Hi there, since this wonderful account linking TRIBBLE stops me from playing the game I've got plenty of time to complain about the things that annoy me for quite some time.
One thing is the Vor'cha class battlecruiser. Or to say it with the words of Worf: "Another klingon ship has just decloaked. It is a Vor'cha class
ATTACK cruiser.
The ship itself is pretty much defined by it's massive front mounted disruptor. As seen here:
Now ingame, there is no such weapon available. Therefore my proposal is to create a new +1 ship, which comes with it. Let's call it the Vor'Kang refit. Keep it's parts interchangeable with other Vor'cha variants.
Instead of upgrading the engineering Lt to Lt Cmdr I would like to see an upgrade of the tac Lt. to Lt Cmdr, resulting in: Lt Sci, Lt Eng, Cmdr Eng, Ens Tac, Lt Cmdr Tac as boff layout.
At this point, just go back to the Youtube video, and repeat after Worf: "A Vor'cha class ATTACK cruiser ". Mkay ?
The unique weapon I propose for it shouldn't be much of a challange to create. Basicly take a disruptor beam array, and modify it's stats so it matches these of a mk XII purple dual beam bay. Firing arc, damage, rof etc, just rolled into one single beam.
Add the phaser procc (temporaly knocking out subsystems makes sense for such a massive weapon, eh ?)
Clear the gun for usage on all Klingon cruisers.
Easy to implement and backed by canon.
Not convinced this ship could be fun ? Watch this and think about it again:
Off the top of my head, I think it has the following:
Commander: Engineering
Ensign: Engineering:
Lieutenant: Universal:
Lieutenant: Tactical
Lieutenant Commander: Tactical
4 Eng consoles, 2 Sci, 4 Tac
Now if that doesn't put the attack into Attack Cruiser I don't know what will!;)
Edit: The KDF Captain in Way of the Warrior may just have double-stacked Overload II.
And that is the point. The Vor'cha just does not "feel right" without it's heavy disruptor. Therefore my proposal for a ship that ticks the boxes for me: beam overload 3 possible, and the big gun.
It is not gamebreaking/overpowered by using the stats of a dual beam bay and adding a gimmick that makes it unique and intresting.
Maybe a mistake. I should ask for a massively overpowered gun, so people take notice. :P
The fleet version is going to have the Boff layout above and receive a forth tac console slot, it would be cheaper and easier honestly to just go with a dual beam bank and bo 3. I'm not very read up on the Vorcha, but is there anywhere that says that says the forward cannon is anything beyond a regular cannon. From the pictures at the bottom it looks like a standard cannon or in the middle picture a standard beam.
I've flown the fleet Tor'kaht quite extensively in the last days. I'm very happy with the ship.
Still, I would love a ship that is closer to canon. In the TV show, the front disruptor was shown either in pulse mode or as heavy beam.
In TNG: Redemption it killed one BoP with a single shot (tough shields were down on that one). And in one of the Dominion war episodes one can see one firing the heavy beam at a Jem'Hadar Battleship.
The Regent with it's wide angle quantum torp gave me food for thought. Why not do the opposite ? Instead of a wide angle torp, a narrow angle beam ?
Here is the deal: reduce the firing arc to that of heavy cannons, and adjust the DPS accordingly. Release it with a C/Z/whatever store Tor'kaht. If you own c-store ship, get discount on the fleet version. Tada, KDF suddenly has a discount ship, too. (I wouldn't mind it, if it would be the other way around, too. )
And since it would cost in all likelyhood 2500 Zen, I would go out on a limb and say give it a nice console, too. On the other hand, I don't want something like the metron(?) gas console. I would be completely happy with a non-prototype Hargh'Peng I can use with THY or TS. Oh and give it a proper Klingon colour. Red or green. Failing that, I could live with the colour of plasma cannons, since this isn't taken for any existing torpedo type.
Boff layout as described above.
Yes it can be detatched.
It is also very likely that this is true for older ships like the K't'inga as well.
But there is a (literally) big difference between the forward module on the Vor'cha and the saucer section on ships like the Galaxy and Oddy: it's so small that it's highly unlikely it has its own power source.
In addition, while the detacheable saucers have visible impulse engines, there is at best room for a set of small reaction-thrusters or micro-impulse engines on the Vor'cha module.
And of course detatching such a small section of the ship would add little to nothing to the ship's maneuverability since its overall weight is laughable compared to the saucer of a Galaxy which is almost as wide as a Vor'cha is long.
Also the article you linked to states:
"In emergency situations it can act as a lifeboat."
I think that makes it pretty clear any seperation effect would at best be visible when you hit the "Abandon Ship" button.;)
In "Redemption" it fired a blue something called a disruptor.
In "Way of the Warrior"both the Vor'chas and K't'ingas fired beams from their forward section.
In "Sacrifice of Angels" the Vor'chas seemed to fire pulses similar to the ones fired by the BoPs in that same episode.
This certainly makes it difficult to incorporate every aspect of this ship's design into STO without overdoing it.
The strange blue pulse in "Redeption" did not seem to actuall originate from the forward "barrel" itself but immedeatelly in front of it, a bit like on the first "Death Star".
So it's possible the forward barrel is actually the torpedo launcher and the effects guys just messed it up in "Way of the Warrior" like they did with the K't'inga.
Or if we follow the lines from the AMT model's manual more precisely: there are different mission-specific modules.
That does not have to mean they look different from each other.
So it might be we simply got a version in STO where the forward module has a torpedo bay in that forward barrel.
there is also the Vor'kang (variation of the vorcha) that has this special weapon the OP is asking for.
fleet version+this console and you have your canon vorcha, although ther is quite a price tag to it...but everybody has got to eat.