Hi Captains!
I am organizing an in-game (Holodeck) STF event for this coming Wednesday. It also corresponds to the event that is on the in-game calendar -- successful completion of Infected during this time will earn you more Encrypted Data Chips and Dilithium.
The first timeslot will be at 8pm BST/ noon PDT/ 3pm EDT. (Click
here to view in your timezone)
The second timeslot will be at 5pm PDT/ 8pm EDT/ 1am BST. (Click
here to view in your timezone)
Let's plan to meet on Deep Space Nine, on the second floor of the Promenade. From there, we'll queue up for private games. Feel free to come in whichever ship/ class you would like, on either faction (minimum level requirement is 44). We will do a space run, and then a ground run if time permits (I think it will).
Please join the REDALERT channel to see any communication/ instructions from myself. Type this command in your chat bar to join the channel: /channel_join REDALERT
Due to the STFs having some strategic elements to it, I suggest taking a look at some of these resources (we will be running on Normal and Elite):
Elite version guide: http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=281651
Also, I am looking for players who feel that they could lead a group of 4 other players through the mission. If you are willing and able, please make a post below letting me know you would like to lead a group (including normal or elite) and what timeslot you are available for.
If you can't make it Wednesday, I would like to try and do these often, and on different days/ times. Feel free to post constructive feedback in here with ideas, including if you would like to see this expanded to other types of events (PvP, Fleet Actions etc.).
Hope to see many of you Wednesday!
Brandon =/\=
LTS, here since...when did this game launch again?
timeslots ill be on for event and I am on central time between 2pm-12am
| Dues Ex Mechina |
Fleet Leader
Vice Admiral TCael Commanding Officer U.S.S. Experimental reporting for team lead duty for both time slots (elite prefered)
ground stock up on regenerators
if you fleet has unlocked space store grab gear it is amped way up on elite prepare for shock
Don't get me wrong it's a great idea and would love to see more events like this.
Should move it to Battle Group Omega. Not as many people go there.
If your hub for all you toons is DS9 like me, you better move them somewhere else until the event is over. Moving all mine tonight.
I just hope my freshly levelled TAC toon can score a set of AP to replace her disruptors in time.
Awoken Dead
Now shaddup about the queues, it's a BUG
2 Questions:
1. What instance of DS9?
2. Can the cooldown be turned down/off for the event? Those of us who are experienced can finish Infected Space in less than 20 minutes. We could possibly lead 2 or 3 groups through in the 1 hour window.
Main: Maverick
The instance will be decided at the time of the event -- it all depends on which one has the least amount of players in it. That's the one I usually go for so we can fit as many as possible.
Unfortunately, #2 is not possible. We'll be running space first, and then ground -- that should take up the entire hour.
The minimum level requirement is 44 for this event.
Brandon =/\=
infected space 101
tip infeted space make sure you have repulse 3 to push nanites back or gravity well 2
groun if unlocked get fleet ground weapons as well remember elite is turned up a notch
tactical cube is way tougher all spheres hang in a pack leathal like one shot
gates wel super gates as I call them they one shot you
ground fleet gear recomended on elite
I wish and would like to be your teammates. Klingon songs say you are a good warrior.
I will stand by.
Brandon =/\=
God, lvl 60 CW. 17k.
For those deciding whether to go or not, do it, community events are always a bit of a laugh.
Brandon =/\=
Thanks for the screens, medtac124!
Brandon =/\=