I'd make a guess that this is likely a buff for the C store Odessey in regards to fleet, Vesta and ect but in case it is a bug.
The tactical Odessey now has 6 bridge officer stations. It seems to be +1 an ensign universal.
Really scary ship now, cruiser that can run 2 TT 2 cannon abilities 2 Hazard emitters, rotate EPTS + 3 other engi and a freebee universal still leftover thats crazy powerful.
Will check other Odyssey ships types in a bit.
Star cruiser Odyssey from the anniversary event, the Sci and Engi C store have 6 stations as well.
Yes, you heard me right, SEVEN BOFF Stations on a Defiant and they all work!
How you ask? Did I unlock some sort of super secret C-store un-lock, am I a Cryptic dev at my day job?
No, my friends, and I will tell you how you to can have up to seven BOFF stations on the ship of your choice!
First, go to a ship selector at some star base, any one will do. you will notice that you can select a ready ship for both your starship and your shuttle. Pick which ever ones you like, then beam back into space with your starship selected as you current ship. Please note there is a difference between current and ready.
You will notice your starship now has extra BOFF stations. Apparently someone your chief engineer has listening to your whining and hooked up your shuttle into the systems of your starship, allowing BOFFs on your shuttle to pull their weight. Now go forth my brave captains, and explore what you can do with this.
Yeah, pretty sure this is a bug, so putting it here. I didn't try flying my shuttle to see if I could get all my starship BOFF powers on it, but I probably could. To everyone else on Tribble, enjoy, I know I did.
And to the devs, sorry about the use car salesman act, but it was just to much temptation to pass up.
This is because you are carrying both your ship and your shuttle at the same time, which allows for both sets of boff stations at once. It is a known issue and will be fixed before Season 7 goes live.
In the meantime, enjoy your crazy OP ships. :cool:
Follow your friendly neighborhood EQAH on Twitter! @CrypticEQAH
Or if you put the "Active ships" to shuttle you will always end up with a shuttlecraft no matter where you go. Ending up in elite infected space STF with a runabout with 6 BOFF slots was kind of an unwelcome surprise :P
On a related note, I have found that when I try to visit my starship's interior, I often find myself sent to the shuttle interior instead. I think that some signals are getting crossed on having the starship and stuttle active at the same time.
This is because you are carrying both your ship and your shuttle at the same time, which allows for both sets of boff stations at once. It is a known issue and will be fixed before Season 7 goes live.
In the meantime, enjoy your crazy OP ships. :cool:
so its not goin 2 stay i thought it was a test of the first officer Boff station thing i was hearing about never mind...
You can use all the boffs from both ship and shuttle on either. Kind of a fun bug but everyone will be buying delta fliers for their shuttle if this went live.
I confirmed that it is adding all of the stations from the shuttle to both of them. If you pick a small craft without boff slots your slots on your main ship drop back down to normal. You would end up with 7 boffs on an oddy if you had a the delta flyer set as your small ship.
This is because you are carrying both your ship and your shuttle at the same time, which allows for both sets of boff stations at once. It is a known issue and will be fixed before Season 7 goes live.
In the meantime, enjoy your crazy OP ships. :cool:
That's ok, take your time. We don't mind an extra ensign universal slot ONE bit. In fact, this is such a minor bug you devs shouldn't have to worry about it . You could even call it a feature, I recall the KFD was asking for BoP with an ensign universal, why not give everyone an extra slot?
This is because you are carrying both your ship and your shuttle at the same time, which allows for both sets of boff stations at once. It is a known issue and will be fixed before Season 7 goes live.
In the meantime, enjoy your crazy OP ships. :cool:
rather than "fix it", why not make it a feature?
It would add a new dynamic to the game. And for bigger ships like the Odyssey, Galaxy, Negh'var, etc, it'd make a lot more sense.
I mean, you go to a Galaxy-class bridge, and there's at least 9 consoles on the bridge. Yet the Galaxy in-game only has, what, 4-5 boff slots?
Having the Shuttle stations added to your Starship may be nice, but the reverse--the Starship stations added when you are flying your Shuttle--would be so overpowered that the currently available shuttle missions would have to be rebalanced to accommodate it. Imagine how much more powerful a fighter would be if you could give it Cmdr and Lt. Cmdr abilities.
Or if you put the "Active ships" to shuttle you will always end up with a shuttlecraft no matter where you go. Ending up in elite infected space STF with a runabout with 6 BOFF slots was kind of an unwelcome surprise :P
Actually, it doesn't matter which you pick as active: you get a shuttle if you ready one. Or at least, that's what happened to me.
I just wanted to say ,that today by random accident i runned into a person who is still bugged with 7 boff slots
Cryptic its embarrassing that you didn't in 2014 still fixed those people
All you did is prevent other people getting the exploit
What about all those which are already bugged??
I just wanted to say ,that today by random accident i runned into a person who is still bugged with 7 boff slots
Cryptic its embarrassing that you didn't in 2014 still fixed those people
All you did is prevent other people getting the exploit
What about all those which are already bugged??
Its also embarassing to necro-post and embarassing to provide a link and access to a player's account where we easily could do harm to his inventar by providing items to the fleet.
By the way, the link does not work.
Its also embarassing to necro-post and embarassing to provide a link and access to a player's account where we easily could do harm to his inventar by providing items to the fleet.
By the way, the link does not work.
Put a screenshot in but not an account link.
embarrassing to provide a link and access to a player's account where we easily could do harm to his inventar
Are u that kind of moron that u have absolutely no idea what have i posted??
Its called HANDLE
its accessible via game to pm someone
u cannot HACK someone by knowing his handle,ANYONE can see handle
Please god,smite this stupid person.
NEXT time Don't you DARE to post such idiotic remarks ,sometimes learn NOT to speak,u will look smarter ..on paper...
BTW Link works just fine,But it requires 1% of brain for use!
How you ask? Did I unlock some sort of super secret C-store un-lock, am I a Cryptic dev at my day job?
No, my friends, and I will tell you how you to can have up to seven BOFF stations on the ship of your choice!
First, go to a ship selector at some star base, any one will do. you will notice that you can select a ready ship for both your starship and your shuttle. Pick which ever ones you like, then beam back into space with your starship selected as you current ship. Please note there is a difference between current and ready.
You will notice your starship now has extra BOFF stations. Apparently someone your chief engineer has listening to your whining and hooked up your shuttle into the systems of your starship, allowing BOFFs on your shuttle to pull their weight. Now go forth my brave captains, and explore what you can do with this.
Yeah, pretty sure this is a bug, so putting it here. I didn't try flying my shuttle to see if I could get all my starship BOFF powers on it, but I probably could. To everyone else on Tribble, enjoy, I know I did.
And to the devs, sorry about the use car salesman act, but it was just to much temptation to pass up.
Nouveau riche LTS member
In the meantime, enjoy your crazy OP ships. :cool:
Nouveau riche LTS member
so its not goin 2 stay i thought it was a test of the first officer Boff station thing i was hearing about never mind...
I confirmed that it is adding all of the stations from the shuttle to both of them. If you pick a small craft without boff slots your slots on your main ship drop back down to normal. You would end up with 7 boffs on an oddy if you had a the delta flyer set as your small ship.
That's ok, take your time. We don't mind an extra ensign universal slot ONE bit. In fact, this is such a minor bug you devs shouldn't have to worry about it . You could even call it a feature, I recall the KFD was asking for BoP with an ensign universal, why not give everyone an extra slot?
--->Ground Combat General Bugs Directory
Real join date: March 2012 / PvP Veteran since May 2012 (Ground and Space)
rather than "fix it", why not make it a feature?
It would add a new dynamic to the game. And for bigger ships like the Odyssey, Galaxy, Negh'var, etc, it'd make a lot more sense.
I mean, you go to a Galaxy-class bridge, and there's at least 9 consoles on the bridge. Yet the Galaxy in-game only has, what, 4-5 boff slots?
Just an idea
Actually, it doesn't matter which you pick as active: you get a shuttle if you ready one. Or at least, that's what happened to me.
Cryptic its embarrassing that you didn't in 2014 still fixed those people
All you did is prevent other people getting the exploit
What about all those which are already bugged??
Bug ship with 7 boff slots
confirmed in game as well
Its also embarassing to necro-post and embarassing to provide a link and access to a player's account where we easily could do harm to his inventar by providing items to the fleet.
By the way, the link does not work.
Put a screenshot in but not an account link.
embarrassing to provide a link and access to a player's account where we easily could do harm to his inventar
Are u that kind of moron that u have absolutely no idea what have i posted??
Its called HANDLE
its accessible via game to pm someone
u cannot HACK someone by knowing his handle,ANYONE can see handle
Please god,smite this stupid person.
NEXT time Don't you DARE to post such idiotic remarks ,sometimes learn NOT to speak,u will look smarter ..on paper...
BTW Link works just fine,But it requires 1% of brain for use!