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Torps need to be redesigned.

captainluke85captainluke85 Member Posts: 8 Arc User
I've noticed that torpedoes in general are getting more and more outdated since most people now-a-days go full energy builds to do maximum damage. Which is right now the current meta.

Why have torpedoes in terms of functionality been ignored? It should be doing very heavy damage since they are for bursting. Shields stop 90% of the damage as it's built in mechanic which makes it worthless compared to energy weapons which do full damage on both shields and hull.

The mechanics should be for torpedoes should be full damage to shields not 10% let alone the strength of the current shield quadrant effects how much damage gets through the hull and a base damage boost in general.

Plasma torpedoes need to have much higher HP and if destoryed, causes massive AOE damage to all friendly and enemy targets.

I really think torpedoes itself need a revamp. Right now there is no incentive to use them.

Cryptic what's the deal?
Post edited by captainluke85 on


  • lordmalak1lordmalak1 Member Posts: 4,681 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    post deleted
    KBF Lord MalaK
    Awoken Dead

    Now shaddup about the queues, it's a BUG
  • gthaatargthaatar Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Its simple. Knock a shield off, fire Torps into that shield facing. Thats why I imagine you think they aren't doing as great (when in reality, you just aren't using them right).

    And for those who are dropping torps? If they aren't being dumb, then they likely are doing so because their ship is pure alpha-strike (Defiant, BoP, etc) and as such they want to maximize that ability by dropping something that usually requires an extended fire fight between ships.

    A lot of AS players, I imagine, don't like or don't bother to incorporate torps into their AS so they drop it for extra DPS out of their cannons.

    One could also argue that going for Torps on an Escort (whether they fully spec' into them or simply provide for their use without making them pointless to be there) can limit striking power in the form of less BOFF powers, Less DOFF abilities, and indeed, less skill points in other skills if they spent any at all on Torps.

    As for your suggestions, making torps do full damage to shields would be completely ridiculous. The best torps by themselves can crit up to, including, and beyond 20k damage, and if that damage is dealt 100% to shields? Everyone will be making torp boats.
  • bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    I still find Torps very useful in PvP, in fact my build requires them.

    If any change need to be made then its in how shields block torpedo strikes when said shields are partially depleted. The lower a shield facing the more Torpedo damage should get by to damage the hull. Thus a 2% sliver of shields will not protect a ship as if they where at 100%.
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

  • mixxgtmixxgt Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    I guess it depends on what your play style is, I play mostly stfs and the torp adds that extra "oommph" to the hull damage after you take down the shields, where normal DHC's lack.

    Plus I have the Armitage and run TS1 and TS2 because of that stupid ensign tactical slot, but hey thats just me :D
  • pottsey5gpottsey5g Member Posts: 4,259 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    The mechanics should be for torpedoes should be full damage to shields not 10% let alone the strength of the current shield quadrant effects how much damage gets through the hull and a base damage boost in general.
    Shields stop 75% damage not 90% which means high end torpedoes do over 1000 damage per shot to shields after resistance. Transphasic torpedoes do 45% ish to hull bypassing that 75% resistance.
  • lordmalak1lordmalak1 Member Posts: 4,681 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    They did redesign torps recently, they're called mines !
    KBF Lord MalaK
    Awoken Dead

    Now shaddup about the queues, it's a BUG
  • quiscustodietquiscustodiet Member Posts: 350
    edited October 2012
    I really think torpedoes itself need a revamp. Right now there is no incentive to use them.

    Yes, there is: Torpedoes are independent of Weapon Power.
    Torpedoes are indeed terrible on Ships that run 125 Weapon Power like Escorts, but they're a much more viable choice on Ships that run lower Weapon Power like SVs.

    The current system keeps both Energy and Kinetic Weapons relevant in different scenarii, if Cryptic buffs Torpedoes such that they eclipse Energy Weapons, we'll use them allright... at the exclusion of Energy Weapons.
  • hereticknight085hereticknight085 Member Posts: 3,783 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Yes, there is: Torpedoes are independent of Weapon Power.
    Torpedoes are indeed terrible on Ships that run 125 Weapon Power like Escorts, but they're a much more viable choice on Ships that run lower Weapon Power like SVs.

    The current system keeps both Energy and Kinetic Weapons relevant in different scenarii, if Cryptic buffs Torpedoes such that they eclipse Energy Weapons, we'll use them allright... at the exclusion of Energy Weapons.

    Hence why torp boats can be nasty as hell, since they can drain all the energy you normally see used in weapons and put it somewhere else. Dumbest build I ever saw that was actually hilariously effective was as follows:

    Me: Tac Captain, Qin heavy Raptor

    Odyssey Sci Cruiser
    Engi Captain

    Fore Weapons:
    3x transphasic rapid fire torp launcher
    1x transphasic cluster torp
    Clone on aft

    Breen Set for Shield Deflector and Engine

    Tac: Chev Sep, Transphasic Compressor mk XII (very rare)
    Engi: RCS accelerator mk XII (rare)x2, Neutronium Alloy mk XI (rare)x2
    Sci: Field Generator mk XI (rare)x4

    BOff, and DOff he never told me. But I figure it was mostly proj weapons officers, probably all purple based on how often those blasted torps were firing. Probably the borg ones lol.. Anyways, what he did was burn in with high yield or ts going and he would unload a massive opening salvo, then divert all power to shields and engines, and with his rcs and roughly 100 engine power he was moving well, and would chev sep when I got around to one of his sides for even more maneuverability. Long story short, a few tbs and hys later, we called it a day since he kept on getting me.

    But after that, I asked him how he had his power set up most of the time, since I know torps don't require energy. His two setups he swapped between:

    25/75/75/25 (for when he was at full health and shields and we were fighting) and 25/75/25/75 (for when I actually got his shields down and was hammering hull). He also occasionally did 25/100/50/25, but that was only when I got some HUGE spike damage.

    So after that, I don't really think torps need a boost OR any incentive to use them. I've had some armitage captains that run full torps, or 3 torps and a DBB. They do the BO3 with DBB to nuke the shields down and then unload THY or TS onto the then exposed hull. Or more accurately they fire off the torps and then use the BO a split second before the torps are going to hit.
    It is said the best weapon is one that is never fired. I disagree. The best weapon is one you only have to fire... once. B)
  • mb52mb52 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    I liked the approach other ST games had taken regarding torpedoes and energy weapons. Basically Energy weapons drained shields very well, but didn't do as much damage on hull, but torpedoes did max damage to hull but little to shields.

    It just... makes sense.
  • maelwy5maelwy5 Member Posts: 593 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    bitemepwe wrote: »
    I still find Torps very useful in PvP, in fact my build requires them.

    If any change need to be made then its in how shields block torpedo strikes when said shields are partially depleted. The lower a shield facing the more Torpedo damage should get by to damage the hull. Thus a 2% sliver of shields will not protect a ship as if they where at 100%.

    This is actually the way it works now (tested 31 August 2012)

    Previously, a 2% sliver of shields automatically reduced any incoming Kinetic damage to 25% before that damage got deducted - first from shields, then from hull. It didn't matter if/when the shields dropped, the damage inflicted remained at 25%. This made builds with Tac Team perform ridiculously well against Torps.

    Currently, a 2% sliver of shields reduces incoming kinetic damage to 25% - this value gets deducted from your shields - then if the shields drop the leftover damage gets multiplied back up again before getting deducted from your hull. This change made torp builds much more viable, and also increased the frequency of "one shot" kills from Borg Heavy Torpedos in STFs.

    Unfortunately it was a stealthfix, so precisely when it occurred is difficult to pinpoint. I personally tested and observed both behaviours.
    [ <<<--- @Maelwys --->>> ]
  • carl103carl103 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    TBH torps are in the situatuion they are for a few reasons.

    1. Escorts cna use cannons which are anti-everything. This combined with skill point and boff powers means that unless you put some skill points into kenetics and shove some BOFF powers over to torps you will never see better damage from them than cannons, (PvP probably still gets use from them for the burst aspect though).

    2. Cruisers who have the bst weapon type for working alongside them, (Bams), can't really turn tight enough to make effective use of them.

    3. Sci ships are the only ones likliy to be fast turning enough and low enough on weapons power to use them, (i run all torps bar a DBB up front for my target power on my DSSV). But even thats not universal.

    IMHo torps would see about 5X more use if you swapped cannons and beams round modifiers wise, and re-worked how boff powers work. Suddenlly against hulls, even without skill points torps would be superious to cannons. Plus if you re-worked CRF/CSV to provide torps with the same capabilities as High Yeild/Spread at the same time, (and same deal for BO/BFAW respectivlly), you'd see them used a HELL of a lot more IMHO. Of course the spread/high yeild functionality would need a tweak for balance purposes if it was an "every shot for 10 seconds" deal. But thats ok in my book.
  • bareelbareel Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    maelwy5 wrote: »
    This is actually the way it works now (tested 31 August 2012)

    Previously, a 2% sliver of shields automatically reduced any incoming Kinetic damage to 25% before that damage got deducted - first from shields, then from hull. It didn't matter if/when the shields dropped, the damage inflicted remained at 25%. This made builds with Tac Team perform ridiculously well against Torps.

    Currently, a 2% sliver of shields reduces incoming kinetic damage to 25% - this value gets deducted from your shields - then if the shields drop the leftover damage gets multiplied back up again before getting deducted from your hull. This change made torp builds much more viable, and also increased the frequency of "one shot" kills from Borg Heavy Torpedos in STFs.

    Unfortunately it was a stealthfix, so precisely when it occurred is difficult to pinpoint. I personally tested and observed both behaviours.

    Thank you! I had thought the torps vs shield+hull was acting funny but lacked the time/ability to properly test it.
  • gt86gt86 Member Posts: 52 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I love my torps

    On my mobius my setup is 3 Dhc's and a Torp up front and 3 turrets in the back
    I will also run Tric mines in the back vs Pve like stf's at times. I have played around with all cannon and turret builds and I just can't good Dps from it. I general get around 3k -3.5 k Dps vs in STf's with an all cannon and turret build. Where as I get 5100-6200 with 3 dhc's,Torp and 3 turret build and 7000-8000 with 3 dhc's 1 torp in front and 1 turret and 2 tric mines in the back. I'm not saying all energy builds aren't good and don't work , they just don't work for me since I really don't alpha strike. I like to come in with CSV 1 and drop the facing shield on my targets and blast them with either a volley of TS3 quantums or 4 Tric mines. Then turn quickly and go after anything that is still alive and stay in close and do damage and do a little bit of Escort tanking with the Omega set since the Borg/Maco set is being broke up in S7.
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