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Salami Inferno KDF News



  • levi3levi3 Member Posts: 1,663 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    This is what he said - I put the emphasis on "could":

    "The Klingon Empire

    The KDF faction has a long history of trying to establish itself and has suffered greatly from the "what is it going to be?" thrash. While there is a passionate contingent of KDF players at max level who want more KDF specific content, there is also a large number of players who pass on playing in the KDF because you cannot build a KDF character as your first. In either case, the KDF wants to feel established and have their own agenda in the game instead of always playing the "foil" to the Feds. The best way we could('but won't' - my add-in) tackle this issue is to take a ?build it and they will come? attitude and find a way to let players create Klingons as their first and primary character."

    Where have I heard this before??
  • bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Betweeen the three toons I play the most I own everything that is klingon that has been sold via the Cstore, most in multiples. I have spent money buying Cstore respecs, Zen buy the bucket load to get DL from and offered my monetary support in every way that has been afforded to me from the game.
    There are not that damned many ways to spend money on a KDF toon and I will not buy 5 Enviro suits per toon just to be able to say, " Look at me Cryptic, I'm spending money."

    Blaiming each individual KDF player for not spending 5 times as much on STO to match what a single Fed player may spend and saying thats why Cryptic puts no resources to build up the KDF is stupid.

    15%, 18% or 20% of the playerbase can not be expected to spend like the majority to prove that we are a viable revenue stream for STO. We should be considered a viable revenue stream becuase we chose to play STO and spend our money regardless.
    While any profit made via the KDF may never hold a candle to the feds, every dollar made through us is still a dollar more Cryptic has to put in the bank than they had before I gave it to them.
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

  • startuxstartux Member Posts: 135 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    When reading responses to questions from any dev, whether good or bad, remember you're seeing their personal opinion and it may not represent STO as a whole.

    I figured they put things up on a board and then try to prioritize the list so to speak on what gets added and likely when. Yes, personal viewpoints can and do get mixed up in it, but hopefully the majority of developers/those who make it happen lol would like to see the KDF fixed and the Romulans added in as a fully featured faction.
  • deano65ehgdeano65ehg Member Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    So when r they changin the name from startrek online to Starfleet online ? ;)
  • levi3levi3 Member Posts: 1,663 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    deano65ehg wrote: »
    So when r they changin the name from startrek online to Starfleet online ? ;)

    That could very likely turn out to be not a joke!

    They have backpeddled on the KDF and RSE in their comments lately - but not the Federation - they see it getting stronger than ever by their tone and text.
  • startuxstartux Member Posts: 135 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    levi3 wrote: »
    That could very likely turn out to be not a joke!

    They have backpeddled on the KDF and RSE in their comments lately - but not the Federation - they see it getting stronger than ever by their tone and text.

    No they haven't, did you check the latest State of the Game? Not to mention the recent vote.

    Of course, actions always speak more than words, and we've had plenty of words, but I am more hopeful now than ever before to be honest.
  • levi3levi3 Member Posts: 1,663 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    startux wrote: »
    No they haven't, did you check the latest State of the Game? Not to mention the recent vote.

    Of course, actions always speak more than words, and we've had plenty of words, but I am more hopeful now than ever before to be honest.

    "no thy haven't" what? Backpeddled on things said recently about the RSE or for the last 2 1/2 years about the KDF?? Your joking right?? Either you are new to the KDF or the forums because DShahl makes it a person point to change his story from one post to the next - about the KDf, About the RSE - about the stupid cloak not working - or "working as intended"

    Seriously some KDF fan ask this poster if he is joking.
  • hawks3052hawks3052 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    For me the last state of the game reads for me as the typical "Yes we know and at sometime we will do something about it", especially since he mentioned the "Build it and they will come approch". Thats looks to good to be true and I'm very sceptical that Stahl and the other Devs will follow up on that.

    I really expect them to turn up with any sort of exuse just to get out of that statetment.
  • majesticmsfcmajesticmsfc Member Posts: 1,401 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    thecosmic1 wrote: »
    So let me ask you this: there are 21 KDF ships in the C-Store. How many do you own? If you can't say at least 11 it doesn't seem like you're putting much effort into helping your cause. And yes, the cause is financial. If you want to change things you need to do so by having a financial impact not by just preaching fire and brimstone from your pulpit every day.

    I own basically all the ships on the KDF so I have done my part thank you.
    Support the Game by Supporting the KDF, equality and uniqueness for all factions!
  • startuxstartux Member Posts: 135 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    levi3 wrote: »
    "no thy haven't" what? Backpeddled on things said recently about the RSE or for the last 2 1/2 years about the KDF?? Your joking right?? Either you are new to the KDF or the forums because DShahl makes it a person point to change his story from one post to the next - about the KDf, About the RSE - about the stupid cloak not working - or "working as intended"

    Seriously some KDF fan ask this poster if he is joking.

    Seriously, you said recently :eek: and I have been here since beta, have you? Stop being so negative, it was obvious STO was on survival mode for the best part of 2 years and I don't consider 2 years recent, in fact it was time to clean the slate after PWE took over and the merge was complete. Logic dictates that.
  • levi3levi3 Member Posts: 1,663 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    startux wrote: »
    Seriously, you said recently :eek: and I have been here since beta, have you? Stop being so negative, it was obvious STO was on survival mode for the best part of 2 years and I don't consider 2 years recent, in fact it was time to clean the slate after PWE took over and the merge was complete. Logic dictates that.

    Unless Mr Stahl starts throwing tangible stuff at the KDF - like something stupidly simple such as a costume pack - all he is doing is passing wind.
  • startuxstartux Member Posts: 135 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    levi3 wrote: »
    Unless Mr Stahl starts throwing tangible stuff at the KDF - like something stupidly simple such as a costume pack - all he is doing is passing wind.

    Yes, talk is cheap and I wish some of the developers would see each addition and the KDF faction as a good thing for STO as a whole. Stahl maybe the one doing the talking, but I get the distinct impression his is not the deciding voice on what goes where.
  • blunted74blunted74 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012

    I can only devote time and money to one MMO and SWTOR is looking better and better every day.

    I have been feeling the same way lately. I am tired of waiting for something to happen. Been watching some SWTOR let's play vids on youtube and game seems pretty good
  • majesticmsfcmajesticmsfc Member Posts: 1,401 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    levi3 wrote: »
    Unless Mr Stahl starts throwing tangible stuff at the KDF - like something stupidly simple such as a costume pack - all he is doing is passing wind.

    Agreed, I won't believe a word I hear until I see some action. Words are cheap, actions speak volumes.
    Support the Game by Supporting the KDF, equality and uniqueness for all factions!
  • levi3levi3 Member Posts: 1,663 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Agreed, I won't believe a word I hear until I see some action. Words are cheap, actions speak volumes.

    Everyone please see my new post under state of the game:

  • maddog0000doommaddog0000doom Member Posts: 1,017 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    I really couldn't put it better myself. Half the reason I didn't want to comment before when I posted the above, just goes to show how one sided everything is here on STO and Cryptic. The game would be so much more successful if Cryptic developed two factions equally like most other MMO's (SWTOR, WoW etc).

    Really I wished that Cryptic hadn't gotten the rights to STO, I wished Perpetual had regained the rights, some of their early work was fantastic. If they had kept that quality going and transferred it into the game we'd all would be better off.

    yes the reason why wow is such a hit in that area is both factions are treated the same they basicly a copy paste of each other with some minor changes so bad guy are bad and good guys are good.

    when i 1st played sto i was all over fed i tryed the kdf and found out how poorly we treated and have refused to play a fed ever again til they fix the kdf.

    i have deleted all my feds and no longer by anything from cstore that is fed. it my hope both sides will be treated = but i cant see it happening speacial if they start focusing on a new faction lol that makes me lol id love to see how bad they mess up that too.

    all the wining and crying about population etc..... its all bull its a poor excuse for not doing their job to make the game as good as they can/should.
  • gypsybladegypsyblade Member Posts: 730 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    I personally own every z-store ship except the Bortas'qu (all versions) and the Guramba.

    Haven't purchased any Fleet Ships as of yet, honestly waiting for a Fleet Kar'fi and Fleet Varanus.
  • travelingmastertravelingmaster Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    patrickngo wrote: »
    The other portion of the problem is thus:

    Every KDF is also a FEd, and when they do their numbers, they don't account for how many Feds are also KDF, or PRIMARILY (by playing style and personal choice) KDF.

    I am proud to state that I have NO Fed characters. I have three KDF toons (Klingon tac officer, Gorn Engineering officer, and Lethean Science Officer).
    My PvP toon is Krov, of The House of Snoo. Beware of my Hegh'ta of doom.
  • generalkrasgeneralkras Member Posts: 39 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    thecosmic1 wrote: »
    Cryptic is being held hostage by the Fed fan-base? The same fan-base which has gone 2 years without any new Missions while the KDF have gotten 9 new Missions, Sorties, etc, etc, etc?

    The simple truth is the Fed players blew through all the Missions the first month of the game over 2.5 years ago too, and have gotten nothing new since then. And on top of that we're expected to financially support the entire game via the C-Store.

    Two years without any new missions? Hate to break it to you friend-o, but you in that two years time have received 20 missions to the Klingon 9, PLUS new dailys (which are your sorties). They're called Featured Episode series and I know, I know, you are SO hard done by there because Klingons can play them too. Despite the fact that they are very plainly written to be Fed centric in their events and outcomes and we get the token dialogue fluff change to make it so "uniquely" Klingon we've totally kept in step with you there. Oh wait, no we haven't. And the nine missions you lament, they came in to be in place of the ZERO missions we had at launch to your fifty eight I believe is the figure? So sorry you blew through an entire game in a month and were all sad face you had to wait for new content, sorry though baby I'm just gonna take your bah now and give you your soother cuz you need stop fussing.

    So let me ask you this: there are 21 KDF ships in the C-Store. How many do you own? If you can't say at least 11 it doesn't seem like you're putting much effort into helping your cause. And yes, the cause is financial. If you want to change things you need to do so by having a financial impact not by just preaching fire and brimstone from your pulpit every day.

    While you might be 20% of the player-base you're probably not even 3% of the financial base. I seriously doubt KDF players are buying Fed C-Store items each week that they can't use on their KDF just to be financially supportive. :)

    And where precisely is your information coming from for these figures? Oh right, probably from the same place you're talking from. Took me a moment to realize it was you talking, not someone behind you. :)

    To answer your inquiry though I own nearly every ship there is, with the exception of two or three. But you want to know something fun? When we got downsized to a mini faction, the landscape altered another way for us in the KDF. Now ships we used to be able to get simply for advancing in rank suddenly found themselves with a C Points cost as well. So ships like the Kar-Fi, like the B'rel retrofit, all those fun ships? They suddenly in addition to the time it took to grind required cash to obtain as well. So nearly everyone of our ships at top tier has a C Point/ZEN requirement to it. Ergo, we probably do account for more of the figures than you since the only reason we pay for ships is to PVP, which is a realm we have a good amount of representation in being that prior to those dastardly nine missions being added that you had to cool it in Spacedock and not have some new crisis to be Kirk savior too for some time we could only level via PVP or Exploration grind. Big fun right? :)

    At this stage of the game the only financial contribution you're making is probably via Lockbox Keys or buying Zen to sell for Dilithium for Fleetbases. You're certainly not buying C-Store items. Cryptic probably wouldn't even notice you're gone - assuming your impassioned speech could inspire more then a few dozen to leave.

    It grows tiring constantly watching the KDF play the minority card: we don't have as much so we deserve more. The simple truth is we all deserve more, whether we're the 20% or the 80%. Just once I'd like Cryptic to say: "Hey Fed players! Here's a new Mission just for you for buying all the C-Store TRIBBLE over the last 2.5 years!" I'd probably die from a heart attack if they did that. :)

    You must have been away a couple of months ago. They turned around and said exactly that and gave you FIVE new missions! It was called the 2800.

    By the way, you really need to mediate that talking from the back thing you do. It's starting to get embarrassing. Like for real, I'm embarrassed for you right now. The idea that you have gotten nothing in the last 2 years to the level the KDF has would be laughable, if it wasn't so sad. And they say WE move the goal posts and are ungrateful? I can only hope somewhere someone reads this shining example of Fed gratitude and shakes their head.

    And you know what, I hate to break it to you but you're once again with regards to the C-Store wrong. It must be stunning to live in a world where this drivel is actually thought of as correct. You doubt us to be buying C-Store items? Remember how I just told you that even ships we used to get for FREE now had C cost to them? Want to hear something hilarious? Even though we have actually ALREADY spent money on ships for the KDF in the C-Store? We have to spend it AGAIN to buy Fleet versions whereas you guys get that nice fifteen dollar discount. So you wind up spending five bucks on your ship and when it?s said and done my fleet Tor'kaht ran me fifty to possibly seventy five dollars depending on if I bought the Vor'cha AND the Vor'kang.

    The Fleet Scourge? Fifty dollar ship, 25 for the previous version for lower levels that if we're being real was bought for the console, and another 25 for the fleet modules to get it. And to be clear, no we don't HAVE to buy the lower tier ship, but the fact is if we already have prior to the Fleet ships? We get no break in the price on it like the Feds do. Which is fundamentally wrong, but also the way it presently is.

    What might cause me to have a heart attack is to see a Fed fan whose actually educated on the issue and does a modicum of research before busting in threads like that to run his mouth for the sake of running his mouth. Chomp on your soother friend, new content will be to you in a months time. Waste time on that Tholian thing if you get bored between now and then. Me I'll just be here, spending double money on ships to create and hone PVP builds.
  • z0graz0gra Member Posts: 113 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    emperormak wrote: »
    1 new ship for every 2 new ships FED gets. A clearly defined list of c-store ship consoles that FED will NEVER NEVER NEVER get.

    Dont bet on that there was a rumor that feds might get plasma leech via lockboxes soon.

    If this happends its officially gameover for KDF.

    I made 100 posts about this issue and some KDF fans doesnt realise how important it is.

    Its like a nuclear reactor meltdown if this helps you imagine the scale of impact that will have if PWE shares our best unique console and the reason why many ppl rolled and loved KDF.

    They get 3x new ships in fact for each ship we got also their ships got better stats in paper they got tons of unique CONSTANT tractor pets that even feds realize how much OP and annoying are and they got MACO shields stacking energy effect and if they get plasma leech along with all those things they got then ofc they will be OP and also there will be no reason for some1 to play KDF.

    What play KDF only for the orion interceptors ?
    Or for the faulty turn rate design in raptors?




    let ppl play kdf form lvl 1 and enjoy a new faction that will truly shine.

    ps. i always forget those OP tetryons feds got that each weapon got 10% proc change to dmg shields.......
    yeah they got much more unique stuff and lot of more attention.

  • seekerkorhilseekerkorhil Member Posts: 472
    edited September 2012
    z0gra wrote: »
    Dont bet on that there was a rumor that feds might get plasma leech via lockboxes soon.

    If this happends its officially gameover for KDF.

    I made 100 posts about this issue and some KDF fans doesnt realise how important it is.

    Its like a nuclear reactor meltdown if this helps you imagine the scale of impact that will have if PWE shares our best unique console and the reason why many ppl rolled and loved KDF.

    They get 3x new ships in fact for each ship we got also their ships got better stats in paper they got tons of unique CONSTANT tractor pets that even feds realize how much OP and annoying are and they got MACO shields stacking energy effect and if they get plasma leech along with all those things they got then ofc they will be OP and also there will be no reason for some1 to play KDF.

    What play KDF only for the orion interceptors ?
    Or for the faulty turn rate design in raptors?




    let ppl play kdf form lvl 1 and enjoy a new faction that will truly shine.

    Dude you really do nothing to help your case when you write like this. Caps, insults, exaggeration and outright falsehoods all stop anyone with any authority from taking your posts seriously.
  • majesticmsfcmajesticmsfc Member Posts: 1,401 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Dude you really do nothing to help your case when you write like this. Caps, insults, exaggeration and outright falsehoods all stop anyone with any authority from taking your posts seriously.

    Mate, they don't take them seriously regardless. Look at the empty promises, the questions that are danced around rather the being answered. They don't even recognise us as a valued customer, other wise they would fix the cloak bug (rather than that lame excuse), give us some more costume options. Release some more missions for us rather than giving us lame cross faction invasion zones that holds one interest as long as a child who gets a new toy until he sees a new a better one.

    Understand we are feed up, had it with Cryptic being Cryptic about if they plan to do anything for the KDF, sick of the false and misleading promises of Mr "Bureaucrat" Stahl. He is so dishonest it isn't funny. He obviously is still putting his own personal wishes into the game rather than developing it for his paying customers. Now he is now talking about Romulan and Borg factions, what the hell. One of the existing factions isn't even half complete after two years and he wants to add more half baked factions. I'm simply lost of words and disgusted by his attitude. The man should be fired and someone neutral that can get the job done brought in.
    Support the Game by Supporting the KDF, equality and uniqueness for all factions!
  • bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Dude you really do nothing to help your case when you write like this. Caps, insults, exaggeration and outright falsehoods all stop anyone with any authority from taking your posts seriously.

    I must admit I find the Capital letters easy to read on my phone.
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

  • zeuxidemus001zeuxidemus001 Member Posts: 3,357 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    They called me a nay sayer and they made nada so I guess they are nada makers :)

    I used to laugh so hard at people saying oh yer so negative and what you are saying is untrue...

    Well we are a year from then and all we have gotten in the past year pretty much is the bortasqu' who is negative now? LOL
  • z0graz0gra Member Posts: 113 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    They called me a nay sayer and they made nada so I guess they are nada makers :)

    I used to laugh so hard at people saying oh yer so negative and what you are saying is untrue...

    Well we are a year from then and all we have gotten in the past year pretty much is the bortasqu' who is negative now? LOL

    This ^

    Also i have been writing in a formal nice way but no1 was taking me into consideration anyway.

    As a result they caused my temper to raise and as a result its causing caps lock button to engage.

    The more they keep ignore us the less money they take from us and the more negative attitude we pass to other players.

    Its the simple laws of logic all humans beings got inside build in.

    Nothing wrong with me move along just the company keep ignoring rightfully KDF demands.



    Me only i paid 250 euro in about 6 months i got every right to use caps when i feel its right and when i feel company that got my money is ignoring me.

    250 euro in 6 months thats a lifetime paycheck for some federation noobs and i did this in 6 months and now the company is thanking me by giving all the new ships in fed side and on top of that they want to take our PLASMA LEECH and give this also to the feds...

    This is outrageous if u do that i will do everything in my powers to stop ppl from playing or starting to play this ripoff unworthy of trust game!
  • hawks3052hawks3052 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    majesticmsfc summed it up right perfectly for me.

    One of the major problems to STO is Mr Stahl.
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