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Dev's Please Answer This ....

yousuckashellyousuckashell Member Posts: 11 Arc User
Please dev's; take the necessary time to answer this really imperative question;

Being here since the beginning; i did see alot a magnificient changes going on; MISSION; DOFF; STF'S and ships; after multiple days of grinding and fun i need to know what is the future vision on one specific question...

As the creator of star trek onlline; will you ever change the game to become a galaxy wide multi-inter/race-pvp oriented challenge?

In other's word's; will we ever be able to pvp anywhere in the galaxy; taking starbase from klingon or them from starfleet ; controlling area and create faction that could be attack anytime/anywhere.

My past was from Lineage 2; and i hope and think that this game missing link; is full pvp scale with dropping system; this would make the game interesting and worth playing for years to comes. As human we need bigger goal then killing borg in STF; this question is rather the most important ive's ever asked; and i wish all answer could be constructive;

thanks in advanced.
Post edited by yousuckashell on


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    dwhornetdwhornet Member Posts: 108 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I simply believe the Devs will never do anything that involves that much work at this point. Everything is based on ROI and that would involve too much effort, for far too long, with too little payout for them. PvP has always been this game's Achille's heel, and for the foreseeable future they have placed it in the realm of irrelevancy.
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    hereticknight085hereticknight085 Member Posts: 3,783 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    The only problem I see with your post is this:

    What if there are players that just want to play Star Trek without having to worry about being attacked at all times by some bored high level that had a bad day? What about the newbies that don't have the gear to stand up to the veterans?

    If this was put in effect, you would eliminate a huge portion of the player base who doesn't want to PvP, just play Star Trek. I personally don't care, since I am from BSGO where PvP is the order of the day, and if you don't watch your six you get nova'd, but not all players come from games where eyes on the back of your head is commonplace. If you suddenly forced this on them, a HUGE number would quit. Myself included. I like this game, since I can PvP whenever I want, and not have it forced on me. I can wander around doing whatever the heck I want and not have to worry about some angry klingon or fed coming and ruining my serene flying. I can PvE one day, and have it solely PvE, and use builds for that. OR I can PvP, and ONLY PvP, and use builds for that.

    What you are suggesting is too global. Have PvP zones, PvP sectors, where if you fly in, you're fair game. But don't make it the whole bloody galaxy.
    It is said the best weapon is one that is never fired. I disagree. The best weapon is one you only have to fire... once. B)
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    voluptuaryvoluptuary Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I didn't start playing Star Trek hoping that I'd end up surrounded by shrieking 13 year old kids jumping each other around every corner and spewing nonsensical obscenities when they're losing. Please go to EVE or WoW.
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    jkstocbrjkstocbr Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Answer = No

    -10 points for mentioning Lineage 2.
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    cptjhuntercptjhunter Member Posts: 2,288 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    voluptuary wrote: »
    I didn't start playing Star Trek hoping that I'd end up surrounded by shrieking 13 year old kids jumping each other around every corner and spewing nonsensical obscenities when they're losing. Please go to EVE or WoW.

    Just thinking that myself....thanks for saying it.
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    heinekoheineko Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    It would be fun though! Happily cruising along, then RED ALERT. Just like in the shows. :D

    In a practical sense, I'd rather they overhaul PVP by removing factionalism. Make FvK into pure Fleet vs Fleet, and give players the choice to have a pure or mixed fleet.

    Think of the Starbase Sieges we could have! Officers could challenge other fleets to a fight, and then go nuts for an hour! Fighting in one would net Rep points with the Ferengi Arena Masters, and you can exchange PVP XP for endgame pvp gear!

    Everyone will have access to have everyone's ships! No more factional imbalances!

    Everyone would be happy!
    Captain Ruri Gokou of the U.S.S. Kitty Hawk
    Catian Atrox Carrier
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    yousuckashellyousuckashell Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    The only problem I see with your post is this:

    What if there are players that just want to play Star Trek without having to worry about being attacked at all times by some bored high level that had a bad day? What about the newbies that don't have the gear to stand up to the veterans?

    If this was put in effect, you would eliminate a huge portion of the player base who doesn't want to PvP, just play Star Trek. I personally don't care, since I am from BSGO where PvP is the order of the day, and if you don't watch your six you get nova'd, but not all players come from games where eyes on the back of your head is commonplace. If you suddenly forced this on them, a HUGE number would quit. Myself included. I like this game, since I can PvP whenever I want, and not have it forced on me. I can wander around doing whatever the heck I want and not have to worry about some angry klingon or fed coming and ruining my serene flying. I can PvE one day, and have it solely PvE, and use builds for that. OR I can PvP, and ONLY PvP, and use builds for that.

    What you are suggesting is too global. Have PvP zones, PvP sectors, where if you fly in, you're fair game. But don't make it the whole bloody galaxy.

    Good post; I think your opinion make sense; in this case would it be possible to created identical server; like WOW; a server for full pvp and another one for grinding and stf free roaming fun; Guys im tired of this friendly shou-shou games; i might have found the exact tproblem of STO; but i know this games does not satisfy all expectation and vision of a full scale star trek online .... perhaps the other guys is right; i should find another game more suisted for pvp .....
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    cptjhuntercptjhunter Member Posts: 2,288 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    KIN i HAZ UR STUF?;)
    On a serious note, I do belive PVP needs to be shown a little more love by the Dev team.:)
    Check the PVP section of the forum, their might be more like minded people there who can swap ideas with you.
    Hope that helps.
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    kagurazaka77kagurazaka77 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I think if there was a 'flag' you could set, to allow surprise PVP to happen, that would be fine.

    I personally think there should be a non-consensual PVP neutral zone area. With actual PvE missions in it (with greater rewards - and cannot be TW'ed to) so that you could be attacked on your way to do the PvE missions, flagged or not.

    However, I don't think the whole server should be a PvP free-for-all. I don't think this player base is really THAT kind of player base. (Yeah, you guys might be, but most of THEM aren't.)

    As for the PvP its self, I've always imagined it being really cool if the space battle was a bit longer and harder than it actually is (maybe I just get whomped by too many bug ships), but your ship doesn't get destroyed - it gets boarded. :D

    To win the PvP contest you'd have to defeat both the ship in space, and then the captain and his BoFFs (with you and your BoFFs) on his ship. Or you just go to engineering and steal dilithium. Whatevs.

    editing to add: My idea above wouldn't change how arena and CaH work; just how an 'encounter' would - in my fantasy world - function.
    500 years in the future and we still look like schmucks when getting our ID photos taken...
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    duaths1duaths1 Member Posts: 1,232 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    i would welcome duells (with agreement from both sides) anywhere, fleet starbase PVP without "taking the base", just getting some points in PVP reputation or whatever for participating and more for winning..

    - more open PVP zones like Kerrat
    - a PVP timeslot with increased Dill rewards
    - foundry PVP maps
    - enable the existence of PVP teams
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    atomictikiatomictiki Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    You're looking for EVE... it's over there with all the other tea bagging individuals.
    Leave nerfing to the professionals.
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    treffelltreffell Member Posts: 247 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    it would be copolk if a bird of prey or somethng zapped in front of you with a screen that insults you and you can like run or =fgiht

    like a deiudruix in the series

    course in this case it would be like a klingion shipo or one of them box sahips

    which would be very cool
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