is there any chance we could have a red alert and yellow alert buttons
on our big button tray thingy?
i mostly use brace for impact to set the mood when going into battle
but would be nice too to have the red alert and yellow alerts etc
were there any others alerts??
Blue Alert is called for non-combat special readiness, like landings, docking procedures and environmental threats. Blue Alert was also called when the Defiant cloaked, and when the Prometheus activated MVAM.
♪ I'm going around not in circles but in spirographs.
It's pretty much this hard to keep just one timeline intact. ♪
There is a game balance issue involved, you engage red alert by firing your weapons, so a separate bind to engage red alert manually might seem superfluous, however red alert keeps you from warping out of combat, hitting full impulse, cloaking (except battle cloak) or any other activity that would give you an easy exit from conflict, so I doubt there would ever be a means to manually override the red alert cooldown implemented.
If something is not broken, don't fix it, if it is broken, don't leave it broken.
Since we are supposed to be the Captain, i think it would be suitable to decide when our ships go to red alert and when to end it.
If someone is stupid enough to go to green alert in the middle of a battle ... well that's your own fault.
Live long and prosper.
"...'With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured...the first thought forbidden...the first freedom denied--chains us all irrevocably.' ... The first time any man's freedom is trodden on, we're all damaged. I fear that today--"
- (TNG) Picard, quoting Judge Aaron Satie
If you could hit green alert at any time you could escape losing in battle, you could escape losing in pvp, you could escape consequences for bad combat decisions, so I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for such an obvious game breaker. If the developers even consider adding something like this, it would make it obvious that someone over there is sniffing glue.
If something is not broken, don't fix it, if it is broken, don't leave it broken.
why not making the green alert button instant death when in battle.
I mean, you take all your shields + weapons down when going to back to green alert :S
well I beleive in green alert/status, the ships shields were not up? In TNG alot of times when they went to red alert the shields had to be activated. so maybe it could go like this?
Green alert - shields down, weapons inactive (no weapons buffs etc) for cloaking
yellow alert - shields up, no weapons buffs
red alert - shields up, weapons buffs allowed, for decloaking
blue alert - shields up, weapons offline, for MVAE, for when cloaked
and once in red alert, you should ONLY be able to switch to blue alert, so that MVAE's can do there thing. but once in red alert you have to wait so many seconds like it is now untill you can switch to something else, other then blue.
and as per usual, if attacked...RED ALERT, SHIELDS UP!
what do you all think?
Edit: added this stuff below
I know there is an abandon ship ability, but what about setting the self destruct?
possibly let abandon ship ability keep you from getting damage debuff, decrease respawn timer.
maybe make the self destruct ability force you to get a damage debuff, lowers morale, maybe 10% less crew effectivness for x amount of time?
not sure about those just thought id throw them in there.
A Red alert button would be an awesome way to increase the Trek feel of STO. Maybe there could be an optional (you can toggle it on/off in the menu) cutscene where you yell red alert and the the bridge's alert flashers go up and alert sirens sound.
It's pretty much this hard to keep just one timeline intact. ♪
I always like to use the brace for impact button
(Or a pig)
Sorry if my English is bad.
If someone is stupid enough to go to green alert in the middle of a battle ... well that's your own fault.
Live long and prosper.
I mean, you take all your shields + weapons down when going to back to green alert :S
Green alert - shields down, weapons inactive (no weapons buffs etc) for cloaking
yellow alert - shields up, no weapons buffs
red alert - shields up, weapons buffs allowed, for decloaking
blue alert - shields up, weapons offline, for MVAE, for when cloaked
and once in red alert, you should ONLY be able to switch to blue alert, so that MVAE's can do there thing. but once in red alert you have to wait so many seconds like it is now untill you can switch to something else, other then blue.
and as per usual, if attacked...RED ALERT, SHIELDS UP!
what do you all think?
Edit: added this stuff below
I know there is an abandon ship ability, but what about setting the self destruct?
possibly let abandon ship ability keep you from getting damage debuff, decrease respawn timer.
maybe make the self destruct ability force you to get a damage debuff, lowers morale, maybe 10% less crew effectivness for x amount of time?
not sure about those just thought id throw them in there.