As you can probably tell from just that, we're pretty laid back, and quite friendly. What started as a group of friends banding together to get the fleet uniform option has become twenty strong or so. We're on our way to tier 1 in the starbase, and everyone in the fleet is contributing.
We're focused on STFs and having competent players to run actions with. Any level is welcome to join, but advancement beyond the initial ranks requires you to complete first a regular STF or Fleet action with us, and then later an Elite.
Ideally, we would like to grow this to around fifty or seventy-five active members. If you're interested in hearing more, post below or PM me in-game. We look forward to having you!
We've almost got a tier one across the board! We're a lively, active fleet which still has a little room to grow. Please please please, if you're looking for a fleet, give us a try!