Today I got a DOFF mission named "Authorize Shuttle to Return with Fresh Gagh".
The mission text was
A failure in the galley's stasis unit has led to all the gagh dying. To head off the possibility of a mutiny on the ship, authorize a shuttle to travel to the nearest supply depot and convince the quartermaster there to part with some fresh food.
No gagh for dinner today? Outrageous! This is an insult not just to my crew and me. It is an insult to the whole Klingon Empire! Kahless himself wept.
And all I can do is send a couple of DOFFs to get more gagh? Seriously? This is of captain level importance! I want to take my whole ship there at maximum warp, cutting through any Borg or Federation coward in my way and threaten the quarter master, if need be, to part with some of his.
They don't even let me do the next best thing, send in a commando team who are armed to the teeth to pull off the same thing I'd do if I was there.
The two quartermasters I sent better be bat'leth masters in disguise. Gagh is just too important to be dealt with by slackers. Speaking of which, who built and maintained the stasis unit in the first place? There is a DOFF mission waiting for these petaQ for sure...
Been playing STO since Open Beta, and have never regarded anything as worse than 'meh', if only due to personal standards.
Tell ya what.... I know a Pizza Hut delivery guy with Diplomatic immunity.
I'll have him deliver 1000 large peperoni with extra anchovies.
I'll even through in a barrel of fresh prune juice...
I do have 5 kilos of fresh Torgud gagh I can slip in. (For captains eyes only, of course)
I don't care how long you've been playing. I only care about how you play.
And remember to follow the rules.
Decisions, decisions...
Link: How to PM - Twitter @STOMod_Bluegeek
Ten forward it to klingon duty officer gameplay.... that's the system.