In STOwiki it has a Ensign Engineer and in the SKill Planner it has an Ensign Engineer, yet the original Dev release of stats shows it had an Ensign Science?
Did they change it?
Fleet Scourge Destroyer Retrofit
Commander - Tac
Lt Commander - Tac
Lieutenant - Eng
Lieutenant - Sci
Ensign - Sci
Engineering: 3
Tactical: 4
Science: 3
Fore: 4
Aft: 3
Turn: 17
Hull: 31350
Crew: 200
Device Slots: 2
Shield Mod: 0.92
If it has been changed to an Ensign Engineer slot, then why?
It now has the same BOff set-up as the Fleet Somraw Raptor
Fleet Somraw Raptor Retrofit
Commander - Tac
Lt Commander - Tac
Lieutenant - Eng
Ensign - Eng
Lieutenant - Sci
Engineering: 3
Tactical: 4
Science: 3
Fore: 4
Aft: 3
Turn: 16
Hull: 34650
Crew: 100
Device Slots: 2
Shield Mod: 0.71
Really not enough Differences to make a Player wish to buy both, So I'm hoping there is a misprint somewhere and the Scourge has a Ensign Science BOff.
Return of Ja'Dok Series (6 Part Series)
Enemy of the Exile Series (4 Part Series)
Task Force Ja'Dok Series (3 Part Series)
This ^
Its ok now but it wont be ok if feds get leech console and drain effects are cancelled while feds keep on boosting 10 power from maco shields.
Dont say i didnt warn you.
Agreed. Largely because all the eng ensign slots really offer are 'emergency power to x' moves, and it's sorta pointless to carry more than 2 of those, especially on an escort. Eng team is not worth the slot, given the interference with tac team, etc. With a sci ensign, I'd have an additional HE1, or polarize hull 1 (very important on escorts), or maybe jam sensors to help with a quick getaway. Heck, I could even try throwing on a tractor beam 1. There's options, is what I'm saying.
lt. Eng.: EptS1, EPtS2
Cmdr. Tac.: TT1, APB1, APO1, APO3
Lt.Cmdr. Tac.: TT1, CRF1, CRF2
Lt. Sci.: TSS1, HE2
En. sci.: TSS1
3x Borg, KGH MKII Shield
1x MKXII Borg-Photontorpedo
3x Disruptor DHC Borg MKXII
3x Disruptor turret Borg MK XII
3x purple projectile weapon Doff
2x purple shield distribution Doff
4x Disruptor induction coil
2x field Generator
Borg console
Disruptor point defence Module
plasmonic leech
Theta vent console
speed-batterys and this resistance device buff from the story missions.
Did 17 Pug-STFs until now. Failed none. lost opt twice (Khitomer probe on the other side - did not see them). Died 6 times at all. According to parser in the regular clueless-PUG-Group this baby delivers 50-70%(!) percent of the teams DPS.
Love it.
Nice...I was doing something similar. However...if you have access to the disruptor quad cannon, you may want to switch out one of the DHCs for it due to the ability to proc more.
I also ditched apo for apb in the 2nd and fourth tac positions and went with ts3 and ts1 with csv for the apb.
You will get a lot of aggro because of the ts3. I would also drop one of the Borg pieces for another khg piece to get the 25% torpedo damage increase.
But with PUGs I prefer the defensive bonus of 3 Part Borg.
That is on the list of "things to buy". But at the moment I am busy getting fleet ships for 4 toons, so that may take a while. ^^
I really dislike aggro. Not because I can not tank it but it forces you to evade, what consumes time. I
without spread skills you can literally sit under a cube in cure ans kill nans. Not at 9km, but at 2km. its hard to imagine how fast nans can get down if you focus on one after one: you can kill the complete "lower" nanite row between the first and the second pair of BOPs.
Also I dislike spread skills. Sure, if used by a coordinated team it is very potent (grav well to crowd them, 2-3 CSV and 2-3 TS = 5 dead spheres in infected) but in most situations the effect is mostly wasted: torpedo damage is wasted if shields are not down and shield damage is regeneerated when no one is "working" on the sphere etc.
/disagree loudly
2xEPtoS1, RSP, for top survivability
EPtoS1, EPtoW1, EPtoS2/RSP for top damage. Do NOT underestimate the advantage of buffing your weapons power hard!
3x MK XI Phased Tetryon DHC ( Acc CritDx2)+ 1 MK XII Borg quantum forward.
2x MK XI Phased Tetryon turrets (ACCx2 CritD)+ MK XI (Acc x2 CritH) Chroniton torp aft.
3 piece Borg + KHG MK XI shield
2X MK XI rare RCS consoles, MK XI very rare neutronium armor.
2X MK XI rare shield cap consoles
4x MK XI rare Tetryon boosting consoles
Red Matter Capacitor, eng bat.
EPTS1, Aux2id
2 purple shield dist doffs
2 purple torp doffs
purple maint engi doff ( the one that boosts batteries)
It seems to be working pretty well, My turn rate unbuffed is 40, & rotating APO + Aux2id means i'm almost always buffed, & with 2 X APO + PH i'm seldom held.