I have just seen on the net that Worf (Michael Dorn) has put his name and idea out there for a new star trek show, i was wondering if anyone has more information about this, if you think its a good idea and what you might like to see from it
If this is true i would like to see the prometheus as the main ship, with Worf as its Captain.
I think that theres a gap in the market right now for a good sci fi show and would love a new star trek show to come out
sorry to tell you but there is already a thread of this in ten forward. But hopefully we will get a show in the prime verse. They should do this while they do the alternate reality stories with the JJ trek,
I'd like to see this topic pick up in here , due to the fact I'm banned from ten forward , Guinan threw me out and refuses to let me back in . So please continue in here lol
I don't see it happening unless it's set in the abramsverse. That's where the trek story is continuing and much more importantly it's where the money is.
It's not the first show pitch, and the previous ones had writers, directors, and producers behind them. This one's got an actor whose character would probably make a worse captain than Janeway (though as Scorpion showed, "bad captain makes bad decisions and bullies anyone who disagrees" can still make for a decent episode).
Really not enough clout here to get wheels moving.
Why do I get the impression people don't like janeway as a captain due to her being a woman, only captain I really see getting slagged yet also the only woman, ohhhh contravertial.
to me we will never see a star trek show again not unless it had ghost hunter or jersey shore for thats all ppl care for now days looks @ syfy for a example if its not reality ppl just dont care for it also to me the science fiction as we new it dun gone
to me we will never see a star trek show again not unless it had ghost hunter or jersey shore for thats all ppl care for now days looks @ syfy for a example if its not reality ppl just dont care for it also to me the science fiction as we new it dun gone
SyFy, to me, is a traitor to the genre. I don't watch it anymore and care less whats on it. Since when is WWE science fiction? I miss SCIFI!!
As for a new show, I have seen it said somewhere that CBS does not plan on reviving Star Trek as a weekly series until, at the least, the current movies are done. They nolonger have interest in running a series and movies simultaneously anymore. They don't want Star Trek to die but, they don't want to saturate it either.
I'd like to see this topic pick up in here , due to the fact I'm banned from ten forward , Guinan threw me out and refuses to let me back in . So please continue in here lol
I don't see it happening unless it's set in the abramsverse. That's where the trek story is continuing and much more importantly it's where the money is.
Its not going to last long, every true trek fan wants the prime verse back. I love the JJverse movie and can't wait but at the same time I want the prime verse to be shown. Its not set in stone.
Why do I get the impression people don't like janeway as a captain due to her being a woman, only captain I really see getting slagged yet also the only woman, ohhhh contravertial.
Sadly, Riker already has his first officer and that's his wife.
Troi is not Riker's first officer. If you go by the books, Riker's first officer is Commander Christine Vale. Worf becomes Picard's first officer after a brief revolving door at the position. If you do not go by the books, then Riker has no first officer.
Why do I get the impression people don't like janeway as a captain due to her being a woman, only captain I really see getting slagged yet also the only woman, ohhhh contravertial.
Because you never actually read any of the posts or watch the referenced episodes? She has a record of actual bad command decisions, she has a history of rejecting the advice of her senior staff, and even has a record of using intimidation to silence dissent.
It's why I cite Scorpion, specifically. It sums all of her major character flaws up at once and puts them center stage, usually you only get a taste of one or two of them at a time. She makes a terrible command decision, asks input on that decision, rejects all input that disagrees with her, and every time somebody questions her she confines them to quarters, silencing one crewman after another until nobody else is willing to question her. Oh, and surprise, her command decision turns out to be bad in exactly the way everyone told her it would.
Archer gets slammed a lot, too. He also had a solid record of poor decision making and ethically questionable actions. He also had a few points to his defense: He was inexperienced, had no predecessors' experience to draw from, and was a wartime captain for some of his most appalling actions.
Because you never actually read any of the posts or watch the referenced episodes? She has a record of actual bad command decisions, she has a history of rejecting the advice of her senior staff, and even has a record of using intimidation to silence dissent..
oh so kirk was a good boy that followed all the rules ..... i think not even picard and Sicko didnt always and all the rest you named all the captains hvae dun the same thing
and if my memory is right one of them i name committed genocide
oh so kirk was a good boy that followed all the rules ..... i think not even picard and Sicko didnt always and all the rest you named all the captains hvae dun the same thing
and if my memory is right one of them i name committed genocide
Kirk broke the rules when he believed the rules were preventing him from acting for the greater good or when compliance would endanger the ship. Nearly all of his actions were broken down to almost naive levels of black and white, and even his questionable acts like arming peaceful natives were never deplorable in the given circumstances (in that case, warlike natives armed by the Klingons).
Sisko broke the rules to win a war. Deplorable acts but with extremely high stakes.
Janeway, however, on several occasions broke the rules for no gain to the greater good or the good of the ship, while on others enforced them to the detriment of the greater good or the good of the ship, punished free speech and used rank and intimidation to silence dissent. She committed deplorable acts with low stakes and frequently with acceptable alternatives.
Archer, meanwhile, also committed deplorable acts, with high stakes (lower than Sisko's but higher than Janeway's) and usually without alternatives.
I don't see it happening unless it's set in the abramsverse. That's where the trek story is continuing and much more importantly it's where the money is.
i think IF there is going to be a new show, with a new setting and everything, then they might make it so different that it will work for both Universes or Fanbases.
like... 26th+ century for example.
ENT works for both timelines, because it is set in the past, the more you go into the future the less important the details of the past shows become.
but personally i think there is still enough demand for the prime universe (this games survival is proof enough).
It just depends who the next guy is after JarJar Abrams that gets to play with the license on the big screen.
Kirk broke the rules when he believed the rules were preventing him from acting for the greater good or when compliance would endanger the ship. Nearly all of his actions were broken down to almost naive levels of black and white, and even his questionable acts like arming peaceful natives were never deplorable in the given circumstances (in that case, warlike natives armed by the Klingons).
Sisko broke the rules to win a war. Deplorable acts but with extremely high stakes.
Janeway, however, on several occasions broke the rules for no gain to the greater good or the good of the ship, while on others enforced them to the detriment of the greater good or the good of the ship, punished free speech and used rank and intimidation to silence dissent. She committed deplorable acts with low stakes and frequently with acceptable alternatives.
Archer, meanwhile, also committed deplorable acts, with high stakes (lower than Sisko's but higher than Janeway's) and usually without alternatives.
One of these things is not like the other.
sorry but the excuses dont justify the means they all boke the rules one committed genocide sorry no excuse for that at all not matter how you would like to justify it
I'm happy Mr. Dorn is so enthusiastic in still wanting to play Worf and I would love to see more into Klingon culture. But I think his idea needs somekind of plot that would convince CBS (especially profit-wise) to invest in another Trek TV show that isn't new-Trek.
Perhaps someone should tell Mr. Dorn about the STO Foundry and use that to make webisodes?
We seen the UGC teams nicely pull it off, and Mr. Dorn could use that to convince CBS and at the same time gather a fanbase to support the idea in going into production.
I have just seen on the net that Worf (Michael Dorn) has put his name and idea out there for a new star trek show, i was wondering if anyone has more information about this, if you think its a good idea and what you might like to see from it
If this is true i would like to see the prometheus as the main ship, with Worf as its Captain.
I think that theres a gap in the market right now for a good sci fi show and would love a new star trek show to come out
Every TV season, some high profil;e name comes forward with an idea to re-introduce Star Trek to TV. However, CBS has declined every one, and the thinking is that they will continue to do so as long as Paramount is doing the recast big screen Star Trek film series (the cast was signed to a 3 feature deal and if the upcoming Star Trek film does well, they'll at least do the third, see how it does and go from there).
But, my point? you won't see another Star vTrek series for TV be seriously contemplated until teh film series has run its course. Until then CBS is content to remaster the existing non-HD series into HD format and make money selling the Blu-Rays (and new HD syndication packages) to local high definition stations and cable networks.)
Star Trek on TV (if it ever returns at all) is still years (5 to 10) away (IMO):eek::)
Formerly known as Armsman from June 2008 to June 20, 2012 PWE ARC Drone says: "Your STO forum community as you have known it is ended...Display names are irrelevant...Any further sense of community is irrelevant...Resistance is futile...You will be assimilated..."
Why do I get the impression people don't like janeway as a captain due to her being a woman, only captain I really see getting slagged yet also the only woman, ohhhh contravertial.
I'd slag Picard and Archer too.
I enjoy WATCHING Picard, Archer, and Janeway. Disagree pretty dramatically with all three, particularly on ethics.
I did once get called out at a party for saying I thought Kirk and Sisko were the captains I agreed with morally.
Compare what Sisko was willing to do for his crew to what Janeway was willing to do.
I think they pushed Janeway into some weird moral paradoxes. She was willing to kill Tuvix to get Tuvok back. She wasn't willing to do anything questionable to get the ship home and they kept ramming that issue home. So she'd breach the prime directive constantly based on her personal moral code but would never even consider bending it to save the lives of her crew until future Janeway (who I LOVED) did it for her. If she'd been Admiral Janeway from Endgame the whole time, she'd probably be my favorite Captain.
I think the writers were too married to the premise of the show.
I mean, DS9 was supposed to be a stationary show but they bent that by including the Defiant and a war... and stretching the premise improved the show.
If they'd had Janeway make a questionable decision and get home? There's an interesting plot. There were always rumors that they might get home early and deal with the fallout of the Maquis crew, etc. That would have been GOOD. I also think it would have been more interesting to have Janeway make a risky choice that gets them home but then there are consequences to that, like a threat to the Federation. I think they bent her character out of shape just to keep Voyager lost.
Enterprise also got better once they relaxed the format and got away from the idea of not doing big, direct prequels.
Really... Three years after Trek '09 and only a limited number of photos and no real info to speak of about the sequel... The money is REALLY there alright.
The MONEY is wherever they end up RELEASING the next Star Trek production. If they do a TV series, sponsorship will ensure profit.
If they do direct DVD sales, if they produce something like 13 hour-long episodes as part of an extended story arc, then they will make a lot of money on sales.
Look how successful Game of Thrones has been in DVD sales. Not everyone gets HBO. A Trek series made for DVD would work even without airing the episodes on TV. All they have to do is promote it heavily in every official and unofficial Star Trek / Science Fiction web site they can find, and people will be lined up on release day to get their hands on it. Base the viability of a second season on the sales.
Just saying...
Money is wherever people are interested in spending it...
Its not going to last long, every true trek fan wants the prime verse back. I love the JJverse movie and can't wait but at the same time I want the prime verse to be shown. Its not set in stone.
i think IF there is going to be a new show, with a new setting and everything, then they might make it so different that it will work for both Universes or Fanbases.
like... 26th+ century for example.
ENT works for both timelines, because it is set in the past, the more you go into the future the less important the details of the past shows become.
but personally i think there is still enough demand for the prime universe (this games survival is proof enough).
It just depends who the next guy is after JarJar Abrams that gets to play with the license on the big screen.
Like it or not trek '09 made more money than the last three trek movies before it combined. These people don't give a flying feck about us fans, they'll go with lowest common denominator, easiest profit, least risky option every single time. That means they'll go with the almighty reboot.
Even if.... and it's a miniscule if, we get a show in the prime universe, it will be a stinker. They will bleed the universe we enjoy of any reason we appreciate with shoddy scripts that give us LOLScience! and pander to mindless action crowd. We'll have to sit there and grin and bare it as we wretch our way through twi-trek.
Mark my words, trek as we know and love, trek as we want to see come back... is dead.
i personally thought janeway was good, they couldnt have them all the same.
I think Archer suffered because they made him an inferior version of the others for the most part. I suppose some of that was needed for a prequel -- to show growth -- but I think it would have been better to make him more distinct.
I've said it before but they should have given him a wife.
Everyone else seemed wary about relationships, aside from Sisko and even then he was different for key reasons.
There's almost an implied idea in Star Trek that a captain can't be married or have a family unless they're stationed on a base.
I think that would have been a good thing to setup Archer as a "negative example" of. The concern there would be that he might be unlikable if he's a bad husband or a bad captain but I think he could be good at both but just strained enough that later captains would avoid it. Especially if the whole arc was setup so that, in the finale, he chooses family over his captaincy.
Plus, if you look at Scott Bakula's existing work, he's just better at playing a committed husband or boyfriend than a swinging romantic. Stewart COULD have played that role too but I think he likes playing the swinging romantic more and it gave Picard hidden layers.
The borg are just badass... and if they tie it somehow in a paralel universe I can ignore how Janeway mutilated them in VOY. I will always ignored the emergence of the borg queen and her supposed destruction just out of principle.
Like it or not trek '09 made more money than the last three trek movies before it combined. These people don't give a flying feck about us fans, they'll go with lowest common denominator, easiest profit, least risky option every single time. That means they'll go with the almighty reboot.
Even if.... and it's a miniscule if, we get a show in the prime universe, it will be a stinker. They will bleed the universe we enjoy of any reason we appreciate with shoddy scripts that give us LOLScience! and pander to mindless action crowd. We'll have to sit there and grin and bare it as we wretch our way through twi-trek.
Mark my words, trek as we know and love, trek as we want to see come back... is dead.
I loved the last trek movie, but the only reason it made loads of money because it had younger actors and great CGI plus music, add that to the primeverse and they will been even better. Trek will never die as long as we remember it.
Really not enough clout here to get wheels moving.
system Lord Baal is dead
SyFy, to me, is a traitor to the genre. I don't watch it anymore and care less whats on it. Since when is WWE science fiction? I miss SCIFI!!
As for a new show, I have seen it said somewhere that CBS does not plan on reviving Star Trek as a weekly series until, at the least, the current movies are done. They nolonger have interest in running a series and movies simultaneously anymore. They don't want Star Trek to die but, they don't want to saturate it either.
Its not going to last long, every true trek fan wants the prime verse back. I love the JJverse movie and can't wait but at the same time I want the prime verse to be shown. Its not set in stone.
system Lord Baal is dead
Sadly, Riker already has his first officer and that's his wife.
Troi is not Riker's first officer. If you go by the books, Riker's first officer is Commander Christine Vale. Worf becomes Picard's first officer after a brief revolving door at the position. If you do not go by the books, then Riker has no first officer.
Because you never actually read any of the posts or watch the referenced episodes? She has a record of actual bad command decisions, she has a history of rejecting the advice of her senior staff, and even has a record of using intimidation to silence dissent.
It's why I cite Scorpion, specifically. It sums all of her major character flaws up at once and puts them center stage, usually you only get a taste of one or two of them at a time. She makes a terrible command decision, asks input on that decision, rejects all input that disagrees with her, and every time somebody questions her she confines them to quarters, silencing one crewman after another until nobody else is willing to question her. Oh, and surprise, her command decision turns out to be bad in exactly the way everyone told her it would.
Archer gets slammed a lot, too. He also had a solid record of poor decision making and ethically questionable actions. He also had a few points to his defense: He was inexperienced, had no predecessors' experience to draw from, and was a wartime captain for some of his most appalling actions.
oh so kirk was a good boy that followed all the rules ..... i think not even picard and Sicko didnt always and all the rest you named all the captains hvae dun the same thing
and if my memory is right one of them i name committed genocide
system Lord Baal is dead
Kirk broke the rules when he believed the rules were preventing him from acting for the greater good or when compliance would endanger the ship. Nearly all of his actions were broken down to almost naive levels of black and white, and even his questionable acts like arming peaceful natives were never deplorable in the given circumstances (in that case, warlike natives armed by the Klingons).
Sisko broke the rules to win a war. Deplorable acts but with extremely high stakes.
Janeway, however, on several occasions broke the rules for no gain to the greater good or the good of the ship, while on others enforced them to the detriment of the greater good or the good of the ship, punished free speech and used rank and intimidation to silence dissent. She committed deplorable acts with low stakes and frequently with acceptable alternatives.
Archer, meanwhile, also committed deplorable acts, with high stakes (lower than Sisko's but higher than Janeway's) and usually without alternatives.
One of these things is not like the other.
i think IF there is going to be a new show, with a new setting and everything, then they might make it so different that it will work for both Universes or Fanbases.
like... 26th+ century for example.
ENT works for both timelines, because it is set in the past, the more you go into the future the less important the details of the past shows become.
but personally i think there is still enough demand for the prime universe (this games survival is proof enough).
It just depends who the next guy is after JarJar Abrams that gets to play with the license on the big screen.
sorry but the excuses dont justify the means they all boke the rules one committed genocide sorry no excuse for that at all not matter how you would like to justify it
system Lord Baal is dead
Perhaps someone should tell Mr. Dorn about the STO Foundry and use that to make webisodes?
We seen the UGC teams nicely pull it off, and Mr. Dorn could use that to convince CBS and at the same time gather a fanbase to support the idea in going into production.
-kicking fed-asses all the time
maybe we would see more kdf players in the game and cryptic would care a bit more about the klingons
Every TV season, some high profil;e name comes forward with an idea to re-introduce Star Trek to TV. However, CBS has declined every one, and the thinking is that they will continue to do so as long as Paramount is doing the recast big screen Star Trek film series (the cast was signed to a 3 feature deal and if the upcoming Star Trek film does well, they'll at least do the third, see how it does and go from there).
But, my point? you won't see another Star vTrek series for TV be seriously contemplated until teh film series has run its course. Until then CBS is content to remaster the existing non-HD series into HD format and make money selling the Blu-Rays (and new HD syndication packages) to local high definition stations and cable networks.)
Star Trek on TV (if it ever returns at all) is still years (5 to 10) away (IMO):eek::)
PWE ARC Drone says: "Your STO forum community as you have known it is ended...Display names are irrelevant...Any further sense of community is irrelevant...Resistance is futile...You will be assimilated..."
I'd slag Picard and Archer too.
I enjoy WATCHING Picard, Archer, and Janeway. Disagree pretty dramatically with all three, particularly on ethics.
I did once get called out at a party for saying I thought Kirk and Sisko were the captains I agreed with morally.
Compare what Sisko was willing to do for his crew to what Janeway was willing to do.
I think they pushed Janeway into some weird moral paradoxes. She was willing to kill Tuvix to get Tuvok back. She wasn't willing to do anything questionable to get the ship home and they kept ramming that issue home. So she'd breach the prime directive constantly based on her personal moral code but would never even consider bending it to save the lives of her crew until future Janeway (who I LOVED) did it for her. If she'd been Admiral Janeway from Endgame the whole time, she'd probably be my favorite Captain.
I think the writers were too married to the premise of the show.
I mean, DS9 was supposed to be a stationary show but they bent that by including the Defiant and a war... and stretching the premise improved the show.
If they'd had Janeway make a questionable decision and get home? There's an interesting plot. There were always rumors that they might get home early and deal with the fallout of the Maquis crew, etc. That would have been GOOD. I also think it would have been more interesting to have Janeway make a risky choice that gets them home but then there are consequences to that, like a threat to the Federation. I think they bent her character out of shape just to keep Voyager lost.
Enterprise also got better once they relaxed the format and got away from the idea of not doing big, direct prequels.
Like it or not trek '09 made more money than the last three trek movies before it combined. These people don't give a flying feck about us fans, they'll go with lowest common denominator, easiest profit, least risky option every single time. That means they'll go with the almighty reboot.
Even if.... and it's a miniscule if, we get a show in the prime universe, it will be a stinker. They will bleed the universe we enjoy of any reason we appreciate with shoddy scripts that give us LOLScience! and pander to mindless action crowd. We'll have to sit there and grin and bare it as we wretch our way through twi-trek.
Mark my words, trek as we know and love, trek as we want to see come back... is dead.
It's Dead, Jim.
I think Archer suffered because they made him an inferior version of the others for the most part. I suppose some of that was needed for a prequel -- to show growth -- but I think it would have been better to make him more distinct.
I've said it before but they should have given him a wife.
Everyone else seemed wary about relationships, aside from Sisko and even then he was different for key reasons.
There's almost an implied idea in Star Trek that a captain can't be married or have a family unless they're stationed on a base.
I think that would have been a good thing to setup Archer as a "negative example" of. The concern there would be that he might be unlikable if he's a bad husband or a bad captain but I think he could be good at both but just strained enough that later captains would avoid it. Especially if the whole arc was setup so that, in the finale, he chooses family over his captaincy.
Plus, if you look at Scott Bakula's existing work, he's just better at playing a committed husband or boyfriend than a swinging romantic. Stewart COULD have played that role too but I think he likes playing the swinging romantic more and it gave Picard hidden layers.
The borg are just badass... and if they tie it somehow in a paralel universe I can ignore how Janeway mutilated them in VOY. I will always ignored the emergence of the borg queen and her supposed destruction just out of principle.
I loved the last trek movie, but the only reason it made loads of money because it had younger actors and great CGI plus music, add that to the primeverse and they will been even better. Trek will never die as long as we remember it.