thats what i think about the klingon game progress.
-cryptic nerfed/nerfs our gear to death, X days later they "try" to fix it again. Last try is the playmonic leech, lets see how long it will take to make it at least a bit usefull again.
-cryptic dont fix bugs which are in the game for months, years... a simple, old and i guess easy to fix bug: marauder rank 4 enemy faction boff. he/she cant be customised, while the fed one can.
- if we get 1 ship, the feds get 3
-whatever we get, we can be sure that the feds get ae least twice as much
do cryptic want us kdf-players to quit or switch back to the fed side? i will rather quit.
why do we still play this game?
This post has been edited to remove content which violates the Perfect World Entertainment Community Rules and Policies . ~Bluegeek
I'm sure you will get really good dev feedback from this.
Oh, wait..... :rolleyes:
If the Devs wish to see each season from 7, 8 and 9 be bigger and better than the last seasons , then we need to work to get the KDF well represented in them. Not continue to point fingers over old BS of the past.
We have an opportunity before that we had best not waste.
Keep up the good fight.
^This, and better educating the general population.
At this point, I run into large quantities of resistance from full-time and primary Fed players who seem to have it in their minds that the complaint of imbalance is unfounded, that aside from levels 1-20 (?!) we have the same or better (quality) content.
The reality is it goes deeper than having only 60% of the level-based content, it goes into ships, costuming, and a general treatment as second-class or afterthought by the team in the way they release content, the way content is angled.
Sadly, an itemized, level organized list or chart of Fed-only, KDF-only, and shared missions, ships, maps, and items without any subjective commentary is beyond what I have time to do, but may be what is needed to show to the bluesiders that there is a case for the lack of populatrity being both content and treatment driven, NOT just some Convention poll driven popularity...
ALL HOLDINGS FINISHED! - Starbase 5-5-5-5 || Embassy 3-3-3 || Mine 3-3-3 || Spire 3-3-3
A laid back KDF fleet welcoming independent, casual, & part-time players and groups. Roms & alts welcome.
Send in-game mail to Wampaq@Jnoh, visit our recruitment thread and FB page for more info.
plasmonic works again but not normaly it not shows the leech strikes like normally and i get only leeched 80% from them what i have leeched befor they destroy this item.
and fed get not 3 ships they get 4 now in one turn, kdf 0.:D
on any way it will happend somethink every week a new flaming post , the answer on that still the sme feds are ~80% kdf 20% thats the reason why only fed get alot kdf low or nothing but if they lose earlier or later the 20% of also paying kids they will see what they have from that.
i will also quit befor change back to fed TRIBBLE.
or if they really not interested to waste little bit rescources for KDF side why not make a general patch for KDF remove this fraktion from the game and have fun with the feds.
i have read romulan will be include into the game on what way 1 ship? lower support then KDF who will play that.
And if they do that, that's bull. For one thing, both of those times are in the middle of the workday for PDT (California, Oregon, Washington, etc). They barely accomodate EDT with the later 8 PM time. They're not structured to take advantage of the US playerbase, which is probably considerable.
Making any sort of judgements on the basis of turnout for such an event would be completely stupid and unfair.
Unfair to who? :rolleyes:
You last visited: 12-31-1969 at 04:00 PM
As many of you know, I was all-Fed until I tried out the KDF recently. I was blown away, but I was only blown away because I tried the KDF in the first place, because I was curious. Not everyone else has the curiousity/patience/interest/whatever to try the KDF out. Sure some have tried and didn't like it, but the majority haven't tried AT ALL.
And that needs to change.
Also, aside from a LTS, I haven't spent a dime on this game. But I'd pay 300 bucks again to flesh out the KDF, and show that we're just as good (if not better) than the Feds.
Or baring that, spend what I can on KDF ships. Let the money speak for itself, to Cryptic and PWE.
Been playing STO since Open Beta, and have never regarded anything as worse than 'meh', if only due to personal standards.
It had a pretty decent turnout. The notion you suggest here is the primary reason I attended the event and got several of my kin members fed side to join as well, fun was had.
Al Rivera hates Klingons
Star Trek Online: Agents of Jack Emmert
All cloaks should be canon.
So. Just a quick, good natured question
Well said mate. We all know what they need to do it's the Dev's well the ones calling the shots that need to listen. We don't want this game dead but if Dan Stahl has his way it may as well be dead now.
Lets hope the few Dev's who support work on the KDF side will be heard and infact listen too by their bosses. I have great respect for those Dev's the others who are Federation only I would have respect for if they believed in equality.
I have tried many times to change my current name, one made in a moments angst, but all atempts have failed to get a response.
Roach or G'hargh would make me very happy, as a new moniker
Well, you weren't the only person who took on a new name for the same reason.
While I hope your campaign to get your name changed bears fruit, I don't think any less of you. In fact, seeing your name over that yellowbeard picture always makes me smile.
Link: How to PM - Twitter @STOMod_Bluegeek
Correct. :d
Well said. I hope Cryptic will listen this time.
for how long have we/kdf-players tried it?
at least 18 months (the decloaking-popup bug is that old) but nothing happened, do you still think beeing constructive will work someday? beeing clam in this situation means that the kdf can still be ignored beacuse we are tolerating (i hope not accepting) the way we are beeing treated.
we are paying customers who play this game because of promises which have never been kept.
Resorting to more primitive methods (whining/flaming/etc) have much higher chances of being lost in the noise ratio that tell them nothing, and prevents them from reading the constructive aspects.
The key is to keep trying. Just because it doesn't work one day (or even for 18 months) does not mean it's okay to stop doing it.
Been playing STO since Open Beta, and have never regarded anything as worse than 'meh', if only due to personal standards.