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Season 7 Dev Blog #12



  • badname834854badname834854 Member Posts: 1,186 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Just in case it hasn't been mentioned...

    The release of this ship right BEFORE S7 is not an accident - it is part of a way to reduce the amount of dilithium in-game, thus encouraging more compliance with the ill-thought changes for S7.

    /just Sayin'
  • vesolcvesolc Member Posts: 244 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    So, what's new ?
  • shpoksshpoks Member Posts: 6,967 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    reyan01 wrote: »
    Have to say, I'm impressed with said feature too.

    Assuming that the skins etc can be swapped around, I'm liable to make my Aventine Class look more like the Vesta class.

    Yes, I think they mentioned in the blog that buying any of the 3 ships (not as a bundle) will open all costume options for the class. So I guess that means will be able to swap them as we please.
    Kind of like the Vesta skin too :)
  • hartzillahartzilla Member Posts: 1,177 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    amosov78 wrote: »
    Well, so much for the current Federation flagship being the most advanced vessel and exemplar of the fleet, like her predecessor was. Maybe they should make the Enterprise-F a Vesta-class after all. :P

    Meh, thats pretty much how it is in the Vesta's source matieral. Picard doesn't even get a nice slipstream drive.
    shpoks wrote: »
    Yes, I think they mentioned in the blog that buying any of the 3 ships (not as a bundle) will open all costume options for the class. So I guess that means will be able to swap them as we please.
    Kind of like the Vesta skin too :)

    YAY! I was hoping to use the Aventine-class with the Vesta skin.

    Now I just have one more question for Crytpic

    Can we have a Merian-class too?


    I mean it is kind of the Miranda to the Vesta's sort of Connie.
  • fltcaptcrandallfltcaptcrandall Member Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Can we call either the Quantum Focused Shield Bubble or Multidimensional Graviton Shield the Corbormite Reflector? One has the reflection aspect and one has the invincibility aspect.
  • hartzillahartzilla Member Posts: 1,177 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    reyan01 wrote: »
    Have to say that I don't much like the design - it just looks like someone stuck a triangular primary hull to a Miranda.

    Though I guess that in itself would lend itself, in-game, to being some sort of T5 Frigate retrofit perhaps.

    Well I figure that this would be nice for miranda fans, plus I remember reading somewhere that Cryptic got the rights to use Rademaker's ships as in more than one so seeing as he designed this one too, I was wondering if Cryptic was planning on getting this bad boy.
  • psycoticvulcanpsycoticvulcan Member Posts: 4,160 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    hartzilla wrote: »
    Now I just have one more question for Crytpic

    Can we have a Merian-class too?


    I mean it is kind of the Miranda to the Vesta's sort of Connie.

    If they replaced the Shi'Kahr class with the Merian, I would be a very happy man.
    "Critics who say that the optimistic utopia Star Trek depicted is now outmoded forget the cultural context that gave birth to it: Star Trek was not a manifestation of optimism when optimism was easy. Star Trek declared a hope for a future that nobody stuck in the present could believe in. For all our struggles today, we haven’t outgrown the need for stories like Star Trek. We need tales of optimism, of heroes, of courage and goodness now as much as we’ve ever needed them."
    -Thomas Marrone
  • tali9999tali9999 Member Posts: 173 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Looks like a nice ship. Too bad it is only 3 / 3 weapon slots but it is normal for a sci vessel ( i think i prefer my Kar'fi better thought because of 4 / 3 and Advanced Fer'Jai Frigates ).

    However, if you only compare the ship with the ones on the Fed side, it definitely outmatch other sci vessels by a BIG stretch.

    The Hangar bay alone makes it better than any Nebula Refit or Intrepid R or what not.

    Then, you have the unique consoles AND finally the BO seat config which is really superior. A lieut commander Universal is really hot. It gives alot of room for Tactical skills while still having the choice to go for more Engi or even more Sci skills. Totally customizable is a big win.

    Personnaly i think i will go with the fore cannon, 3 beam arrays and 2 torp config ( Regent torp in front and maybe a trico in aft ). With Torpedo spread 3.
  • mdenholmmdenholm Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Ok really stupid question but why the Hell cant we have this now I hate the fact you are keeping us waiting for this release it and you will make your $s. Why do we have to wait another 2-3 weeks for S7 to have this just put it up am so wanting this now that I would pay 80 bucks for it right now double the amount that it will be.
  • rrincyrrincy Member Posts: 1,023
    edited November 2012
    mdenholm wrote: »
    Ok really stupid question but why the Hell cant we have this now I hate the fact you are keeping us waiting for this release it and you will make your $s. Why do we have to wait another 2-3 weeks for S7 to have this just put it up am so wanting this now that I would pay 80 bucks for it right now double the amount that it will be.

    its irritating , some of us have been waiting for this ship an awful long time , but the same applies , we can always wait a little bit longer , have patience :)
    12th Fleet
    Rear Admiral , Engineering Division
    U.S.S. Sheffield N.C.C. 92016
  • fewzzfewzz Member Posts: 242 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Problem with this Vesta class is that it looks sexy from a certain angle, but from say the rear (you mostly see this) it is very very ugly.

    For this sort of cost will it come with a Bridge? you seem to have totally neglected interiors, using one of the current Bridges on this wouldnt feel right as the current ones are really really amatuerish and badly made.
  • usscapitalusscapital Member Posts: 985 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    let's all hope it's not textured poorly like other recent ships :o

  • mdenholmmdenholm Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Yeap I know am in the same boat as you also been waiting a long time for this and yes what is another two weeks but its like putting a dollar note in front of you and saying no you cant have this until xx time hmm.
  • aaronh42aaronh42 Member Posts: 291 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I do not like ship specific consoles, so I will not be buying.
  • jcswwjcsww Member Posts: 6,818 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Still no confirmation on whether they will have a unique bridge. Looking at the previous 3 ship bundle as a point of reference. I would think it should. The Ody's are 10 console ships and so are the Vesta's. They both have consoles that can be used on all 3 ships at once. I really am hoping this pack comes with it's own bridge.
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    tehjonel wrote: »
    i'm just gonna leave this here...


    ...i hope you've all seen nemesis.


  • dkeith2011dkeith2011 Member Posts: 595 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    jcsww wrote: »
    Still no confirmation on whether they will have a unique bridge. Looking at the previous 3 ship bundle as a point of reference. I would think it should. The Ody's are 10 console ships and so are the Vesta's. They both have consoles that can be used on all 3 ships at once. I really am hoping this pack comes with it's own bridge.

    Brandon stated earlier in the thread that there is not a unique bridge as far as he knows.
  • kiarasenakiarasena Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    :confused:Why do I have the feeling every mmo/mmorpg and such is always being a pain with their "greedy money milking" ways..?

    I haven't played for a while, and then get some news from a fleet member saying that STF, etc will all be nerfed.. And I'm wondering.. for what reason? So we do other things for Dilithium and such? Well sorry buy you guys screwed up Ker'rat a long time ago..
    Or is it they simply want to milk our money to get Dilithium and such?.. (Not going to work.......)

    :(I don't see how all those nerfings and such improve the game at all.. it's only good for those that are able to pay for zen and such.. but for those that can't, it's only getting screwed harder.

    :mad:But seriously.. stop making useless updates just to nerf stuff and make it harder for people.. start making updates to improve items.. for example all the end-game gear.. (said by others in-game) the borg ship equipment is almost better then maco/omega.. start improving the stats on the omega/maco gear..

    Oh well.. each their pathetic was of running a game I guess..

    :oI'd like a honest answer of what cryptic.. is actually trying to improve.. give me some examples.. or leave it be at failure.. from a staff member or player.. throw me your opinion on what you believe them to be improving or such.

    No offence.. and sorry for any "mean" or "offensive" words.. wanted to post it like other people said it.

    (Don't care if you reply all angry or try to be negative or whatever.. I won't even bothering to read your reply/quote then..)
  • jadensecurajadensecura Member Posts: 660 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I wish there were more details on the slipstream boost. That's the one thing that might make me buy the whole set rather than just the recon version, because it could be very handy for Tour. Currently I'm using the Ody I got from the event weekend, but the high inertia makes it a questionable choice.
  • raptor63549raptor63549 Member Posts: 642 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    fewzz wrote: »
    Problem with this Vesta class is that it looks sexy from a certain angle, but from say the rear (you mostly see this) it is very very ugly.

    Frankly, that's not something all that out of the ordinary. THe excelsior looks kinday spindly from the top and the deflector on the sabre looks weird from the side.
  • hanoverhanover Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    No reason that I can think of why they wouldn't. Those quad cannons will mount on anything that runs dual cannons. Including a Peregrine fighter. :cool:
    Does Arc install a root kit? Ask a Dev today!
  • masopwmasopw Member Posts: 157 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    ...are they included in the 3/3 count, or are they a special (like the Gal-x Lance) which makes it a 4/3?

    Also...a full sci ship with hangars...I'm gonna run out of hotkeys...
  • doublea2012doublea2012 Member Posts: 72 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    ok look from what i just understood from other players in the game is your going to make the borg set weaker come season 7 , well if you do that i wont spend another dime on this game, im going to be straight forward i notice several things about this game that need to be fixed like the fact the borg set and the maco and the omega for need to be made stronger and you need to be able to use all of your powers @ each station not just only 1 station with 4 abilities and the rest 3 or 2 or 1 ability because i dont want to sit around wasting my time with something u cannot use, also need to be able to upgrade your skills to max on every skill level ,there is no sense in not having every skill level not maxed it takes away from true gaming, if you cannot even do that for money paying gam players then its not worth the time of day , atleast every other game iv played your able to max your skills , also fix all the glitches like being beamed in backwards when you beamed out forward, and the list goes on, oh and fix the bad laggy mess cause when females are changin thier outfits they appear naked for few secs to a few mins depends on how bad the lag is sometimes even tho i dont mind seeing that imagine some child playing be like momma whats that, also get rid of the loading when going from one sector to another its annoying but also time wasting ,i can understand loading into a space station , but why not just make it one big map so we can just fly into the next sector instead of having to load it, all of these things would probly be a good idea to look into, and do not touch any of my items when your doing the upgrades for season 7, we all worked hard enough to get those items takes more time then most of u have on your watch.
  • pwebranflakespwebranflakes Member Posts: 7,741
    edited November 2012
    We've made a few updates to the blog:
    Hull Strength: 28,000 (was 27,800)
    Base Turn Rate: 12 degrees per second (was 13)
    Aux Phaser Dual Heavy Cannons Mk XII [Acc]x2 [Dmg] (may only be equipped on a Multi-Mission Science Vessel) (was [Acc] [Dmg]x2)
    Also, the cooldown between uses of Tractor Beam on Danube Carrier Pets will be drastically increased.

    NOTE: The stats in the blog and above are still subject to change as focus testing continues


    Brandon =/\=
  • dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    the turn rate change is appropriate, and by the sounds of it is a smaller ship in game then it was in the books, that have nothing to do with the sto timeline at all.

    the runabout change is very good, but you could also cut their hull hp in half, to 10k, and their TB duration too and they would be about balanced with other pets.
  • skiffy1skiffy1 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Instead of restricting the cannons to only the Vesta, can we simply limit one-per-ship, with the vesta excluded from that restriction? This way I can equip one on anything (like I do with the quad cannons), while still being able to use three of them on the vesta if I choose.
  • heinekoheineko Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Well that sucks. If you want to increase the cooldown on Danube tractor beams why aren't you also nerfing the ability of Siphon Drones to stack their power-sucking powers? :/
    Captain Ruri Gokou of the U.S.S. Kitty Hawk
    Catian Atrox Carrier
  • zeuxidemus001zeuxidemus001 Member Posts: 3,357 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    heineko wrote: »
    Well that sucks. If you want to increase the cooldown on Danube tractor beams why aren't you also nerfing the ability of Siphon Drones to stack their power-sucking powers? :/

    I'll be honest I know of 3 or more ways that siphon pods can be taken down which most of them using any aoe power while reversing engines kills siphon pods in their tracks :) Its just people didn't think on that level where as you could have even used aoe torpedoes with no power at all and they woulda died instantly but no one thinks on that level :)

    Although the point being missed is that those power siphons don't do damage where as tractor beams do damage straight to the hull.
  • pveheropvehero Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    heineko wrote: »
    Well that sucks. If you want to increase the cooldown on Danube tractor beams why aren't you also nerfing the ability of Siphon Drones to stack their power-sucking powers? :/

    Well... they are. Changes should already be on tribble afaik.
    I'll be honest I know of 3 or more ways that siphon pods can be taken down which most of them using any aoe power while reversing engines kills siphon pods in their tracks :) Its just people didn't think on that level where as you could have even used aoe torpedoes with no power at all and they woulda died instantly but no one thinks on that level :)

    oh plz... even if you specialize your build to kill siphons, you'll be doing nothing but killing siphons the whole match! They spawn about every 10 seconds.
  • snoge00fsnoge00f Member Posts: 1,812 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    We've made a few updates to the blog:Also, the cooldown between uses of Tractor Beam on Danube Carrier Pets will be drastically increased.

    NOTE: The stats in the blog and above are still subject to change as focus testing continues


    Brandon =/\=

    Thank you.

    Now I can use my Danubes without feeling guilty. :D

    If all fails, maybe you can make their tractor beams like the ones from the cloaking mines, where they slow you down instead of locking you down completely.
This discussion has been closed.