Ive recently heard of these fabled Boffs with the efficient tag, that boost your abillities greatly.
Q) where do i get one: ie missons/ assignments or the exchange.
If exchange how much? I heard the price is high if so how high, can i afford it or not.
Monkey see, Monkey do. Monkey flings Feathered Monkey poo...

You can get them from DOFF missions (Achievment X: Saurian X Bridge Officer for example).
lianthelia, the 2 places you can get them is the exchange and random luck in sector space.
Al Rivera hates Klingons
Star Trek Online: Agents of Jack Emmert
All cloaks should be canon.
We need more races that are efficient that don't require beer goggles to look at.
They dont boost your abilities greatly, a full efficient crew simply adds a a few points to your lowest powerlevel systems.
They used to only come with some Uncommon saurians, where the prices went up to 50+ million EC a piece, now they come in all rarities except common. Price is acceptable.
STO Forum member since before February 2010.
STO Academy's excellent skill planner here: Link
I actually avoid success entirely. It doesn't get me what I want, and the consequences for failure are slim. -- markhawman
Human teamwork trait doesnt work at all.
- It doesnt increase your subsystem repair skill like it says.
- It doesnt increase your innate passive hull repair either.
- It doesnt increase your "hull repair skill' which would suggest it would buff hull repair abilities.
Please, don't speak unless it are facts, there ahve been too much misinformations on the forums imo.
The trait has been broken for a long time, since i play this game. They said they fixed it a while ago, but thats (probably) for the human playable race species trait.
So after the formula efficience/300 x (75-Power level) a crew of 5 efficient officers gives you:
+6,25 in any system with Power level 25 and
+3,125 in any system with Power level 50
Given the regular setup of 100/50/25/25 a crew of 5 efficient Boffs gives you +15.625 (probably rounded to 15.6) in Power.
so, yeah, they are worth it
There are occasionally doff assignments to recruit a saurian/lethean bridge officer if you check your personal tab. The lethean assignment for kdf is fairly common, but the saurian assignment for fed is extremely rare.