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Where in the story do you think Season 7 should expand on?

SystemSystem Member, NoReporting Posts: 178,019 Arc User
It is now known that season 7 is all about content and new missions. Stahl told me at the Q/A Session that it's going to be focused on 3 fronts and a specific enemy group. So what do you think should be in it? Here are possible ways it will be focused:

The Klingon War: S7 might expand on the Klingon war, more so detailing the conflict, maybe even making treaties or bringing the end in sight. Or they could continue the waging of war even more.

The Romulans: S7 could detail more on the Hobus supernova, all the little detailings of how it came to be once again. We might find out about where Sela has been, the continued alliance of the Iconians and Romulans, and the Romulans and Remans could break out in another war so the Remans can continue their quest for freedom.

The Cardassians: I don't really no how they could expand on it since they made the 2800. Perhaps they could add in between the episodes.

The Borg: Once again, I don't see as much of how they could be expanded, but it could expand their advance into the federation, or there could be more STFs.

The Breen: Still don't know.

The Undine: One of the biggest mysteries in STO is how and why the Iconians decided to trick the Undine into attacking the quadrant's powers. S7 will probably go into this, and might even start the Long War the novel goes into.

Tholians: Since the Tholians are being introduced in S6, the specific enemy group is probably definitely them. Perhaps their story will start by some intrusion into their space.

So what do you think? What are your ideas on what the story should be about?
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  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    The State of the Game article they released yesterday hints that:

    1: Yes, Captains will get caught inside a Tholian Web and will have to very strategically figure out how to get out before it closes in on them.

    2. There are definitely thoughts and ideas for finishing up the Iconian arc.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    My gueses are....

    Tholians: ... most likely will come in after the spoon head missions.

    Undine: ... Really want to see how the Undine react after being told they've been dupped.

    Klingon/Fed: Pvp related stuff

    Borg: ... too much borg stuff already.. let them die down a bit.. then come back with a big bang

    Hirogen: maybe ?

    Mirror Universe: maybe :O

    Breen: Maybe something to do with Tran and his renegade friends.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    jg2112 wrote:
    So what do you think? What are your ideas on what the story should be about?

    It should be twenty four episodes about you trying to convince the powers of the galaxy that the Iconians are a shared threat and everything needs to be put aside. The Romulans have already sided with them, and probably the Breen will too just because they're jerks like that. Cardasians, Klingons, Remans, and the Dominion are with you.

    The Undine? They've withdrawn after you've shown them the evidence.

    The Borg? They've been shown willing to cut a deal when facing something they can't assimilate. But I figure they're best left as a force of nature than an ally.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Personally I want the KDF/Fed war to wrap up...

    We've been "fighting" a low intensity war for the past 2½ years, and we aren't really getting anywhere. Might as well let it come to an end, and it still dosen't prevent new chars from initially experiencing the war...

    Secondly I would like more focus on the Iconians... I want to know how a race that was originally thought to be "the bad guys", then prooven to be the good guys (in TNG) suddenly ended up being the real bad guys.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    My want on this idea, in no particular order:

    Fed/Klingon War: It's okay that we're at war at the beginning, considering the missions in both factions... but by the end of the game, there's the combined force to drive the borg out, from both sides. Perhaps a little help to wrap this war up, or at least put it on permanent hold.

    Borg: State of Q mission aside, the few borg missions we do have involved assimilation. One mentioned that the borg found a way to mass-assilimate a world, not just people... I'd like to know more about that. Plus, I'd really like to know how they managed to temporarily assimilate an Undine, considering the inner-nanoprobe-fighting-stuff these things have in their blood.

    Note: this post has no knowledge of the specifics of STF missions, so I'm ignorant about those developments.

    Undine: The Undine have been played, and they've targeted us in response. A little more effort to tell them that we're not their enemies would help (as long as we don't go into Fludic Space without asking... they're absolutely dead-set against ANY intrusion of their space).

    Iconian: This one is obvious.
    I want to know how a race that was originally thought to be "the bad guys", then proven to be the good guys (in TNG) suddenly ended up being the real bad guys.
    I don't know about being proven to be good, but according the texts, they were feared for being highly advanced, and destroyed for it. So the reason they're interfering right now is because of revenge... so their alignment is questionable, at least before they were destroyed.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    I would like to see Season 7 create KDF content spanning from Lt. level 1 to Commander level 5 chronicaling the Klingon/Romulan war after the destruction of the Romulan/Reman Home systems (Lt. Level missions, with special instory provisions why a Gorn would be in the KDF BEFORE the Gorn/ Klingon war). Then, expanding on that with the Gorn Front opening up(Lt. Commander missions, with talioring for Gorn characters caught between the two).
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Tholians and Iconians, definitely.

    Ending the Klingon war...I don't know; pretty much all PvP right now involves the war, though I know they're revamping it sometime in the future. I'm neutral on that.

    I almost wouldn't mind a short arc involving the mirror universe...your character's counterpart in particular. Maybe he/she's taken control of the Empire after James O'Brien's death, or something like that.

    They also should show us how things are going in the Romulan Empire after Sela's disappearance. Pretty chaotic, I presume.

    I'm sure there are still stories to be told of the True Way and the Breen.

    And why not expand on some of those random aliens from Exploration Clusters? (Se'Rellian, Vito'D, Starlian, etc)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Keep in mind that most of the klingon war story missions involve being tricked by the Undine and specifically fighting one Klingon radical who thinks that war will make the empire stronger. Not even the Klingons think what he's doing makes all that much sense.
  • rliant1864rliant1864 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    I would like to see Season 7 create KDF content spanning from Lt. level 1 to Commander level 5 chronicaling the Klingon/Romulan war after the destruction of the Romulan/Reman Home systems (Lt. Level missions, with special instory provisions why a Gorn would be in the KDF BEFORE the Gorn/ Klingon war). Then, expanding on that with the Gorn Front opening up(Lt. Commander missions, with talioring for Gorn characters caught between the two).

    I read a similar idea a while ago, but don't recall where. Perhaps historical missions, holodeck based, that chronicle the KDF/Gorn war, both from the Fed and KDF perspectives. The Fed offering humanitarian support for the Gorn colonies, getting attacked by the KDF along the way, and the KDF fighting the Undine controlled Gorn military.

    Personally, like many others, I'd like to see the KDF/Fed conflict wrapped up so they can focus on their joint operations, like the anti-Borg groups. From there we can expand into fighting back more heavily against the Borg, and combined fighting against the upcoming Iconians and Tholians, as well as the Undine. Hopefully we can wrap up the Undine as well, now that we know that they are being deceived, so we can have them fight against the Iconians.

    We could keep the joint Fed/KDF STF's, and the PVP/PVE's against the Klingons could be explained as either War Games or fighting against Klingons who've refused to give up the Fed/KDF war.
  • xenificationxenification Member Posts: 615 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    hmmm i really would like to see some further tholian additions, as a long term fan of star trek in general, they only popped up on the odd occasion and it would be rather cool to see them introduced as maybe another victim of the iconians or maybe it a completely different story line but maybe the whole chain of events shaped by the iconians or just different in general as.

    but i think that can wait, i would much prefer to see more on the undine because well the final mission was just a complete cliff hanger.

    but i would also like to see more on the dividians, yeah we had a couple of missions against them but nothing to interesting id like to see more game play against them but in there "realm" so to speak? STF may develop some kind of ev suit against triolic waves?

    lol doing this all off the top of my head and failing miserably i think lol
  • diotwdiotw Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    In terms of storyline, here's where I think we might be going.

    Obviously, the big reveal at the end of the last available story mission is going to be a big part of things. I predict that the Iconians will start showing up in a big way, and at some point the player is going to have to persuade the Undine that the Alpha Quadrant powers are not their true enemy. Whether or not the Undine believe you is up to the devs I guess.

    In terms of the Fed/Klingon war, I think it's about time we had a fitting finale to that story. From reading the Path to 2409 lore pieces, I'm pretty sure that the Klingons have actually been right all the time. I predict that at some point, some or even all of the high ranking Federation officials (the President and members of the Federation Council) will be revealed to be Undine infiltrators. The player will discover their conspiracy (a la Picard and the mind controlling insect things in TNG), causing a lot of the story elements to fall into place. Of course the Federation starts condemning their Klingon allies when the Klingons start actively hunting Undine - with Undine in power in the Federation, they're going to do their best to pit the two major powers in the quadrant against each other, and they don't want to risk the Klingons exposing the extent of their infiltration. It's also possible that the Klingon Chancellor has been replaced, and the two groups of infiltrators are keeping the war going artificially to weaken the two powers further.

    Once the plot is exposed, I predict the player, perhaps with some Starfleet assistance, will team up with Jarod and a KDF task force to arrest the Undine. This way, the war can end amicably for both sides - the Federation has defended its borders and has not suffered a major military defeat or had to surrender. The Klingon Empire has achieved its goals of saving the Alpha Quadrant from the Undine, allowing them to portray the subsequent peace (and possible re-instatement of the Khitomer Accords) as a glorious victory for the Empire. At this point, the Federation and Klingons are free to deal with the growing threat of the Iconians (and to find out exactly which side Sela is on).

    Ending the war shouldn't make things too awkward in the game world. Even now, Federation and Klingon players pass each other peacefully in space and on starbases all the time. And new players would still have to play through the entire storyline before the war ends. In terms of PvP, or the Deep Space encounters, once the war is over these can be renamed or reclassified either as wargames, or fighting rogue elements who refuse to accept the war is over (like that Captain in TNG who takes his Nebula class into Cardassian space and starts blowing up random ships).

    Anyway, that's my two slips of latinum on the subject.
    This character is why I don't play my Romulan any more. Tovan Khev is NOT my BFF! Get him off my bridge!
  • maxvitormaxvitor Member Posts: 2,213 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Since this is an MMO and we want it to have an open ended future, we don't really want to "win" the game.
    The groundwork has certainly been laid out that although the Undine had been instigating hostilities between all factions they were provoked by agents under the control of the Iconians, so I would see many missions to root out Undine infiltration on all sides and a final confrontation with the Undine not so much as a battle of conquest but a battle to make them face the truth, an entire season could be devoted to that alone.
    Iconains realizing their Undine plots have failed, may show themselves in force, creating a threat to the galaxy greater than the Borg ever were.
    A long struggle working to restore peaceful relations then combining forces to combat the Iconians themselves.

    Sela was hauled away by Iconians so she may return at some future point to spur the Romulans into further strife at the Iconians behest.
    Klingons may decide that in spite of all, they prefer glorious conquest to peaceful relations,
    or may factionalize, those wanting battle at war with those seeking peace.
    There can never be peace with the Borg so long as they continue their motus operandi of assimilation.
    The Tholians will continue their inscrutable behavior of hopping between dimensions to annex worlds for whatever reasons.
    Cardasia may decide that the True Way may have been right, destabilizing that region.
    The Dominion may return, not necessarily as an enemy.
    Section 31 may decide that it can do a better job of governing the Federation than it elected officials, sowing the seeds of dissent within the heart of the Federation.
    If something is not broken, don't fix it, if it is broken, don't leave it broken.
    Oh Hell NO to ARC
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    I'd go with either the Iconian manipulation of the Romulans, or the Dominion. I'd love to go to the Gamma Quadrant. OOOh! maybe connect the Iconian story with the Dominion somehow? Such as the Iconians trying to mess with the Founders? Or.... maybe if the Iconians are (part of) why the Founders distrust humanoids(solids)?
    My character Tsin'xing
  • roadghostroadghost Member Posts: 394 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    1. Wrap up the Klingon War.

    2. To keep PVP alive, have it become another Klingon civil war. Since a Klingon content already involves Klingon vs Klingon this wouldn't be a stretch. The empire signs peace treaty with the federation, and a splinter group takes up arms.

    3. Next big bad? hmmm I don't know. Compared to the Borg most of the badguys Trek has introduced have fallen a bit flat.

    - The Hirogen are just lame to me, plus the whole idea of Voyager having to work magic to get back in under 75 years and now a couple of decades later we have an entire Hirogen influx into the alpha quadrant? Meh.

    - The Udine, they had a great intro in Voyager with "The Weak Shall Perish" line but after Scorpion they turned into just another random Delta Quadrant speedbump.

    - JJ's movie really screwed up the Romulans. I mean we already had the Klingons kinda sorta losing their home world, but not really, in ST:VI. Couldn't he have come up with a better plot device than blowing up somebody else's? Plus the shoulder pads have just gotten out of hand with them. Maybe we should have attack of the Romulan tailors in S:7.

    - The Cardassians have been nutted, and their fashion sense wasn't any improvement on the Romulans anyway.

    - I don't like spiders, so I would personally request that the Tholians be given a pass.

    - Breen? Eh, I really don't want to shoot Princess Leia.

    - Iconians, the dark puppet masters of the universe? Don't we already have that with the Founders?

    - Mirror Universe, possibly. But the whole transdimensional storyline just seems more of a novelty to put girls in skimpy outfits, which is all good to me, but I'm afraid of the defection rate among male Starfleet officers given a chance to 'work under' Empress Hoshi.

    - I guess that leaves the Dominion. I never liked how DS9 ended with "we win because the gods like us better" victory. How about the Founders figure out finally how to snuff the Prophets, get through the wormhole and blow the TRIBBLE out a those liberal commie pinkos on Bajor (YAY! hehehehe.). Then lay waste to the Cardassians and every Romulan tailor they find. Thus forcing everyone else in the Alpha quadrant to get over themselves, wear something not so annoying and team up for a nice mega smackdown.

    Then again we could just have some more lockbox missions.
  • stofskstofsk Member Posts: 1,744 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Personally I want the KDF/Fed war to wrap up...

    We've been "fighting" a low intensity war for the past 2½ years, and we aren't really getting anywhere. Might as well let it come to an end, and it still dosen't prevent new chars from initially experiencing the war...

    Secondly I would like more focus on the Iconians... I want to know how a race that was originally thought to be "the bad guys", then prooven to be the good guys (in TNG) suddenly ended up being the real bad guys.

    Did we watch the same episode? In that episode an Iconian probe destroyed the USS Yamato with all hands and damn nearly destroyed her sister ship, the Enterprise. They were never proven to be the good guys at all. Picard merely speculated that the historical record appeared to be written by the victors, as the term 'demons of air and darkness' suggest whoever was writing the record had a bone to pick with the Iconians.
  • tebsutebsu Member Posts: 372 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    more borg, more 8472, hirogen, kazon and other stuff that has come too short (you saw borg quite often but only in the same missions over and over again but there are only like what, 5 missions?)
    What ? Calaway.
  • psycoticvulcanpsycoticvulcan Member Posts: 4,160 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Tholians and Iconians, definitely.

    Ending the Klingon war...I don't know; pretty much all PvP right now involves the war, though I know they're revamping it sometime in the future. I'm neutral on that.

    I almost wouldn't mind a short arc involving the mirror universe...your character's counterpart in particular. Maybe he/she's taken control of the Empire after James O'Brien's death, or something like that.

    They also should show us how things are going in the Romulan Empire after Sela's disappearance. Pretty chaotic, I presume.

    I'm sure there are still stories to be told of the True Way and the Breen.

    And why not expand on some of those random aliens from Exploration Clusters? (Se'Rellian, Vito'D, Starlian, etc)

    What me said. :P
    "Critics who say that the optimistic utopia Star Trek depicted is now outmoded forget the cultural context that gave birth to it: Star Trek was not a manifestation of optimism when optimism was easy. Star Trek declared a hope for a future that nobody stuck in the present could believe in. For all our struggles today, we haven’t outgrown the need for stories like Star Trek. We need tales of optimism, of heroes, of courage and goodness now as much as we’ve ever needed them."
    -Thomas Marrone
  • xanto90xanto90 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Truthfully, I'm not as concerned as to what they implement, but how they implement it. Right now I'm at the Cardassian missions and the K/R missions were not that great. I understand that STO is set around a war, but Star Trek is not all about war, there needs to be variety between missions... every mission should not begin and end with a fight. It's to predictable, I know now when something will happen before it even happens based on past missions. There were only 1 or 2 that were interesting really during those missions.

    Now, I'm not sure how the later missions are, because I know they were added later on, but I hope there better than what I have already played.... because so for they have been mostly go there, fight enemy, beam to planet, scan this, defeat enemy again and repeat.

    Please tell me it gets better?

    Outside of the missions, the game has been pretty good... since I last played it which was around release.
  • captainmarvelushcaptainmarvelush Member Posts: 134 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    diotw wrote: »
    In terms of storyline, here's where I think we might be going.

    Obviously, the big reveal at the end of the last available story mission is going to be a big part of things. I predict that the Iconians will start showing up in a big way, and at some point the player is going to have to persuade the Undine that the Alpha Quadrant powers are not their true enemy. Whether or not the Undine believe you is up to the devs I guess.

    In terms of the Fed/Klingon war, I think it's about time we had a fitting finale to that story. From reading the Path to 2409 lore pieces, I'm pretty sure that the Klingons have actually been right all the time. I predict that at some point, some or even all of the high ranking Federation officials (the President and members of the Federation Council) will be revealed to be Undine infiltrators. The player will discover their conspiracy (a la Picard and the mind controlling insect things in TNG), causing a lot of the story elements to fall into place. Of course the Federation starts condemning their Klingon allies when the Klingons start actively hunting Undine - with Undine in power in the Federation, they're going to do their best to pit the two major powers in the quadrant against each other, and they don't want to risk the Klingons exposing the extent of their infiltration. It's also possible that the Klingon Chancellor has been replaced, and the two groups of infiltrators are keeping the war going artificially to weaken the two powers further.

    Once the plot is exposed, I predict the player, perhaps with some Starfleet assistance, will team up with Jarod and a KDF task force to arrest the Undine. This way, the war can end amicably for both sides - the Federation has defended its borders and has not suffered a major military defeat or had to surrender. The Klingon Empire has achieved its goals of saving the Alpha Quadrant from the Undine, allowing them to portray the subsequent peace (and possible re-instatement of the Khitomer Accords) as a glorious victory for the Empire. At this point, the Federation and Klingons are free to deal with the growing threat of the Iconians (and to find out exactly which side Sela is on).

    Ending the war shouldn't make things too awkward in the game world. Even now, Federation and Klingon players pass each other peacefully in space and on starbases all the time. And new players would still have to play through the entire storyline before the war ends. In terms of PvP, or the Deep Space encounters, once the war is over these can be renamed or reclassified either as wargames, or fighting rogue elements who refuse to accept the war is over (like that Captain in TNG who takes his Nebula class into Cardassian space and starts blowing up random ships).

    Anyway, that's my two slips of latinum on the subject.

    This. This is the best idea I've seen yet on furthering the STO storyline. Devs, please use this idea.
    Captain of the Thunder and the Lightning

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