so ive got the heavy escort carrier. it's all setup for dps: 4 mkVII dhc in front and 3 mkVII turrets in back. i have recently noticed that other than TT1, there aren't any ensign boff skills that aren't beam or torpedo skills.
so i guess that means im gonna be switching my loadout to include a torpedo launcher, or should i go with 3 "tact team 1"?
My Tactical BOffs are skilled as follows:
Cmdr: Torpedo High Yield I, Torpedo Spread II, Tactical Team III, Cannon: Rapid Fire III
LCdr: Torpedo Spread I, Tactical Team II, Cannon: Scatter Volley II
Ens.: Tactical Team I
This works excellent for me.
If so?
If not
Come Visit the 44th Fleet
Because the target subsystems are beam only. They dont work for cannons.
I do not agree... The escort carrier is like many other escorts, it's BOff's layout is not much different from MVAE BOff's layout... so you can equip it like a traditional escort (plus the hangar).
for example if you want an alternate build using beam array (even if not optimal from a DPS point of view) you can do the following:
front weapons: 3xDHCs + 1xDBB
rear weapons: 2xBA + 1xtorpedo
tactical abilities:
ensign: TT1
lt: BO1, BO2
cmd: TT1, CRF1, APO1, CRF3
or you can have this more canonical build:
front: 3xDHCs + 1xquantum torpedo
rear: 3xturrets
tac boffs abilities:
ensign: TT1
lt: THY1, THY2
cmd: TT1, CRF1, APO1, CRF3
moreover IMHO
1) using 3x tactical team and 3 torpedo abilities is not optimal because of shared cooldown...
2) TT2 and TT3 are a wast much better using only a couple of TT1 (enough to optimize shields) and have APO1 (can save your life and give you a buff to damage and resistance) and another attack ability.
Ex. the 2 build above let you use torpedo and cannon abilities every 15 seconds (you can't do better), shields are stiill optimized and you have APO1 to buff your attack or escape from tractor beam (so you do not nead polarize hull, and assign that sci slot toTransfer Shield Strenght) .
of course if you like AOE attacks, feel free to use Torpedo spread instead of THY and CSV instead of CRF... I prefear having 2 more tactical boff trained with that abilities and change BOFFs based on the mission I have to do.
Playing STO spamming FAW is like playing chess using always the computer's suggested moves
the canonical one...
the other with beam array is good enough for pve, I think is also easier to fly (DBB help on targeting), but has lower DPS.
Playing STO spamming FAW is like playing chess using always the computer's suggested moves
is better to have a couple of TT1 unless you use at least 2 purple conn officers (TT version, 3 is optimal to maximize the buff to attack pattern skill) in your space roster...
moreover a couple of APO shares a 30 seconds cooldown... IMHO it's better using APB and APO, the shared cooldown is only 15 sec and in the time you use once APO you can use APB and APO and after 15secs APB again... If you choose a similar build, you can have the following tactical abilities:
ensign: TT1
lt: THY1, APB
cmd: THY1, CRF1, APO1, CRF3
That way I have a highter DPS (may be because I didn't put many skill points on projectile skills).
Playing STO spamming FAW is like playing chess using always the computer's suggested moves