As part of a small fleet, the starbase doff requirement of some projects is rediculously extreame, especially sensor duty officer as they seem to be the more rare white doff ever, you cant even buy them on exchange as they sold out.
They really need a easier way to get the specific doffs or seriously reduce the requirements.
It would been better if you could exchange green doffs for 3 of the exact same type of doff rather than 3 totally random ones.
This has been gone over MANY times. Starbases are NOT supposed to be simple builds for SMALL fleets like MINE and yours. They are supposed to be semi-challenging builds for larger fleets. I myself except for the occasional Sensor Doff requirements have not been having to much of an issue burning doffs into the base. I have 2-3 people helping me build our Fed and our KDF side. Both are about to go tier 2. The bases are designed so it is a challenge for large and small fleets. The logic behind it is that a Larger fleet (consisting of 50 Active members (( Active being Decried as 3 hours or more on a day)) ) will have the starbase done in around 8-9 months. A medium sized fleet in around year and a half and smaller fleets around two years or more. Because a Larger fleet will have more resources to dump into the bases due to more active players. I fully believe this is how it should be. Us smaller fleets should not be being built at the same speed as a larger one. If you are having issues Size wise with your fleet, I would try to get out and get recruiting members. Put up Contests for Recruiting or benefits towards members who stay. I have offered Fleet modules and ships with wonders for contests and even before the Zen change had offered CP gifts as contest rewards. Keep your fleets running fun and active. Also Work your dilithium earnings to your advantage, Pick up more character slots so you can run more Doff recruitment missions. Don't Forget the Higher doffs can be ground down to commons. Don't get what you want, Grind em to higher quality and back down again, sure its more expensive but you do what you have to do to get ahead. another way is the DOFF contact inside the starbase, You can take 500 fleet Currency and buy Common Doffs out of it, It's random, But its still Doffs coming in that can be used in other areas. Just keep your head up and keep pushing.
Remember, just because our fleets are smaller doesn't mean we are doomed. Just means we have more of a challenge. I have 3 other people Active in mine and we are almost tier 2, I know a few other smaller fleets that are burning towards tier 3. There are also more Fleet mark events coming foward. This week is Fleet week, Until the 2rd It's 24 hours a day Bonus fleet marks. It was also mentioned that We will soon be able to buy Fleet mark boosters using Fleet currency from the starbase stores. The Devs are watching and working on ways to boost the marks coming in. They are tracking how many people are actually pushing the bases and working on making adjustments to lower the requirments of them. But remember, Smaller fleets are NOT supposed to have it easy. The Larger fleets are, it is designed that way. Only way to get around it is to grow your fleet. It takes effort, But if you want it to occur you will push to do it.
Proud Fleet Commander in Garfon's Renegades!
Proud Leader of the Massive Chaos Group
Proud Listener of The Voice of Star Trek Online.
As part of a small fleet, the starbase doff requirement of some projects is rediculously extreame, especially sensor duty officer as they seem to be the more rare white doff ever, you cant even buy them on exchange as they sold out.
They really need a easier way to get the specific doffs or seriously reduce the requirements.
It would been better if you could exchange green doffs for 3 of the exact same type of doff rather than 3 totally random ones.
Im in a solo fleet. Finding doffs is the least of my worries.
It's not just Sensor duty officers. For the last two weeks, my fleet hasn't been able to complete any of the three projectz we have. We slowly ich our way through them until the doffs are left, and then we have to wait a day for a chance to get 2 or 3 more.
I also have an engineer project that requires a lot of Photon Torpedo Platforms. I don't know how to earn them, or what I need just to be to see what it even takes to craft them.
"My frozen dairy-based confectionery attracts all the males of the species to the facilities. They all agree on it's superiority. Indeed, it is superior to yours. I could teach you the finer details but that would require monetary recompense on your part." -The Milkshake Song: Vulcan Edition
I also have an engineer project that requires a lot of Photon Torpedo Platforms. I don't know how to earn them, or what I need just to be to see what it even takes to craft them.
You need to get your hands on some photon torpedo platform prototype plans via DOFFing (check tactical Dept Head and scroll down to espionage) or the exchange. Than see your Engineer on your own ship to have them made.
They added the Phaser platform to crafting but not the photon... D'oh.
I was once DKnight1000, apparently I had taken my own name so now I'm DKnight0001. If I ask you a question it is not an insult but a genuine attempt to understand why. When I insult you I won't be discreet about it, I will be precise and to the point stupid.
As part of a small fleet, the starbase doff requirement of some projects is rediculously extreame, especially sensor duty officer as they seem to be the more rare white doff ever, you cant even buy them on exchange as they sold out.
They really need a easier way to get the specific doffs or seriously reduce the requirements.
It would been better if you could exchange green doffs for 3 of the exact same type of doff rather than 3 totally random ones.
I agree and don't agree - Goal is to give us something to work on till next release +. I think this will do it...grind is starting to get old with no new content. I like your suggestion using green at some kind of exchange ration. The only thing is you may need your green down the road. I really thing this was built around the large fleets opinion.
On exchange sold out...We all need the same items. Large fleets have already moved through what you are looking for.
Your fleet needs to start learning how to work the Exchange to it's benefit, You also need to work the Dil market to your benefit to open more character slots so you can do more DOFF missions. You have the ability to get Doffs out of the Academy there are 8 missions, there are also DOFF chains that will award higher Quality Doffs to you. the Starbase offers a way at Tier 1 to buy Common Doffs for 500 Fleet Credits Each. It's random of course. Another way is to Exchange 5 uneeded common doffs to an uncommon, Then exchange the uncommon for another 3 random Doffs. If you work the Exchanges Correctly you can easily get the EC up to buy the Doffs off the exchange ALOT of them have crashed in price now that we can Downgrade Duty officers at the exchange. I am the main supplier of Doffs for my fleet, the rest work on Dil and Marks for the base, some provide doffs if they can. But you can search for cheap Very rare Doffs and keep downgrading them. A very rare Doff turns into 27 Commons in the long run. If you have higher quality Doffs that you are NOT using, Grind them down at the personel contact for lower qualities. This has been the BIGGEST help for getting Doffs. It is still sadly Random. But I am not having issues flooding my doff requirements and I am where I need 60/60 mixes to get ahead. It sounds to me you guys need to get a little more experience in the game under your belt. I do not know how long you have been playing For and NO if you are a Maco/Omega elite or even a 700 day Vet Doesn't mean you have learned the game to you or your members Benefits. As a day 1 F2P starter I tend to gross more then most 700 day Vets, only because Every few hours I track the exchange (sometimes less then that or more) Try to figure out what mission replays can help generate EC for you or what Doffs you might have sitting on you can generate EC for you, Especially if you are not using them (yet). It's a toss up if you want to get ahead, you have to make sacrifices to do it. Again, I have maybe 2 Active Donators to the my TWO fleets and we are on the verge of tier 2 with both Bases, and stocked to make the upgrade hit.
Proud Fleet Commander in Garfon's Renegades!
Proud Leader of the Massive Chaos Group
Proud Listener of The Voice of Star Trek Online.
I really agree also. As a resource it does not make sense, other than to turn a previously optional part of the game into something mandatory (it really is a boring UI minigame). We should be dumping stacks of data samples and materials into what is essentially a crafting activity. Our fleet doesn't seem to have a problem finding Doffs, but it still does not make a whole lot of sense.
It seems like this now, because the entire game is full of people at the exact same tier building their bases as fast as they can. Eventually it will stabilize.
Of course, Cryptic will have to make future "special projects" have some random variation in requirements, or we'll go through this again every time there's a major one added.
Former moderator of these forums. Lifetime sub since before launch. Been here since before public betas. Foundry author of "Franklin Drake Must Die".
It's not just Sensor duty officers. For the last two weeks, my fleet hasn't been able to complete any of the three projectz we have. We slowly ich our way through them until the doffs are left, and then we have to wait a day for a chance to get 2 or 3 more.
I also have an engineer project that requires a lot of Photon Torpedo Platforms. I don't know how to earn them, or what I need just to be to see what it even takes to craft them.
Why are you even starting the projects that you don't have materials for?
If you would stick to projects with the easier to aquire items, you'd be chugging along.
I really thing this was built around the large fleets opinion.
The system was built for fleet sizes around the mode, 20-50.
Random aside: If Fleet sizes were like country areas...
500 member Fleets would be Canada or the US.
50 member Fleets would be Egypt or Bolivia.
20 member Fleets would be Japan or Iraq.
5 member Fleets would be Portugal or South Korea.
1 member "Fleets" would be Fiji or Slovenia.
You need to get your hands on some photon torpedo platform prototype plans via DOFFing (check tactical Dept Head and scroll down to espionage) or the exchange. Than see your Engineer on your own ship to have them made.
They added the Phaser platform to crafting but not the photon... D'oh.
I would recommend picking out the easy ones that you your self can ah ford.
I was able to completely Build tier one star base buy my self with out any help from any body in 5 weeks.
The fear of death follows from the fear of life. A man who lives fully is prepared to die at any time.
Im in a solo fleet. Finding doffs is the least of my worries.
You're doing it wrong.
I have to say I concur about the sensor officers. My fleet is a so called large fleet, but it's not a mega fleet (you know 100-200 or so). All of us are active and we have no problem getting any of the doffs except the sensors officers. I think it's a bunch of nonsense. I think it's either stupidity on the part of the devs or a sick joke on their part to put a mission in that requires an obscene amount of a specific type of doff, then makes sure the drop rate sucks. I haven't gotten a sensor officer in about a month, but I have no freakin shortage of advisors, counselors, chefs. You know worthless doffs. This same type of imbalance can be found in other aspects of the game. For example, methogenic partical traces cost 100k per piece, never drop, and what uses methogenic partical traces? Oh only every doff project and everything useful in crafting. GOOD WORK DEVS! Morons!
If you are REALLY short of sensor doffs I do have a few spares (catch me in game some time and ill swap you one for any other doff thats suitable for me (not tholians , borg , reman, romulan etc)
I really thing this was built around the large fleets opinion.
First question is, What is a "Large Fleet"? Seems Devs consider it to be a fleet with more than 25 members (5% of Max) and that those fleets are less than 12.5% of all fleets in the game. (Source) Designing the system just for large fleets alienates a large portion of the playerbase (and makes the entire season a slap to the face of the majority of the playerbase) so I doubt that is the case, at least intentionally... (Look at me, defending Cryptic on something. I must be sick :P )
As part of a small fleet, the starbase doff requirement of some projects is rediculously extreame, especially sensor duty officer as they seem to be the more rare white doff ever, you cant even buy them on exchange as they sold out.
They really need a easier way to get the specific doffs or seriously reduce the requirements.
It would been better if you could exchange green doffs for 3 of the exact same type of doff rather than 3 totally random ones.
As a fleet of 1 I've found the easiest way to get white DOffs is to farm Support missions, one purple breaksdown into 27 whites. In less than a week I have hundreds of various DOffs stored in email just waiting for a base project to open up.
That aside, I do agree with you. Pretty much all costs are way to high when you consider that none of the projects actualy provide a direct benefit other than some XP.
Another thing that might help would be to only select the projects that have one DOff requirement instead of 2. I've found it pretty easy to keep a good flow going with those.
Remember, just because our fleets are smaller doesn't mean we are doomed. Just means we have more of a challenge. I have 3 other people Active in mine and we are almost tier 2, I know a few other smaller fleets that are burning towards tier 3. There are also more Fleet mark events coming foward. This week is Fleet week, Until the 2rd It's 24 hours a day Bonus fleet marks. It was also mentioned that We will soon be able to buy Fleet mark boosters using Fleet currency from the starbase stores. The Devs are watching and working on ways to boost the marks coming in. They are tracking how many people are actually pushing the bases and working on making adjustments to lower the requirments of them. But remember, Smaller fleets are NOT supposed to have it easy. The Larger fleets are, it is designed that way. Only way to get around it is to grow your fleet. It takes effort, But if you want it to occur you will push to do it.
Proud Leader of the Massive Chaos Group
Proud Listener of The Voice of Star Trek Online.
Im in a solo fleet. Finding doffs is the least of my worries.
You're doing it wrong.
I also have an engineer project that requires a lot of Photon Torpedo Platforms. I don't know how to earn them, or what I need just to be to see what it even takes to craft them.
-The Milkshake Song: Vulcan Edition
You need to get your hands on some photon torpedo platform prototype plans via DOFFing (check tactical Dept Head and scroll down to espionage) or the exchange. Than see your Engineer on your own ship to have them made.
They added the Phaser platform to crafting but not the photon... D'oh.
If I ask you a question it is not an insult but a genuine attempt to understand why.
When I insult you I won't be discreet about it, I will be precise and to the point stupid.
I agree and don't agree - Goal is to give us something to work on till next release +. I think this will do it...grind is starting to get old with no new content. I like your suggestion using green at some kind of exchange ration. The only thing is you may need your green down the road. I really thing this was built around the large fleets opinion.
On exchange sold out...We all need the same items. Large fleets have already moved through what you are looking for.
Proud Leader of the Massive Chaos Group
Proud Listener of The Voice of Star Trek Online.
Of course, Cryptic will have to make future "special projects" have some random variation in requirements, or we'll go through this again every time there's a major one added.
Why are you even starting the projects that you don't have materials for?
If you would stick to projects with the easier to aquire items, you'd be chugging along.
The system was built for fleet sizes around the mode, 20-50.
Random aside: If Fleet sizes were like country areas...
500 member Fleets would be Canada or the US.
50 member Fleets would be Egypt or Bolivia.
20 member Fleets would be Japan or Iraq.
5 member Fleets would be Portugal or South Korea.
1 member "Fleets" would be Fiji or Slovenia.
Monaco is a Fleet with 0.0001 members.
"LFG to start a fleet, you can quit as soon as its made."
I would recommend picking out the easy ones that you your self can ah ford.
I was able to completely Build tier one star base buy my self with out any help from any body in 5 weeks.
I have to say I concur about the sensor officers. My fleet is a so called large fleet, but it's not a mega fleet (you know 100-200 or so). All of us are active and we have no problem getting any of the doffs except the sensors officers. I think it's a bunch of nonsense. I think it's either stupidity on the part of the devs or a sick joke on their part to put a mission in that requires an obscene amount of a specific type of doff, then makes sure the drop rate sucks. I haven't gotten a sensor officer in about a month, but I have no freakin shortage of advisors, counselors, chefs. You know worthless doffs. This same type of imbalance can be found in other aspects of the game. For example, methogenic partical traces cost 100k per piece, never drop, and what uses methogenic partical traces? Oh only every doff project and everything useful in crafting. GOOD WORK DEVS! Morons!
First question is, What is a "Large Fleet"? Seems Devs consider it to be a fleet with more than 25 members (5% of Max) and that those fleets are less than 12.5% of all fleets in the game. (Source) Designing the system just for large fleets alienates a large portion of the playerbase (and makes the entire season a slap to the face of the majority of the playerbase) so I doubt that is the case, at least intentionally... (Look at me, defending Cryptic on something. I must be sick :P )
As a fleet of 1 I've found the easiest way to get white DOffs is to farm Support missions, one purple breaksdown into 27 whites. In less than a week I have hundreds of various DOffs stored in email just waiting for a base project to open up.
That aside, I do agree with you. Pretty much all costs are way to high when you consider that none of the projects actualy provide a direct benefit other than some XP.
Another thing that might help would be to only select the projects that have one DOff requirement instead of 2. I've found it pretty easy to keep a good flow going with those.