Wheres the rage ?
The weapons proc [borg] isn't doing what is supposed to, the weapons are being removed from the STF store come S7, and being redesigned to work against the borg- at additional price and more grinding.
So... those mk12 purple weapons are actually mk12 blues, and nothing from the devs about fixing them or replacing them for players who already own them. You want working anti-borg weapons, you have to buy them (again) from the rep system store.
So nobody but me is bothered by this ?
Uh, I think you misread what's happening there, because that's not how I took it.
I read it this way:
1. The [Borg] proc doesn't work, and has never worked.
2. Weapons with the [Borg] proc are being removed from the STF store. They will not be replaced.
3. All currently existing [Borg] weapons will continue to exist (unclear whether the proc will be removed, fixed, or ignored).
4. Instead, once you hit T4 Omega reputation, one of the potential abilities is a new proc that behaves like the Borg proc- and applies to any weapon on your ship.
You won't have to buy new weapons; all your old weapons will work exactly like they've always worked. Nothing is being taken away from you, other than the potential to buy new copies of the [Borg] weapons.
I took it as meaning, by redesign the borg proc would be replaced as a kinetic proc that wont be available until the ability is earned, it won't actually be: "all your old weapons will work exactly like they've always worked".
Awoken Dead
Now shaddup about the queues, it's a BUG
..except the original proc didn't work.
So yes, the "proc that didn't work" is going to be 'replaced' by another proc at T4 Omega Rep.
But you aren't losing anything since it didn't work in the first place.
If your asking if it is is kind of annoying that they knew that the proc didn't work (for how long.. who knows), but said nothing about it, letting people WASTE thier proto salvages on blue gear dressed as purple gear?
Yeah, a bit.
Would be nice for a replacement gear or something, but meh, i'll likely keep the mxii defective borg weapons on my ships that have them.
This certainly feels like a 'we shall fix the decloak when contacted by mission message.. lolnvm working as intended' move again though, bleh.
Are the borg being tweeked to ensure the new proc works as intended, and will that completely kill the old one that kinda/sometimes worked ?
Awoken Dead
Now shaddup about the queues, it's a BUG
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I like Borticus saying he knew it wasn't working well and admitting the dev team did nothing for months at least, so it's unlikely this policy of "don't do it if you can" changes.
God, lvl 60 CW. 17k.
Months ?
Also interesting, I just noticed this thread was moved from STO:general discussions to tribble general. Is it being buried ?
Awoken Dead
Now shaddup about the queues, it's a BUG
They can either make the [Borg] proc work correctly like proper devs would, or refund everyone 10 borg neural processors for every piece of Mk12 Borg weapon on our ships, either would be preferable.....
Regrinding through the sham that is the rep system to get back what we already should own. is not in any sense of the word, okay!
just mk 12 huh? what about the players who have mk X and MK XI?
I of course should have generalized, but Mk12 were a lot harder to get
Yes it would be nice to be able to trade the old stuff in and i'm REALLY upset about the whole no loot drops, (becuase this is going to make gearing infinetly harder too), but you didn't waste anything getting those weapons, they're stil the best thing to use against borg, just not quite as good as maybe everyone thought.
hehe yeah..i know what you meant
Mate, if you'd ever used a parser you'd know that the [borg] proc made up about 2-4% of your total dps over an average STF. :P
Far from what the tooltip promised.
But also quite in line with every other mod (which usually end up at 1-2%), actually quite good even - at least in STFs.
So while it wasn't "working as intended", it was definately WORKING. And it was definately worth using [borg] weapons for STFs - and still is, even compared to fleet weapons, the damage difference is marginal.
What I'm more surprised about though is that this wasn't common knowledge.
Point is it did actually do damage, unlike hat was being claimed.
"Nerf the old gear, and make the vet STFers grind for the(New, and Improved) gear."
For a price.:mad:
not sure this is true,
The Cloak bug was complained about,
The Transporter officer on Qonos mixing up destinations IS being complained about
The T4 Maurading Boff-non costume is being complained about
And none of this have yet been fixed, one has even been called 'working as planned'
then again this would bring the old kdf hate cry ^^
basically even if things get complained about... dont hold your hopes up. Its sad really
I think we're all raged out, and the dev replies have slowed down quite a bit as we get closer to S7.
Unfortunately there are just too many things that are really not in the state they should be in, and I'm actually a little burnt out hoping even half of them will get changed - which they most likely won't.
[Borg] 1,000 damage against TRUE(ORIGINAL/OTHER) Borg
Bam, working as intended and described. Donotra, Raptors, etc are not true/original borg they are assimilated ships and the weapon is not supposed to proc against them anyway and the devs can tell us to go pound salt. Whatever that means.
I think it's also a question of what can we live with versus spending resources adding to the game.
But I will agree the cloak bug made me not care about having a cloak at all and the whole watered down kling side is sort of its own worst enemy.
I didn't realize it until I rolled a kling and decided I wanted a new outfit and went on the c-store
At the end of the day people were still able to beat stf so it's not like game breaking an I think that's the things that get priority
Then what about Dlyrene does he not work right either then?
Your Tag say "Can't make a living off greed"
I wish that were true.. but appantly you most certainly can if you got a willing bunch of customers (read as marks, shills etc) who keep having faith that you will one day grock the idea and redem your wicked ways. Truthfully, happens all the time...Fact of the matter is, corporations count on it..
As for the [Borg] weps.. They always worked as intended as near as I've ever been able to tell.. I most certainly have noticed the differences when I DON'T have them equipped. The cloak bug is a bit more frustrating then when the [Borg] proc doesn't proc. It really to the point where as slow as I am on the keyboard anyway I just really don't even bother with cloaking other then on the approch to target. And then only in PvP. In PvE the AI tends to react as programmed when you cross a thresh hold at a set distance, or with in a certain area. Against a powerfull AI cloak is useless because if you get poped under cloak in most cases your crippled, or dead and either way unable to return fire untill the cloak effect passes... On the other hand if you had shields under cloak it might actually be usefull, but other then the limited effect of surprise..its pretty useless really. Honestly.. I've really never understood Fed player reactions to cloak.. Theres just to damd many ways for the cloak to be violated, nulified, and rendered useless.. to the point its more of a liability then an asset. One day in a PvP match against a group of fed SCI ship players brought that home to me with a passion.. Sci AOE's love to nibble on your KDF ships hull under cloak, void the cloak, and leave you unable to return fire for a small about of time..... Cloak is really not that much of an adavantage, and only BOP's and the vet rewards destryer have Battle cloak.. and the one ship that CAN fire under cloak can only fire torps..and has the weakest hull rating of any tier 5 ship in the game (and most tier 3's for that matter) Only absolute experts (with a healthy levening of luck) need apply if your going to use THAT ship in PvP.
There is one undocumented way of mtigating the worst of the cloak bug if anyone interested..go to your setting and shut off/eliminate NPC messages off! ((I don't recall the exact setting but it is there!)) This wont effect mission dialog, but it will eliminate incidental dialog from causing it. Players with good situational awareness don't need the incedental dialogs, and those that don't have it.. well.. it won't help them anyway, so from a purely gaming standpoint just shut the silly stuff off. It'll improve game performance too by eliminating calls that take CPU and VDU and in some cases audio processor cycles for players on low spec machines.
Your old Borg weapons will still work as they do now. I've been using mine in STFs and seen them proccing as normal.
If this is a dig at the Borg set nerf, then that was something that's been needed ever since it came out. In fact that set needs a much bigger nerf then it got.
Daizen - Lvl 60 Tactical - Eclipse
Selia - Lvl 60 Tactical - Eclipse
And why is that? Since most of us used the Borg/MACO combo against NPC's why does it tickle you so much to see it screwed up? Also, let's not forget the FACT that the combo was freely available to ANYONE who wanted to use it.
Try thinking things out before you post tripe like this.