The server is up, however It might as well be down, the lag is so bad its unplayable for me atm. I even tested my speed at speed to see if it was my connection, im gettin 22 megs dl speed, so it aint my broadband. I wish they would fix the lag, and all the bugs (tailer, exchange, etc).
Seems something is up my (and a few others have reported) having a launcher issue, I will update this post with a screenshot of the issue in a sec once I upload it.
No login issues, no lag... H*ll... even transferring to ESD takes only a few seconds.
Might want to try switching proxy. Could be a issue between your ISP and the cryptic servers.
Attempting to log back into STO and now the PATCHER IS OFFLINE! <insert ARG emoticon>.
I am getting message that 'it is trying to update the launcher. :P
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Although I am in game I am also hesitant to log out.
Cryptic where are you?
Launcher down. 'Cant connect to server'
They are having problems i wager.
Launcher is also back up for me; However it's not loading the bar to hit engage.
Guess that means no sto gameplay for me today...........not done!!!
EDIT: And its back ON..................THE GAME IS ON!!!!
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