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Now 30 Captain getting owned

sigmahooptysigmahoopty Member Posts: 0 Arc User
So I just hit level 30 Captain, acquired my new cruiser, and I am getting owned. It appears that the extra phasers that I now have are draining so much power, that my shields are gone before I know it.

I admit, I am a noob, and looked for some build advice, but really can't find anything. Any advice would be great along with a leveling build.

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  • velktravelktra Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Fewer beams might help, but to know for sure, people will need to see your build (including your captain and bridge officer skills, consoles, etc.)

    Setting your power levels to "attack mode" (the x) will provide more power for your weapons so that your levels don't drain as fast.
    Demons run when a good man goes to war.
  • kattarnkattarn Member Posts: 105 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Try find a EPS flow regulator engineering console, if you can afford a Emergency power to weapos that will help too, and maybe a torpedo or mine launcher can help you sustaining some decent damage.
  • skhcskhc Member Posts: 355 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    I just hit Captain recently on my Tac reroll and decided to go down the Cruiser route (my main Tac is Escort based, so just for the difference). I didn't have a problem with power running 6 beams and one torp. Off the top of my head, I think I'm running 100/90 on weapons for single player PvE. Best thing you can do is run two copies of Emergency Power to Weapons (even if they're both EPtW1) and just hit them every 30 seconds, you'll have the power boost constantly. Of course you might need to interrupt the chain with Emergency Power to Shields once in a while if you're under pressure.

    You can use weapon batteries for a bigger boost too.

    I've seen some people say that you can put your Weapon power beyond 125 with batteries, it just doesn't display it, and can use that to handle up to 8 beams. Other people say that's not the case and 125 is the max, which is optimum with 6. I've not experimented enough myself to say which is actually true.
  • jgp1975jgp1975 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    A quick fix might be to make a modified power setting. Click the view option for power bars (Wep/Shi/Eng/Aux) and select 3. This lets you modify all your settings. The one on the far right top is "Balanced". Make sure you select that, and then drag AUX and ENG to 25%. This should allow you to have 75% for WEP and SHI. Now make sure you lock the AUX and ENG bars to keep them where you set them, and then click the disk icon. This saves those setting to the last tab "Balanced". This is what I tend too use for my Engineer and Tactical Capt. It is a decent all around setting. Now you will want to have a Star Ship Engine that run best at low power. It will help keep you from be very slow. Also this setting will never work well for Science skills, or have good vision of cloaked ships. You will need to depend on those with good detection. This combined with some form of Eng team, Sci team, Aux to Struct Int, and Power to Weapon/Shields will tend to have a fighting chance. Does take some button mashing, but you can cycle power, self heals, and usually survive. Best for a tank type, but will usually do decent damage too. Aux to Struct Int while a low heal has a faster reuse, and does not global cooldown like Eng team. It has let me survive long enough to pop Eng team when the cool down cycles.
  • reginamala78reginamala78 Member Posts: 4,593 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    6 beams, 1 quantum torp or tricobalt torp or dual beam bank, two Emergency To Weapons 1, two Emergency To Shields 2. Weapons 100 Shields 50 Engines 25 Auxiliary 25. Alternate the Emergency powers every 15 seconds to have both up all the time, and get a basic set of Combat Impulse Engines so you can still maneuver (relatively) despite the low engine power. You'll have plenty of weapons energy, your shields will laugh off most hits (so long as you rebalance regularly), and when things get hairy throw on Tactical Team 1 for speed rebalancing. For healing, either Transfer Shield Strength 2 or Science Team 2. Sci Team is a flash heal, a larger amount, shorter cooldown, and clears debuffs, but interferres with Tactical and Engineering Teams. TSS doesn't interferre, and gives you a slight damage reduction besides.
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