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Why you should give a try to the KDF side

diogene0diogene0 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
I'm not a fandboy of the KDF, and I don't even share the love of whinning of this specific group of players. Actually, I disagree with most of them, since I think that the KDF is really pretty enjoyable as it is. don't misunderstand me, it could be really better, but there are many advantages anyone should consider.

I've been seriously playing a KDF char in the last 15 days and I've learnt that:

- It's really easier to get a lot more dilithium than Feds. The KDF has more dailies, and they are usefull ones. There are many of them, but the most usefull are the one giving you dilithium for just killing npcs, turrets or enemy ships. You will complete that if you play only one STF a day. Yesterday, I completed my "turret killer" by playing cure ground elite, and I completed several dailies in the meantime. This STF allowed me to earn 2000 dil or so, instead of 1100. Do you want more dilithium? Go play KDF! :D

- It's easier to get energy credits. You can get a lot of contraband, my char is 10 days old and he has more than 100 units. I'm not marauding like crazy, just slotting marauding assignments once a day. And my doff roster is terrible, greens and whites only, so it should be a lot more interesting after several months. Which means 4M ec or more per week with a KDF character. Enjoy!

- The ships are different. No more puny cruisers or tanking ships. Raw DPS for everyone. Which means that PvE is a lot easier to achieve. Have fun!

- There are not many bad players or noobs on the KDF side. I've never seen in month a KDF character using a minigun in a STF, and I've seen a rainbow Bortasqu' once in 6 months. You won't see many tacs in cruisers either, which is the most obvious sign of noobiness ever. :P In KDF PvE queues, it's not rare to get twice as many fleetmarks as in PuG FED ones, and tacs are most of the time flying escorts.

- Their cruisers can use cannons.

- The KDF already has a genuine battlecruiser, named the Fleet Vor'cha. There is no need to moan for a battlecruiser, you can already get one if you play KDF. It's not unfair, it's just different. FEDs also get nice tanking ships KDFs don't have. You want to fly this beast? Get a KDF engineer!

- The KDF sets make sense. The Honor guard space one really is competitive with the borg set. It's just a lot more aggressive. The ground one also has a good pulsewave with a nice secondary attack. I'll let you find it out, it's pretty enjoyable.

- You can create a KDF toon for free.

- The KDF is in some ways a more complete and finely-worked faction than the Fed. eg: ESD looks like a cheap dirty work. Quo'nos doesn't.

So, if you want:
- A battlecruiser
- More dilithium
- More credits
- Better faction specific pugs
- A new good space set

Get a KDF char! I'm not advertising the faction because I have any interest in it, I'm just sharing my (short) experience of the faction. I used to thought it was useless before, but I changed my mind now. Don't lisetn to those complaining about the KDF. It's not just a bunch of moaners haunting the forums. It's a great faction to play, and a lot of new stuff to do.

Of course, there are some drawbacks:

- The episodes are boring and repetitive. That's definitely not an advantage or attractive at all. If you want good stories, keep a FED char somewhere. And 80% of the episodes were already playable as FED. You have to do the same missions twice. Thus, levelling a char isn't interesting at all. I guess most of us stopped playing the KDF because of this: this is boring. Really.

- The UI is red. Many things are red. It's way too aggressive and ugly, but the fans would be disappointed if it wasn't the case. More colors would be appreciated though, but I guess that if the UI gets fixed one day (dreams are allowed), it should be a lot better.

- Less ship choices. But it's definitely a completely new experience, and they are competitive with FED ones. Some are even better.

- You will wait a bit more in queues. Expect 2 more minutes to wait in some fleet actions. The KDF will teach you patience. :cool:

- Social maps have minor bug issues. But nothing big enough to complain about it.

So, don't trust those who complain about the KDF all the time on the forums. It's not as dark as they love to say it. We can have a lot of fun there, and you won't see many people raging like they do here on the forums. And once you'll have level-uped your char, you can have a lot of fun with it. :)
Lenny Barre, lvl 60 DC. 18k.
God, lvl 60 CW. 17k.
Post edited by diogene0 on


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    starkaosstarkaos Member Posts: 11,556 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    The only real reason why to play KDF is Orion Females. Anything else is icing on the cake.
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    bubblygumsworthbubblygumsworth Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    This forum needs a reddit style karma system.

    +1'd :P
    I drink, I vote, and I PvP!
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    martydartymartydarty Member Posts: 45 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    While i prefer fed side ive been playing kdf few days ant its intresting side but you certanly can earn more dilithium than the feds shame you can't transfer the dilithium, but for zen wise you could ear a fare wack in a month.

    i might consider grind dilithiu in kfd and fed for me fm and gear.

    see what else kdf side brings hope the story lines get better though the first few were a bit tacky in my opinion.

    but the ships look better than fed too
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    trek21trek21 Member Posts: 2,246 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    I agree with pretty much everything you just said, having recently gone through the experience myself :D Except for one nitpick...

    The story missions.

    I do not agree that they are boring and repetitive. The KDF's unique missions are better than 75% of the Fed's missions (THOSE are boring/repetitive, in comparsion), and this is in addition to the FE's, which are great missions overall (even if they're just a skin of the Fed versions).

    And this is coming from a guy who was all Fed until recently.
    Was named Trek17.

    Been playing STO since Open Beta, and have never regarded anything as worse than 'meh', if only due to personal standards.
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    floridaguy74656#7162 floridaguy74656 Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Saying the Tactical Officers Flying cruisers are noobs is idiotic Im sorry but this comes down to ship preference personally I have played my tac toon (fed) since headstart (pre-launch) in 2010 I have every reward since then on him I dont care about other classes so I fly all ships on him. That hardly makes me a noob.
    Former Join Date : July 2008
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    malan29malan29 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Basic reasons to play KDF....

    Better Ships
    Better zen store consoles
    More Dilithium
    Better players overall
    No annoyingly bright baby blue hud

    However the number ONE reason to play a kdf? "But I'm a tact/tank in a cruiser, with healing spec blah blah blah" no you're not, because fed cruisers are a joke. However you can be all that in a Fleet Vor'cha and still do 7k dps. Fact. Best tanking ship in the game? Fleet Vor'cha, it has the ability to get agro, hold the agro, and you aren't taking it away in ANY fed cruiser. Fact.

    I'm not a KDF fanboi either, I am just smart enough to see that KDF obviously have an advantage over Federation. Yes, Feds can still be /decent/ and even /awesome/ players. But as a whole KDF is better. I raced a friend of mine, he's a tact in an armitage I was using my kar'fi, to see who could break 10k dps first, he won. I'm not saying Feds suck, I'm simply saying, KDF has more advantages. *How did the Kar'fi do?* I never broke 9700 dps. If I'd have switched to toadie fighters I probably could have, but I prefer the advanced interceptors :D
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    malan29malan29 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Saying the Tactical Officers Flying cruisers are noobs is idiotic Im sorry but this comes down to ship preference personally I have played my tac toon (fed) since headstart (pre-launch) in 2010 I have every reward since then on him I dont care about other classes so I fly all ships on him. That hardly makes me a noob.

    Tacts in a cruiser do so much less dps than tacts in escorts. Don't argue with this because it's fact. You're giving up suvivability for damage in an escort yes. However, if you kill it first, it won't kill you is generally the best mentality. This being said, any tact with any build should be able to pull at least 5k dps or you're a waste of space.

    I threw my tact in the Regent recently just to see how well she would do as a tact/cruiser build, keeping in mind I normally use the defiant-r, I wanted to see if a tact/cruiser build was viable. With her current setup she's doing an average of 6k dps per stf. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that. In her defiant she does 8k+ but that's neither here nor there. The test was just to prove that it /was/ possible to do some decent dps in a cruiser.

    The test was done with some disruptor beams I had laying around when I tested a beam defiant build. 7 Mark 11 Disruptor beam arrays accx2+critd, 1 wide arc quantum, 3 rare mark 12 disruptor coils. Tact setup as TT1x2 APB1 FAW3. Running 2 conn doffs that buff tact team, borg space tholian *yeah I had a feeling i'd need it, but I'd still run over 5500 without it*, 2 Projectile doffs. You might even be able to squeeze more out if you change the FAW to APB2 or even TS3. It was just a quick test to see if a tact/cruiser was possible, I've parsed plenty that were full of suck. I will say if you're going to run a tact in a cruiser, the borg beams just aren't going to cut it, spend some money on the good stuff.
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    farmallmfarmallm Member Posts: 4,630 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    I enjoy the KDF game play. I just got done playing him a good bit over the weekend and some this week. The interior of the ships is more combat/battle type which is good from the Fed. As it gives you a more sense of a combat vessel. I love the red look as they had it on the ships in the shows. The weapons on the Cruisers really outshines on the Feds. As you can pack cannons. Don't let me get a lock on you with the front of my ship. You will get a serious beating. KDF home is a real city on the ground. Not just a space station. Ground fighting is just as good. Want better equip a Bath'leth that you learn how to use from the start and use it in combat along with a gun of choice. My Klingon's blade has tasted many species and each one don't like it. I have yet to find one that can hold up to my blade hacking into them.

    Like the others said the drawback is. Less missions so you don't get to level by just missions. So you have to do Duty Officers and explore the clusters to get you into the next level. And you don't have any planets you can patrol like you can on the Fed. Ships choices are somewhat limited and so is the outfits. So your kinda lean on options.

    Yeah the KDF needs some work. But I'm getting by it and enjoy playing my KDF.

    USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
    Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.
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    chalpenchalpen Member Posts: 2,207 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    I play kdf because i am a star trek fan and what the kdf does makes sence compared to the Feds.
    The game isn't star trek on the fed side

    What the kdf*is* doesn't make much sence, but that is another issue and entirely cryptics fault.
    Should I start posting again after all this time?
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    ashkrik23ashkrik23 Member Posts: 10,809 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    I think the Fek'lhri story alone is good enough reason to play at least some KDF. It's the best story arc in the game with one of the most well put-together final missions.
    King of Lions rawr! Protect the wildlife of the world. Check out my foundry series Perfection and Scars of the Pride. arcgames.com/en/forums#/discussion/1138650/ashkrik23s-foundry-missions
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    dood98998dood98998 Member Posts: 389
    edited August 2012
    kdf gets a free carrier. thats enough for me. the fact that feddies have morenoobs makes it soooooo much fun to troll kerrat in my voquv tank :D
    When in doubt, (hehe) c4!
    This sig dedicated to the many random objects the Mythbusters crew has blow to smitherines :D
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    eagledracoeagledraco Member Posts: 340 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    I agree with a lot said in this thread. And I will take more KDF n00bs if that translates into more KDF content. They need to get it working from Level 1.
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    warmaker001bwarmaker001b Member Posts: 9,205 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    If PUG'ing PVE or PVP, I'll happily take a KDF one anyday of the week. Most especially in PVP.
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    robingbrownrobingbrown Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Another point about earning dilithium as KDF: it's more fun than Fed

    1000 dilithium for turning over 10 Fed prisoners that you got running marauding doff missions
    2000 dilithium for turning over contraband you stole from a Ferengi freighter
    The Pi Canis dailies - fantastic shooty fun
    I used to have an Orion slave girl, then PWE 'perfected' her, now all I have is this lousy signature
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    bubblygumsworthbubblygumsworth Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    I just created another 2 KDF toons :P
    I drink, I vote, and I PvP!
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    robeasomrobeasom Member Posts: 1,911 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    I'm a KDF and Fed player and I do think the standalone KDF missions are better than most of the fed ones. We just nned to see a little more content since Cryptic does seem to favour the fed side more. But I agree with most of what the OP has said
    Vice Admiral Volmack ISS Thundermole
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    arcademasterarcademaster Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    I have an endlevel KDF toon and I enjoyed it a lot (the Honor Guard set is also the best space set IMO). The Kar'Fi is also my favourite ship in the game. However most of my endgame gaming is doffs and I find the KDF lacking there. There is just no reliable doff production mechanism since supports only give useless prisoners. Ok the dil is nice, but I rather get 5 new refugees with good chances of turning into blue or purple doffs a day than 30 prisoners that I can do squat with.
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    startuxstartux Member Posts: 135 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Welcome to the KDF, it really is enjoyable! As for the "Whiners", well everyone wants something extra in particular and they wouldn't whine if they didn't enjoy it or want to see it improved and we all would benefit.

    For a lot (I cannot ever say most) it seems having those mission for levels 1 to 20 and our best bet to see these added will be Season 7 or season 8. Hopefully :).

    Yes do try the KDF and don't let the UI get to you if you don't like it, again hopefully we'll have options to change that in the future! :D
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    syberghostsyberghost Member Posts: 1,711 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    I would encourage Foundry authors to remember the KDF when you're designing missions. You can get two missions out of the same basic story idea if you just think "what would happen if a Klingon intelligence officer got the information that started this mission?"
    Former moderator of these forums. Lifetime sub since before launch. Been here since before public betas. Foundry author of "Franklin Drake Must Die".
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    lostusthornlostusthorn Member Posts: 844
    edited August 2012
    Something where the more limited outfit choices are an actual plus. KDF side feels more Trek then the random fed side uniform mix, simply because you can't wear all those random on time on screen uniforms.
    Plus the aggressive nature of the klingon side also fits the mood of the game better. Unlike the feds, klingons do shot first in canon as well in game.
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    blitzy4blitzy4 Member Posts: 839 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    My biggest problem klingon side, is the ship selection. You have many very nice ones, as long as you want green or brown. Even the allied ships. I am hoping the Ferasan ship (if we get one) will be somewhat different though.
    "..and like children playing after sunset, we were surrounded by darkness." -Ruri Hoshino

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    lomax6996lomax6996 Member Posts: 512 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Something where the more limited outfit choices are an actual plus. KDF side feels more Trek then the random fed side uniform mix, simply because you can't wear all those random on time on screen uniforms.
    Plus the aggressive nature of the klingon side also fits the mood of the game better. Unlike the feds, klingons do shot first in canon as well in game.

    I agree. Sometimes, on the FED side, you feel a bit cheated or out of context with all the combat/killing based story lines. Feds should be out exploring. But KDF side... no problem! That's what Klingons DO! :P
    *STO* It’s mission: To destroy strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations... and then kill them, to boldly annihilate what no one has annihilated before!
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    liquidacid29liquidacid29 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    starkaos wrote: »
    The only real reason why to play KDF is Orion Females. Anything else is icing on the cake.

    this guy knows what's up
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    zordar01zordar01 Member Posts: 318
    edited August 2012
    lomax6996 wrote: »
    I agree. Sometimes, on the FED side, you feel a bit cheated or out of context with all the combat/killing based story lines. Feds should be out exploring. But KDF side... no problem! That's what Klingons DO! :P


    It was great in Operation Gamma.

    Eraun: "...so as the Ferengi say, do we have a deal?"
    Me: "Kill Captain Farek? Nooo problem." [destroys Farek's ship] "Anyone else you need killed?"
    Eraun: "No, that's fine. Well, this could be the start of a..."
    Me: "Hold on, Eraun." [to Vishka] "Destroy those escape pods. Leave no survivors. Resonance pulse my..." [to Eraun] "Sorry, you were saying?"
    Eraun: "Um, nothing. We'll accompany you to DS9." [looks uncomfortably at Jem'Hadar officer who looks most amused]

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    sekritagentsekritagent Member Posts: 510 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    ashkrik23 wrote: »
    I think the Fek'lhri story alone is good enough reason to play at least some KDF. It's the best story arc in the game with one of the most well put-together final missions.

    Quoted for truth. I still cherish my Shard Sword of Kahless.
    Delta Rising is the best expansion ever and the players love it! No, seriously! ...Why are you laughing so hard? :(
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    elric071elric071 Member Posts: 159 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    ashkrik23 wrote: »
    I think the Fek'lhri story alone is good enough reason to play at least some KDF. It's the best story arc in the game with one of the most well put-together final missions.

    I second this sentiment. That mission arc is BY FAR my favorite arc in the game. I am not a big fan of ground missions and these are still my favorites even though most of the missions are on the ground. The payoff for this arc, the nock off of the Sword of Kahless (sp?), makes it even that much better. The fight in Gre'thor when you are fighting the incarnations of Klingon Dishonor and all their hordes is absolutely epic imo :)

    Also, to the OP, I agree with you 100%. I have about 7 feds and only 3 kdf, but I find I play my KDF as much, if not more, than all my fed characters. In my two fleets (TOS Veterans and TOS Qan Mang) the fed starbase only recently got to just above the klingon starbase in the tiers. It almost seemed that more of my fleet were playing their KDF alts more frequently than their Fed Mains....lol

    So anyway, to everyone who hasn't tried a KDF yet, give them a shot. It may be repetitive leveling, but you start at 20 so it is still a grind....Just a 30 level grind instead of a 50 level grind :D

    Illigitimi Non Carborundum

    Co-Founder of TOS Veterans and TOS Qan Mang
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    manticore8511manticore8511 Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    This forum needs a reddit style karma system.

    +1'd :P

    Second! And I agree with the OP about playing the KDF!
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    xenor002xenor002 Member Posts: 424
    edited August 2012
    +1 to OP

    I used to be mainly KDf before the Dark Times, but KDF just feels "better" in lore and look...I don't know what it is...when I play KDF I feel like I accomplished something as opposed to my Feds/

    Dec '07 Account
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    Something should be done for those who cared enough to have a 1000+ day sub.
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    talientalien Member Posts: 712 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    I play both and yes, it's definitely easier to get dilithium and EC as KDF. Farming Contraband with marauding doff assignments then selling it on the exchange really is one of the easiest ways to make EC and there's a lot of repeatable dilithium missions right in the home sector.
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