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Coming STF Changes

tali9999tali9999 Member Posts: 173 Arc User
All i know is that these days i am doing every STFs ( Elite ) and i am getting AS SOON AS I COMPLETE THEM:

1100 Dilithium

2 EDC ( which i can convert into Dilithium after i get 10 )

FREE Mark XI and XII space and ground equipment ( with Rare and Prototype Salvages )

AND a chance over all that to get an instant Mark XI or XII Unique MACO/KHG Set Item.


Now looking at the new system, not only do i see my Dilithium reward being reduced and i also lose a chance at insta winning lottery BUT ALSO i see that i am going to SPEND Dilithium just to acquire Mark XI and XII gear i could get totally FOR FREE.

Now anyone can tell me what i win with the new system?

And anyone can tell me where i will find players to do Ground STFs if most lazy STFers are simply going to do space missions over time to acquire their Elite Ground Gear?

End Of Rant *pouts* :mad:
Post edited by tali9999 on


  • bohiapbohiap Member Posts: 535
    edited October 2012
    You won't need to do ground missions to get ground gear, you can only do the ones you like.
    You'll be guaranteed the Mk XII gear- in a defined period of time- as opposed to a lottery that could take hours or months.

    I haven't been on tribble, but my impression is that PWE/Cryptic decided that zen was getting to cheap on the dil exchange and is trying to force us to use dil sinks.
  • ferrus3ferrus3 Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Ok, so I had the day off today and ran several STF's on 3 seperate toons. I'm not sure how many Elite STF's I ran but I was pretty much swtiching back and forth between toons to minimalize the cooldown. In the whole time I was running these STF's I only ended up with one Klingon Honor Guard Elite sheild. I never got the deflector and I only ended up with 1 purple Elite requisition. For the amount of time I put in those are some pretty poor odds. So I'm definitely looking forward to the re-vamp and having the ability to choose what I want as a reward.
    Oh and BTW with the current system I have one character that has 3 MK XII Maco sheilds but has yet to win the MK XII engines or deflectors......
  • aarons9aarons9 Member Posts: 961
    edited October 2012
    yeah you may get to choose what you want but you buy it, not get it for free.. its not a reward..
    on top of that its going to take days to gather the dilithium to get it, and thats after the few months you have to grind to get to even use the store..

    the system how it is now is a lot more better.. :(
    [12:35] Vessel Two of Two Unimatrix 01 deals 225232 (271723) Plasma Damage to you with Plasma Lance.
    [12:44] Vessel One of Two Unimatrix 01 deals 1019527 (1157678) Kinetic Damage to you with Plasma Energy Bolt Explosion.
  • lianthelialianthelia Member Posts: 7,907 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    aarons9 wrote: »
    yeah you may get to choose what you want but you buy it, not get it for free.. its not a reward..
    on top of that its going to take days to gather the dilithium to get it, and thats after the few months you have to grind to get to even use the store..

    the system how it is now is a lot more better.. :(

    Where is the proof it will take months to grind the rep needed to buy the stuff? Until we have all of the facts there is no use of complaining.

    Likes its been said before at least you know your getting the stuff...quite simply you could spend those months doing elites and banging your head against your desk because your not seeing the drop you are waiting for.

    Least this way you know your making progress and its more than simply being at the mercy of the RNG gods.
    Can't have a honest conversation because of a white knight with power
  • zubo100zubo100 Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Well the current system is a FREE (apart from time invested) lottery for elite-sets with some consolation prize added. Now this consolation price is quite huge as mentioned by the op (Dilithium and a considerable amount of EC through items, "free" mk xi consoles).

    It would have been overly simple to fix the system away from a lottery. The reputation system was not needed for that.

    Now they did introduce the system and added a hefty price for even the most basic items. The intention is clear: STFs should no longer be viable to acquire dilithium. Most people will spend far more in the system than they will get back from running them.

    I guess we can expect the overall number of people who do them will drop as soon as they are finished with the reputation system. There is just no incentive to do them over other missions that are much faster and easier apart from fun but fun alone will be enough only for a small minority i suspect.

    At the same time they try to revive fleet actions by giving large dilithium rewards to the best performing (read: the ones doing the most damage) participants. The good thing that might come from this however is that they will perhaps start to think about balancing stuff properly.

    In essence i like the reputation system, but i think they might have overdone the reward-cutting. There should be a bigger incentive to keep doing them after you have what you wanted.
  • tali9999tali9999 Member Posts: 173 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    zubo100 wrote: »
    Well the current system is a FREE (apart from time invested) lottery for elite-sets with some consolation prize added. Now this consolation price is quite huge as mentioned by the op (Dilithium and a considerable amount of EC through items, "free" mk xi consoles).

    It would have been overly simple to fix the system away from a lottery. The reputation system was not needed for that.

    Now they did introduce the system and added a hefty price for even the most basic items. The intention is clear: STFs should no longer be viable to acquire dilithium. Most people will spend far more in the system than they will get back from running them.

    I guess we can expect the overall number of people who do them will drop as soon as they are finished with the reputation system. There is just no incentive to do them over other missions that are much faster and easier apart from fun but fun alone will be enough only for a small minority i suspect.

    At the same time they try to revive fleet actions by giving large dilithium rewards to the best performing (read: the ones doing the most damage) participants. The good thing that might come from this however is that they will perhaps start to think about balancing stuff properly.

    In essence i like the reputation system, but i think they might have overdone the reward-cutting. There should be a bigger incentive to keep doing them after you have what you wanted.

    That is what i thought.

    The way i see things now is that there is still alot of people running the STFs nowadays because either they have not won the lottery yet for the character they are playing or they are still doing them for the side rewards ( Dilithium, EDC , Salvages ).

    But with the new system coming and the way the rewards are going away, will people still do STFs once they get thier complete Elite gear? And how will people get their gear?

    I personnaly like Ground Missions because they are challenging but i know that for many people, if they can get a full Elite Ground Set by only doing space STF, they will.

    So i think, the most challenging STFs will soon turn into empty queues due to lack of interesting rewards and other incentives to do them.

    And i still am very unhappy with the fact that i will have to PAY Dilithium to acquire standard MK XI and XII equipment i was easily collecting for free with Borg Salvages. Even the EDC were good stuff that could be turned into Dili boxes, items of Borg Doffs for FREE.

  • jellico1jellico1 Member Posts: 2,719
    edited October 2012
    lianthelia wrote: »
    Where is the proof it will take months to grind the rep needed to buy the stuff? Until we have all of the facts there is no use of complaining.

    Likes its been said before at least you know your getting the stuff...quite simply you could spend those months doing elites and banging your head against your desk because your not seeing the drop you are waiting for.

    Least this way you know your making progress and its more than simply being at the mercy of the RNG gods.

    This is a simple fix cryptic was just too Lazy or uncaring
    Or out of touch with there own game to do it

    When you reach a certain accolades it's automatically
    Jellico....Engineer ground.....Da'val Romulan space Sci
    Saphire.. Science ground......Ko'el Romulan space Tac
    Leva........Tactical ground.....Koj Romulan space Eng

    JJ-Verse will never be Canon or considered Lore...It will always be JJ-Verse
  • aarons9aarons9 Member Posts: 961
    edited October 2012
    lianthelia wrote: »
    Where is the proof it will take months to grind the rep needed to buy the stuff? Until we have all of the facts there is no use of complaining.

    Likes its been said before at least you know your getting the stuff...quite simply you could spend those months doing elites and banging your head against your desk because your not seeing the drop you are waiting for.

    Least this way you know your making progress and its more than simply being at the mercy of the RNG gods.

    in the dev blog it says "a few months to hit t5"

    thats sounds like a long time for me..
    [12:35] Vessel Two of Two Unimatrix 01 deals 225232 (271723) Plasma Damage to you with Plasma Lance.
    [12:44] Vessel One of Two Unimatrix 01 deals 1019527 (1157678) Kinetic Damage to you with Plasma Energy Bolt Explosion.
  • tobar26thtobar26th Member Posts: 799 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    aarons9 wrote: »
    in the dev blog it says "a few months to hit t5"

    thats sounds like a long time for me..

    But probably far quicker than me where I've been STFing since December and yet to get my MKXII ground set ;-) It'll lose time for some, but win for others. It's definitely a 'fairer' system.
  • carl103carl103 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Where is the proof it will take months to grind the rep needed to buy the stuff? Until we have all of the facts there is no use of complaining.

    From the looks of tribble there's a fairly finite amount of XP you can earn per day, i think i calculated the minimum time at 52 days.
  • vulcanmonkvulcanmonk Member Posts: 146 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    I'm glad about the coming changes regarding XII gear...here's why.

    Left the game in October of 2011 and at the time had all purple XI gear. When I came back about a month ago, I saw a lot of XII gear....and I WANTED SOME...but saw I either had to 'buy' the gear by selling keys to get EC, or constantly run STFs and hope for the best. At least now I know I can grind my way to the best gear.

    I have a lot of respect for the Elite STFers, but at least this way those of us not at the same level can access the same rewards...just an opinion.
    Sacca Gavesaka, Fleet Admiral, Commanding
    BSG-Benne Gesserit Consortium
  • ferrelleferrelle Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    bohiap wrote: »
    You won't need to do ground missions to get ground gear, you can only do the ones you like.
    You'll be guaranteed the Mk XII gear- in a defined period of time- as opposed to a lottery that could take hours or months.

    I haven't been on tribble, but my impression is that PWE/Cryptic decided that zen was getting to cheap on the dil exchange and is trying to force us to use dil sinks.

    You are confusing the issue.

    Dilithium sinks / less available Dilithium = cheaper Zen on the exchange.
  • romuzariiromuzarii Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    ferrelle wrote: »
    You are confusing the issue.

    Dilithium sinks / less available Dilithium = cheaper Zen on the exchange.
    To take this a bit further, unlike the players whom somehow figure Cryptic wants a high exchange rate - more dil per zen the better - the correct viewpoint to have is that the beauty of the exchange is when it's high or low it works out in Cryptic's favor. It's when it's in the middle that it sucks for them, what some around here deem "fair value." I don't particularly view any such thing. There is no fair value in the system, it's all about supply and demand. That's why it's set up the way it is, so Cryptic can cash in when demand is low or high, and not set up as a straight exchange ratio like 250 dil to 1 zen, period.

    I suspect that they suspect people who purchase zen to purchase dil are far more likely to purchase zen than the players who farm dil to purchase their zen, and so season 7 is shaping up to try to take advantage of players who lack patience and will buy dilithium they need. I don't blame them whatsoever but they are going overboard with it. I grow tired of sweeping changes because they can't make up their minds on a specific system so they can MOVE ON ALREADY AND FOCUS ON CONTENT.

    But credit goes to them for trying to help players not get stuck out on STFs, even if they are cashing in on it at same time. But there's gonna be alot of players missing from them post s7 release. I only did STFs to date for the dil. I have no reason to bother doing them ever again after I get what I want, and that is a bad thing because it outdates the content, new and old players can't get the drops they need because everyone else moved on. 480 dil is not acceptable. I rather do all the other ways that reward 480 dil before going through the trouble of an elite STF for 480.
  • allocaterallocater Member Posts: 289 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    How does cryptic cash in when the price is 50?

    I can imagine, if the price is 500, many people will buy zen to get this awesome giant amount of 500 dilithium. So cryptic makes more money.

    But if it is 50? Fewer people will buy zen to get only measly 50 dilithium. So cryptic makes less money.

    So I don't understand why they bring it down to 100 or 50 with their dilithium reward reductions and dilithium cost increases.
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