fix the dam in game voice chat that has not worked right since season 4!
So here are the changes we'll be making in a maintenance build by the end of this week.
Normal STF runs will grant 480 Dilithium
Elite STF runs will grant 960 Dilithium
Space Fleet Action runs will grant 480 Dilithium
Ground Fleet Action runs will grant 640 Dilithium
Ditto yes I totaly agree. Now granted I did not spend that much on zen but i did buy lifetime and still added a 10$ pw card form time to time but as data siad "to hell with it" ok not an exact quote but the spirt there LOL maby cartman said it best 'TRIBBLE you guys im going home."
not good enough for me thats for sure, still wont be buying a dam bit of zen till its back to full reward. plus b-tran.
and the cost of the Dof system, sooooo not good enough, IM gonna keep my 100 bucks and go to the bar and tip the dancers instead.
The B'tran thing is NOT going to happen. It was an exploit and it's been closed.
Full rewards for the others? No, not going to happen. Cryptic wants people to run the content they've abandoned to farm Dilithium, that abandoned content will now have higher dilithium payouts than the old stuff in order to get people into it.
This keeps cryptic from actually giving us NEW content (Romulus is done, it's been live for two days and people have already conquered it entirely).
I for one will be glad when/if they put the dilithium rewards back into the STF's. As repetetive as they might be they're still a hell of a lot more fun than SB24.
I agree on the DOFF cost hike. THat's just bat guano nuts.
The cutting of dil rewards was only a small fraction of the problem. The REAL problem is the massive increase in dil costs for every aspect of the game, WHILE cutting it.
Restoring the cuts doesn't restore the normal prices for everything in the game. THAT is what we need.
yeah gotta agree with that, In thier quest to seperate me from my money they instead lost what they were getting, I dont think i am alone in that thought. I do wonder when or if they will ever fix the voice chat. on the rare occasion it does work it leaves u with a new team chat every time u go into an stf with an incmplete team. I put in serveral tickets for it, then not a single ticket ever got even a responce.
I don't think you read his post, which is a fundamental problem with this forum. He said ALL the ways to earn dil. BTW, stfs used to pay out over 1000 for elite. Considering that a critical injury is always a risk, and critical components cost a fortune, I say its more than adequate. I want the doffs to be back the way they were. While we're at it, lets get rid of the STUPID components for crafting. There is nothing craftable that is better than STF so no one does it. The purpose of crafting is to help rising new players and encourage themt o do exporation missions. The critical components are a huge deterrant to that.
I for one will be glad when/if they put the dilithium rewards back into the STF's.
Its not just dil, item drops have to be returned too. And since we can't turn in edc/tech/salvage, dil reward has to be higher than 1100. More like 1600-2000. Otherwise there will be no point in playing STFs more than once per 2 days - all they grant is marks and (after a lot of grind) items that allow you to play them more efficiently. Exercise in futility, nothing more.
And I agree, return DOFF costs to previous and give back our dailies.
May 2013, automatic permanent ban for mentioning gold-seller sites pwebranflakes: this system is currently in place and working the way it should. moradum: I got banned for saying "I started my day with cutting off 3 MM off of the bottom of my cabinet"
I see no point in me logging in to do anything for the time being, was all set to buy the Vesta set but now i can't be bothered.
No idea what they were thinking by limiting dilithium at the same time as making doffs etc costing dil as well, it's like standing on a rope bridge and cutting the supports at both ends of it.... where you going to go?
Yes, I agree....they screwed game economy mechanics on dilithium, but also on ECs. My fleet run the Bartender project during S6 and now all the credits and dilithium we put into had been wasted! Also, after i've invested in a Very Rare Cardassian Chef to produce Cardies' Taspar Eggs both for Fleet's needs & selling excess on Exchange they made them of no value. As a Exchange is also blocked by unsold eggs (I cannot discard them since i don't like to waste my ECs too)!!!!
No idea what they were thinking by limiting dilithium at the same time as making doffs etc costing dil as well, it's like standing on a rope bridge and cutting the supports at both ends of it.... where you going to go?
They were thinking "we want more money, now now now" followed by "how do we force players to buy more Zen" which was quickly followed by "burn their dilithium"
Such it is that they've made everything cost more dil whilst at the same time reducing the enjoyable/easy ways to get dil. It's a dirty practice but sometimes companies decide to remodel. Cryptic has decided they've offered enough to Star Trek fans and it's about time those fans pay them for it, and pay them extremely well.
2 little 2 late uesd to get drops blue quality or better we kept the fleet bank stocked with good items for people who had just joined or leveld up. used to get salvage that could sell for extra dilithium. btran no longer had dilithium reward. dof and other dilithium cost have jumped up over 1000% in some places and the star base still has 200,000 dilithium upgrade missions. This is Like Being ***** and Afterwards Having the Rapist Say Hes Real Sorry Here Have a Free Morning After Pill. you have still gutted this game and I think you will see it soon in you bottom line profits. all you had to do to make the old system work was to let mk12 omaga/maco/honor. be pruchesed for 100 or 150 edc's each. the old saying goes KISS Keep It Simple Stupid.
Cryptic has really done it this time, in there quest for my money they blew it. I have been averaging $100 a month in zen purchases, but with the release of this latest "Season 7" patch, and thier obvious attempt to get us to spend more, they instead made me mad as hell. I refuse to spend another dime on zen until 1 they bring back ALL of the ways we could earn dilithium. bring back some kind of end drop for stfs or some kind of reward other than stupid marks that make u use up all your other resorces to make any use of. Remove the cost in dilithium for Dof recruiting. And finnaly Fix the dam in game voice chat that has not worked right since season 4!
Anyone else wanna add to this?
Agree Agree Agree. Life member here from day 1 + average 10 bucks a month on Zen which is close to paying for gold member on top of lifer. Guess what your greed is getting you for me PWE. Love my STO to death but if PWE stands on this train of thinking this game will come to an end soon. Wasn't there a quote somewhere by cyptic saying that Atari was a cash grabbing company after the split off from them and there interest really werent about the players LOL. I know PWE needs to make money but the gaming market is not a normal business where you need to make your 10% profit grow year over year for your shard holders.
what was the point of going free to play if season 7 dilithium earning cuts the massive increses of dilithium needed and the removing of drops drives away the casual players. and before you answer with your "we put dill back in stf rewards answer" I have a fairly high IQ and see thats a pitence compared to what was removed and what is now required. I think most here are not fooled one bit. At least the lack of People in game would strongly indicate this is the case. since you seem driven by the bottom line i would think suckering 50% fewer players out of 25% more cash is cutting your own throat???
Oh yeah, they have a long way to go rolling back some of this TRIBBLE befor i spend another dime on zen. so cryptic/PW is loosing my 100 a month worth sticking to your high horse on this TRIBBLE? BTW went to the bar today and got a couple of lap dances with this paydays 50. So im now supporting single moms instead of PW. gotta admit even though it didnt last as long as playing trek it was a bit more enjoyable knowing i didnt have to grind dilithium from her. (but there was grinding going on)
what was the point of going free to play if season 7 dilithium earning cuts the massive increses of dilithium needed and the removing of drops drives away the casual players. and before you answer with your "we put dill back in stf rewards answer" I have a fairly high IQ and see thats a pitence compared to what was removed and what is now required. I think most here are not fooled one bit. At least the lack of People in game would strongly indicate this is the case. since you seem driven by the bottom line i would think suckering 50% fewer players out of 25% more cash is cutting your own throat???
Because you weren't earning enough dilithium, so they cut your ability to get it. Duh!
I like most of what they did with only a few points of discontent.
1.) Take all my earned salvage and chips and lock it up into a Frigging box an force me into the rep system to gain access to the stuff I already earned and should already have access to!
2.) The Borg are stupid strong once again, spitting out 3-5 re-generators from both ends. using the invisi beam of death when you are not even in combat or near opponents.
3.) Stf totally lost there appeal. The lack of end reward makes them feel like nothing but a grind.
The game has been Dan Stahled once again. History really does repeat itself.
"Oh Danny boy, the pipes, the pipes are calling
From glen to glen, and down the mountain side
The summer's gone, and all the flowers are dying
'Tis you, 'tis you must go and I must bide."
Oh Danny boy, the pipes, the pipes are calling
From glen to glen, and down the mountain side
The summer's gone, and all the flowers are dying
'Tis you, 'tis you must go and I must bide.
i cryed agian today all the fun gone replaced buy nothing but grind sign on and decide wich grind to do dilith grind omaga grind new romulan grind. used to be fun to do the stf what drop will i get? somthing for fleet bank? item me or a friend could realy use?? somthing to sell and get ec or dilith for? or the joy and pride of the tech drop and rushing to turn in and get the shiney new pice to complet my set??? now its just grind and wait days to see what i can spend my dwindleing suply of dilith on!!!!! in the words of Adam Sandler " whooopie f-ing dooo "
i cryed agian today all the fun gone replaced buy nothing but grind sign on and decide wich grind to do dilith grind omaga grind new romulan grind. used to be fun to do the stf what drop will i get? somthing for fleet bank? item me or a friend could realy use?? somthing to sell and get ec or dilith for? or the joy and pride of the tech drop and rushing to turn in and get the shiney new pice to complet my set??? now its just grind and wait days to see what i can spend my dwindleing suply of dilith on!!!!! in the words of Adam Sandler " whooopie f-ing dooo "
hmmmmm yeah i have totally lost intrest in this TRIBBLE now, can only play for a short time befor perfering to watch grass grow. U can only grin so much for little or no reward befor u feel like breaking out GTA san andreas again and kicking somethings butt. Thanks Devs for totally ruining what was my favorite game.
before season 7 you got imediate reward not always what you wanted but somthing. the anticapation was part of the joy. now is just grind and wait and wait. and hell yes we want the gear what is point of grinding months to get the gear you needed for the grind thats over?????? you are in a shrinking minority if you think this is grand and wonderfull. the f2p peps leaving in droves and revinues have to be suffering. eather they shot themselves in the foot or they actualy want to kill the game. if the first a major rethink and revamp needed bad.
hey, if you don't like it...leave. uninstall the game and won't be missed...don't let the door hit you in the behind on the way out. this is actually getting pretty pathetic...i have three young daughters and, put together, they don't whine and cry as much as you people on here. well like i said...put your money where your mouth is and is stopping you. you people sound just like a guy i once knew...always whining and crying about the it's going down the tubes, how he was going to go to canada, blah, blah, blah. well, one day i got sick of it. while he was at work i went to his apartment and packed all his clothes. i met him at work and told him i had a surprise for him. i drove him to the airport and when we got inside i gave him a plane ticket to canada....told him have a nice trip, and left him there. he didn't end up going...but he got the point. i mean, i have no problem with people expressing their opinion, but this constant whining and crying is really getting old. so like i said, stop complaining and leave the game. you can talk the talk...let's see you walk the walk.
I don't care what the header says, I am not now, nor have I ever been, nor will I ever be, an "ARC user".
This thread has now most definitely run its course, and isn't providing any constructive feedback, so due to this as well as the high number of flaming/trolling posts in this thread; I'm closing this thread down.
For future reference please remember that it helps a great deal when posts which violate the PWE Community Rules and Policies are not responded to and are reported via submitting a Forums and Website Ticket (click here).
If you think any of your posts within a thread have violated the PWE Community Rules and Policies, please edit your posts before a moderator takes action.
If you feel you need to get in touch with PWE BranFlakes to discuss the actions taken by any Community Moderator, you can do so by submitting a Forums and Website ticket (click here).
Former moderator of these forums. Lifetime sub since before launch. Been here since before public betas. Foundry author of "Franklin Drake Must Die".
I have spent $700 on this game between a lifetime sub for 200 and the the other 500 on lock boxes. I have received NOT ONE rare lockbox ship. Yet when I log on to the game I find it so ridiculously over priced to use or aquire dilithium that I'll HAVE to buy more zen just to convert to dilithium if I need dilithium. I haven't donated to my fleet in over a week, and I hardly play the game now for more than ten minutes a day. I guess I'll log on atleast once or twice a week since I wasted money on a lifetime subscription. You know Cryptic... I paid a lifetime sub for the game as is. Atleast I could buy some zen.. an outfit, or some lock box keys. NOT HAVE TO BUY ZEN TO KEEP DILITHIUM STORES UP! You should have made ONE SMALL CHANGE, then surveyed it to see if it worked. Not TRIBBLE up everything in some way and tell us to deal with it. Not when some of us have payed you for a "lifetime" and spent hundreds of dollors in six months. You know... you don't have to appease us. And sure.. you don't have to have our permission when you do things.. But I'd sure as heck make sure you aren't going to absolutely ENRAGE your players and cause them not to want to play by changing things YOU ALREADY HAD IN PLACE YOURSELVES!!
Anyway, I may be so bored and/or sick of the grind that I do not play at all in a few weeks. I just wanted to let everyone here know once and for all. BUYING ZEN IS A WASTE. I tested the odds on boxes. 500 lockboxes = NO SHIP. You'd think they'd give you a guarantee after that many boxes you'd get to pick one ship. Cryptic will not get another cent from me. And I hope you are doing the math Cryptic 700 dollars in six months... good lawd I've paid you for about 3 years worth already. I'll be sure to tell everyone I see exactly how you run this game and do my best to keep them from coming.
DOFFs - overpriced now
DOFF recruitment assignment = overpriced now
TWO reputation factions = tedious, time consuming, click click clicking
... and you must gather marks for BOTH factions
STF's = screwed up on loot now.
Starbase - now receive less from players because of the Embassy and TWO rep factions.
the list goes on...
I'm out. Atleast if I watch Star Trek TOS - Kirk won't keep asking me for handouts for shoddy work!
This thread has now most definitely run its course, and isn't providing any constructive feedback, so due to this as well as the high number of flaming/trolling posts in this thread; I'm closing this thread down.
For future reference please remember that it helps a great deal when posts which violate the PWE Community Rules and Policies are not responded to and are reported via submitting a Forums and Website Ticket (click here).
If you think any of your posts within a thread have violated the PWE Community Rules and Policies, please edit your posts before a moderator takes action.
If you feel you need to get in touch with PWE BranFlakes to discuss the actions taken by any Community Moderator, you can do so by submitting a Forums and Website ticket (click here).
Ditto yes I totaly agree. Now granted I did not spend that much on zen but i did buy lifetime and still added a 10$ pw card form time to time but as data siad "to hell with it" ok not an exact quote but the spirt there LOL maby cartman said it best 'TRIBBLE you guys im going home."
When you buy the Perfect World Game Cards, you ALREADY GAVE THEM your money.
You lose any influence with your REAL cash when you buy one.
Next time, buy and use a pre-paid credit card.
That way, YOU have control over your REAL money and not Perfect World.
This game is still broken and I don't know if the upcoming months will change my mind on giving anymore of my REAL money to PW.
NO to ARC RIP KDF and PvP 2014-07-17 Season 9.5 - Death by Dev
You can start buying zen again
not good enough for me thats for sure, still wont be buying a dam bit of zen till its back to full reward. plus b-tran.
and the cost of the Dof system, sooooo not good enough, IM gonna keep my 100 bucks and go to the bar and tip the dancers instead.
Full rewards for the others? No, not going to happen. Cryptic wants people to run the content they've abandoned to farm Dilithium, that abandoned content will now have higher dilithium payouts than the old stuff in order to get people into it.
This keeps cryptic from actually giving us NEW content (Romulus is done, it's been live for two days and people have already conquered it entirely).
I for one will be glad when/if they put the dilithium rewards back into the STF's. As repetetive as they might be they're still a hell of a lot more fun than SB24.
I agree on the DOFF cost hike. THat's just bat guano nuts.
Restoring the cuts doesn't restore the normal prices for everything in the game. THAT is what we need.
I don't think you read his post, which is a fundamental problem with this forum. He said ALL the ways to earn dil. BTW, stfs used to pay out over 1000 for elite. Considering that a critical injury is always a risk, and critical components cost a fortune, I say its more than adequate. I want the doffs to be back the way they were. While we're at it, lets get rid of the STUPID components for crafting. There is nothing craftable that is better than STF so no one does it. The purpose of crafting is to help rising new players and encourage themt o do exporation missions. The critical components are a huge deterrant to that.
Not anymore - fleet actions were reduced to 480 space, 640 ground on Tribble with the newest patch.
Its not just dil, item drops have to be returned too. And since we can't turn in edc/tech/salvage, dil reward has to be higher than 1100. More like 1600-2000. Otherwise there will be no point in playing STFs more than once per 2 days - all they grant is marks and (after a lot of grind) items that allow you to play them more efficiently. Exercise in futility, nothing more.
And I agree, return DOFF costs to previous and give back our dailies.
pwebranflakes: this system is currently in place and working the way it should.
moradum: I got banned for saying "I started my day with cutting off 3 MM off of the bottom of my cabinet"
No idea what they were thinking by limiting dilithium at the same time as making doffs etc costing dil as well, it's like standing on a rope bridge and cutting the supports at both ends of it.... where you going to go?
They were thinking "we want more money, now now now" followed by "how do we force players to buy more Zen" which was quickly followed by "burn their dilithium"
Such it is that they've made everything cost more dil whilst at the same time reducing the enjoyable/easy ways to get dil. It's a dirty practice but sometimes companies decide to remodel. Cryptic has decided they've offered enough to Star Trek fans and it's about time those fans pay them for it, and pay them extremely well.
Agree Agree Agree. Life member here from day 1 + average 10 bucks a month on Zen which is close to paying for gold member on top of lifer. Guess what your greed is getting you for me PWE. Love my STO to death but if PWE stands on this train of thinking this game will come to an end soon. Wasn't there a quote somewhere by cyptic saying that Atari was a cash grabbing company after the split off from them and there interest really werent about the players LOL. I know PWE needs to make money but the gaming market is not a normal business where you need to make your 10% profit grow year over year for your shard holders.
You saw what happened yesterday, no ?
Awoken Dead
Now shaddup about the queues, it's a BUG
Because you weren't earning enough dilithium, so they cut your ability to get it. Duh!
1.) Take all my earned salvage and chips and lock it up into a Frigging box an force me into the rep system to gain access to the stuff I already earned and should already have access to!
2.) The Borg are stupid strong once again, spitting out 3-5 re-generators from both ends. using the invisi beam of death when you are not even in combat or near opponents.
3.) Stf totally lost there appeal. The lack of end reward makes them feel like nothing but a grind.
The game has been Dan Stahled once again. History really does repeat itself.
"Oh Danny boy, the pipes, the pipes are calling
From glen to glen, and down the mountain side
The summer's gone, and all the flowers are dying
'Tis you, 'tis you must go and I must bide."
From glen to glen, and down the mountain side
The summer's gone, and all the flowers are dying
'Tis you, 'tis you must go and I must bide.
What my Fon-Fon Ru said!!! :mad:
PWE trashes STO and...
Chuck Norris was right
1000 years of darkness will ensue... :P
yep gonna have to swich out my mk12 twinki launchers for little debbie's and season 7 still horriable
This thread has now most definitely run its course, and isn't providing any constructive feedback, so due to this as well as the high number of flaming/trolling posts in this thread; I'm closing this thread down.
Anyway, I may be so bored and/or sick of the grind that I do not play at all in a few weeks. I just wanted to let everyone here know once and for all. BUYING ZEN IS A WASTE. I tested the odds on boxes. 500 lockboxes = NO SHIP. You'd think they'd give you a guarantee after that many boxes you'd get to pick one ship. Cryptic will not get another cent from me. And I hope you are doing the math Cryptic 700 dollars in six months... good lawd I've paid you for about 3 years worth already. I'll be sure to tell everyone I see exactly how you run this game and do my best to keep them from coming.
DOFFs - overpriced now
DOFF recruitment assignment = overpriced now
TWO reputation factions = tedious, time consuming, click click clicking
... and you must gather marks for BOTH factions
STF's = screwed up on loot now.
Starbase - now receive less from players because of the Embassy and TWO rep factions.
the list goes on...
I'm out. Atleast if I watch Star Trek TOS - Kirk won't keep asking me for handouts for shoddy work!
You forgot the closing the thread part.
When you buy the Perfect World Game Cards, you ALREADY GAVE THEM your money.
You lose any influence with your REAL cash when you buy one.
Next time, buy and use a pre-paid credit card.
That way, YOU have control over your REAL money and not Perfect World.
This game is still broken and I don't know if the upcoming months will change my mind on giving anymore of my REAL money to PW.
RIP KDF and PvP 2014-07-17 Season 9.5 - Death by Dev