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Policy Proposal: Lockbox Ships Should be Available Through C-Store to Subscribers

gradstudent1gradstudent1 Member Posts: 633 Arc User
edited September 2012 in Klingon Discussion
I think it's safe to say that most of the KDF is happy about the offer of a few new ships, and some really good ones at that.

It is also safe to say that some of us are unhappy about the forum in which it is being offered: Lockbox or Lobi Store (the currency for which is obtained via lock box, of course).

majesticmsfc has (yet another) great idea: Those with subscriptions should have the option to purchase the ships in the C-Store. This is the very least Cryptic can do for people who have invested not only significant amounts of money but also time, energy and love into the game.

Devs, please consider this. It is an opportunity to for you give back to your faithful subscribers and still make a profit.

If you like this idea, please say as much.

Do this for my friendS who subscribe, Devs, AND I GIVE YOU MY WORD AS A KDF WARRIOR THAT I WILL PURCHASE A 3 MONTH SUBSCRIPTION (I will have to wait on the lifetime until another 6 months or so)=)

Post edited by gradstudent1 on


  • phyrexianherophyrexianhero Member Posts: 768 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Cryptic has said many times that lock box ships are only introduced because those ships are intended to be rare and CBS would only authorize them to be added to the game if they were restricted in that way.

    While having ships in the Lobi store (along with a guaranteed minimum number of Lobi crystals per lock box) makes this seem more doubtful, that's their official word on the matter.
    Playing since January 2010. STOwiki administrator. Accolade hunter.
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  • iggmann88iggmann88 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Cryptic has said many times that lock box ships are only introduced because those ships are intended to be rare and CBS would only authorize them to be added to the game if they were restricted in that way.

    While having ships in the Lobi store (along with a guaranteed minimum number of Lobi crystals per lock box) makes this seem more doubtful, that's their official word on the matter.

    Then I say jack up the price on the ship, 5000 Zen, and only be on the store for maybe a month. Or the first week the box is released, or heck, the last 3 days the box will be available.
  • phyrexianherophyrexianhero Member Posts: 768 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    iggmann88 wrote: »
    Then I say jack up the price on the ship, 5000 Zen, and only be on the store for maybe a month. Or the first week the box is released, or heck, the last 3 days the box will be available.

    There's also the matter of them being character-bound instead of account-bound (again, to limit their numbers). While having only a limited window in the C-Store is interesting (or perhaps only allow them to sell X number of a particular ship in total?), I don't see CBS or Cryptic budging much.

    For 5000 zen ($50) that's at least close to the exchange price of the ships (you can buy items on C-Store like doff packs, fleet modules, or keys and put them on exchange for energy credits, then use said EC to buy the special requisition pack with the lock box ship).
    Playing since January 2010. STOwiki administrator. Accolade hunter.
    My STOwiki page | Reachable in-game @PhyrexianHero
    Fed Armada: Section 31 (level 730, 2700+ members)
    KDF Armada: Klingon Intelligence (level 699, 2100+ members)
  • palpha2clearancepalpha2clearance Member Posts: 432 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Just give the people who religiously fund the game come rain or shine some love, i agree this is what the c-store is for, why are wethe subscriber being subjected to lock boxes, it should be in the the c-store for a reasonable price
  • gradstudent1gradstudent1 Member Posts: 633 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Cryptic has said many times that lock box ships are only introduced because those ships are intended to be rare and CBS would only authorize them to be added to the game if they were restricted in that way.

    While having ships in the Lobi store (along with a guaranteed minimum number of Lobi crystals per lock box) makes this seem more doubtful, that's their official word on the matter.

    Thank you for bringing this perspective. I did not realize that this was the case. Did you hear this in an interview? Thanks again.
  • travelingmastertravelingmaster Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Cryptic has said many times that lock box ships are only introduced because those ships are intended to be rare and CBS would only authorize them to be added to the game if they were restricted in that way.

    While having ships in the Lobi store (along with a guaranteed minimum number of Lobi crystals per lock box) makes this seem more doubtful, that's their official word on the matter.

    Rare? Ha! I almost can't go into a PvP match/zone without seeing a lockbox ship, and it'll definitely be that way once these ships come out and the D'kora and Galor have had their second run.
    My PvP toon is Krov, of The House of Snoo. Beware of my Hegh'ta of doom.
  • lianthelialianthelia Member Posts: 7,865 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    As much as I would like this (god knows I want a orb weaver badly and have the luck of a gambler who is over their head in debt) but they won't do it. The lock boxes are a cash cow...as long as there are people who will keep buying keys with real money...and plenty of it. There is no reason they would want to give it up.
    Can't have a honest conversation because of a white knight with power
  • ussultimatumussultimatum Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    iggmann88 wrote: »
    Then I say jack up the price on the ship, 5000 Zen, and only be on the store for maybe a month.

    You understand that 5000 zen would be lowering the price on the ship, and the revenue they generate?

    I would imagine they make something a long the lines of 200 hundred to 250 dollars ave per lockbox/lobi ship.
  • bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Paying $200 to $250 for a virtual product that has absolutely no value outside of this game is fr2cking stupid.
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

  • ussultimatumussultimatum Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    bitemepwe wrote: »
    Paying $200 to $250 for a virtual product that has absolutely no value outside of this game is fr2cking stupid.

    That's why they aren't listed in the store.

    They generate that revenue from even people will "only" gamble on 10 boxes and "take a chance".

    If 25 people do that resulting in 1 lockbox (speaking rough averages here), they made their $250 for a ship.

    Or, people who randomly open only 1 or 2 boxes - well, if 100 people do that, it's still generating revenue.

    Then there are the people who will actually drop $100-$300 trying to get one on their own, in addition to the above revenue.

    Don't like it? Think it's stupid? Would never pay that amount?

    Save ECs and buy it on the exchange.

    Farm and sell dil to fund your "taking a chance".

    Or just avoid it completely.
  • bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    That's why they aren't listed in the store.

    They generate that revenue from even people will "only" gamble on 10 boxes and "take a chance".

    If 25 people do that resulting in 1 lockbox (speaking rough averages here), they made their $250 for a ship.

    Or, people who randomly open only 1 or 2 boxes - well, if 100 people do that, it's still generating revenue.

    Then there are the people who will actually drop $100-$300 trying to get one on their own, in addition to the above revenue.
    I never said that Cryptic did not profit by it, only that to spend that much real money on a virtual item is stupid.

    Don't like it? Think it's stupid? Would never pay that amount?

    Save ECs and buy it on the exchange.

    Farm and sell dil to fund your "taking a chance".

    Or just avoid it completely.
    I do, when it suits me and for far far less money than $200.
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

  • zeuxidemus001zeuxidemus001 Member Posts: 3,357 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Although its a great idea... It will never fly with PWE plus I was kinda okay with the new lockbox and lobi KDF ships but I find a few things upsetting with it.

    First neither come with a cloaking device which is blasphemy.

    Then the Lockbox one was later stated does not have sensor analysis but also cannot equip cannons.

    Again the lobi story one does not have a cloak... If you are hard of hearing... IT HAS NO CLOAK...

    Okay so 250 dollar ship that has kdf slapped on it with no cloak... I'm not bothering to get that garbage scow for sure...
  • diogene0diogene0 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    I don't get why there's all this rant about lockboxes. If you don't want the stuff boycott it, don't show cryptic they're right. Because every single thread asking for alternative ways to get the lockbox stuff showq them you want it badly and might actually give it a try at some point.

    What would really make them change their minds are neutral players saying they don't care about the ships. :) What you're doing here is plain advertisement for the lockboxes: you show other customers that you want it but can't afford it so if they can buy it they will, just because it will make someone else jealous, admirative, etc. It's like your neighbour buying a huge and overly expensive car, if you show jealousy you show him he's right.
    Lenny Barre, lvl 60 DC. 18k.
    God, lvl 60 CW. 17k.
  • cmdrskyfallercmdrskyfaller Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Cryptic has said many times that lock box ships are only introduced because those ships are intended to be rare and CBS would only authorize them to be added to the game if they were restricted in that way.

    While having ships in the Lobi store (along with a guaranteed minimum number of Lobi crystals per lock box) makes this seem more doubtful, that's their official word on the matter.

    bullcrap. thats just bureaucratise for 'we can release crappy cstore ships from now on and make the real good ones be our amazing cash making lockbox gambling scam!'
  • aveldraaveldra Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    bullcrap. thats just bureaucratise for 'we can release crappy cstore ships from now on and make the real good ones be our amazing cash making lockbox gambling scam!'

    ^^^this, but I don't completely blame Cryptic for all of this, I blame the people that keep buying the lockbox keys. They're the real problem.
  • eradicator84eradicator84 Member Posts: 1,116 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    I would like it if they're available through the C-Store to anyone for free if you've already got it via lock box.

    At the moment, any lock box ship you get you can't reclaim. It's getting to a point where there's new ships but no more slots for me to keep them all in without decommissioning some.

    If I could dismiss a lock box ship and still be capable of reclaiming it via C-store for free it would be nice.
  • majesticmsfcmajesticmsfc Member Posts: 1,401 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    majesticmsfc has (yet another) great idea: Those with subscriptions should have the option to purchase the ships in the C-Store. This is the very least Cryptic can do for people who have invested not only significant amounts of money but also time, energy and love into the game

    Wow someone likes my idea. Thanks. Unfortunately Cryptic will never go for it. Exploitation, exploitation and exploitation. That's the name of the game with Cryptic. To exploit their customers and then move onto the next group. Sad thing they don't realise that the long-term customers are the ones that will stay loyal the short time ones will leave and not come back after the initial interest has worn off.
    Support the Game by Supporting the KDF, equality and uniqueness for all factions!
  • notapwefannotapwefan Member Posts: 1,138 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Cryptic has said many times that lock box ships are only introduced because those ships are intended to be rare and CBS would only authorize them to be added to the game if they were restricted in that way.

    They were intended to be rare but...are they that rare? :D
    Grinding for MkIV epic gear?
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  • majesticmsfcmajesticmsfc Member Posts: 1,401 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Cryptic has said many times that lock box ships are only introduced because those ships are intended to be rare and CBS would only authorize them to be added to the game if they were restricted in that way.

    They also said they were going to be not faction specific, as in Faction Neutral like the Galor, D'Kora and Jem'Hadar Attack ship. Now we get the Wells and Korath. Another promise broken, gone back on?

    I think their entire stance on this whole rare and faction neutral ship thing they claimed is a load of bull. I think a lot of stuff they told us that CBS won't let them do is more their way to restrict things and make more money off.
    Support the Game by Supporting the KDF, equality and uniqueness for all factions!
  • bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    notapwefan wrote: »
    They were intended to be rare but...are they that rare? :D

    Not even close.
    The "Rareity" aspect ends up becoming untrue as so many boxes are opened that the game becomes flooded by those seeking Lobi to buy stuff as well as hunting for the new ships.
    "Uncommon" would be a better term for the lock box items.

    I am curiuos why the KDF ships have no Cloaking as well?

    Majestics Idea was best. Allow the Subscribers and Lifers the option to buy a single ship of thier choice in the Cstore for a price for a limited time while the promotion is running.
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

  • ussultimatumussultimatum Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    bitemepwe wrote: »
    I am curiuos why the KDF ships have no Cloaking as well?

    My guess is balance, and ease of implementation (cutting costs).

    The Fed and KDF versions are identical, outside of the models.

    This is about as fair as anything can get, what are some things you think the Korrath or Krenn should give up if they were to get cloaking devices?

    In-universe possible explanation:

    Perhaps when both you and your enemies can manipulate time itself, something like a cloaking device becomes irrelevant.
  • gradstudent1gradstudent1 Member Posts: 633 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    My guess is balance, and ease of implementation (cutting costs).

    The Fed and KDF versions are identical, outside of the models.

    This is about as fair as anything can get, what are some things you think the Korrath or Krenn should give up if they were to get cloaking devices?

    In-universe possible explanation:

    Perhaps when both you and your enemies can manipulate time itself, something like a cloaking device becomes irrelevant.

    No cloak and no canons.=( If they want to balance the Wells and Korath, then knock off some of the shield modifier or hull from the Korath, or make it only +10 Aux. I am hesitant to say take the sensor analysis, though. It really is a good tool in an extended firefight.
  • bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    For a possible $200 investment, I do not think the KDF ships should give up anything to have cloaking. A technology that is widely used throughout the KDF before the idea of Time Ships ever existed.
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

  • ussultimatumussultimatum Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    No cloak and no canons.=( If they want to balance the Wells and Korath, then knock off some of the shield modifier or hull from the Korath, or make it only +10 Aux. I am hesitant to say take the sensor analysis, though. It really is a good tool in an extended firefight.

    The Korrath is a Science ship, why would it get dual cannons? Or a cloak for that matter?

    bitemepwe wrote: »
    For a possible $200 investment, I do not think the KDF ships should give up anything to have cloaking. A technology that is widely used throughout the KDF before the idea of Time Ships ever existed.

    And the players who spend the same on the Wells or Mobius should get a lesser ship for what reason?

    What would you suggest they get in addition to keep the ships balanced vs. each other?

    Or is it that you do not think they should be balanced, and that the KDF should get a version that is clearly superior?
  • bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Or is it that you do not think they should be balanced, and that the KDF should get a version that is clearly superior?

    I thought cloaking was irelevant on a ship that can control time, so why is it now relevant to instill a handicap?:P

    I merely think the KDF TS's need cloaking as the technology is one the KDF has used for a very long time and it seems odd to not have it now.
    Let the Devs give whatever they give normally as a handicap for the use of cloaking.
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

  • srodneysrodney Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    I think this system could work out.

    in Blacklight (another PWE game), there's "Chance boxes" where you could win items that are already available in the online store. Thing is, some very few items are still exclusive to the chance boxes... and, in order to have a working system, some items offered currently in the lock boxes would have to be only available thru that.

    The majority of master key buyers want the Temporal ships. THAT is the reason they buy the key... so, leave the temporal ships in the box...

    The rest of the content, mirror universe ships, cross-faction consoles and other items could be made available thru the Store.

    It's a working model with Blacklight and there's no silver/gold membership possibilities.
  • jnohdjnohd Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    I still think all the Klingon KDF ships should be retooled to use cloaking consoles instead of innate. Then just make both the UFP and KDF timeships "cloak console ok" and people could apply them from other ships.

    That said, I was actually expecting the Wells and Korath to both be cleared for Cannons.
    Wampaq@Jnoh, Fleet Leader: ..Bloodbath and Beyond [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] 'Iw HaH je Hoch!
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  • jnohdjnohd Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    srodney wrote: »
    I think this system could work out.

    in Blacklight (another PWE game), there's "Chance boxes" where you could win items that are already available in the online store. Thing is, some very few items are still exclusive to the chance boxes... and, in order to have a working system, some items offered currently in the lock boxes would have to be only available thru that.

    The majority of master key buyers want the Temporal ships. THAT is the reason they buy the key... so, leave the temporal ships in the box...

    The rest of the content, mirror universe ships, cross-faction consoles and other items could be made available thru the Store.

    It's a working model with Blacklight and there's no silver/gold membership possibilities.

    Might be easier to simply offer Lobi packs on the C-Store, then.
    Wampaq@Jnoh, Fleet Leader: ..Bloodbath and Beyond [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] 'Iw HaH je Hoch!
    ALL HOLDINGS FINISHED! - Starbase 5-5-5-5 || Embassy 3-3-3 || Mine 3-3-3 || Spire 3-3-3
    A laid back KDF fleet welcoming independent, casual, & part-time players and groups. Roms & alts welcome.
    Send in-game mail to Wampaq@Jnoh, visit our recruitment thread and FB page for more info.
  • ussultimatumussultimatum Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    bitemepwe wrote: »
    I thought cloaking was irelevant on a ship that can control time, so why is it now relevant to instill a handicap?:P

    Well, then I guess the Fed ship's ability to control time would need to be stronger to then make the cloak functionally irrelevant.

    It's only irrelevant if it's mechanically present in the powers.

    Do you really want the Wells or Mobius to have an ability that can make cloaks functionally irrelevant? ;)

    bitemepwe wrote: »
    I merely think the KDF TS's need cloaking as the technology is one the KDF has used for a very long time and it seems odd to not have it now.

    It's not now, it's on a ship 300 years from 2409's now.

    I think it's equally as odd that players feel a ship should be given an innate cloak with no equality to the opposing faction ship - either with a reduction of shields and hull for the KDF version or an additional benefit added to the Fed version to compensate.

    There aren't, to my knowledge, any examples of there even being a KDF in the Temporal Cold War story line.

    Maybe they're from an alternate universe, maybe they no longer use cloaks, maybe the KDF is radically different from what it is now - regardless there is no "precedent" for 29h century and beyond Klingons or Klingon ships, much less Klingons with Cloaked ships.

    What strikes me the most is that when two sets of ships are given to both factions and the ships in their respective categories are pound for pound dead equal - that this is not enough and people still feel the KDF isn't being given it's due.

    At least that's the feeling I get from threads like this.

    bitemepwe wrote:
    Let the Devs give whatever they give normally as a handicap for the use of cloaking.

    Do that, and I'm confident in saying we'd see even more "KDF unfairness" threads that just ignore the now innate cloak.
  • gradstudent1gradstudent1 Member Posts: 633 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    The Korrath is a Science ship, why would it get dual cannons? Or a cloak for that matter?

    And the players who spend the same on the Wells or Mobius should get a lesser ship for what reason?

    What would you suggest they get in addition to keep the ships balanced vs. each other?

    Or is it that you do not think they should be balanced, and that the KDF should get a version that is clearly superior?

    In terms of the cannons question on a science ship, it will be interesting to see if the Vesta, which according to the books as I understand them, has cannons.

    I understand the problem with cannons on a science ship, however. The potential for it to be OP is very real.
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