Could you purrhaps cunsider an increase of bulkbuying commodites to 999 and having stacks of the same amount, too? Same btw for anomalous data and particle traces, please.
That would help our inventory and base building time a lot.
~ Meowz
"Everything about the Jham'Hadar is lethal!" - Eris
Original Join Date: January 30th, 2010
Could you purrhaps cunsider an increase of bulkbuying commodites to 999 and having stacks of the same amount, too? Same btw for anomalous data and particle traces, please.
That would help our inventory and base building time a lot.
~ Meowz
I am with you. I think 250 would be much appreciated as it would represent a full stack. 100 struck me as an odd number.
Yeah... the buying 50 at once probably made sense when the only thing you'd do with them is Doffing or maybe a diplomatic mission. But, once the fleet bases need thousands we really need to be able to just buy as much as we need in one go. I think this is why our projects stall on commodities. It's not that nobody has the money, we just don't feel like going through the process of buying it.
I am with you. I think 250 would be much appreciated as it would represent a full stack. 100 struck me as an odd number.
Original Join Date: January 30th, 2010
They're mostly used for crafting. (Although a few fleet projects require them.)