Okay Thia may sounds like another STF moan but I have recently been trying the STF's again after taking a short sabbatical for them and tried two last night. First one was Infected and the second one was Khitomer Accord. Both are ground and since I don't want to jump back into Elites I was on Normal as I don't think I'm ready for Elite. So since I didn't have any fleet members online. I decided to PUG (Big Mistake)
Infection started bad. (We failed the optional straight away) Wasn't all there fault I did die myself a couple of times. But after that we made it all the way through till the Boss room this is when the team fell apart. Me and another two were holding our own taking out the borg and two of us heading for the levers to put in the sequence. And we said we needed a 3rd somebody came over to help. But for the other three Only me and one other were in the right spot. One kept jumping into the plasma and dieing and then respawned outside of the forcefield and another one just kept jumping in the same spot until borg appeared and then started shooting them it got to one point that one person left and shortly after the person that was with me at the console said Good luck and also left and I left a couple of seconds later.
A few minutes later I did KA ground normal this time we did well until we got to the generators we killed the borg and stopped at the generator or I did the other ones just ran around the place and the guy in the control room was just hitting random generator numbers except the one I tried to tell him to press 20 minutes he still hadnt touched my generator and yes I did go to the others as well and the other guys still running around even though I told them what we needed to do so I just quit.
Didnt do any more STFS as quite frankly two bad ones in a row had me not wanting to risk another bad one.
Now I know PUGS are evil but since my fleet members were not on (And they tend to do Elite which as I mentioned I am not going to cause problems by not beng ready for Elite straight away.)
Does anyone know of any Channels for Normal STFs so I can have a decent team to help me train up so I will be able to compete better in the Elite ones.
Thanks is advance
Vice Admiral Volmack ISS Thundermole
Brigadier General Jokag IKS Gorkan
Centurion Kares RRW Tomalak
While you might not think that your ready for elites, and staying out of them till said experience allows otherwise is admirable, I say do elites anyway. I have several characters that are not even in any of the raid gear, and I manage just fine. The best thing to do is work a system of movement and use cover like walls, lamps or trees,(dependent on mission) don't try to tank the incoming fire, not even the best players can handle most of it, and lay down as much DPS as possible. You will find after a few runs you work yourself into a nitch were you rarely die and are an asset to your team.
All I am saying is that elites are easy once you learn the pattern and your fleet should help you with this.
On another note PUG's are bad even if you use a channel like EliteSTF or any other, because it only takes one bad player to mess it up for everyone. I otherwise have no info on a normal channel.
On another note PUG's are bad even if you use a channel like EliteSTF or any other, because it only takes one bad player to mess it up for everyone. I otherwise have no info on a normal channel.
I believe you can pug for Normal STF runs in EliteSTF as well as the newer PublicEliteSTF. Most do elites but there are always those that are on that will help ppl on normal setting.
To be totally honest, going on ground anyways wasn't a good idea with pugs. Space is more tolerable, but not ground, that's just begging for trouble far far more than you could imagine.
I'd still say going with fleet mates, or a good group of friends is your best bet.
Oh yes, as someone else said, do elites, especially with fleet mates and such, because you'll need to get used to the difficulty. On the normals, things are so quick and so easy to get through with even a decently skilled team, it's almost laughable.
I remain empathetic to the concerns of my community, but do me a favor and lay off the god damn name calling and petty remarks. It will get you nowhere.
I must admit, respect points to Trendy for laying down the law like that.
All I am saying is that elites are easy once you learn the pattern and your fleet should help you with this.
On another note PUG's are bad even if you use a channel like EliteSTF or any other, because it only takes one bad player to mess it up for everyone. I otherwise have no info on a normal channel.
I believe you can pug for Normal STF runs in EliteSTF as well as the newer PublicEliteSTF. Most do elites but there are always those that are on that will help ppl on normal setting.
I'd still say going with fleet mates, or a good group of friends is your best bet.
Oh yes, as someone else said, do elites, especially with fleet mates and such, because you'll need to get used to the difficulty. On the normals, things are so quick and so easy to get through with even a decently skilled team, it's almost laughable.