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List your top three short, mid, and long-term requests for the game



  • dandrews1dandrews1 Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    #1 - Voice acting for all main storyline missions... Also update the facial mechanics and animations to match.

    #2 - More PVP Rewards... Why PvP has been ignored for dilithium, borg salvage, and so on I'll never know... We spend as much time in a fight as many due grinding the STFs... and some of us only LOVE PvP... Give us some LOVE!

    #3 - More ship interiors... More ship interiors with USEABLE stations... and a Long Term Goal of allowing us to travel while INSIDE the Ship.
  • adembroskiadembroski Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Short Term: More bridge positions... a Helmsman that can improve the ship's maneuverability, a Comm officer who can pick up chatter related to opposition strategies and relay questing opportunities. Ability to select a First Officer, who would enhance the abilities of all crew in some small way.

    Also, uniform templates for the crew. Let me select a default uniform, then assign colors for departments for the certain areas of the uniform so my non-bridge crew appear in the correct uniform. I have my entire bridge crew in ENT uniforms, but everyone else on the ship is in something else, I hate that.

    Mid Term: More space, more systems, exploration focus. First contact missions. I would love it if something happened to my ship similar to Voyager and I get stuck in the Delta quadrant and have to find my way back.

    Ship exploration and on-ship quests. Let me interact with my crew, deal with crew morale. These kinds of things can pass the time when otherwise you're just travelling at warp. Let me select a destination from the galaxy menu and just react to what happens rather than having to issue the order to warp from one sector block to the next.

    Long Term: Play from the bridge. I would rather issue orders to my bridge crew, Bridge Commander style, than the arcade combat we use now. Study the tactics players use now and replicate them, allow us to select between those tactics through issuing orders to our tactical officer. Include things for the science officer such as identifying locations of systems for targeting, the comm officer such as demanding surrender or offering the same, etc..

    A running theme here is to let me play from inside my ship. Don't take me out of the world and stick me in a floating camera so much. Let me live Star Trek.
  • glorthoxglorthox Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    1: Have weapons do different dmg. No point in everything being the same dmg, one has to be better than the other.

    2: Make certain torpedoes true to the show.

    3: New warp effects and or camera angles.

    4: Balance out ground vs borg. Too one sided.

    5: Let fleets choose the kind of starbase they want. Fed or DS9 looking one.

    6: Fleet starbase battles. Maybe have a sight for up to 6 fleet members to allow the station to attack. ( Thinking like the DS9 battles when the station came alive )

    7: Have the option to be chased back to your home starbase, similar to DS9 episodes.

    8: Have set items give different looks to your ships to show your work. The aegis and jem hadar's have different colors and looks. But the mako's and omega's dont. This doesnt make any sense.

    9: Have rogue factions similar to the maquis.

    10: Have some new playable factions. Romulans and remans. Borg maybe for the gold members or lifetime members.

    11: REFINING MORE DILITHIUM in a single day.

    12: More story missions created by star trek online dev's.

    13: More cross breeding of weapons and shields etc.

    14: Maybe some new MK XIV's or XV's weapons and or gear. Some more incentive to keep going when people are already totally geared out....

    15: Bring back explorer marks for lower levels to get gear upgrades.

    16: More ship variants or let people make their own kind of looking ship based on components of ships they already have.

    17: Have heavy cannons on certain ships and other cannons specific to other ships.

    18: Being able to explore the gamma and delta quadarants

    19: Allow peoples ships to carry shuttles so people dont have to return to starbases to get them. Maybe have an animation of people flying out of their ships in shuttlecrafts.

    20: Have more events to where a new hostile force attacks homeworlds where its a call to arms.

    Just some of my many ideas......
  • sosroamsosroam Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Short Term Goals:
    * I would love to see a control interface for the Separation systems, Kinda like the Ground Crew commands, Of attack, Defend, Stay, Heal, Ect..

    * I would love for the separation systems to have their own Equipment setup, Like if you were to take just a weapon system to equip the separation, Plus you have a decent amount of bridge officers who does nothing. Put them aboard the separation system for automatic use of their abilities on the drone.

    * I would like to see a better system for mining. I feel just a single daily mission is not enough. At least for the hour the dilithium mining is going on. Open up the Dilithuim Mines for the whole hour.

    Mid-Term Goals:
    * We Need More Side Questing, The game feels slightly like it's just Pushing the players in a single direction. Like the ability for the player to betray the faction their with to work for the opposite faction.

    *The death penalty Especially when running the stfs and if you get stuck in a glitch the increase is ridiculous,

    *In the STF's or other PvE Missions I think there should be like a Rewards Mission Bar to tell Estimation how the group is doing on the random loot drops. Also as long as everyone is on the Map it should be set where the players can Exchange their rewards with each other. then make it permanent after you leave the map. That way those who have the Rare Drops already can trade it to those who are looking for the drops.

    Long Term Goals
    * I would like to see a Raid style Fleet events or missions where the full group of 20 engage in an mission and there are other sub missions that part of the groups have to complete while working on the main mission, (For Example, While taking on a Jem'Hadar insertion force, One of the 4 groups would have to intercept the Support ships that will come in, One or the groups would have to deal with boarding parties, Another group would be taking on the fleet ect..)

    *I would like to see additional Factions to play as and the factions equipment, Usable by all. It would be nice to Smuggle or Acquire a Bird of prey for fed use kinda like how Kirk did in the Voyage home.

    *I would like to see More Jem'hadar ships and the seasonal ships come back. Cause one time events are ridiculous. Kinda sad I got the full Jem'hadar ship set, Plus Bridge officer, yet I started playing almost 2 years after the Give away event.

    *I would also like to see additional Inspirational rewards, It's good that the gold members and Life timers gets Rewards for their time playing. But what about the Free to play people who spend their Money on zen for the Zen store ships, I think it kinda makes the game one sided. there should be a category for Silver Players to earn specific Vet reward, Gold specific vet rewards, and you guys got the Life timer Vet rewards.
  • silentgnosis666silentgnosis666 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    i would like to see some sort of update on the ground combat,enemies that use cover and dont just rambo you.its star trek,ground battles involve cover and timing your shots.i understand it would be a huge undertaking but it would really improve a ground combat system thats really lacking and doesnt do star trek justice.

    Also like some have said before,being able to travel or combat while inside the ship,on the bridge.you know like in the show..
  • firekeeperhufirekeeperhu Member Posts: 416 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Short term requests
    -improve proto tech drop rates before S7, so at least some of the unlucky players can get their sets, before the new reputation system
    -make boundle content avaliable for purchase alone, not only via boundles (like the Belfast bridge, TOS interior, etc.)
    -possibilty to search for traits of BOffs or DOffs in the exchange

    Mid term requests
    -increased dilitium refine cap
    -more BOff space traits
    -more item modifiers (like the [Wide], used on the assault cruiser refit's torpedo, or increased DMG vs. a faction, like how the [Borg] modifier works now, etc.)

    Long term requests
    -more playable factions, like Romulan/Reman/Hirogen, Cardassian/Dominion/Breen (but not the borg, a playable borg faction is a wrooong idea i think)
    -reinvent the crafting system, like players can choose what modifiers they want to an item.
    -new ground and space prestige sets
    <3 Defiant <3

    RnD and upgrade needs less RNG. Less lottery. Something has to change.
  • organicmanfredorganicmanfred Member Posts: 3,236 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Some wishes:

    A profession token

    Like the Retrain Token but here I change from Sci to Tac or Eng profession
    Restricted to be only once possible per character

    Upgradeable Consoles

    not putting 2-3 x the same console into the slots, but upgrading one console up to three times the power

    The skirt uniforms from the ST:TNG Season 1

    Ok, I am the only one who likes them as it seems. But it still would be nice to have them for some small money

    Mail and Exchange access

    I would like to have 24/7 access from everywhere. Maybe gained with a buyable item or gear

    Photonic Engineer Bridge Officer

    We have a Sci and a Tac, we need an ENG too. Yes there is the Android, but it would be nice to have a 3rd photonic character.

    More detailed Exchange search

    A user asked for a better search function where I can search for a specific BOFF or DOFF when I am in need of a special ability.
  • lincolninspacelincolninspace Member Posts: 1,843 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Short term:
    When your ship is desroyed the level does not always load with any enemies. That needs

    The clipping issue with com badges.

    Make it free to change account name once. it feels like a cheap money grab.

    More NPC's to chat with on starbases have random visitors bar patrons with interesting dialog.

    Make the foundry F2P The fans know what kind of missions they want. It would need some kind of screening system as I sure that it might generate to much content for an employee to screen it manually. An interface that asks the player what they wish to accomplish and suggests what makes a good mission would work. Ie templates for types of stories that could assist players a wizard if you will.

    Breen enviro suits!!!! Kira wore one.

    Have an event where Quark Vists Quarks. It isnt the same without him.

    More transwarp locations. We are adult players with lives to live please don't waste our time.


    More pieces for the character creator. Klingon dreadlocks suck. And I would like to create aliens with hairy faces, side facing eyes, more skin textures, mutiple limbs etc. I would love more Xindi parts for example.

    More diplomatic option not just blowing ships out of the sky or shoot to kill gameplay. more negotiation and dialoque.

    Audio voice acting and better music, games like Bridge commander and KOTOR felt like you were in a movie this kind of immersion is missing in STO.

    Add poker non Fed stations have Dabo give us poker at esd!

    Working holodecks.

    More exploration.

    more emotes!

    More races to choose from I would like to play as morn!

    Why do we have bank/ exchange terminals? it looks anachronistic and a bunch of people lined up in ques looks boring.

    Long term:

    More to do on Risa, Vulcan, Andoria, DS9 etc. I cant get over how boring these planets are, nothing but window dressing. I would love to visit a subterranean city on Andoria or go hunting and visit the Fedration Embassy on Vulcan or have a Condo on Risa (for zen of course). We are federation citizens after all!

    More to do inside the ship, Bridge commander style gameplay. Also like some have said before,being able to travel or combat while inside the ship,on the bridge.you know like in the show.. #3 - More ship interiors... More ship interiors with USEABLE stations... and a Long Term Goal of allowing us to travel while INSIDE the Ship. 10 forward, ready rooms etc. The tutorial mission gave me the impression that my ship would be fully fleshed out

    More sector 31 missions espionage missions on Klingon, Cardassian and Breen homeworlds.

    Temporal agent missions.

    More exploration.

    Missions involving disease mutagenic viruses temporal anomalies etc.

    more classes than just science engineering and tactical

    More planets to visit and more to do there

    First contact missions

    Return of the Maquis.

    Breen as playable race possibly allied with the KDF with their own ships.

    A trader/ smuggler faction or trade missions.

    Thanks again Cryptic.
    Parallels: my second mission for Fed aligned Romulans.
  • niskersniskers Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    I only have two things to request!

    Move special currency into the assets tab (i.e. Lobi Crystals, Encrypted Data Chips, Borg Salvage, Reman Datalogs, Computer Core Fragment, bound Defera Invasion Resources, etc.)

    Six degrees of freedom in space combat (please please please). Space has no up and down, and the feeling of being in space is lost when there is a restriction on how you can move. This may be long-term, because it will probably upset the balance in ship classes and require retuning said balance.

    Thanks :D
  • miamiman44miamiman44 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Short term-Adding the Ambassador class (from the TNG episode "Yesterday's Enterprise") as another heavy cruiser for the Federation at commander rank (either regular or advanced like Excelsior), or adding it as an option to the Galaxy class in the exploration cruiser/captain rank. Its my favorite starship design in all of the mythology with the Galaxy class a close second. Personally, I would even spend up to 1500 zen on it. Keep the 3 fore/3 aft weapons config, put the hull rating in the high 20's, give it a turn rate of 8 or 9 and a sweet special ability.

    Mid term--Introducing another whole race thru the C-store. Playing as a Romulan would be sweet, and with the Empire in turmoil you could have whole story arcs featuring civil war/Tal Shiar/or even different sects such as the Remans vying for control. The Cardassians are also intriguing. Continue to flesh out Klingons.

    Long term-Stay focused on recruiting new paying playing members. My son and I play together, and its been great. Expand the base as much as possible, and then when the time is right, launch STO II. Keep end user costs down as much as possible, but charge for everything (100 zen for this, 100 zen for that). If a player character wants a Coke in the 24th century, charge em 75 zen. This makes the whole experience viable from a profit standpoint while at the same time doesn't put the experience (financially speaking) out of reach for the casual user. I am a big believer in the deep and wide concept.
  • icegavelicegavel Member Posts: 991 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    1- Raise Di refining cap.
    2- Remove Di from Crafting.
    3- Give Gold/Lifers a free Master Key every... let's say 2 weeks.

    1- Level Cap Increase
    2- More story content, and LOTS of it - enough to go for a HUNDRED more levels, like most MMOs, as well as a full KDF.
    3- Give max-level people a reason to play that new story content, besides Skill Points/Expertise.

    1- Rework of Crafting - More useful, more sensible, more in-line with the IP, and more FUN.
    2- Diversity in End-Game content - More than just the Borg, more than the Tholians, even more than the Iconians. Drive home the big plots. An STF that focuses on the war between the Klingons and the Feds, for instance.
    3- Utilize several Forum suggestions. I'm not even talking just about all the ones I've posted, or even just the ones HERE. Soridem's ship tier revamp. Sumghai's Ship Interior proposal. If the Devs would actively LISTEN to player suggestions, USE them, this game would absolutely EXPLODE, maybe even into an MMO to rival WOW.
  • rawskilzrawskilz Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    We need more uniforms for both male and female Ferasans on the KDF, in comparison the FED side's Caitians have sooo many more options - it's not faiiiir! :) - that is all ^^
  • smokeybacon90smokeybacon90 Member Posts: 2,252 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Something that everyone would appreciate: A re-work of the player ship interiors. Make the ship seem alive rather than a maze of corridors with clones walking around in circles. Cargo area, Shuttle Bay, Astrometrics, Jeffreys Tubes. Perhaps a few unique ship maintenance missions for the player to do themselves. Maybe random sector-space events which involve intruder alerts, and you having to accompany a security team to neutralize them.

    In the shows we see so much going on in ships like Voyager and Enterprise, but STO player ships are dead and pointless to use, aside from picking up assignments.
  • rakija879rakija879 Member Posts: 646 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    improve the ground combat!
  • punijabpunijab Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    First off, I'm sure all of these have probably come up before, but I'll state them again anyway, just to be sure.

    Short Term:
    I would greatly appreciate it if you would remove the bright streaks in Borg encounters, they cause FPS to go through the roof on mid-level computers... Also I would like to see some effects to flying through nebulae (reduced power, reduced visibility, etc.) and perhaps some sort of collision mechanic, so that flying into asteroids actually damages me.

    Mid Term:
    Right, here we go:
    1. Vertical movement and rolling in space battles. I mean, it's space. Why am I confined to only being able to point my ship about 70 - 75 degrees up or down? Then if that is implemented logic would demand some sort of roll mechanic so I don't have to fly around upside down after I do a vertical half flip maneuver thing.

    2. Ship crew customization. Whenever I use a non-default uniform I always wind up looking out of place on my own ship. I'm surprised no one has tried to arrest me for impersonating a Starfleet officer! Anyway, some basic uniform customization please

    Long Term:
    Not sure how much of this is possible/practical without turning this into an entirely different game.
    1. Redo Land Combat. Right now, land combat is a little ridiculous. All the weapons seem to have some kind of auto aim feature, since even when I'm aiming in the air after being hit I still manage to crit whatever I'm aiming at. Some sort of manual aiming system (like might be seen in a 1st or 3rd person shooter) or at least a relatively high miss/hit ratio might make combat more realistic. In addition, perhaps the crates and panels and walls scattered about the battlefield could actually do something? It often annoys me when I get incapacitated by a shot that went straight through a crate that I was trying to take cover behind. Also, a "field of view" type system for AIs might be a nice addition. Then maybe they'd be able to notice me while I'm slaughtering their friends just across the room from them, but they might not notice as I sneak around behind them. Two last things, a more "interactive" environment (things I can blast holes in, openings I can barricade, etc...) and some sort of block feature in melee.

    2. Mission structure. Right now, 90% of missions seem to be "go to system X, murder everything you see, report to Starfleet." Not that this should never happen, but this is Star Trek, (no,it's not Sparta, contrary to popular belief) I expect to at least have options as to how to deal with these people* if I have to murder them constantly. Diplomatic solutions would be a really nice option if I don't feel like blasting everything. More puzzle/problem solving missions might make up for the lack of action. Another idea might be having some sort of "reputation" system, meaning that if I chose to massacre everyone they might return the favor while if I try to avoid killing them they might be more inclined to ignore me while I'm dealing with a mutual threat or something that doesn't concern them.
    *It would be interesting if instead of making me destroy the enemy ship, I could instead target it's systems and disable it. This coupled with the previously mentioned "reputation" system might make the game feel more diverse and add some replay or alternate character value. The option to set phasers to stun could be the ground equivalent

    Otherwise great job guys, I really enjoy this game and would love to see it get better. Keep up the good work!

    One more idea, not really a gameplay thing but perhaps have some sort of "silver account" for those of us who would like to support you guys but don't want to dish out a couple hundred for a lifetime subscription (which even on sale is often many times what a non-mmo would cost, and a lot more than I can afford to spend on a game). Or at least throw in some bonus C-Store credits for Gold members.
  • sinistermind4sinistermind4 Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Short Term:
    More uniforms for the KDF side, not in z-store,or lock boxes. Monthly paying players already pay for content.
    Mid Term:
    More Story line content for KDF side. People pay hard earned money to play this game to have FUN, and lately there is to much GRID.
    Long Term:
    More Playable toons Romulan, Cardassian ect... with complete Story lines to level to from 1 to 50 without alot of grid
  • crioijoulscrioijouls Member Posts: 141 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I'll try to make this short...

    Increased stack sizes of hypos/energy cells/shield heals for ground and the various batteries for space. At least up to 100, and possibly up to 250.

    Increased stack sizes for data samples for farming for starbase projects or crafting. Stack sizes up to 1,000 or 2,000 depending on how many samples are needed per project/item.

    Fixing the graphics clipping that can happen with the TNG series and movie combadges

    More KDF outfits

    Risa-appropriate off-duty attire for UFP players

    Ability to acquire Omega marks from non-STF missions, such as the Borg series that takes players to Gamma Orionis.

    More starship interior rooms to explore and more interior functionality. Some rooms I was thinking of include the shuttle bay, cargo bay, holodecks, arboretum, science labs, etc One example of the functionality is to be able to change alert status while running around the ship interior.
    Lifetime Subscriber since 2010
  • endafreshendafresh Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    All of these can be done in the short-term. I don't really have issues with mid or long-term goals yet.

    -Fix the parameters on the chat system to something reasonable to prevent exploitative abuse by not having /ignore count towards auto-silencing; that's what 'Report to GM' should be for. The sheer number of bystanders that get insta-silenced by malicious users is getting too frequent to ignore. FIX THIS or your community will suffer!

    -Ground inventory that is double what it is now. There's a fine line between encouraging inventory upgrades and forcing them. You've crossed the line already with quite a few ways that certain objects don't stack or don't stack to reasonable quantities. There are better ways to make money (vanity items, etc) that you're already utilizing. This isn't a typical MMO so do better than what you have been doing. :P
    Inventory limitations shouldn't be the thing that is forced upon your players to get them to spend Zen. Kinda a cheap move but w/e >_>

    -Skill Respecs for your Captain that cost energy credits instead of Zen. Your system is convulated enough without forcing new players to be punished for not doing hours of research on each and every ability so they don't 'mess it up permanently' and have to pay real money to undo the poor design decisions that are present in the skill tree.
    This would benefit everyone and especially your newbies learning the ropes. It would allow people to experiment with various builds and strategies and prolong the otherwise-stale space combat and preset 'builds' that the playerbase have fallen into.
  • ragingloliragingloli Member Posts: 63 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Short term

    1. A fix for the problem that I can't rename costumes on my Caitian characters.
    2. Increase dilithium refinement cap, or kill it altogether
    3. Increase dilithium rewards, especially in light of S7 dilithium sinks.

    Mid term

    1. Have pets that result from saucer separation/mvam use the same weapons as the main ship, not the standard phasers and photon torps.
    2. Ability to equip custom weapons to carrier pets
    3. Defining the standard uniform for the entire ship crew

    Long term

    1. Flotilla System:
    - Have bridge officers that are not assigned to stations/away teams command the the players old ships, to form a small flotilla, which would be fitting for a Vice Admiral.
    - AI behaviour could be controlled by a gambit system, like that in Final Fantasy 12. E.g. "attack fleet leader's target", "if hull integrity below x %, hull heal ability", "if target's facing shield down, fire torpedoes", etc.
    - Aquisition of these gambits could be tied into the crafting system, meaning you would have to spend resources and time to improve your flotilla's abilities and would make the crafting system useful even for VAs.
    - The abilities of each ship in the flotilla would be limited to the commanding bridge officer's space abilities, giving more incentive to the player to develop bridge officers that are not actually used on the main ship.
    - The total number of ships in the flotilla, player included, could be limited to 4, to prevent overpowering players who buy ship slots.

    2. Ground Combat overhaul, e.g.
    - customisable weapons (colour, material, shape, attachments),
    - cover system (at least for the cover shield, so you can shoot from behind cover, possibly with decreased accuracy, while the shield absorbs all the damage.),
    - a ground version of the above mentioned gambit system for away teams.
    - Have the character and away team automatically use different player defined outfits for away missions than on the bridge, for the player character also depending on whether it is a combat map or not (one would still wear the bridge uniform at Spacedock and Starfleet Academy)
    - Bosses in story missions should always drop at least a uncommon (green) equipment item, unique to the boss, on normal difficulty, and rare (blue) on elite, with purple equipment a very rare drop on elite diff. only. That would increase replayability of story missions.
    - Add some voices to ground combat, like radio chatter, enemies shouting commands at each other, grunts, screams, moans, etc. Add some of those grunts and moans to the player character and away team, too.

    3. Give a non-lethal option to Federation space combat, to only incapacitate enemy ships, for example by destroying the enemy bridge, demanding enemy surrender when their hull integrity is critical, with probability of success inversely proportional to enemy hull integrity, and affected by how many of not their subsystems are still online.
    Players could then be rewarded for that by "looting" the disabled ship for a small amount of dilithium, prisoners, commodities like warp coils, replicators, etc. ripped from the ship, or in rare instances, a duty officer from that ship defecting to your crew, and a small, per-ship EC reward from Starfleet for taking the non-lethal approach.
    For klingons, there could be a very rare chance to salvage the entire ship, which could then be sold to the ferengi for either ec or latinum
  • haxmagixhaxmagix Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    short: 1.) Raise dilithium refining cap or remove it.

    2.) Raise loot chance in dropboxes. For people
    that can't always afford to buy keys in the
    c-store, spedning 1m+ ec in the exchange
    only to get an item worth 50k in the exchange
    is frustraing, especially when this happens to
    anywhere from 5-20 lockboxes in a row.
    I can afford to buy c-store keys, btu not everyone can.
    And why would i want to when the droprate is so low?
    keys can be abught in the dilithium/zen exchange
    but, look what it takes if you can't afford real-life
    currency to buy master keys for lockboxes:

    1 c-store master key = 125 zen
    125 zen = 19,750 dilithium
    19,750 x 20 lockboxes = 395,000 dilithium
    395,000 dilithium @ 8k refinement cap
    = Grand total of 49+ days farming dilithium
    49 days farming dilithium compared to 500k to
    *maybe* 2 million total ec exchange value is
    NOT a good ratio. Makes some of us nto want
    even try our chance at lockboxes. If droprates
    weren't so incredibly low I wouldn't mind giving
    up a few real-life things to spend the money
    on c-store master keys.

    3.) Fix the bug that has been around forever that when
    you are in the middle fo a mission or episode and
    you get kicked offline, when you log back on, you have
    to start way at the beginnning of the mission/episode.
    This sucks especially if you're running it in Elite mode
    and it takes 5x times longer to get thru to the end only
    to be knocked offline 1-2 minutes before the episode/
    mission is done and have to restart way at the beginning.

    Mid: 1.) Give fleet members missions for things like ship modules
    and other fleet starbase-baught items that ahve a limited

    2.) Make the dilithium store-baught transwarp coil permanent.
    30k+ dilithium is a 3-4 day dilithium farm for a single use?

    3.) Make it so the chief medical officer on yoru own personal
    ship can not only heal you as captain/admiral but heal your
    duty officers as well. For some reason, this not being so
    just makes the game alot less realistic. It's nto a lazy thing,
    because i can transwarp to Deepspace 9 or Earth Space Dock
    and run to the Doctor NPC there and ti takes just as long to
    do that as it does to visit my own bridge and run to my own
    chief medical officer.

    Long: 1.) Bring areas into the game that has enough hostile NPC's to kill
    for experience and loot. I love hte mission/episode/STF aspects
    of the game, but sometimes I simply want to go somewhere and
    test / hone my skills against NPC's. Perhaps a few simple worlds
    where you can touch down and start blazng away or die in a blaze
    of enemy fire, or perhaps a single-player aspect of the entire STF
    system woudl be even better. Knowing an STF inside and out
    before you join a group for one (Especially an Elite STF) would
    help prevent player from joining an STF and either getting his/her
    group killed or ruining it for his/her group members by missing
    timers etc, thsu making everyone else have to wait the 28 minutes
    to have a try at it again, only to be grouepd once again with
    another player that ahs no idea what to do in any certain STF.
    This being enabled would give every player an opportunity to test
    and hone thier own skills, thus making them a much more valuable
    asset to a group.

    2.) Help get rid of the *Run Around All Over The Place* burnout that
    effects so many players in virtually EVERY MMO out there. A few
    ways this could be done are:

    A) Lower the timer on the console that enables players tocall an NPC
    Trader freighter. More acces to the bank and exchange when in
    an area that has no available starbase to land on would be nice.

    B.) Like i stated above, make the Transwarp coil that give you ONE
    choice of ten transwarp points that costs 30k+ dilithium via
    the dilithium store and is SINGLE use a permanent ability, even
    if you only get one permanent transwarp destination added per
    use and have to buy 10 coils in order to have all 10 destinations
    added to your transwarp menu.

    c.) Get rid of the cooldown/reuse timer on the ability Transwarp to
    Earth Spacedock and to First City.

    3.) At least try to respond when a player petitions and asks for help. If
    you, Cryptic, want more paid Monthly and Lifetime subscriptions,
    and if you want us, the player community, to spend more money in
    the c-store, then please meet us halfway in customer support.
    History in many MMO's shows that if you don't support your
    customer base, they will eventually stop supporting you. I have so
    far petitioned on 3 different problems and have yet recieved no
    response whatsoever on any of the 3. You have a really
    awesome game here, with HUGE potential, so please don't ignore
    the ones who basically sign your paychecks.
  • katee1313katee1313 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Short term requests:
    The same uniform for the whole crew.

    Mid term requests:
    1. More possibilities in quests. Why only to destroy and kill? The quests repeat and after a while they get boring.

    After a defending a damaged ship, there could be the chance to beam to the ship, have a small chat with its captain or help him with repairs. Or to use tractor beam to bring the ship to safety. I can not imagine that captain Picard would defend a freighter and then leave and let it damaged in the space, open for other raiders.

    The scientific quests are about beaming down to a planet in order to scan some debris. Maybe battle some invaders AND scan that debris and... it's the end. I am sorry for saying that, but it is unrealistic and boring.

    For example, I beam to a planet with population on Stone age level, I really doubt I would beam down in my Starfleet uniform. The phaser or tricorder can be hidden, the whole outfit not. Klingons await me on the planet, but if I battle them as I do now, I could break the Primary Directive. I could try to sneak and eliminate them one by one, or find other possibilities, maybe beam them on my ship, directly to the brig. I find the debris/plants/anomalies and beam to my ship?s laboratory, where the job continues- to analyze the data, make a great discovery , or maybe I bring a sickness with me and infect my crew. So I have a find a cure.

    2. Free time activities. Do Starfleet Captains have no free time? Time to read books, or captain's logs of completed missions, play an instrument, cook, or just play card/chess/do holodeck quests.

    Long term requests:
    1. Exploration. Many games are based on quests like- kill 20 something or bring me 30 ... however they have at least the freedom of running through the beautiful nature. Here I beam down to a planet without any fauna and run in a circle before I am blocked by an invisible wall. As a scientist I want to explore the space, beam to planets, meet other cultures, maybe help them to "kill 20 rabbits" or run through the near forest and make a list of healing plants, uncover the map and then save the new data in ship's database. Or I will search for a suitable flower for my first officer's birthday. While searching, scanning, killing the rabbits, something can drop for selling . My ideas sound maybe stupid, but a variety of quests makes the gameplay refreshing. And sometimes are the "stupid and childish" quests the funniest.

    2. Used ship's interior. The ship so lively in the shows is only a dead place in the game. It always makes me sad when I walk through the corridors and see only puppets going up and down, with no possibilities to talk with them, give orders, or help repair a damaged console. I can not even sleep in my own bed after a long day, destroy the stupid antique alarm clock for waking me up in the morning or scold a bridge officer for not waking me up.
    Within the ship's interior I would add a lab with a database for all my exploration, maybe Astrometrics like it was on Voyager, with information about all planets I visited, anomalies, species, their culture and history. During the long journeys everyone could choose whether to watch the ship flying, or prepare for the mission by reading.

    I think I only repeat what others already said, please make Star Trek online a Star Trek game. For now it is only a science fiction online game that bears the name of a great show. New ships, a new playable race or great PVP are nice, but these or similar things can be found also in other MMORPGs.
  • stargazer918stargazer918 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Long term:
    Expansion of systems and more socially accessable planets. Not just empty shells but planets and settlements we can interact with.

    An improved chat system, that can filter certain things you want/don`t want!

    More races to play with i.e Romulan/Borg, with specific PvE actions and a episode based campaign.

    More ships to get as freebies when we rank up, we want to be able to get refits and other ships without spending an arm and a leg!

    Mid term: fleet vs fleet actions!!

    Short term: maintance of the servers!
    Commander James
    26th Fleet
    Task Force Avalon - CO USS Intrepid

  • jacktantojacktanto Member Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Long term:
    Expansion of systems and more socially accessable planets. Not just empty shells but planets and settlements we can interact with.

    An improved chat system, that can filter certain things you want/don`t want!

    More races to play with i.e Romulan/Borg, with specific PvE actions and a episode based campaign.

    More ships to get as freebies when we rank up, we want to be able to get refits and other ships without spending an arm and a leg!

    Mid term: fleet vs fleet actions!!

    Short term: maintance of the servers!

    must say i agree whole heartily to this with a few added things.

    Since we have gotten and maybe will get more races, i dont see a reason NOT to be able to change race, to buy a new race only to HAVE TO start all over again makes races very little wanted.

    and remove this forum posting restriction, im a veteran player and have before posted alot before, strange enough it stood last login 1969 XD but now it says im restricted to only answer posts until 10 days after registration which now is since f2p was availible and i still cant post new threads
  • swellgrimswellgrim Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Sorry,i dont read all the text before me, but here is my requests:

    1.: Unique ship interior/layout options (like in orion ship, i dont want to see a klingon red smoky enviroment..etc.) and fleet retrofits can be customized without own the original one
    (like i say, i tryd to customize my fleet corsaire, but i cant, because i have to pay 1500 zen to buy the original...). oh and almost forgot, customize the "walking people" in your corridors(ratio is enought, choose the faction races and make how much % you wanted walk around your corridor...etc.) + why not our duty officers when they are not in misson walk there?...

    2.: Fleets why not own a planet and customize it (terraforming...etc.) + daily fleet missions there(like borg invasion and have to defend it...etc.).

    3.: famouse race homeworlds, i want to get there or see how its looks like + race specific equipments, cloths purchace...etc.

    some +:
    - ships bridge stations be upgradable(mean a station may uppgradable ensing to commander)

    - more room to resarch, we only have combat oriented ones, why not quest or fleet action ones( example: where you have to research and invent data key to get in an alien base or ruin)?
  • xcom43xcom43 Member Posts: 723 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Can we have a Q Double Rep weekend when season 7 starts i have not seen one in a long while.
    The fear of death follows from the fear of life. A man who lives fully is prepared to die at any time.
  • ghqcommandghqcommand Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    1. Stop mail system sending duplicate mail to account when they have more than one character in a fleet. I'm amazed that this still happens after all this time.

    2. Tractor beams on every ship and tractor beam objectives. Not strong, maybe the highest strength could be Captain level so that level 50 players can't use them in PvP or in Elite STF.

    Give players the tractor beam to play with as soon as they play the game without needing to find or train boff. I think this is more Trek because it is such an iconic technology.

    3. Territory game but not Faction v Faction, I think that is going to bring this game more problems than it is worth. Feds and Klingons playing together like in STF against elite level NPC is what I want.

    That way the territories can be anywhere in the galaxy against any race and NPC does not sleep so the fight will be constant. The more territory players take the more rewards for players who took part.

    I also think they should avoid territory battle if our Starbases are not involved. Would like to see the ability to use doffs through territory related assignments and contribute resources much like we do in our bases. How this effects the battle I'm not sure, it could be that when take and hold lets say a planetoid. We will need a pre-prepared package of resources and manpower to build a mining facility.

    I'm sure Cryptic have thought about it. I just fear they go down the road of faction v faction and create another type of PvP which we all know does not work well in this game.
  • ru4tedwardru4tedward Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Short term:
    • Kill Mudd - either make it so he pops up only when visited, or kill his exit banner entirely.
    • Generic confirm - Modal dialogs requiring a click or an Enter key should be migrated to the Key Bind "acknowledge" key (default F)

    Mid Term
    • No movies - I'd like to see an option to turn off the movies as you enter and exit systems
    • Omega - the whole system with proto this and salvage that to get a "token" to buy a thing just doesn't work. I hear rumors that this is cleared up in S7. If so, ignore.
    • Purchase goods - Adding a bartender to our Starbase was the biggest hassle we could imagine. And the Chef looks even worse. Requiring insane quantities of items that only come as rare drops is terrifically annoying. Dosi Rotgut and Romulan Ale shoud be available of purchase,... SOMEWHERE. Dosi at Quarks and Ale at S39 would be fine. But grinding the Romulan temple and chasing Tulaberries is not acceptable. This should apply to ALL items required for the starbase (like Taspar eggs and Heart of Targ, etc)

    Long Term
    • Normalization - I'd like to see every starbase have the same entrance system (short/no trip, one dialog), I'd like your ship to point in the direction of travel as you cross sectors, Some clear way to get pretty much everything in the game (Lobi store?), etc
    • Planets - Places to go. People to meet, Stuff not involved with a mission. Perhaps special Doff missions. Build a world of trading and stuff to do that's not about the mainline missions.
    • Map Expansion - More sectors, more planets, just generic places to explore.
  • nachobizniznachobizniz Member Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I would like to see more options introduced into foundry missions that deal with direct player to player interactions for roleplay purposes. You may find inspiration for these features by looking into "how to host a murder mystery". Basically, incorporate mission features that allow one or more players to play as a mole, suspect, double agent who works against the rest of the team, unannounced to them, and able to subvert evidence, or even set up another player as a patsy.

    Also, I would suggest more item versatility through a crafting system. Think of it like "enchanting" found in other systems, but can only be done through drops and player crafters to tailor an item. The best stuff in the game should be tailored by player crafters.

    The STFs are nice, but I think there could be a better way to entice players to the rest of the games content. I have rehashed the STFs countless times because they're easy and ultimately give me some of the best stuff. Sorry guys, but the best stuff should be reserved for game story content that is a bit more of an effort to get to. You have this huge game and I don't think I've seen more than 10% of it because I don't really see the need to when all the best stuff is obtained through grinding STFs... I would suggest crafting parts for rewards instead of items, and some of the harder to get parts as part of the story line quests.

    The game is becoming a bit too pay to win. All starships should generally be accessible to anyone who can work their way toward them. Tailoring options however... thats a luxury... I don't mean skin tailoring, I mean science stations, turn radius, base power levels and such. Just my 2 cents. This is important because if you do not maintain a balance in your game, you ruin the sense of achievement in the game. You become a fling game with a short life.

    Duty officers. Genius system, but its potential is largely unrealized. I would suggest DOff quests chains that unlock nifty missions, or introduce/direct players toward your largely unused existing content and locations.

    You're being too stingy with zen vs rewards. Not enough officers for Duty officer packs for example. 500 zen for 4 TRIBBLE duty officers, none of which are purple... really? Also, some of the options in C-store seem overpriced, or underpriced for what they offer... like you guys let a random number generator determine the value... its... odd! Like why spend 500 zen on 4 cheap common duty officers when I can respec my captain for 400? Please revisit your C-store prices and reevaluate the relative pricing of items.

    Just a few suggestions that should generally be pretty easy to implement.
  • nachobizniznachobizniz Member Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Oh and before I forget, you should look into Dragon Age Origins, and the command system they have for the player NPCs. Its a system almost like a macro system but not. You can basically set activities for your team mates based on scripted conditions, but the number of conditions you can set is limited by your characters command skill level. It might be a great way to add a bunch of cool skills and tailored functionality to your bridge officers, but limit the playable options due to command level limitations and therefore the number of prescripted actions they can perform.
  • lirdeklirdek Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    short term : dilithium back to stfs

    mid term : dilithium back to stfs

    long term : dilithium back to stfs

    a HUGE mistake been done on s7 bout removing dilithium from stfs.
    Sorry for trolling.
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