I'm trying to figure out what would be the best build incorporating the STF gear. I was thinking for my tac bop going with a KHG 2 piece omega 2 piece combo. Any thoughts.
I'm trying to figure out what would be the best build incorporating the STF gear. I was thinking for my tac bop going with a KHG 2 piece omega 2 piece combo. Any thoughts.
as far as i know omega is only available to feds, and most feds go for maco MK XI or MK XII shield and rest borg, so might be worth goin KHG covariant shield and rest borg, as i dont play my klink much im not 100% on what space sets are available
as far as i know omega is only available to feds, and most feds go for maco MK XI or MK XII shield and rest borg, so might be worth goin KHG covariant shield and rest borg, as i dont play my klink much im not 100% on what space sets are available
Omega is a joint stf set that both factions can get, M.A.C.O. and K.H.G. are faction locked.
I think the OP is asking if they should go 2 K.H.G. or 2 Omega.
K.H.G. will offer a higher shield cap and boost kinetic damage which is nice if you use torpedos to finish of your target, if you don't use torps the shield cap can still be nice, also there's a 25% chance that whenever you're hit the person/npc shooting you will lose 25% accuracy which helps with speed tanking.
Omega 2 part set can be good too, the 2 part bonus there is the glider that adds a shield drain to your energy weapons, good for getting to bare hull to finish off a target and the Omega shield also has a 50% chance when hit by energy weapons that you'll get an energy wake proc that boosts your turn rate so you can bring cannons/torps to bare on your next target.
I'd say KHG as it makes some battles survivable for me in my squishy BoP but if you want a more offensive ship maybe Omega.
I tried 2x KHG and 2x Borg in combination with Plasmonic leech, tet weapons (3x DHC 3x turret) and 2x Flow capacitors on my Qin Raptor.
Was not very impressed with the Bonus damage due to the 2 piecw bonus.
Switched back to 3x Borg and KHG shield in Kombination with Disrupters. A better defence without remarkable loss of DPs.
Added the new Disrupter point defence system: its useless as a point defence system, as you have to activate it manually and too long cooldown. But it is an exellent "short time damage buff": for ~6 seconds you can deal an insane amount of damage, especially against multiple targets.
I tried 2x KHG and 2x Borg in combination with Plasmonic leech, tet weapons (3x DHC 3x turret) and 2x Flow capacitors on my Qin Raptor.
Was not very impressed with the Bonus damage due to the 2 piecw bonus.
Switched back to 3x Borg and KHG shield in Kombination with Disrupters. A better defence without remarkable loss of DPs.
Added the new Disrupter point defence system: its useless as a point defence system, as you have to activate it manually and too long cooldown. But it is an exellent "short time damage buff": for ~6 seconds you can deal an insane amount of damage, especially against multiple targets.
Your 1st build shoulda been w/2-3 part Omega set w/4 DHCs or 3 DHCs and a DBB w/a BO, or 4DHCs and 2 Turrets and Beam Array w/a BO. If using 2 part Omega use a Flow Cap Deflector too. If you're going for DPS via Flow Caps go all in I say.
[Zone] Dack@****: cowards can't take a fed 1 on 1 crinckley cowards Hahahaha you smell like flowers
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"Sumlobus@****: your mums eat Iced Targ Poo"
C&H Fed banter
One: how are you going to do that?
You know wrong. Omega is bi-faction.
I think the OP is asking if they should go 2 K.H.G. or 2 Omega.
K.H.G. will offer a higher shield cap and boost kinetic damage which is nice if you use torpedos to finish of your target, if you don't use torps the shield cap can still be nice, also there's a 25% chance that whenever you're hit the person/npc shooting you will lose 25% accuracy which helps with speed tanking.
Omega 2 part set can be good too, the 2 part bonus there is the glider that adds a shield drain to your energy weapons, good for getting to bare hull to finish off a target and the Omega shield also has a 50% chance when hit by energy weapons that you'll get an energy wake proc that boosts your turn rate so you can bring cannons/torps to bare on your next target.
I'd say KHG as it makes some battles survivable for me in my squishy BoP but if you want a more offensive ship maybe Omega.
VERY nice description tmune.
Awoken Dead
Now shaddup about the queues, it's a BUG
Was not very impressed with the Bonus damage due to the 2 piecw bonus.
Switched back to 3x Borg and KHG shield in Kombination with Disrupters. A better defence without remarkable loss of DPs.
Added the new Disrupter point defence system: its useless as a point defence system, as you have to activate it manually and too long cooldown. But it is an exellent "short time damage buff": for ~6 seconds you can deal an insane amount of damage, especially against multiple targets.
Your 1st build shoulda been w/2-3 part Omega set w/4 DHCs or 3 DHCs and a DBB w/a BO, or 4DHCs and 2 Turrets and Beam Array w/a BO. If using 2 part Omega use a Flow Cap Deflector too. If you're going for DPS via Flow Caps go all in I say.
Random Quote from Kerrat
"Sumlobus@****: your mums eat Iced Targ Poo"
C&H Fed banter