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Temporal Destroyer & Mannheim & Temporal Device

gadhark01gadhark01 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
edited November 2012 in Federation Discussion
Hi together,

am I the only one that have Problems with the new Stuff.

When one of your copys from the Mannheim Device dies you explode. Who the hell had that stupid idear ? In theory this is a nice idea, but the copies are too stupid for that. They fly straight into the explosion of a tactical cube and they get targeted really fast. In one Infected try the Gate at the end immediately targeted the copy and 4 seconds after that ... boom (both of us). I tried different things but this Device is too risky to use and that is a shame.

The other thing is the temporal distortion device. More than 50% of the time you get a cooldown on the weapon, but you get no projectile.

I hope there will be a fix for that.
Post edited by gadhark01 on


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    tenkaritenkari Member Posts: 2,906 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    well. it says distinctively in the text all damage received by your past copy is passed onto you, however healing is also passed on from your past self to you. so if your past ship goes boom, you do too.

    the future version receives the direct damage delt to you, and receives all healing received by your ship.

    STF's are probably a bad time to trigger it unless its fights where one hit'll probably kill you anyway. aka Donatra.

    for the Temporal thing, i havent had any problem with it, but remember it acts like a tri-cobalt, so if your getting attacked by something that has an AoE effect, it might destroy the torp as your launching it, thus it seems like you didnt launch it.

    I havent had much problems with the temporal destroyer while running both these consoles. i think i only died once while using the manheim device.
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    topsettopset Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Yes. I dubbed the console "My suicide button" - once the novelty wore off, I banked the console and replaced it with a purple monotanium XII console instead. Much more useful!
    Kirk's Protege.
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    andrewgariskandrewgarisk Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    There are a lot of ****ty places to pop your duplicates, but if you have the back step ability as well it does well in the Season 6 content. Just have your finger on the back step and as soon as your hull is getting pounded hit your back step. I have even seen my ship hit zero hull as the back step triggered and brought me back to life lol. I also like the extra snare/hold abilities you get as set extras.
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    jjumetleyjjumetley Member Posts: 281 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I have even seen my ship hit zero hull as the back step triggered and brought me back to life lol. I also like the extra snare/hold abilities you get as set extras.
    I turned on the backstep just before my ship went boom (it actually did a second later!) and then was brought back partially repaired. Twice.
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