I saw some posts on other space games out there, like star wars and such, so i wanted to share a upcoming game in the works!
Star Citizen is from the maker of wing commander and freelancer, he is working hard trying to bring a mmo to the pc platform by 2013
Site :
http://www.robertsspaceindustries.com/star-citizen/ (full trailer)
anyhoo, the pvp should be out of this world!!
i got into pc gaming cause of wing commander 3
and the other , a dos emulator , never used one before??
id love to see if i could play it on windows 7:)
This game could be the game that makes me forget this silly little game called Star Trek Online.
Wing Commander holds a special nostalgic place in my bitter old heart. If this is set within the same universe, with the same storytelling sensibilities, I may never return to the Alpha Quadrant once this thing drops.
Good Old Games sells older games for cheap after tweaking them to run on modern systems. If I wanted to go through Wing Commander again, I'd probably just but them there again so I won't have to work at it.
Ohhh an MMO space fighter game does sound fun though. I played one way back called Raider Wars that never made it out of testing. It was great fun. One of the ships looked like a flying ring. The idea was that people shooting at it would shoot at the center, letting the shots just fly through the empty hole. :P It worked pretty well until someone actually landed a hit with a missile, which would send the thing spinning like a coin that was just flicked. I'd have to close my eyes and just wait to be finished off after that.
they all have cd1 etc and they all seem to have things like install, set up etc
stumped me
go pledge guys, WC fans!
do some more searching the physics are newtonian, but you have the option of turning on stabalizers like in evochron so you can fly 'normlaish' or you can turn them off and use inertia, sliding etc....
ya, i drop 100 bucks myself, all i can give at this time... : (
trust me, i wish i could give more, but xmas is coming up, and kids need gifts lol