I love this game, I really do. I've tried my best to enjoy everything (save for PVP) that there is about this game. I was thrilled when starbases and the Tholians were released...
...Then a month later it all came to a crashing halt. I've run out of things to do. I initially earned a mirror assault cruiser from a tholian lock box, so I decided to delete my klingon engineer and create a starfleet engineer, level her up, and take full advantage of that ship. That provided something to do for a little while.
I'd have no problem grinding fleet marks on Nukara Prime if they hadn't put in that cooldown timer. Now I really have no reason to even go back there. Even before the nerf, I already obtained the complete Tholian set and completed both exterior and interior hard missions just to say that I did them.
The starbase projects started requiring more and more and more resources to complete. I know that it's suppose to take over 7 months for even the largest and most productive fleets to reach max level, but the 20 hour cooldowns on projects leave me doing nothing more than donating whatever resources I can (which only takes about a minute for everything) and then waiting.
Before season 6, I would grind the hell out of the Defera and other Dilithium dailies. Now, I haven't even set foot back in Defera space because it's boring to do the same damn thing over and over again.
I tried to keep doing STFs, but I've pretty much resigned myself to the fact that my tactical officer will never have a complete Mk12 Omega set because from what I can tell, the prototype drops have been nerfed, and completing the optional, or even just completing Cure Space Elite is already hard enough as it is.
I have three characters, one of each class, and frankly, there's just NOTHING LEFT TO DO. Last time I logged in a few days ago, it was just to collect the DOFF recruitment missions, donate what I can to the fleet projects, and log out.
Why should I even log in anymore? I'm not quitting, but I'm not seeing any reason to keep playing either.
"My frozen dairy-based confectionery attracts all the males of the species to the facilities. They all agree on it's superiority. Indeed, it is superior to yours. I could teach you the finer details but that would require monetary recompense on your part." -The Milkshake Song: Vulcan Edition
So grinded everything to dust and ran out of stuff to do. Um go take a break?
Its not like you're paying a monthly sub. Go play something else and maybe the foundry spotlight rewards that we are suposed to be getting soon will interest you.
Or you can be like me and grind EC and Delithium. The price of Zen is at an all time low and figure its a great time to stockpile the stuff because Cryptic isn't going to stop putting out stuff in the Cstore to buy. And EC is great for buying lockbox rewards off the exchange.
If they would finally get around to adding valid rewards to the foundry spotlight missions you would have a new mission to look forward to playing every week. But the key word was "if".
If you're bored and frustrated with the game simply go and play something else for a while. There's a reason why I play so many different MMOs, and a reason why there are hundreds to choose from. Sometimes taking a break is the best thing you can do for yourself.
STO is about my Liberated Borg Federation Captain with his Breen 1st Officer, Jem'Hadar Tactical Officer, Liberated Borg Engineering Officer, Android Ops Officer, Photonic Science Officer, Gorn Science Officer, and Reman Medical Officer jumping into their Jem'Hadar Carrier and flying off to do missions for the new Romulan Empire. But for some players allowing a T5 Connie to be used breaks the canon in the game.
Or we could discuss ways they could keep people interested; like finally getting around to adding rewards to the weekly spotlight missions.
What "we" discuss is meaningless. What Cryptic discusses internally is what matters; and this certainly isn't the first "I'm bored/frustrated and about to quit" thread that's been on the forum this week, let alone this month or year.
STO is about my Liberated Borg Federation Captain with his Breen 1st Officer, Jem'Hadar Tactical Officer, Liberated Borg Engineering Officer, Android Ops Officer, Photonic Science Officer, Gorn Science Officer, and Reman Medical Officer jumping into their Jem'Hadar Carrier and flying off to do missions for the new Romulan Empire. But for some players allowing a T5 Connie to be used breaks the canon in the game.
There's a difference between talking and pretending what you're saying has any meaningful importance to the game. What we do on the forum is gossip and complain; console and criticize. We talk because we're part of a community. That's really all there is to it.
STO is about my Liberated Borg Federation Captain with his Breen 1st Officer, Jem'Hadar Tactical Officer, Liberated Borg Engineering Officer, Android Ops Officer, Photonic Science Officer, Gorn Science Officer, and Reman Medical Officer jumping into their Jem'Hadar Carrier and flying off to do missions for the new Romulan Empire. But for some players allowing a T5 Connie to be used breaks the canon in the game.
I hope some data mining reflects what the OP is saying. I'm hoping PWE will change their minds about turning STO into an Asian Mini-Grinder. Might not play out well to Western audiences.
So you think being part of a community is meaningless?
What "we" discuss on the forum is meaningless - which pertains to the second half of your sentence I quoted. We have no impact on when Cryptic is going to implement Foundry Mission rewards. We can discuss what we what them to be for the next 5 years, but that discussion is only meaningful when we have something to discuss. IE, we know what they are. Prior to that we're simply just talking about what we want, but that's meaningless to everyone but us - as we all want something slightly different.
I'm beginninng to wonder how many accounts Nagas now has, as he's about the only person pedantic enough to start debating things word-by-word.
STO is about my Liberated Borg Federation Captain with his Breen 1st Officer, Jem'Hadar Tactical Officer, Liberated Borg Engineering Officer, Android Ops Officer, Photonic Science Officer, Gorn Science Officer, and Reman Medical Officer jumping into their Jem'Hadar Carrier and flying off to do missions for the new Romulan Empire. But for some players allowing a T5 Connie to be used breaks the canon in the game.
What "we" discuss on the forum is meaningless - which pertains to the second half of your sentence I quoted. We have no impact on when Cryptic is going to implement Foundry Mission rewards. We can discuss what we what them to be for the next 5 years, but that discussion is only meaningful when we have something to discuss. IE, we know what they are. Prior to that we're simply just talking about what we want, but that's meaningless to everyone but us - as we all want something slightly different.
I'm beginninng to wonder how many accounts Nagas now has, as he's about the only person pedantic enough to start debating things word-by-word.
There are many examples that prove this wrong. They were not going to have ship interiors at launch, but did so because of the feedback on the forums. Same goes for the death penalty. They may not always do it as soon as we would like, but the forums definitely influence them.
What "we" discuss on the forum is meaningless - which pertains to the second half of your sentence I quoted. We have no impact on when Cryptic is going to implement Foundry Mission rewards. We can discuss what we what them to be for the next 5 years, but that discussion is only meaningful when we have something to discuss. IE, we know what they are. Prior to that we're simply just talking about what we want, but that's meaningless to everyone but us - as we all want something slightly different.
I'm beginninng to wonder how many accounts Nagas now has, as he's about the only person pedantic enough to start debating things word-by-word.
So now you think we're all pedantic?
Naw, but really they should listen to you and just take a break. The game isn't going anywhere.
Looks like he has at least 2 accounts. I'd give a Dev $100.00 to run an IP check on this thread right now.
STO is about my Liberated Borg Federation Captain with his Breen 1st Officer, Jem'Hadar Tactical Officer, Liberated Borg Engineering Officer, Android Ops Officer, Photonic Science Officer, Gorn Science Officer, and Reman Medical Officer jumping into their Jem'Hadar Carrier and flying off to do missions for the new Romulan Empire. But for some players allowing a T5 Connie to be used breaks the canon in the game.
Foundry missions. The best of them are better than the best quality STO missions, and many more are of the average quality of STO missions. Yes, many more are horrible; but there's enough great ones to give you plenty to do until Season 7, when we finally begin to see the fruits of the doubled development team.
Mix in a LITTLE grinding. It's fun in small quantities.
Also, give the PvP a try; you may find it's more fun than you think.
Former moderator of these forums. Lifetime sub since before launch. Been here since before public betas. Foundry author of "Franklin Drake Must Die".
The problem with that is that there are no credible rewards for the foundry.
You're playing the wrong missions then, because getting to fly a Federation starship through a good story *IS* a reward. What rewards did you get for watching Star Trek on TV?
Former moderator of these forums. Lifetime sub since before launch. Been here since before public betas. Foundry author of "Franklin Drake Must Die".
Foundry missions. The best of them are better than the best quality STO missions, and many more are of the average quality of STO missions. Yes, many more are horrible; but there's enough great ones to give you plenty to do until Season 7, when we finally begin to see the fruits of the doubled development team.
Mix in a LITTLE grinding. It's fun in small quantities.
Also, give the PvP a try; you may find it's more fun than you think.
You're playing the wrong missions then, because getting to fly a Federation starship through a good story *IS* a reward. What rewards did you get for watching Star Trek on TV?
By that logic, why have rewards for any missions? Fact is, most people want the carrot at the end of the stick. Playing a fun mission with a good story is great, but it should not be mutually exclusive from good rewards. You should be able to play missions you enjoy AND get a reward comparable to spending that same amount of time playing dailies.
Just so we're clear, are you actually opposed to foundry missions having rewards comparable to other missions?
You're playing the wrong missions then, because getting to fly a Federation starship through a good story *IS* a reward. What rewards did you get for watching Star Trek on TV?
Sure that is a reward but game wise people want more than that. And you can't blame them for that. Also trying to paint me as a uncaring individual is not a good route. What Star Trek means to me is most of my childhood, good characters, good stories, and inspiration to write stories myself. Plus No I have not been playing the wrong missions I do enjoy them quite a bit but novelty in a game you expect both a good story and some kind of reward.. That is a game to its core. Saying it is the only reward is a half truth to a game and not a terrible way to look at it but ignoring the other half is not.
you deleted your kdf guy, theres where you went wrong.
Yeah... Going to Hell and kicking Klingon Satan's TRIBBLE was fun and all, but that was it. My Human Engineer has access to the same abilities that my Klingon Engineer had. The difference in ships wasn't that important, and the general organization of everything on Qo'nos was just not worth it.
"My frozen dairy-based confectionery attracts all the males of the species to the facilities. They all agree on it's superiority. Indeed, it is superior to yours. I could teach you the finer details but that would require monetary recompense on your part." -The Milkshake Song: Vulcan Edition
Sure that is a reward but game wise people want more than that. And you can't blame them for that. Also trying to paint me as a uncaring individual is not a good route. What Star Trek means to me is most of my childhood, good characters, good stories, and inspiration to write stories myself. Plus No I have not been playing the wrong missions I do enjoy them quite a bit but novelty in a game you expect both a good story and some kind of reward.. That is a game to its core. Saying it is the only reward is a half truth to a game and not a terrible way to look at it but ignoring the other half is not.
If it was just about the story then the devs would not have included rewards with all of the missions they made. They know gamers want their loot, and there is no reason to assume people will suddenly change how they feel just because they are playing a foundry mission.
to be honest, any amount of constantly attaining something more from the world...NOT just in games, and most importantly capitalism itself, IS a grind. reading a book, watching a show, living life, playing a game with friends is the reward for the larger life-grind, enjoy it. if you cant, take a break from it all and do something else for a bit.
to be honest, any amount of constantly attaining something more from the world...NOT just in games, and most importantly capitalism itself, IS a grind. reading a book, watching a show, living life, playing a game with friends is the reward for the larger life-grind, enjoy it. if you cant, take a break from it all and do something else for a bit.
That may be your personal definition of the word "grind", but it is definitely not the commonly understood meaning used by gamers in general, which is simply doing the same thing over and over again. Examples include killing NPCs over and over, or repeating a mission over and over. Doing a variety of different missions, even if you are doing it for the reward rather than the experience, is not a grind by common gaming meaning.
Second, there is no reason that playing a fun mission and getting a good reward should be mutually exclusive. Featured Episodes are great missions and they also have cool rewards. There is absolutely no reason the devs should not add similar cool rewards to the spotlight missions.
One of the main problems with the endgame is that the contentdoes not have any context.
Outside of grinding for resources to build a fleetbase, what is the overall purpose for obtaining the level fifty c-store ships, fleet ships, stf space and ground gear, fleet space and ground gear, and elite items? There isn't any. No overarching storyline. No episodic missions. No way to use the content to level. No purpose.
How about the fleetbases? We are grinding and investing insane amounts of resources and time, so we can ultimately use the base to... grind for more resources? Are there any episodic missions that require us to have a fleetbase? Nope.
Its an insane grinding feedback loop towards reaching nothing.
Congrats you have all this stuff, but what are you going to do with it?
Leveling? Nope. You already reached the last obtainable level.
Episodic missions? Nope. You completed those while leveling to the top.
Fleetbase based episodic mission? Nope. Concept has not been considered.
What ultimate and epic goal are you trying to reach? There isn't any.
You are obtaining all this endgame content, so you can use it to do... more grinding.
Where is the intellectual aspects of the endgame? There isn't any. Cryptic's version of intellectual stimulation comes from tweaking difficulty setting and nerfing content.
Your brain is starving for something to do, for it realizes that there is no purpose to the game's ending.
It stinks because we are all going through the motions.
I'm curious why you have done everything in the game except PvP? IMO, PvP is the best endgame content in STO. I've done most of the grinding stuff like Nukara, Fleet Mark events, and STFs, but they do get old and repetitive after a while. What it boils down to, is that there are just not that many different grinding missions so you end up doing the same ones over and over and after a short while they cease to be challenging and it's just a matter of going through the motions. The game could really do with some more STFs and Fleet Mark missions.
Basically, I agree with you. But what I don't agree with is skipping out on PvP. PvP is by far the most challenging aspect in STO. Basically all of my PvE and Doff stuff that I do is to build up a formidable ship for PvP. This is a goal worthy of working towards, but it doesn't just end there. While good gear definitely helps in PvP, it's all about tactics, ship builds, and piloting skills. This is a never-ending challenge for me. I have just started PvP and while I am nowhere near a top-level PvP'er, it is this exact challenge that drives me onward. There is tons of room for improvement in my PvP in all of the aspects that I have mentioned and working to improve my PvP is not only challenging, but also fun and rewarding (much dilithium and satisfaction from a good session).
I'm curious why you have done everything in the game except PvP?
By the devs own admission, STO's PvP sucks. They said that so few people even do it that if they removed it from the game it would hardly effect anyone. I'm glad you enjoy it, but just be aware that the vast majority do not.
Hmm, not sure about that myself, I've started STFing again all day about a week ago and I've had quite a few Proto drops.
Already have 2 of 3 XII Omega pieces with only the one from KA ground elite left to get.
Its not like you're paying a monthly sub. Go play something else and maybe the foundry spotlight rewards that we are suposed to be getting soon will interest you.
Or you can be like me and grind EC and Delithium. The price of Zen is at an all time low and figure its a great time to stockpile the stuff because Cryptic isn't going to stop putting out stuff in the Cstore to buy. And EC is great for buying lockbox rewards off the exchange.
Has been for almost a year with the borg invasion
Or we could discuss ways they could keep people interested; like finally getting around to adding rewards to the weekly spotlight missions.
If you think it is meaningless then why reply?
So you think being part of a community is meaningless?
I'm beginninng to wonder how many accounts Nagas now has, as he's about the only person pedantic enough to start debating things word-by-word.
There are many examples that prove this wrong. They were not going to have ship interiors at launch, but did so because of the feedback on the forums. Same goes for the death penalty. They may not always do it as soon as we would like, but the forums definitely influence them.
So now you think we're all pedantic?
Naw, but really they should listen to you and just take a break. The game isn't going anywhere.
Mix in a LITTLE grinding. It's fun in small quantities.
Also, give the PvP a try; you may find it's more fun than you think.
STF's are now grinding centric and TRIBBLE quite a few people off.
Overall this game is a grinding game and its not that fun. Plus there is the issue of no new real content... excess fluff and of course ships.
Fleet starbases are more of a grind too
So where is the fun and also where is the plot? MMO's if no one has noticed are dying..
You're playing the wrong missions then, because getting to fly a Federation starship through a good story *IS* a reward. What rewards did you get for watching Star Trek on TV?
What Chris said. Until they add valid rewards for the amount of time many foundry missions require, they simply arent very appealing.
By that logic, why have rewards for any missions? Fact is, most people want the carrot at the end of the stick. Playing a fun mission with a good story is great, but it should not be mutually exclusive from good rewards. You should be able to play missions you enjoy AND get a reward comparable to spending that same amount of time playing dailies.
Just so we're clear, are you actually opposed to foundry missions having rewards comparable to other missions?
Sure that is a reward but game wise people want more than that. And you can't blame them for that. Also trying to paint me as a uncaring individual is not a good route. What Star Trek means to me is most of my childhood, good characters, good stories, and inspiration to write stories myself. Plus No I have not been playing the wrong missions I do enjoy them quite a bit but novelty in a game you expect both a good story and some kind of reward.. That is a game to its core. Saying it is the only reward is a half truth to a game and not a terrible way to look at it but ignoring the other half is not.
Yeah... Going to Hell and kicking Klingon Satan's TRIBBLE was fun and all, but that was it. My Human Engineer has access to the same abilities that my Klingon Engineer had. The difference in ships wasn't that important, and the general organization of everything on Qo'nos was just not worth it.
-The Milkshake Song: Vulcan Edition
If it was just about the story then the devs would not have included rewards with all of the missions they made. They know gamers want their loot, and there is no reason to assume people will suddenly change how they feel just because they are playing a foundry mission.
That may be your personal definition of the word "grind", but it is definitely not the commonly understood meaning used by gamers in general, which is simply doing the same thing over and over again. Examples include killing NPCs over and over, or repeating a mission over and over. Doing a variety of different missions, even if you are doing it for the reward rather than the experience, is not a grind by common gaming meaning.
Second, there is no reason that playing a fun mission and getting a good reward should be mutually exclusive. Featured Episodes are great missions and they also have cool rewards. There is absolutely no reason the devs should not add similar cool rewards to the spotlight missions.
Outside of grinding for resources to build a fleetbase, what is the overall purpose for obtaining the level fifty c-store ships, fleet ships, stf space and ground gear, fleet space and ground gear, and elite items? There isn't any. No overarching storyline. No episodic missions. No way to use the content to level. No purpose.
How about the fleetbases? We are grinding and investing insane amounts of resources and time, so we can ultimately use the base to... grind for more resources? Are there any episodic missions that require us to have a fleetbase? Nope.
Its an insane grinding feedback loop towards reaching nothing.
Congrats you have all this stuff, but what are you going to do with it?
Leveling? Nope. You already reached the last obtainable level.
Episodic missions? Nope. You completed those while leveling to the top.
Fleetbase based episodic mission? Nope. Concept has not been considered.
What ultimate and epic goal are you trying to reach? There isn't any.
You are obtaining all this endgame content, so you can use it to do... more grinding.
Where is the intellectual aspects of the endgame? There isn't any. Cryptic's version of intellectual stimulation comes from tweaking difficulty setting and nerfing content.
Your brain is starving for something to do, for it realizes that there is no purpose to the game's ending.
It stinks because we are all going through the motions.
Basically, I agree with you. But what I don't agree with is skipping out on PvP. PvP is by far the most challenging aspect in STO. Basically all of my PvE and Doff stuff that I do is to build up a formidable ship for PvP. This is a goal worthy of working towards, but it doesn't just end there. While good gear definitely helps in PvP, it's all about tactics, ship builds, and piloting skills. This is a never-ending challenge for me. I have just started PvP and while I am nowhere near a top-level PvP'er, it is this exact challenge that drives me onward. There is tons of room for improvement in my PvP in all of the aspects that I have mentioned and working to improve my PvP is not only challenging, but also fun and rewarding (much dilithium and satisfaction from a good session).
By the devs own admission, STO's PvP sucks. They said that so few people even do it that if they removed it from the game it would hardly effect anyone. I'm glad you enjoy it, but just be aware that the vast majority do not.