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Science Ships 1.0?

d3cubedd3cubed Member Posts: 91 Arc User
edited September 2012 in Federation Discussion
I need help figuring out how to run an effective Sceince build. I have mastered Escorts and Cruisers (I'm an Engi by the way), but they seem rather easy to make builds for:

Cruiser: Borg set (+MACO shield, if possible), Beams + 1 Projectile on either side, lots of healing abilities, Beam Fire at will II + High yield torp I for moderate DPS.

Escort: Omega Set, Dual Heavy Cannons, Turrets, 1 projectile weapon in the front, lots of cannon abilities, High yeild torp 1 for maximum DPS.

But Science ships have me stumped. They only have six weapon slots, how do you allocate those? And while science has some unique abilities, I don't know how to utilize them well or how to support them with the proper consoles. And they seem to die just as easily as Escorts.

For ease of explanation, could someone tell me how to properly outfit a Nebula tier 5 to be effective?

I support Handsome Phaser Guy
Post edited by d3cubed on


  • mehenmehen Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Oooh, this thread may have to be stickied later on. I can feel some gnarly advice coming... :D

    First off, consult Cygone's Intrepid and Nebula builds. For some odd reason they haven't been stickied or whatnot for this forum, as they are invaluable guides for aspiring science vessel captains. There is also a lot of math and other nuggets of knowledge in their pages that can applied to other builds, be they escort, cruiser, or another science vessel.

    Secondly, each science vessel has more of a personality than say your regular escort. This is because, imho, science skills lend more variety to how you setup the ship. I wouldn't make a recon science vessel as tanky as my Nebula, but that's because it's not designed to do so (even though it can tank fairly well). Within the science vessel auspices you have vessels designed for many roles to excel in, which is why when you ask for a particular science build people will always ask you "well, what do you want to do?" Escorts will always have the same three types of builds dealing damage with the same three main skills; cruisers will always think about tanking first; science vessels, however, always think of what makes you happy.

    No, seriously...whatever makes you happy.

    Do you enjoy immense CC and throwing out heals, with maneuverability secondary? Go for the DSSV or Hope first, maybe the D'Kyr. Love flying fast with good offense? Intrepid or Recon is your best bet...perhaps the fleet Nova once someone gets their hands on one. Or, perhaps, do you feel like rolling out the ultimate utility build? Nebula, my good sir. Oh, TRIBBLE...I forgot I was supposed to be listing things off. Back to work!

    Thirdly, science ships require a higher degree of synergy between your equipment, skills, and power selection than an escort or cruiser, whose primary functions are abundantly clear. Science, however, can do multiple roles well (in PvE, at least). So when you say you are dying more than an escort, there can be a lot of things wrong with your build. I've already posted my build in another thread, and I'll repost it a bit later, but for now, here's at least my skill build:


    It's more or less what I'm running now, haven't checked it for accuracy lately. And ignore the power selection at the top; I just filled in random stuff.

    Fourthly (that's a word?!), since science vessels require this synergy, you need the right powers in order to maximize your damage capabilities. These ships do very well with torpedo builds, as you can slot shield drains to do the work of normal cannons/beams. Fly smart, and you can bunch up a mob with a gravity well, then hit them with a torpedo spread while your team drops their shielding. Science vessels shine brightest in a team, when their CC/healing comes in handy often.

    So before I give any extra advice, let me repeat from earlier:

    What do you want to do?
  • unangbangkayunangbangkay Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    mehen wrote: »
    What do you want to do?

    Personally? I would like to fly a carrier. Barring leveling my KDF and picking up a Voquv or Karfi, my main option is the Atrox (because the Armitage is a Patrol Escort at heart and the Recluse is only for wall street bankers :D ).

    Except when I check these forums I hear nothing but disparaging remarks about the catboat as "mediocre" and whatnot.

    Do you have any advice as to making an Atrox work? If it's a cool build it may be the deciding factor between me buying or buying the new Assault Cruiser.
  • hyprodimushyprodimus Member Posts: 196 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Im not sure its possible for you to "master" an escort without being a Tac. But thats another story. :p

    You said carrier,
    This is my Atrox.
    (Dont mind the 8 in projectiles, I know I only use beams on this but I dont fly the atrox anymore)

    6 beams with a FAW. Scramble sensors is omni directional, which is great because you are a whale. You are pretty much a heal boat in this. You let your fighters do the damage while you throw out some CC and heal your team mates.

    I use advanced peregrines and Stalkers. Its fine to use to use Runabouts in PvE, but please dont bring them to PvP.
  • kylesal24kylesal24 Member Posts: 312
    edited August 2012
    unangbangkay, This is one player who loves the Atrox. I would have no other ship, well maybe a fleet Atrox. ;)

    I only do PVE so my build is set up that way. 2 Dual Heavy Cannons with a Quantum torpedo up front with 3 Turrets in the back.

    Borg set with MACO shield, armor consoles and field gens, plus phaser relays.

    TT 1, CRF 1 for tac.

    EP2W 1, RSP 1, ( this may be changed soon.) Aux2SIF 2 for Eng.

    HE 1, TSS 2, TR 2. HE 1, PH 2, TSS 3, GW 3 for Sci. Also, I may be changing some of the heals, I can tank just about anything and don't need half the heals.

    That is mainly my build. If you need anything else just ask! Also, I may post this as its own fourm thread so that it ay be like the other builds. I have yet to find something wrong with my build.

    Delta Fleet Command
  • d3cubedd3cubed Member Posts: 91 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Really what I want is a ship that can be effective in STFs and similar fleet actions. I would like to find a workable build for my nebula because I already own the ship ;)
    I support Handsome Phaser Guy
  • skhcskhc Member Posts: 355 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Not going to lie, I find it tricky to use Science ships in STFs and Fleet Actions (apart from Blockade), because the missions are so DPS centric. I certainly feel a lot more effective in an Escort or Carrier, but I'll offer what advice I can.

    Imho, Gravity Well, Tyken's Rift and Tractor Beam Repulsors are the best Sci powers to have in STFs and Fleet Actions at the moment. (Especially since PSW3 has been gimped on Tribble. I dunno if that change is coming to Holodeck today or next week, but either way, be prepared for not being able to hit something for 20k damage with it anymore.)

    One copy each of those in your Lt. Commander and Commander Sci positions (Grav Well and Tyken's share a cooldown, so you can have 2 of one of them or one of each. More than that won't work) or even two Tractor Beam Repulsors, and you can regularly solo rescue freighters on Starbase Blockade. I then use my lower BOff abilities for a Polarise Hull and heals (TSS and Hazard Emitters).

    Repulsors are little trickier to use on STFs than in Blockade. Basically, you don't want to use them against a moveable target unless you're stopping them from going somewhere (ie. probes from reaching the temporal gate in KA), because you'll shove them out of range/firing arc of other players and slow the run down. But they can be used for a little extra squeeze of damage on an immobile target like a gate. It won't be enough to keep up on DPS with an Escort or the even extra two weapons of a well built cruiser, but it'll help. But because you can't use it the whole time, I wouldn't try it as a Commander Power. I'd use a Tyken's Rift or Grav Well there.

    Alternatively, if you struggle with timing the Repulsors, try a Viral Matrix for a few rounds. It's not something I use much myself, but it has potential to temporarily shut down a big enemy.
  • dareaudareau Member Posts: 2,390 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    The big problem with science, as it were, is that there are almost too many options...

    There's crowd control/delay (GW III, TBR, CPB/PSW), there's "lockdown" via energy syphon and Tyken's rift (with a set of boarding parties from the engineering to really muck up a ship), and heal boat (HE, TSS, Sci Team).

    On that note, a well built Science ship is a boon to any team, that runs as a team. In my tac, I love watching a sci catch 3-6 ships in a gravity well, especially when my CSV & torp spread are ready to fire, nothing like watching 2-3 ships pop because they were trapped in the cone of death... :) I've seen (and participated in) the utter annihilation of whole waves of attackers during fleet alert and starbase blockade after a well-placed well...

    Meanwhile, I've seen tac cubes get rendered impotent at the hands of a lockdown sci. Polaron beams (for the power drain), Tyken's, VM, Boarding Party all combine to seriously mess with whatever the target wants to do. The only ship that can escape some serious lockdown is Donatra's scimitar with the uber-cloak...

    Personally, I'd say pick one or two (say, CC and heal boat), spec for it, and have fun. Just remember that, as a sci, your "true" effectiveness is reliant on the team, a bunch of solo artists who don't take advantage of your works = fail, having even one Tac or engie to help you out doubles/triples the "effective" DPS of both parties...
    Detecting big-time "anti-old-school" bias here. NX? Lobi. TOS/TMP Connie? Super-promotion-box. (aka the two hardest ways to get ships) Excelsior & all 3 TNG "big hero" ships? C-Store. Please Equalize...

    To rob a line: [quote: Mariemaia Kushrenada] Forum Posting is much like an endless waltz. The three beats of war, peace and revolution continue on forever. However, opinions will change upon the reading of my post.[/quote]
  • sevoksevok Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    d3cubed wrote: »
    And they seem to die just as easily as Escorts.

    ... Huh?

    I'm an Eng Captain that's been flying Science Wessels since the beginning.

    At each tier, I always tried an Escort and a Cruiser for a couple days and always went back to Sciwessels.

    "Die as easy as Escort?" Huh? I've always died in under 5 seconds every time I take an Escort out... I rarely if ever die in my Science ships....

    So... not sure how you're making that happen!
  • quiscustodietquiscustodiet Member Posts: 350
    edited August 2012
    You haven't really "mastered" Escorts if you think a Torp yields max DPS or the Omega set sufficient protection (3 Borg/MACO shields or 2 Borg/2 MACO).

    But anyway, there are 3 common SV setups:

    1. Torp boat.
    Front: DBB, 2 Torps (Photons for max DPS)
    Aft: 3 Turrets.
    Necessary: projectile DOFFs, 2 Omega/2 Borg.

    The theory: SVs can drain Shields through abilities and then fire Torpedoes at unshielded hulls, projectile DOFFs reduce recasts and you can run low Weapons Power.
    The practice: It doesn't work. I foolishly made my Sci/Sci a Torp boat: it just does not work, damage-wise.
    I'm going to respec the Projectile Skills into Energy Skills and go with the build below.
    I should've done the maths before investing instead of trusting a forum thread, I've been stupid. (but less stupid than those promoting such builds without checking if the numbers confirm the theory first)

    2. Frontal-arc focus.
    Front: 3 DBBs.
    Aft: 3 Turrets.
    Tac BOFF Skills: TT1, APB1/2 (Orb Weaver can get 2, convetional SVs can't really), BO2, BFAW1; it all depends on the Ship.

    3. Cruiser wannabe.
    Front: 3 Arrays.
    Aft: 3 Arrays.
    I don't really see the point, personally. Many Sci BOFF Skills (and Subnuke) rely on frontal cones, so you can't maintain a broadside and if you wanted to make a beamboat, why not just fly a Cruiser in the first place?
  • mehenmehen Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    1. Torp boat.
    Front: DBB, 2 Torps (Photons for max DPS)
    Aft: 3 Turrets.
    Necessary: projectile DOFFs, 2 Omega/2 Borg.

    The theory: SVs can drain Shields through abilities and then fire Torpedoes at unshielded hulls, projectile DOFFs reduce recasts and you can run low Weapons Power.
    The practice: It doesn't work. I foolishly made my Sci/Sci a Torp boat: it just does not work, damage-wise.
    I'm going to respec the Projectile Skills into Energy Skills and go with the build below.
    I should've done the maths before investing instead of trusting a forum thread, I've been stupid. (but less stupid than those promoting such builds without checking if the numbers confirm the theory first)

    I'd love to know what build you were using, and with what science vessel, as each one has its own quirks that lend it to a specific fighting style. For instance, I've found the Recon to be less suited towards being a torpedo boat than say the Intrepid or Nebula, but still performs admirably. Also, the only build I've seen run @ min weapons power was the old Cygone Intrepid, which has seen a few refits since its original posting. You run low enough power for an EP2(whatever) skill to boost it up to a respectable amount, so your energy weapons do deal damage...and aren't simply there for a proc.

    If you are referring to the Cygone threads (or any number of torp boat threads), then there is indeed much math involved--be it parsing or simple number crunching. Even with the dev's idiotic "fixing" of PSWIII, my Nebula still can deliver a lethal blow, though it is more support now with Viral Matrix in place of PSWIII. As an engi captain in a science vessel, I'd call 4-5k dps a good build.

    Again, I'd say post your exact build for others to lend a helping hand before saying an entire build style is useless for a science vessel. ;)
  • quiscustodietquiscustodiet Member Posts: 350
    edited August 2012
    Luna. Not that it hinders DPS in any way, the Luna has more Tac slots than the Intrepid and a more serviceable Turn Rate.
    Sci captain. As mentionned, Omega 2 piece/Borg 2 piece for the Glider.
    Front Weapons: Tetryon DBB, Photon Torp*2.
    Aft Weapons: Tetryon Turrets*3.
    Deflector: Borg.
    Engine: Omega.
    Shields: Omega.
    Eng Consoles: Borg, Neutronium.
    Tac Consoles: Detonation Assemblies*3/4 (Luna-F).
    Sci Consoles: Flow Capacitors*4.
    DOFFs: Projectile Weapons Officers*2, Warp Core Engineer, Tractor Beam Officer, don't remember the last one. Maybe a Conn Officer (TT).

    I know, switching to Omega Deflector/Borg Shields would help DPS-wise (Targeting Systems+17.5), but the Borg Shields are terrible and I'd lose quite a bit of Hull as well.

    4-5k DPS doesn't mean anything without context: it's a lot easier to achieve that number in some events than others.

    Anyway, it just doesn't work. The whole idea is to run low Weapons Power so you can keep decent DPS while running full Aux, but that doesn't work: the Shield-draining is insufficient.
    If you're going to run Weapons 125 (which I do on that char now - shame, I liked the idea of playing/building it differently than Escort and Cruiser chars), there's no point to running Torpedoes over much stronger DBBs, freeing Skill Points, DOFF slots and Sci Console slots (4 Field Gens! 4 ****ing Field Gens!) in the process.

    Oh and Eng BOFF slots? EPtS and ASIF are too good to pass up, especially on a healer-type Vessel. ASIF keeps those NPCs alive better than HE (though a good SV has both, anywyay) and can be used every 15s; so that doesn't leave any room for EPtW as you suggest.
  • mehenmehen Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Forget hull heals on NPCs, you're much better off throwing an extend shield/tac team/transfer shield instead, with the random hazard that you should be running anyway thrown in there once in a while. I figured you're flying a Luna, though...it's notoriously difficult to apply the traditional Neb/Intrepid torpedo builds due to its unique boff layout.

    When I say 4-5k dps, I refer to my raw dps when firing; it can jump higher (~6k) depending on the STF/event/team, but I generally fly with the same people so I'm normally closer to 4.2-4.6k raw dps. I have hit outliers on either side--3k to 6k--so I don't normally espouse the 6k without mentioning the former. So it is over the course of many, many, many STF/event runs. This was, however, before the PSWIII nerf, and I have since moved onto an Orb Weaver torp build that can consistently hit even 7-8k raw dps...yeah, that ship is OP as heeeeeell.

    If you really want to commit to a pure support boat, I'd honestly say go disruptor over tetryon, especially if you're supporting escorts. They'll strip the shields fast enough, and you're not really trying to nuke the shields ASAP like you would with a torp boat: you can still do nice damage with your beams. But, if you want to stick with tetryon (and this goes for any torp boat, as well), go do the New Link mission and grab a polarized tetryon dbb. This gives you a whopping 10% chance to proc, which means you can ditch the Omega set (I run MACO, anyway) and run a more defensive setup.

    Plus, most self-respecting escort captains will slot an Aux2Sif if they can, so most of the time you don't have to really worry about hull heals. It's all about the shields. :P
  • quiscustodietquiscustodiet Member Posts: 350
    edited August 2012
    mehen wrote: »
    Forget hull heals on NPCs, you're much better off throwing an extend shield/tac team/transfer shield instead, with the random hazard that you should be running anyway thrown in there once in a while.

    You're much better off throwing both. Especially on the Kang and the No Win Scenario NPC.
    And for some reason, though HE is stronger than ASIF on player Ships (at the cost of triple the recast), it's weaker on NPCs.
    Anyway, I always pack both HE and ASIF, regardless of Ship. Same goes for TT(2 on Escorts/Cruisers, 1 on the Luna), EPTS(2 when possible/1+damage control engineers when not) and TSS; they're just staples to keep yourself alive when under fire and others when not.
    When I say 4-5k dps, I refer to my raw dps when firing; it can jump higher (~6k) depending on the STF/event/team, but I generally fly with the same people so I'm normally closer to 4.2-4.6k raw dps. I have hit outliers on either side--3k to 6k--so I don't normally espouse the 6k without mentioning the former. So it is over the course of many, many, many STF/event runs. This was, however, before the PSWIII nerf, and I have since moved onto an Orb Weaver torp build that can consistently hit even 7-8k raw dps...yeah, that ship is OP as heeeeeell.
    Not quite sure what you mean by "raw DPS". Usually, the relevant metric is "parsed DPS in Elite STF".
    If you really want to commit to a pure support boat, I'd honestly say go disruptor over tetryon, especially if you're supporting escorts. They'll strip the shields fast enough, and you're not really trying to nuke the shields ASAP like you would with a torp boat: you can still do nice damage with your beams. But, if you want to stick with tetryon (and this goes for any torp boat, as well), go do the New Link mission and grab a polarized tetryon dbb. This gives you a whopping 10% chance to proc, which means you can ditch the Omega set (I run MACO, anyway) and run a more defensive setup.
    There's no "if", Cruisers are tanks, Escorts are DDs and SVs are CC/healers.
    CC isn't enough, pure healing isn't enough, you've got to cover both.

    Polarized Tetryons are terribad. I know, I used to use them until I got off my lazy TRIBBLE and mathed it out: even with maxed Flow Capacitors and 4 Flow Capacitor Consoles, the added proc of Polarized Tetryons doesn't make up for the loss of damage over Mk XII [Borg] Tetryons, even at low Weapon Power; let alone at 125 Weapon Power.
    But anyway, yeah, I planned to switch to Disruptors or Antiprotons (3 DBBs/3 Turrets, of course).

    As for the Tetryon Glider, if you can't use it on a SV, you can't use it on any Ship; they're the most suited for it. I do use MACO/Borg (KHG/Borg on Bortie) on my Escorts and Cruisers; I know the defensive benefits.
  • valasveladornvalasveladorn Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    I gotta hear this Orb Weaver build now. : )
  • mehenmehen Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Raw as in, dps when firing, as opposed to net dps, which can change depending on how much downtime between firing. Raw generally is the most stable metric, whereas net can go up and down a lot.

    Not sure why you think Omega is only good on science ships, or that science vessels are *only* good at CC/healing. True, I can see tetryon glider being useful for a beamboat, but it scales with weapons power...whereas the polarized will sap shield strength regardless of power levels. Haven't really done the math, tbh, but if it's there it's tiny in relation to my builds. It's mainly there for proc'ing and using target subsystem attacks, not necessarily for damage output. That's what my torpedoes are for. :P
  • quiscustodietquiscustodiet Member Posts: 350
    edited August 2012
    mehen wrote: »
    Raw as in, dps when firing, as opposed to net dps, which can change depending on how much downtime between firing. Raw generally is the most stable metric, whereas net can go up and down a lot.
    Good playstyle is to minimise said downtime, not handwave it away.
    Not sure why you think Omega is only good on science ships, or that science vessels are *only* good at CC/healing.
    Are you capable of logical thought?
    I never said Omega was "only good" on SVs, I said if you can't use it on SVs, you can't use it on other Ship types.
    If you need a more defensive setup on a SV, then it follow that you need a more defenseive setup on the much more fragile Escorts/BoPs and you need a more defensive setup on actual tanks (Cruisers); not to mention the Tetryon Glider scales with Flow Capacitors which a SV is likely to have Skilled, an Escort/Cruiser much less likely to.
    SVs are CC/healers. That's just what they are, the niche they fill. I'm not sure why you think that's a controversial statement, it's as bland as "Escorts are DDs" or "Cruisers are tanks": that is what they are.
    True, I can see tetryon glider being useful for a beamboat, but it scales with weapons power...
    Are you even reading? Or remembering your own words?
    Nobody's talking about a beamboat and you conceded long ago that low Weapons Power doesn't work.
    whereas the polarized will sap shield strength regardless of power levels. Haven't really done the math, tbh, but if it's there it's tiny in relation to my builds. It's mainly there for proc'ing and using target subsystem attacks, not necessarily for damage output. That's what my torpedoes are for.
    Once again, reading?
    Here, I'll repeat: even at very low Weapons Power, Tetryon [Borg] Mk XII > Polarized Tetryon for Shield Stripping, let alone at 125.

    You're also overestimating Torpedo damage, but don't worry, that's a common mistake.
  • mehenmehen Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Wow. I guess I have a tendency to have people get a tad irritated at me, no? :(

    I apologize if there was any confusion: I mentioned the beam boat because you said it was a better thing to go for. And since I haven't seen a science ship beat mine in dps by using beams (from the few who do run it, anyway, in my experience), I was thinking more along the lines of a support beam boat. You keep saying that beams up front are better, so I simply suggested a possibility for a low-energy level build for those wishing to spend more energy in defense and aux.

    My build doesn't use low weapons energy, and I don't necessarily suggest doing so. Like I said previously, there are only a couple science ships that you should really try to utilize torpedoes for your primary damage source. Recon, from how you want to fly it, doesn't necessarily gel with the traditional torp boat builds. Running EP2(whatever) helps alleviate the jack-of-all-trades motto of science vessels, so you can technically run a medium power level across weapons/shields, minimum at aux and engine, and still wind up with 100/100/54/54 for power or more.

    However, I don't know about the efficacy of a beam-front science vessel damage-wise, as I've never flown one. You haven't posted anything for me to compare against, so I'm kinda flying blind in terms of advice.

    Anyhoo, for your other points:

    --Depending on certain STF roles, you might not be killing that often. Cure and Khitomer, with a good team, only needs one person intercepting. Their net dps *will* take a nosedive, as they aren't firing that often. It's purely burst, which is not adequately displayed over a long period of time. That's what I was referring to.

    --I'm sorry if you felt wronged by my assertion that science ships can be secondary damage dealers (like an off-tank or some-such). I just get antsy when people suggest I stick to predefined roles, as if I can't find a few ways to do something outside my role.

    --Omega is fine on any ship. I've rolled it in my escort, cruiser, and science vessel, but hate the glider proc requiring max energy into weapons at all times. I don't like being tied down that much to power levels constantly, so I don't bother. Polarized is much better for a lazy person who only needs a beam for secondary damage.


    I'll post a bit of my build, though it is still going through changes...

    Lt. Comm Tac --> TT1, TS2, TS3
    Ensign Tac --> TT1
    Lt. Comm Engi --> EP2W1, EP2S2, Extend
    Comm Sci --> Hazard 1, Polarize Hull, GW 1, TRIII
    Ensign Sci--> Transfer 1

    Fore: 2x Photon Torps Mx XII [Borg], 1x Polarized Tetryon DBB
    Aft: 3x Tetryon Turrets Mk XII [Borg]
    Device: Subspace thingy, whatever I want
    Engineering: 1x Neutronium Alloy Mk XI, Borg Console, RCS Mk XI
    Science: 3x Field Generators Mk XII, 1x Nadeon Detonator
    Tactical: 2x Photon Mk XI, 1x Tetryon Mk XI

    Doffs: 3x Projectile, 1x Gravi, 1x Emergency Engineering (all purple)

    Still fiddling with the power levels and how to efficiently/effectively command it, but so far it's miles above my Nebula (unfortunately :( ). I might be able to toss in some quantums for a boost in dps, but so far it's been tearing right through enemies. I have enough heals to toss out, and my shielding is at ~17k, so I can cycle my Rotate Shield and EP2S2 all day with my twin TT1s. I think I've aggro'd entire mobs in Alert with my spreads/wells, and still not drop below 50% shield strength. The Orb Weaver is a beast, and anyone who thinks differently is smoking something powerful. :P
  • insanerandomnesinsanerandomnes Member Posts: 228 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    d3cubed wrote: »
    I need help figuring out how to run an effective Sceince build. I have mastered Escorts and Cruisers (I'm an Engi by the way), but they seem rather easy to make builds for:

    Cruiser: Borg set (+MACO shield, if possible), Beams + 1 Projectile on either side, lots of healing abilities, Beam Fire at will II + High yield torp I for moderate DPS.

    Escort: Omega Set, Dual Heavy Cannons, Turrets, 1 projectile weapon in the front, lots of cannon abilities, High yeild torp 1 for maximum DPS.

    But Science ships have me stumped. They only have six weapon slots, how do you allocate those? And while science has some unique abilities, I don't know how to utilize them well or how to support them with the proper consoles. And they seem to die just as easily as Escorts.

    For ease of explanation, could someone tell me how to properly outfit a Nebula tier 5 to be effective?


    FINALLY someone using this thread for what it's meant for, not complaining about how underpowered a ship is. THANK-YOU. You shed some sanity on this forum, and in the game.

    Science ships in my opinion are the most fun. They have the most unique abilities, some of the cooler looking ships, and the perfect mix of speed tanking abilities and firepower. You can make a high damage type, but you have too keep in mind, this isn't an escort. It's often slower, it has less weapon slots, and you can't fit duals or dual heavies. So you need to enhance your weapons in a different way. The best way is through said abilities. Field control abilities, such as tractor beam and tractor beam repulsors can be helpfull in keeping enemies in your line of sight. And gravity wells on a science ship ROCK, like having a rapid fire torp launcher that bypasses shields and drags enemies in. Least thats MY planned finaly ship for my science character this time around. Last one was the atrox, and I got tired of it turning like an old fat dog.

    As far as you'd go, I don't know, I couldn't give you a fit, because I don't know what you like to do. You could go with cloaked vessel detection considering the ship choice. Just don't expect to be popular in anything except for PvP. That sort of ship could also work well as a healer, or heck, even a shield drain build, I've seen those work well, although they aren't as powerful as other builds.

  • thundrhammrthundrhammr Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    First off, you guys are going under the assumption that all ships are built to basicly the same specs.... WRONG MOVE... An escort or "attack" style ship is a. built to withstand deal out damage and the hull is still pretty beefy, because of it's close in tactical role... a science ship isn't made for a fight, but can do very well in a fight with it's excessive amounts of science abilities... but remember the ship wasn't originally designed for combat, but research, so the shape of the main support beams will be engineered differently at the shipyard..... thus why the quad cannon doesn't cave in the front of the ship it's firing from because of the amount of recoil/energy recoil weapons systems of that magnitude carry.... tac ships are inherently sturdy but small so stordy can turn into gooey really quick..... a cruiser or "tank" style ship is built at the beam level almost as sturdy as a tac ship, but it has a lot more area, and much larger construction than a tac ship, so therefore can take much more damage than a tac ship can.... science vessels are literal "wet paper bags"..... and there are very viable torp builds concerning the nebula/ interpid series ships.... if your overall worry is making a science vessel that can sustain a hit or two and crowd control and heal.... not that hard if you have a good team that has tac capt.'s that can also help on the crowd control, and do off heals every once in a while, it's all about how you fly your ship gentlemen and ladies at the very end of the day..... yes the builds are important, as is the gear, and the capt. and his skills, but all those together won't help you with squat if you can't fly better than a brick..... not saying any present company is a target or subject of aforementioned ineptness of flight... but there are many more aspects you guys truly are missing.....


    See you in space.....
  • ariseaboveariseabove Member Posts: 186 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    d3cubed wrote: »
    But Science ships have me stumped. They only have six weapon slots, how do you allocate those? And while science has some unique abilities, I don't know how to utilize them well or how to support them with the proper consoles. And they seem to die just as easily as Escorts.

    For starter Sci ships are not dps ships sorry I'll have to re phrase that seeings some people around here don't use common sense Sci officers in Sci ships are not built for Dps they are built for fleet support similar to Engineers but unlike Engineers who can Tank and Dps, Science are Tank and Support hence the reason for only 6 weapon ports.

    The hardest thing about been an effective Sci Captain is having enough heals for your self and team mates to the point if it means sacrificing your self to heal a Tac Captain DO IT!
    Theres no shame in taking one for the team.

    You shouldn't be dying to often in a Sci ship as your shields should be very high like at least 12k, you also have a range of crowd control abilities as well as lots of defensive abilities to share with your team mates.

    Then theres the mighty Carriers as Sci officers, people who use other class's to Captain these vessels really are waisting there time as they can not be used as effectively as Sci Captain can use them for example the massive amount of reinforcements you can call, Photonic fleet, launch you hanger bays plus the vault mission reward fighters let your hull for below 50% go get fleet support......are you seeing how many ships you can pull into one battle?

    And of course one of the most important things the training of your bridge officers if your not a Sci Captain using a Sci ship unless a fleet mate or friend has trained your officers for you your skills as another captain are going to be bad as you won't have the high level Sci abilities you need, this is true for all classes.
  • mehenmehen Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    ariseabove wrote: »
    The hardest thing about been an effective Sci Captain is having enough heals for your self and team mates to the point if it means sacrificing your self to heal a Tac Captain DO IT!
    Theres no shame in taking one for the team.

    If your teammates are in constant need of healing, they're doing it wrong. At most, a science ship should only *need* a couple shield heals and one or two hull heals. If you utilize the proper science skills, you can debuff the enemy enough to prevent the need for excessive heals. And if your team so needs a healer, having the main healer die is not going to help anyone, since apparently everyone will die soon after.

    You can build a ship that satisfies dps, tanking, CC and healing, it just requires knowing your ship well and understanding what weaponry helps maximize your dps. You don't need to fly around in a science ship with max auxiliary, or anything else if you plan your build correctly. And yes, each type of captain will find a certain science vessel most useful, and neither will command the same ship identically. I think that's the best part about commanding one.

    Science vessels are the most fun vessels to command in the game, so don't pigeonhole yourself into thinking you're only useful in one specified role. :D
  • vetteguy904vetteguy904 Member Posts: 3,903 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    my atrox I fly with TT1 and BO2, and i have tykens and 2 grav wells. I'll use max spped to get out while runabouts tractor him in place if i can't get a grav well on him right away. if i can get him out to 8k or so i just go noe in and lob the GW and tykes, occasionally replenish the fighters, and add the miserable firepower of the 3 beam arrays. works well in PVE, and i don't pvp. if you go with one of the smaller sci ships you can go double DBB and a torp, or triple DBB, kind of a wannabe escort build. some will say turrets aft I prefer beam arays. yes, I do not have the extra DPS, but if i manage to drop a shield as I'm turned away, a BO is a very nice thing to have.

    and if you really need help, the good old photonic fleet is on standby
  • adamkafeiadamkafei Member Posts: 6,539 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    I use a sci VA in an escort and they have the capability to rival some tacticals in the same ship which yes means they are doing it wrong but it says a lot for my build
  • ariseaboveariseabove Member Posts: 186 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    mehen wrote: »
    If your teammates are in constant need of healing, they're doing it wrong. At most, a science ship should only *need* a couple shield heals and one or two hull heals. If you utilize the proper science skills, you can debuff the enemy enough to prevent the need for excessive heals. And if your team so needs a healer, having the main healer die is not going to help anyone, since apparently everyone will die soon after.

    Sorry mate I didn't give a proper example of when to sacrifice your self if you have to, for example Infected Elite (mainly pugs lol) so a person may have taken down the field gen to early and theres a fleet of nano/spheres coming to recharge the gate and the gate is going down but a tac is getting harassed by a sphere and my crowd control abilities are on cooldown so I can't slow the fleet but what I can do is keep that tac alive long enough to finish off the gate if I die in the process well its one for the team.

    I wouldn't sacrifice my self mid way through a battle leaving the rest of the team with out heals or buffs but there are certain times where you have to. We don't get the luxury of playing with vets all the time, if that was the case I would hardly have to heal anybody.
  • toivatoiva Member Posts: 3,276 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    From my experience with a Reconnaisance science vessel and the Intrepid retrofit, I must say they're great for saving/helping a team by doing whatever is necessary.

    The whole team is battering down a tac cube/gate/Donatra/assimilated carrier(/even regular cubes)? Shut it down for them with Tyken, drain shields with tractor beam (used with a Tractor beam doff), tachyon beam and the tetryon glider. Subsystem targetting comes in handy here as well. An AP Beta is also nice.
    NOTE: don't forget to switch to high Aux power for this.

    A larger amount of enemies is on the loose? You still have space for a gravity well and you got a tractor beam or two. You may then use an AoE tac ability as well.
    NOTE: after the gravity well, high Weapons power is a must.

    Your less organized team is being exterminated by a negvar and a raptor spawning in CSE? Again, use a tractor (possibly more "drain" powers) and gain time or possibly eliminate the thread yourself.
    NOTE: a fast work with power presets is necessary depending on what exactly you're planning.

    Pack a typical bunch of preventive powers (HE, TSS, TT-with 2 blue or better adequate Conn doffs, some sort of EPtS pattern) and you're a versatile little sci vessel.

    A very important part of playing that way is switching power presets and paying a really lot of attention to what's happening all around (I know you should always do that, but in all honesty, when I play an STF in an escort, I often just jump in and pew-pew ...).

    - I was doing that on an Eng toon.
    - I haven't tried a full torp boat "a la Cygone", I used Tetryon DBB (though one suffices for subsystem targetting) and turrets.
    - Also I never accomplished any stellar DPS numbers, less than with my DPS oriented beamboat builds. The reason probably lies in its versatility. And I hope it brings much more to the table than just DPS.
    - Using such science ships ends up being quite tiresome and requires a thorough bind system. BUT, it is extremely rewarding when it works.

    That's just my experience, I'm sure I'm not that good of a player, and there are much better ways of using (any, not just manoeuvrable) science ships.
    TOIVA, Toi Vaxx, Toia Vix, Toveg, T'vritha, To Vrax: Bring in the Allegiance class.
    Toi'Va, Ti'vath, Toivia, Ty'Vris, Tia Vex, Toi'Virth: Add Tier 6 KDF Carrier and Raider.
    Tae'Va, T'Vaya, To'Var, Tevra, T'Vira, To'Vrak: Give us Asylums for Romulans.

    Don't make ARC mandatory! Keep it optional only!
  • davidfloresiidavidfloresii Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012

    Who said you can't have it all. Science are for those who don't want to play on easy. I am science and I always get 2nd in DPS or 1st in healing on my pvp matches. Anyone who say other wise don't know science. If you want to know how, then join Task Force Spectre, I will help you out.



    ps just started making videos

    But Honestly, the only reason science should die in a match, is if they are not paying attention to their hull and shields. Science vs. Tactical, Science wins. Science vs. Engineering, Science wins in a very long match. Science vs Science, forget about it. lol
  • ariseaboveariseabove Member Posts: 186 Arc User
    edited September 2012

    Who said you can't have it all. Science are for those who don't want to play on easy. I am science and I always get 2nd in DPS or 1st in healing on my pvp matches. Anyone who say other wise don't know science. If you want to know how, then join Task Force Spectre, I will help you out.

    Nice vid there mate, I'm not trying to have ago or anything but where is this Sci dps your talking about?

    I watched the vid and put it on its max size player and apart from a few critical here and there your dps wasn't ever above 500 a shot in fact most shots it was less than 100.

    Not to mention your attack skills, only torp high yield 1, tac team 1 and an attack pattern. Thats just not enough dps skills to claim a Sci officer can do lots of dps.

    I think you will find it was your team mates doing most of the dps there as it should be. I'm a bit confused on how you came to the conclusion your 2nd in dps??
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