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Advice Request: Tholian Recluse Carrier / Carriers in General

hitechgunshothitechgunshot Member Posts: 12 Arc User
edited August 2012 in Klingon Discussion
Right, so, before I begin, I'd like to say I'm still a newbie. I do not know many terms and, if you can help it, either write it out in full or explain the terms. Thanks!

So, here's what I'm asking. I'm planning to get a Tholian Recluse Carrier (equipped with the energy web console from the Orb Weaver), and I'm not 100% sure how to build it. I was thinking about a reasonably bulky DPS with beam fire at will and scatter torpedoes, with the universal slot with a Tac. officer in it, but I'm not completly sure if this would work. Thoughts? I was planning, ability+weapon for word: Tetryon beam fire at will + tactical team + normal Tri-Colbalt devices, then scatter shot with Plasma Torpedoes, and using energy web on more bulky enemies. I'm not utterly certain this will work- would it be possible for a build such as this, with the rest of my ability slots focusing on support or tanky abilities? Also, I'd like a quick rundown on what fighters to use, and what each does- if you have the time, of course.

But, I'd also like to quickly know what Carriers in general can do, and what most people expect them to do, so I know what the feedback on what I'm doing / what I should do in game will be.

Thanks for reading!
Post edited by hitechgunshot on


  • defalusdefalus Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    I never try to pass out advice on building a ship layout but there is one problem I see, in a carrier your DPS isn't going to be that great. Its weapons are 3 fore 3 aft and you want a couple of torpedo launchers in there too, which, when you account for a carriers low turn rate are difficult to line up to fire meaning you lose out on DPS there.

    In a carrier you really want to build to support your fighters which can do most of your DPS and with a commander tac slot I would be trying things like attack pattern beta 3 with disruptor beam arrays to really try and debuff targets damage resistance while fighters used would be advanced pereginre/to'duj to maximise damage output (which from what I gather is what you want) on a target.

    Others can throw out builds for ships but I just wanted to put my opinion on a carrier out there as "food for thought". If you're looking advice, it would be good to post your captains class too so people can offer better and more suited advice.
  • thisslerthissler Member Posts: 2,055 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wCW7qxenWt4&feature=plcp tholian

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nD22NNM1Cjw&feature=plcp space cow

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YBRGjfO1_Bg&feature=plcp some Karfi

    And sure you can fit beam fire at will and torpedo spread into a Recluse without much of a problem. Key question.

    PVP or PVE? What Captain type?
  • hitechgunshothitechgunshot Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Tactical, mainly PvE but hopefully squeeze a bit of PvP usage out of it.

    Edit: Oh my god, the web generator is amazing.
  • thepantspartythepantsparty Member Posts: 431 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Which FDO DOffs are recommended for carrier users?
  • thisslerthissler Member Posts: 2,055 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    The Tholian Recluse. There are enough Tactical Slots to have 2 Torpedo Spreads and 2 Fire at Will, and a spot left over for Omega. Or you could forget the Omega and put a Dispersal Pattern in the Commander spot. Maybe mines will be cool again someday!! Or you could run two Tactical Teams for when you need to distribute shields for npcs as in the blockade event.

    Okay. Enough of that. First you need to decide on what to do with Engineering. In particular you need to decide on "healing for me" or "healing for them" or "some other goodies for me"? If you choose Emergency Power to Shields, Aux to Structural, and Aux to Inertial Dampeners you get one of each. Aux to Structural does self and others on heals and has a short cool down.

    Science will be simple. You put a phontonic shockwave in the LtCmdr spot or you put a Gravity Well. Gravity Well will group up the targets. Someone, probably multiple someones, will be using Torpedo Spreads. This is haxcellent combo. A Transfer Shield Strength and a Hazard Emitters finishes this up nicely. Other or self heals. How can that be bad?

    Ensign Science. Tractor Beam? Polarize Hull? Science Team? The new NPC's toss out a lot of abilities so you decide based on who you think you may face.

    Tholian of course you stick with the widow fighters.

    The Karfi in the video is set up fine for most PVE. It has a GW in the build and plenty of aoe.

    I hear the fighters do the most damage but I'm using the frigates.

    The Space Cow has a drain set up. Really easy as you don't need to point the ship all that much. It also has Feedback Pulse. Some NPC's just will not aggro onto you in the new events. That should be replaced with Gravity Well.

    I hear a LOT about what pet to use. Never seen it measured though. So I use fighters or bop's.

    Also keep in mind your Tactical Captain abilities buff Science Damage Abilities. Sometimes to Ludicrous Levels.

    Go out there, fly around, shoot stuff and watch carefully what happens. Really. Go back to base and make adjustments. In a short time you'll know what you need to.

    Have fun and happy flying!
  • hitechgunshothitechgunshot Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Thanks! Great help :)

    Edit: How many lockboxes do you need to open, with the worst possible, medium and best outcomes of Lobi Crystals, the Tholian Carrier? I need to know how much money to put aside <.<
  • contrarydecisioncontrarydecision Member Posts: 274 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Thanks! Great help :)

    Edit: How many lockboxes do you need to open, with the worst possible, medium and best outcomes of Lobi Crystals, the Tholian Carrier? I need to know how much money to put aside <.<

    Assuming worst case scenario of getting nothing but the base 4 Lobi from each box, you'd need to open 200 boxes. You'd be far better off just buying and liquidating enough keys for the EC to buy one off the exchange itself. That would cut it down well past half, assuming you could sell keys at ~1.5m or higher. Even at 1m per (given they're currently around 1.7m each...) you'd only need 100 keys instead of (worst case scenario) 200.
  • warmaker001bwarmaker001b Member Posts: 9,205 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    If you want a Tac Oriented carrier and are willing to spend the cash as a KDF player, the Kar'Fi won't break your account with ridiculous spending or relying on finicky Lady Luck, while still getting access to some interesting hangar craft unique to it.

    Handles way better than the Vo'Quv and has the Tac BOFF slots to make a difference. It can be made tough but nowhere near what the Vo'Quv can do.
  • hitechgunshothitechgunshot Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    If you want a Tac Oriented carrier and are willing to spend the cash as a KDF player, the Kar'Fi won't break your account with ridiculous spending or relying on finicky Lady Luck, while still getting access to some interesting hangar craft unique to it.

    Handles way better than the Vo'Quv and has the Tac BOFF slots to make a difference. It can be made tough but nowhere near what the Vo'Quv can do.

    I know, but I just like the look and the cool abilities / weapons of the Recluse, especially gaining the Orb Weaver's Energy Web on it. Also, I really like the layout of the carrier (Boffs).
  • thelizardthelizard Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Hey everyone just wondering, would the tholian carrier and carriers in general work with a sci captain?
  • tom61stotom61sto Member Posts: 3,692 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    thelizard wrote: »
    Hey everyone just wondering, would the tholian carrier and carriers in general work with a sci captain?

    Yes, carriers (except the Armitage Fed Side) basically are Sci ships, having high ranked Sci BOffs and good Sci console numbers. They typically have some of the features built-in associated Sci ships beyond just layout choices as well.

    Caveat: Most carriers have a slow turn rate (Tholian has 5.5 deg/sec) so would not go well if you rely on 90 degree powers. Kar'fi has 7 turnrate, which is the highest of any dual hangar carrier.
  • thelizardthelizard Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    tom61sto wrote: »
    Yes, carriers (except the Armitage Fed Side) basically are Sci ships, having high ranked Sci BOffs and good Sci console numbers. They typically have some of the features built-in associated Sci ships beyond just layout choices as well.

    Caveat: Most carriers have a slow turn rate (Tholian has 5.5 deg/sec) so would not go well if you rely on 90 degree powers. Kar'fi has 7 turnrate, which is the highest of any dual hangar carrier.

    Ah I see, thanks for the response
  • kazzodoomkazzodoom Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    How does the dual bay carriers compare with the Orion Single deck carrier (for a tact captain).

    I know the orion ship has more guns (4&4) and more boffs than the standard klingon carriers but in everyones experience how does this translate in game?
  • dknight0001dknight0001 Member Posts: 1,542
    edited August 2012
    kazzodoom wrote: »
    How does the dual bay carriers compare with the Orion Single deck carrier (for a tact captain).

    I know the orion ship has more guns (4&4) and more boffs than the standard klingon carriers but in everyones experience how does this translate in game?

    It's a Cruiser with a Hanger Bay. And while it stations 5 BOFFs instead of 4 it still has 12 powers.

    Kar'Fi is the Carrier of choice for a Tac Captain.
    I was once DKnight1000, apparently I had taken my own name so now I'm DKnight0001. :confused:
    If I ask you a question it is not an insult but a genuine attempt to understand why.
    When I insult you I won't be discreet about it, I will be precise and to the point stupid.
  • kazzodoomkazzodoom Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    It's a Cruiser with a Hanger Bay. And while it stations 5 BOFFs instead of 4 it still has 12 powers.

    Kar'Fi is the Carrier of choice for a Tac Captain.

    Fair enough, care to expand on your statement? Why is the kar'Fi the better choice? I am going to be getting a carrier for my toon and want to make the right choice.
  • skaldraskaldra Member Posts: 169 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    i would like someone to help me build my Carrier to be the best that it can! I am a science captain but have little experience "tanking" which is what i wanted my carrier to be.
    Director of Marketing
  • terlokiterloki Member Posts: 287 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    kazzodoom wrote: »
    Fair enough, care to expand on your statement? Why is the kar'Fi the better choice? I am going to be getting a carrier for my toon and want to make the right choice.

    I've fought a Kar'Fi several times in my Vo'Quv, and I can tell you that it's got good speed, wicked firepower, and a rather solid turn-rate. Compared to the Vo'Quv it pretty much IS an escort (but then again everything but the Atrox is) and those two hangar bays give you plenty of support. This thing is designed not just to take punishment like your average cruiser, it can give it out in copious amounts. And when you upgrade its maneuverability... Nothing that big was meant to move like that.
    Admiral Katrina Tokareva - U.S.S. Cosmos, Yorktown-class Star Cruiser
    Admiral Dananra Lekall - R.R.W. Teverresh, Deihu-class Warbird
    General J'Kar son of K'tsulan - I.K.S. Dlahath, Vo'devwl-class Carrier
  • warmaker001bwarmaker001b Member Posts: 9,205 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    kazzodoom wrote: »
    Fair enough, care to expand on your statement? Why is the kar'Fi the better choice? I am going to be getting a carrier for my toon and want to make the right choice.

    There's a few things about the Kar'Fi that make it great for ship offensive combat alongside its fighters compared to the Vo'Quv.

    * The Kar'Fi has the best turn rate of all the 2 hangar carriers. Equal to the majority of cruisers. Makes it a bit easier in bringing weapons to bear like Dual Beams and such. Being able to move better makes you less of a slow, large target compared to the Vo'Quv, and lets you position yourself better and more quickly than the Vo'Quv.

    * The big reason is the extra TAC Lt BOFF slots. The Vo'Quv "only" has the TAC LtCmdr slots but is better balanced by still having respectable SCI & ENG BOFF slots. The Kar'Fi takes some of the SCI & ENG slots to balance out having the TAC Lt slot, which is enough to bring some extra punch to this ship.

    * The Kar'Fi has access to the Adv.Fer'Jai Frigates. Slowest recharge hangar pet, IIRC, but they have tremendous punch. Not to mention access to most other KDF hangar pets.

    * A little weaker in the SCI department than the Vo'Quv but it is still respectable.
  • cliftona91cliftona91 Member Posts: 254
    edited August 2012
    In my modest experience flying a carrier (Currently have the Vo'quv though once I hit level 50 I may spend the Zen and get the Kar'fi), I find the carriers biggest asset is it's versatility. When I say versatility, I mean with its hanger bays:

    Need some extra punch with your attack? Put in the bays the various sorts of fighter you can get a hold of. Or go with quality and put in the various frigates.

    Need to weaken an opponents attack so he'll be severely handicapped? Siphon Drones can do the trick. Works especially well against Donatra or the Tac Cube in Infected Space,

    Need to keep somebody's shields up? Shield Repair Shuttles can do the trick. Works especially well in Starbase Blockades.

    And the various other pets have their own usages as well.
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