For the life of me, I CAN NOT get the optional objective in order to complete Path of the Warrior. Did they design this so that a single ship CANNOT beat this? It certainly seems that way!
Is there a PVE mission channel for KDF that I can join where I can ask in-game for help on this?
It's pretty simple: Disable the freighters FIRST ! A raptor with big guns helps too.
The dock raid: disable the freighters, then go after the civ defenders ,then scoop up the freighters cargo, THEN go after the docked heavies. Be quick tho.
The freighter raid is the same: I cloak and run fast as possible to the head of the convoy, disable the lead freighters, kill the defender (the lag defender usually stays with the rear group) and raid the lead freighters THEN turn on the followers- same as above: disable freighters, kill defender, loot freighters. be FAST !!! If the following defender joins the lead in attacking you just watch the freighters- keep them DISABLED until you can kill the defenders and have time to loot them.
The Array: Disable freighters (both if possible but I can quite catch the second one), kill defenders, loot freighter THEN kill nodes on array BUT be ready to disable the two freighters when the shield drops as a defender WILL warp in as the shield drops. It's important to heal yourself as the defender will pound you as the freighters are being disabled but you MUST get them before they bug out. WATCH them as you kill the defender and loot the closest one after the defender is dead then RUN FAST for the other freighter and disable/loot him.
It's rough doing it alone, but it becomes easy the more you run the missions.
Since you didn't specify whcih part you're having trouble with:
-Transports: CLOAK! Then Full Impulse to the middle satelite ignoring the first fed ship for now. Go Full Stop, and shoot the first freighter that comes into range. Loot it. Don't use AoE here, that might TRIBBLE you.
A few seconds later, a ship will jump in. Kill it, as quick as you can.
Now you can Full Impulse to the head of the column again, and disable and loot freighters as they come.
-Drydock: Approach to 9.x klicks of the first docked vessel, full stop, and kill it. Circle around the station, keeping more than 10km distance to the ships in the middle, and get into a position 9.x klicks away from the second docked ship. Rinse, repeat. Just kill docked ships from safe positions, don't engage anything else.
After you killed all the docked ships, clean up the ships in the middle and the reinforcements and you're done.
-Outpost: Immedieatly engage the ship escorting the freighters leaving towards the left, kill it, then go for the civilian ships from the center who probably joined in anyway.
Now you should have enough time to disable and loot both of the left freighters.
If you were really good, you can rush to the right satelite and get the two freighters and the escort there and complete the obtional early, but that's quite hard ... and not necessary.
Destroy the shield generators and head to mid, kill the ship jumping in and hunt down the two freighters that were in the shield for completion.
With all of them, make sure that nothing can interrupt you while looting, and that you will have a safe moment to loot any disabled ship - or they're like to not count.
One of the most fun single-player missions in this game.
They're certainly possible.
'Took me a couple of tries to get the freighter raid optional on my first character, but that was because i tried to fight through - once i remembered that Klingon ships have a cloak, it turned out to be quite easy.
Of course, as the mission for it already states: Not every captain might able to complete them. They're MEANT to be challenging. But far from hard, or even impossible.
Of course you can try to blame the mission, but the truth is: you're doing it wrong. You got advice how to change that.
Your attitude though really needs improving, or you won't make it very far in any game except Hello Kitty Online.
Malak's tactics for the Transport raid are pretty much spot on.
It's difficult, no doubt, but we are Klingons! :cool:
Do you have no friends to run with?
Doing the Pi Canis sorties with a wing or 2 makes all the difference.
Maybe even if you just asked in zone chat, like on Qonos, in advance you could find some interested in doing the Pi Cani sorties with you.
Lord Krueg
KBF CO We are the Dead
join date Aug 2008
All the rest of it is fun. But I'm never bothering with the optional objectives again. I can't get them no matter how fast I am.
...And 1 more thing: Make sure you're cargo hold has empty slots, I've blown the optional quite a few times by not having space in the hold for cargo, and by the time I dump items the freighter escapes.
Is it time for me to start teaching people how this sortie is done? They aren't hard once you figure out the tactics behind them. I'll layout the ground work here on how you do it with ease.
Attack Transports:
There are 3 beacons #1 is right in front of you when you spawn, #2 is where the 2nd federation escort will spawn if they freighters get close to it/pass it. #3 is the beacon where if they reach it they warp out.
The object of this is that they first and foremost never reach beacon #3. The easiest way to do this is make sure they never get to beacon #2. That said my basic tactics are I always ignore that federation escort that spawns first. I disable all 6 freighters and then move a bit away from the freighters so the escorts explosion does not destroy any of the freighters.
Then I make sure to beam out all their cargo before they become targetable again.
WARNING: For players with lets say teeth where you have a lot of DPS... REFRAIN from using torpedoes if possible or you will run into the problem I do where I am accidentally blowing up freighters because they are so soft and squishy.
Erikson System:
The kalferi isn't hard and no one should have problems there but as for Erikson it can be tricky too. Again the best solution is to ignore the escorts disable all freighters except one minor issue with erikson is that you can use speed and agility to your side where as the escorts will take time catching up to you... Disable all freighters, double back beam out cargo and as the escorts follow you after you beam out all cargo then clean up their friends.
I gotta say, best dailies ever Because while the others are grinds, and this one is too, the optional objectives for a boost in Dil once-a-day makes it harder to do... and the thrill of that really really helps.
But yeah, a few helpful tips about these dailies might help Because my first attempts on the Transport Raid ended badly... until I read the tip about attacking the frontal freighters first
Was named Trek17.
Been playing STO since Open Beta, and have never regarded anything as worse than 'meh', if only due to personal standards.
Another thing that may be TRIBBLE you up: Don't destroy any of the freighters.
Disable, loot, move on to the next one. I've found that if a freighter explodes, even after being looted, it's still regarded as "lost"... and if you lose 2, you can't have looted from 5 of them :rolleyes:
Also, Gravity Well's a great way to stop them from running if you need a bit more time.
Another thing that may be TRIBBLE you up: Don't destroy any of the freighters.
Disable, loot, move on to the next one. I've found that if a freighter explodes, even after being looted, it's still regarded as "lost"... and if you lose 2, you can't have looted from 5 of them :rolleyes:
Also, Gravity Well's a great way to stop them from running if you need a bit more time.
That's never really been an issue for me It was hard enough to break open their shields in the first place in a timely fashion, even with decloaking.
But that probably means I'm doing something wrong with my BoP weapon setup...
Was named Trek17.
Been playing STO since Open Beta, and have never regarded anything as worse than 'meh', if only due to personal standards.
That's never really been an issue for me It was hard enough to break open their shields in the first place in a timely fashion, even with decloaking.
But that probably means I'm doing something wrong with my BoP weapon setup...
Hit Front pack... Middle one always the one a bit ahead of the left and right, then hit left and then right, then from the front hit the center one of the rear pack, fly past it, take out left, then right, then the escort. Sometimes some of the freighters will start moving again but just disable them once more and loot and usually the way I do it the 2nd escort never spawns until you are ready to leave.
I remember back before we had dilithium system and money was so tight and I wanted a kar'fi so badly I grinded this for days until I got 500 emblems to finally get the ship that I couldn't afford with real money. That is about how many times I've done this with optional completed in my sleep LOL
Edit: There was once and only once if I remember a KDF assistance run of this for a community event ran thru forums. There more than likely needs to be a new one because the last one was done way before we got any kind surge of activity we have now in the KDF. When I mean a surge I can remember when if you saw the KDF active it was like maybe 3-10 people at first city at once. Plus none of the highly active KDF players were involved at all in the original one that can teach people how to do this.
I'm not sure if Cryptic or PWE would be down with this idea if we got enough people into a community event for this if when the foundry patrol creator they were talking about is put in if we could get a pi canis tribute or story into this with lets say a master mission of a location if you happened to get a special drop from one of the 6 systems kind of like the refueling station works with the computer cores. As far as a mission to attack a base that these freighters are supplying and what the communications, shipyard, and medical station are supporting for something like an STF style mission for the KDF to do until we get season 7 content. Just my thought of something not so big to ask for that sort of puts a finishing touch or final purpose of the pi canis area and its importance to the federation and the KDF.
Thanks for the advice, all. Been thinking about it some. I'm going to give it another shot. I've been able to accomplish all the other optional objectives for "Way of the Warrior" it's just been that ONE for the convoy that's eluded me. I'll see if I can't nail the timing on that thing and play around with the DPS.
Speaking of DPS and all, just in case it's important, let me tell you what ship and layout I've got.
I've been using my Vor'cha refit, the Hegh'Qib. (Incidentally, that's supposed to translate to "Deathshadow". I used an online Klingon/English dictionary for that. I hope I got it right. >.>; )
(I have the Bortas (anniversary version) available to use, but... holy GOD the thing is a whale! I'm able to "turn and burn" much better in the Vor'cha and have felt much more comfortable with that ship. At some point, I'll put some upgraded weaponry and consoles on the Bortas and play around again with configs to see if I can make it work. But for now, I'm sticking with the Vor'cha.)
I also bought the Vor'kang variant earlier, so I also have the Isometric Charge Module. Also - I have the full Dominion Engine/Deflector/Shield set, so I have the Antiproton sweep, as well as the Breen weaponry from the Cold Front series. (I have the full Breen Deflector/Engine/Shield set as well, but currently set up on another ship.)
So, weapons layout is:
Disruptor Beam Array Mk XI [Acc] (Uncommon/Green)
Disruptor Dual Heavy Cannons Mk XI [Acc] [Dmg] (Rare/Blue)
Dual Disruptor Beam Bank Mk XI [Acc] x2 (Rare/Blue)
Rapid Reload Transphasic Torpedo Launcher Mk XI (Rare/Purple)
In reserve in my current inventory I also have:
Disruptor Dual Heavy Cannons Mk XI [CrtH] x2 (Rare/Blue)
Photon Torpedo Launcher Mk XI [Acc] [Dmg] (Rare/Blue)
Reman Prototype Covariant Shield Array Mk XI (Rare/Blue) (This is the one that gives you that wicked looking hex/energy field effect over your ship in place of your standard hull)
I have that weird weaponry layout in the back as a "chaser deterrence" package, BTW. As in - "Yeah, I'm turning my TRIBBLE to you and moving away... You SURE you want to follow directly behind me? SURPRISE!" Heh.
But I could be convinced to switch all of this around to better effect. For instance, I was thinking maybe switch out one of the beam arrays up front with the extra set of cannons, maybe?
As for slowing down the freighters, unfortunately I don't have as many science options as I'd like for crowd control, being a tac captain on a Vor'cha. Maybe that would be a good reason to switch to the Bortas - so I can get more of my science BOFFs doing their thing?
Edit: Looking at the weaponry types - would using Tetryon Cannons help? The numbers seem to indicate it would blow down shields faster.
The problem I see with the layout is that it doesn't have a lot of DPS. For what you are trying to do with that to make it ability for frontal and broadside power for my idea of what you are trying to do I'd recommend this...
(As far as the rear setup and reasons you explained it was a good thought but the problem with is mainly is theres not enough power back there or potential power to be much of a threat, if someone is on the offensive those are merely distractions that are easily countered).
for front 3 DHC's/torp, 4 DHC's, 2 DHC's/2 Single Cannons, 2DHC's/1 single cannon/1 torpedo.
For rear either 4 turrets, or 2 turrets and 2 single beams.
A few mix up sets I've found to work great is using 2 omega (deflector and engine) and KHG shield or if you can go heavy on tactical power you can use KHG shield, and borg console, borg deflector, and borg engine.
As I can see it though with having numerous hours doing pi canis grind for various reasons I can definately tell you that layout is what the route of the problem is. I've also found tho if you have a varanus or support ship setup trying to do it its not impossible but it will be close to verge of failure (is why I'd like to see a sciency gorn escort put into the c-store or shipyard).
Ah. Turrets. Of course. (facepalm) I'm so used to flying a Sovereign Fed-side it never occurred to me...
Needed to get more DPS into the frontal arc. That'd do it. Can still protect the rear too with that setup, but mainly useful since it will fire EVERY gun on the ship forward.
I'm still relatively inexperienced to the way KDF ships fight. I was a bit wary of giving up a wider arc of fire since I'm more used to the way Fed Cruisers work. And I still believe in having SOME side firing arc, since this is a cruiser, even though it does turn quick.
But for this purpose - yeah. This is all linear slashing attack anyway. And nothing is going to flank me. So agreed, 3 cannons front and a Torpedo. All turrets rear.
I haven't gotten far enough along in Endgame to get Omega or Borg sets (though I do have the first Borg console.)
BTW - For general PVE, does having the cluster torpedo and/or Bio-Neural Warhead anywhere - front or aft - make sense? For me the set-up seems to work just fine on Borg alerts and gives the enemy AI something else to shoot at. I cloak and get close and then uncloak and fly NOE above the hull of the B'Jer ship doing DPS front and aft (because the thing is so big both arcs cover it!) a couple of passes then retreat when I start taking too much debuffs/damage.
It LOOKS suicidal to other players, but it actually shields me from fire from many of the probes/drones flying around. And I keep my Evasive Maneuvers and an Engine Battery/Deuterium in reserve for when it's time to bug out.
And the Cluster Torpedo definitely helps against those plasma "I win" torpedoes the B'Jer likes to fire. The ones that "remember you to death" like in ST:TMP. (Assuming it's not on cooldown. >.>)
From every post I could read when setting up my current ship the favorites were quantums (for their high recycle rate) and photons (also high recycle rate, and good damage). I pulled my breen torp after S6 launch because it was broken, and tho I've retested it after every patch since, it's still not as usable as it once was (and not even close to my favorite anymore).
Definitely go with the turrets on the rear, and DHC's up front. I'm unfamiliar with those big Klink cruisers so I wont say for sure if it's a good idea to keep 1 beam up front, or better to throw a couple RCS modules on your ship.
Catch me ingame and I'll make you a good deal on gear as I'm not a EC farmer and have tons of gear in my banks. Can also craft you some gear if you can supply the materials, lemme know.
Not saying you can't use fat boats ie cruisers, but it's designed to be done by high dps fast ships for hit and run feel.
You should be able to disable transports and then kill the escorting ships as others have mentioned.
But if you're bored as alternatives you can try to:
Disable the transports and jam the escorting ship to buy you time to transport goods w/o being interupted.
Launch low dps pets, cloak so escort ship changes target then decloak and transport goods.
Disable weapons/nuke weapon power so escort can't damage you, transport goods.
Use high aux theta to prevent escorts from being able to target you, transport goods.
Use scramble sensors on a mob, cloak/decloak if needed to break lock, transport goods.
[Zone] Dack@****: cowards can't take a fed 1 on 1 crinckley cowards Hahahaha you smell like flowers
Random Quote from Kerrat
"Sumlobus@****: your mums eat Iced Targ Poo"
C&H Fed banter
Hmm... Don't have a BOP or Raptor at Brig Gen or above (I could GET one, but that will take some time/dilithium/Zen) All my old Raptors/BOP are the lower level versions. (Including an original Lieutenant grade B'rel. But that's hardly going to be useful.)
The Commander lvl K'tinga/D7 I have might be a decent possibility. A bit light on the weapons/hull/BOFF slots, but it's zippy as all hell for a cruiser. For the express purpose of that convoy run, it might work out if I can't get my Vor'cha to do the job.
Looking to the future, when I have more dilithium, the Hegh'tal Raptor looks like a good choice. Would love to have the B'rel retrofit, but damn that's expensive.
I've done all those runs in varies different ships, like the Vo'Quv with beam, the Kar'fi with cannons, Guramba, and a Qin raptor, and all with the different captain choices, tac, sci, and engi.
The one thing that remains true through out all the missions, all the ships, and all the captain types, is haveing the correct load out of weapons, consoles, and boff skills.
Given how easy these missions are, you can pretty much ditch all defensive consoles in favour of ones that help your dps, all but the basic heals in the form of hazard emitters, EPTS, and TT can be ditched in favour of offensive skills that help damage/disable/slow the freighters/escorts, and the same can be applied to devices.
Weapon wise, I'd recommend 3 dhc's, 1 quant (or chrono for target speed reduction) torp up front, aft weapons I'd reckon 3 turrets and another torp, or tractor mines to help you slow/stop the freighters, I'm not totally sure, but I feel the energy drain from 7 energy weapons fireing may counter the added dps/dmg provided by a 4th turret.
Consoles wise, my suggestion is repeat the blood of the empire mission for mk xi rare RCS consoles, get 2 or 3 of them to help speed your turn rate up, put any uni consoles you have in your sci slots, and fill your tac slots with consoles that boost your cannon dmg type. Fill in the rest with what will assist you in speed control of the freighters, or what ever takes your fancy.
The way I deal with erickson system optional is:
Fly out to the path of the closest freighters (with or without cloak), then I hit any dmg buffs I have (atk pattern alpha/bravo, cannon scatter volley, but not torp spread that can kill the transports) and attack the civilian escort with the first group, once the escort is dead, continue to disable those freighters, get in range and loot ( you should be able to do this while being at max range of the other 2 escorts flying nearby), i then evasive/full impulse to the back group and do the same thing, kill the escort, disable and loot the transports, then finally get over to the last group as quickly as I can (if i'm after max chance to get a stack of 5 particle traces) and repeat what I had done with the first 2 groups. Best I've managed so far is 5/6 of those freighters.
After that, I swing back, and either mop up the last 2 escorts, or just pop the shield, clean up everything that shoots at me, disable and loot the last 2 freighters, complete the mission, warp out.
As for the Hegh'ta and B'rel bops, the Hegh'ta is king for filling almost any role, the B'rel is best used as a torp boat as that is the role it really shines at. Another good option is to run with a Qin heavy raptor, is more sturdy than a bop, and can deal a little more dmg, even the fleet 200k creds raptor would be a good one to use for this, plus it saves your dil.
Did Pi Canis Sortie Alpha. All three missions are a variation on the same type, destroy ships while jamming. Nothing complex.
Uh... wow...
The Fed ships were evaporating in about 5-8 seconds apiece! Even Typhoon battleships!
I mean - my old set-up was still getting the job done. But I'm pretty sure stuff went boom in about 1/3 the time as previously!
I had the mouse on the jamming button and pressed immediately at the beginning of each attack, but honestly? Stuff went *BOOM* so fast I wonder if it was even necessary!
Right. Well. It's late so I may hold off on Pi Canis Bravo till tomorrow. But this was a good start!
Well after 3 more failures, I finally got it done. The first couple of tries I made bone-headed mistakes that I realized right from the start. (Wrong BOFF layout because I had just gotten off of a Borg Alert and forgot to change back was one.) The third was a failure only because I muffed the timing and I saw immediately what I had done wrong and knew I could correct it.
And that timing is damn tricky. You really have to work HARD to stop ANY of the freighters from crossing that middle set of buoys. (Chroniton torpedoes REALLY REALLY help!) But if you can, it becomes almost a cake-walk because you can just blow the hell out of the one Fed ship that opposes you. Then stop a couple of the freighters that have repaired themselves enough to move again and re-apply the hurt on the rest to give you time to transport the cargo.
Y'know, I can be a vindictive sort sometimes. I could have just let the freighters go after I got their cargo... But no - this mission sent me too much frustration. It was time for payback. I allowed a couple of them to cross the buoys for the sole purpose of luring more fed ships in.
And then I left nothing but VAPOR of them all!
As the old Klingon proverb goes - Revenge is a dish best served cold. And it is very cold in space. :cool:
With my BoP or Raptor I just use AoE attacks immidiately after warp-in. I avoid agressing the first escort. After looting the first 3 freighters I kill the 1st escort, then 2nd escort.
Then again a AoE time on the second pack of reighters. Just brute force, nothing fancy.
But works for me. Only risk is killing the freighters by accident.
Yeah - I should have mentioned - part of what makes it tricky is trying to leave the freighters intact long enough to get the cargo! If all I had to concern myself with was total destruction, this would be far easier to do from the start!
Well after 3 more failures, I finally got it done.
And then I left nothing but VAPOR of them all!
As the old Klingon proverb goes - Revenge is a dish best served cold. And it is very cold in space. :cool:
Ya, sweet aint it ? Too bad there's no bonus for ensuring nothing leaves the system but you. Oh well, congrads- the more you practice the easier it becomes. Just remember what I told you about INV space.
Well :P the "What has been seen cannot be unseen" ship sure puts a wrinkle in this mission, I didn't see it 5 times in alpha sorte last night, and tho a nuisance in beta sorte it has totally changed the freighter raid mission.
New strategy: FULL impulse (while cloaked) to lead freighter and disable the entire group while healing thyself then disable following pack and DON'T heal. When you die and respawn the defender wont be there so the freighters can be looted at your leisure.
And... was just thinking about doing another run of Pi Canus. Should I wait on the Convoy until I find out what I'm in for?
( I keep hearing Jeremy Clarkson's voice in my head saying, "How hard could it be?" )
Heh, you HAVE been away for a while. Do the freighter raid first, that way IF you blow the optional you'll save time by avoiding the other missions optionals.
All I've seen are the normal Fed ships that show up. Usually an Escort or a Science Ship. I did get a Typhoon once. (On another occasion a Galaxy class showed up. But that was on one of the attempts that was already failing anyway, so I didn't bother sticking around to fight that one. )
Is there one that has a chance to show up that's particularly annoying to take out or is a real threat?
The dock raid: disable the freighters, then go after the civ defenders ,then scoop up the freighters cargo, THEN go after the docked heavies. Be quick tho.
The freighter raid is the same: I cloak and run fast as possible to the head of the convoy, disable the lead freighters, kill the defender (the lag defender usually stays with the rear group) and raid the lead freighters THEN turn on the followers- same as above: disable freighters, kill defender, loot freighters. be FAST !!! If the following defender joins the lead in attacking you just watch the freighters- keep them DISABLED until you can kill the defenders and have time to loot them.
The Array: Disable freighters (both if possible but I can quite catch the second one), kill defenders, loot freighter THEN kill nodes on array BUT be ready to disable the two freighters when the shield drops as a defender WILL warp in as the shield drops. It's important to heal yourself as the defender will pound you as the freighters are being disabled but you MUST get them before they bug out. WATCH them as you kill the defender and loot the closest one after the defender is dead then RUN FAST for the other freighter and disable/loot him.
It's rough doing it alone, but it becomes easy the more you run the missions.
Good luck.
Awoken Dead
Now shaddup about the queues, it's a BUG
I can beat the basic mission just fine. What I CANNOT do is get the 5 freighters pillaged before time runs out!
I've tried doing it the way you say. Still can't do it.
And I've just tried it again in-game with help and STILL couldn't do it.
So never mind. I'm just going to drop it and never even touch it again. There's no point.
-Transports: CLOAK! Then Full Impulse to the middle satelite ignoring the first fed ship for now. Go Full Stop, and shoot the first freighter that comes into range. Loot it. Don't use AoE here, that might TRIBBLE you.
A few seconds later, a ship will jump in. Kill it, as quick as you can.
Now you can Full Impulse to the head of the column again, and disable and loot freighters as they come.
-Drydock: Approach to 9.x klicks of the first docked vessel, full stop, and kill it. Circle around the station, keeping more than 10km distance to the ships in the middle, and get into a position 9.x klicks away from the second docked ship. Rinse, repeat. Just kill docked ships from safe positions, don't engage anything else.
After you killed all the docked ships, clean up the ships in the middle and the reinforcements and you're done.
-Outpost: Immedieatly engage the ship escorting the freighters leaving towards the left, kill it, then go for the civilian ships from the center who probably joined in anyway.
Now you should have enough time to disable and loot both of the left freighters.
If you were really good, you can rush to the right satelite and get the two freighters and the escort there and complete the obtional early, but that's quite hard ... and not necessary.
Destroy the shield generators and head to mid, kill the ship jumping in and hunt down the two freighters that were in the shield for completion.
With all of them, make sure that nothing can interrupt you while looting, and that you will have a safe moment to loot any disabled ship - or they're like to not count.
One of the most fun single-player missions in this game.
1. The first thing to do is go to full impulse and take down the most distant group of freighters first.
2. It helps to be in an escort or something that can mount cannons. You need to knock the freighters down to half-health very quickly.
'Took me a couple of tries to get the freighter raid optional on my first character, but that was because i tried to fight through - once i remembered that Klingon ships have a cloak, it turned out to be quite easy.
Of course, as the mission for it already states: Not every captain might able to complete them. They're MEANT to be challenging. But far from hard, or even impossible.
Of course you can try to blame the mission, but the truth is: you're doing it wrong. You got advice how to change that.
Your attitude though really needs improving, or you won't make it very far in any game except Hello Kitty Online.
For the convoi mission it probably helps to have a bit of experience with submarine simulations like Silent Hunter.
It's difficult, no doubt, but we are Klingons! :cool:
Do you have no friends to run with?
Doing the Pi Canis sorties with a wing or 2 makes all the difference.
Maybe even if you just asked in zone chat, like on Qonos, in advance you could find some interested in doing the Pi Cani sorties with you.
We are the Dead
join date Aug 2008
...And 1 more thing: Make sure you're cargo hold has empty slots, I've blown the optional quite a few times by not having space in the hold for cargo, and by the time I dump items the freighter escapes.
Awoken Dead
Now shaddup about the queues, it's a BUG
Attack Transports:
There are 3 beacons #1 is right in front of you when you spawn, #2 is where the 2nd federation escort will spawn if they freighters get close to it/pass it. #3 is the beacon where if they reach it they warp out.
The object of this is that they first and foremost never reach beacon #3. The easiest way to do this is make sure they never get to beacon #2. That said my basic tactics are I always ignore that federation escort that spawns first. I disable all 6 freighters and then move a bit away from the freighters so the escorts explosion does not destroy any of the freighters.
Then I make sure to beam out all their cargo before they become targetable again.
WARNING: For players with lets say teeth where you have a lot of DPS... REFRAIN from using torpedoes if possible or you will run into the problem I do where I am accidentally blowing up freighters because they are so soft and squishy.
Erikson System:
The kalferi isn't hard and no one should have problems there but as for Erikson it can be tricky too. Again the best solution is to ignore the escorts disable all freighters except one minor issue with erikson is that you can use speed and agility to your side where as the escorts will take time catching up to you... Disable all freighters, double back beam out cargo and as the escorts follow you after you beam out all cargo then clean up their friends.
But yeah, a few helpful tips about these dailies might help
Been playing STO since Open Beta, and have never regarded anything as worse than 'meh', if only due to personal standards.
Disable, loot, move on to the next one. I've found that if a freighter explodes, even after being looted, it's still regarded as "lost"... and if you lose 2, you can't have looted from 5 of them :rolleyes:
Also, Gravity Well's a great way to stop them from running if you need a bit more time.
But that probably means I'm doing something wrong with my BoP weapon setup...
Been playing STO since Open Beta, and have never regarded anything as worse than 'meh', if only due to personal standards.
Hit Front pack... Middle one always the one a bit ahead of the left and right, then hit left and then right, then from the front hit the center one of the rear pack, fly past it, take out left, then right, then the escort. Sometimes some of the freighters will start moving again but just disable them once more and loot and usually the way I do it the 2nd escort never spawns until you are ready to leave.
I remember back before we had dilithium system and money was so tight and I wanted a kar'fi so badly I grinded this for days until I got 500 emblems to finally get the ship that I couldn't afford with real money. That is about how many times I've done this with optional completed in my sleep LOL
Edit: There was once and only once if I remember a KDF assistance run of this for a community event ran thru forums. There more than likely needs to be a new one because the last one was done way before we got any kind surge of activity we have now in the KDF. When I mean a surge I can remember when if you saw the KDF active it was like maybe 3-10 people at first city at once. Plus none of the highly active KDF players were involved at all in the original one that can teach people how to do this.
I'm not sure if Cryptic or PWE would be down with this idea if we got enough people into a community event for this if when the foundry patrol creator they were talking about is put in if we could get a pi canis tribute or story into this with lets say a master mission of a location if you happened to get a special drop from one of the 6 systems kind of like the refueling station works with the computer cores. As far as a mission to attack a base that these freighters are supplying and what the communications, shipyard, and medical station are supporting for something like an STF style mission for the KDF to do until we get season 7 content. Just my thought of something not so big to ask for that sort of puts a finishing touch or final purpose of the pi canis area and its importance to the federation and the KDF.
Speaking of DPS and all, just in case it's important, let me tell you what ship and layout I've got.
I've been using my Vor'cha refit, the Hegh'Qib. (Incidentally, that's supposed to translate to "Deathshadow". I used an online Klingon/English dictionary for that. I hope I got it right. >.>; )
(I have the Bortas (anniversary version) available to use, but... holy GOD the thing is a whale! I'm able to "turn and burn" much better in the Vor'cha and have felt much more comfortable with that ship. At some point, I'll put some upgraded weaponry and consoles on the Bortas and play around again with configs to see if I can make it work. But for now, I'm sticking with the Vor'cha.)
I also bought the Vor'kang variant earlier, so I also have the Isometric Charge Module. Also - I have the full Dominion Engine/Deflector/Shield set, so I have the Antiproton sweep, as well as the Breen weaponry from the Cold Front series. (I have the full Breen Deflector/Engine/Shield set as well, but currently set up on another ship.)
So, weapons layout is:
Disruptor Beam Array Mk XI [Acc] (Uncommon/Green)
Disruptor Dual Heavy Cannons Mk XI [Acc] [Dmg] (Rare/Blue)
Dual Disruptor Beam Bank Mk XI [Acc] x2 (Rare/Blue)
Rapid Reload Transphasic Torpedo Launcher Mk XI (Rare/Purple)
Disruptor Beam Array Mk XI [Acc] (Uncommon/Green)
Disruptor Beam Array Mk XI [Acc] (Uncommon/Green)
Bio-Neural Warhead
Breen Transphasic Cluster Torpedo (Rare/Blue)
In reserve in my current inventory I also have:
Disruptor Dual Heavy Cannons Mk XI [CrtH] x2 (Rare/Blue)
Photon Torpedo Launcher Mk XI [Acc] [Dmg] (Rare/Blue)
Reman Prototype Covariant Shield Array Mk XI (Rare/Blue) (This is the one that gives you that wicked looking hex/energy field effect over your ship in place of your standard hull)
I have that weird weaponry layout in the back as a "chaser deterrence" package, BTW. As in - "Yeah, I'm turning my TRIBBLE to you and moving away... You SURE you want to follow directly behind me? SURPRISE!" Heh.
But I could be convinced to switch all of this around to better effect. For instance, I was thinking maybe switch out one of the beam arrays up front with the extra set of cannons, maybe?
As for slowing down the freighters, unfortunately I don't have as many science options as I'd like for crowd control, being a tac captain on a Vor'cha. Maybe that would be a good reason to switch to the Bortas - so I can get more of my science BOFFs doing their thing?
Edit: Looking at the weaponry types - would using Tetryon Cannons help? The numbers seem to indicate it would blow down shields faster.
(As far as the rear setup and reasons you explained it was a good thought but the problem with is mainly is theres not enough power back there or potential power to be much of a threat, if someone is on the offensive those are merely distractions that are easily countered).
for front 3 DHC's/torp, 4 DHC's, 2 DHC's/2 Single Cannons, 2DHC's/1 single cannon/1 torpedo.
For rear either 4 turrets, or 2 turrets and 2 single beams.
A few mix up sets I've found to work great is using 2 omega (deflector and engine) and KHG shield or if you can go heavy on tactical power you can use KHG shield, and borg console, borg deflector, and borg engine.
As I can see it though with having numerous hours doing pi canis grind for various reasons I can definately tell you that layout is what the route of the problem is. I've also found tho if you have a varanus or support ship setup trying to do it its not impossible but it will be close to verge of failure (is why I'd like to see a sciency gorn escort put into the c-store or shipyard).
Needed to get more DPS into the frontal arc. That'd do it. Can still protect the rear too with that setup, but mainly useful since it will fire EVERY gun on the ship forward.
I'm still relatively inexperienced to the way KDF ships fight. I was a bit wary of giving up a wider arc of fire since I'm more used to the way Fed Cruisers work. And I still believe in having SOME side firing arc, since this is a cruiser, even though it does turn quick.
But for this purpose - yeah. This is all linear slashing attack anyway. And nothing is going to flank me. So agreed, 3 cannons front and a Torpedo. All turrets rear.
I haven't gotten far enough along in Endgame to get Omega or Borg sets (though I do have the first Borg console.)
BTW - For general PVE, does having the cluster torpedo and/or Bio-Neural Warhead anywhere - front or aft - make sense? For me the set-up seems to work just fine on Borg alerts and gives the enemy AI something else to shoot at. I cloak and get close and then uncloak and fly NOE above the hull of the B'Jer ship doing DPS front and aft (because the thing is so big both arcs cover it!) a couple of passes then retreat when I start taking too much debuffs/damage.
It LOOKS suicidal to other players, but it actually shields me from fire from many of the probes/drones flying around. And I keep my Evasive Maneuvers and an Engine Battery/Deuterium in reserve for when it's time to bug out.
And the Cluster Torpedo definitely helps against those plasma "I win" torpedoes the B'Jer likes to fire. The ones that "remember you to death" like in ST:TMP. (Assuming it's not on cooldown. >.>)
Definitely go with the turrets on the rear, and DHC's up front. I'm unfamiliar with those big Klink cruisers so I wont say for sure if it's a good idea to keep 1 beam up front, or better to throw a couple RCS modules on your ship.
Catch me ingame and I'll make you a good deal on gear as I'm not a EC farmer and have tons of gear in my banks. Can also craft you some gear if you can supply the materials, lemme know.
Awoken Dead
Now shaddup about the queues, it's a BUG
You should be able to disable transports and then kill the escorting ships as others have mentioned.
But if you're bored as alternatives you can try to:
Disable the transports and jam the escorting ship to buy you time to transport goods w/o being interupted.
Launch low dps pets, cloak so escort ship changes target then decloak and transport goods.
Disable weapons/nuke weapon power so escort can't damage you, transport goods.
Use high aux theta to prevent escorts from being able to target you, transport goods.
Use scramble sensors on a mob, cloak/decloak if needed to break lock, transport goods.
Random Quote from Kerrat
"Sumlobus@****: your mums eat Iced Targ Poo"
C&H Fed banter
The Commander lvl K'tinga/D7 I have might be a decent possibility. A bit light on the weapons/hull/BOFF slots, but it's zippy as all hell for a cruiser. For the express purpose of that convoy run, it might work out if I can't get my Vor'cha to do the job.
Looking to the future, when I have more dilithium, the Hegh'tal Raptor looks like a good choice. Would love to have the B'rel retrofit, but damn that's expensive.
I've done all those runs in varies different ships, like the Vo'Quv with beam, the Kar'fi with cannons, Guramba, and a Qin raptor, and all with the different captain choices, tac, sci, and engi.
The one thing that remains true through out all the missions, all the ships, and all the captain types, is haveing the correct load out of weapons, consoles, and boff skills.
Given how easy these missions are, you can pretty much ditch all defensive consoles in favour of ones that help your dps, all but the basic heals in the form of hazard emitters, EPTS, and TT can be ditched in favour of offensive skills that help damage/disable/slow the freighters/escorts, and the same can be applied to devices.
Weapon wise, I'd recommend 3 dhc's, 1 quant (or chrono for target speed reduction) torp up front, aft weapons I'd reckon 3 turrets and another torp, or tractor mines to help you slow/stop the freighters, I'm not totally sure, but I feel the energy drain from 7 energy weapons fireing may counter the added dps/dmg provided by a 4th turret.
Consoles wise, my suggestion is repeat the blood of the empire mission for mk xi rare RCS consoles, get 2 or 3 of them to help speed your turn rate up, put any uni consoles you have in your sci slots, and fill your tac slots with consoles that boost your cannon dmg type. Fill in the rest with what will assist you in speed control of the freighters, or what ever takes your fancy.
The way I deal with erickson system optional is:
Fly out to the path of the closest freighters (with or without cloak), then I hit any dmg buffs I have (atk pattern alpha/bravo, cannon scatter volley, but not torp spread that can kill the transports) and attack the civilian escort with the first group, once the escort is dead, continue to disable those freighters, get in range and loot ( you should be able to do this while being at max range of the other 2 escorts flying nearby), i then evasive/full impulse to the back group and do the same thing, kill the escort, disable and loot the transports, then finally get over to the last group as quickly as I can (if i'm after max chance to get a stack of 5 particle traces) and repeat what I had done with the first 2 groups. Best I've managed so far is 5/6 of those freighters.
After that, I swing back, and either mop up the last 2 escorts, or just pop the shield, clean up everything that shoots at me, disable and loot the last 2 freighters, complete the mission, warp out.
As for the Hegh'ta and B'rel bops, the Hegh'ta is king for filling almost any role, the B'rel is best used as a torp boat as that is the role it really shines at. Another good option is to run with a Qin heavy raptor, is more sturdy than a bop, and can deal a little more dmg, even the fleet 200k creds raptor would be a good one to use for this, plus it saves your dil.
Edit: Sorry for the text wall.
Did weapons and console mods as suggested.
Did Pi Canis Sortie Alpha. All three missions are a variation on the same type, destroy ships while jamming. Nothing complex.
Uh... wow...
The Fed ships were evaporating in about 5-8 seconds apiece! Even Typhoon battleships!
I mean - my old set-up was still getting the job done. But I'm pretty sure stuff went boom in about 1/3 the time as previously!
I had the mouse on the jamming button and pressed immediately at the beginning of each attack, but honestly? Stuff went *BOOM* so fast I wonder if it was even necessary!
Right. Well. It's late so I may hold off on Pi Canis Bravo till tomorrow. But this was a good start!
Not at all! It really helped!
Well after 3 more failures, I finally got it done. The first couple of tries I made bone-headed mistakes that I realized right from the start. (Wrong BOFF layout because I had just gotten off of a Borg Alert and forgot to change back was one.) The third was a failure only because I muffed the timing and I saw immediately what I had done wrong and knew I could correct it.
And that timing is damn tricky. You really have to work HARD to stop ANY of the freighters from crossing that middle set of buoys. (Chroniton torpedoes REALLY REALLY help!) But if you can, it becomes almost a cake-walk because you can just blow the hell out of the one Fed ship that opposes you. Then stop a couple of the freighters that have repaired themselves enough to move again and re-apply the hurt on the rest to give you time to transport the cargo.
Y'know, I can be a vindictive sort sometimes. I could have just let the freighters go after I got their cargo... But no - this mission sent me too much frustration. It was time for payback. I allowed a couple of them to cross the buoys for the sole purpose of luring more fed ships in.
And then I left nothing but VAPOR of them all!
As the old Klingon proverb goes - Revenge is a dish best served cold. And it is very cold in space. :cool:
Then again a AoE time on the second pack of reighters. Just brute force, nothing fancy.
But works for me. Only risk is killing the freighters by accident.
Ya, sweet aint it ? Too bad there's no bonus for ensuring nothing leaves the system but you. Oh well, congrads- the more you practice the easier it becomes. Just remember what I told you about INV space.
Awoken Dead
Now shaddup about the queues, it's a BUG
New strategy: FULL impulse (while cloaked) to lead freighter and disable the entire group while healing thyself then disable following pack and DON'T heal. When you die and respawn the defender wont be there so the freighters can be looted at your leisure.
Awoken Dead
Now shaddup about the queues, it's a BUG
And... was just thinking about doing another run of Pi Canus. Should I wait on the Convoy until I find out what I'm in for?
( I keep hearing Jeremy Clarkson's voice in my head saying, "How hard could it be?" )
Heh, you HAVE been away for a while. Do the freighter raid first, that way IF you blow the optional you'll save time by avoiding the other missions optionals.
Awoken Dead
Now shaddup about the queues, it's a BUG
Is there one that has a chance to show up that's particularly annoying to take out or is a real threat?