Notes: Remember this is a F2P game, they need to make money, however, they should make good content. Prices are just an example or a guess.
PvP Revamp
PvP needs to be revamped. The first thing that is needed would be rated matches and player ratings. Two, PvP gear for each new season. The gear for each season would be like UFP Colonial Militia Gear or KDF Sectorial Gladiator Gear, while the next season will be Andorian Imperial Guard gear and the Orion Merchant Security gear. All the gear will have Mk X, Mk XI, and Mk XII stats with their respective costume changes.
Every five months there will be a tourney where the number ranked team for 5v5 and 2v2 will get the ultra gear (which won?t be a destroy all, but an unique set with slightly better stats). The PvP gear will be specifically tied to PvP, so that high-ranking PvP gear holders will not have good stats for PvE missions. There will, also, be titles and areas where the winning players will have their characters prominently displayed at the social zones.
For each tourney, there will be PvP boosters in the Zen Store that give people the ability to have ultra gear stats for like 400 zen for a pack of 3xshield boosters, 3xpower boosters, 3xhypo boosters. The tourneys will be held at Andoria for the UFP, one of the arena planets in the KDF, and small Hirogen PvP zone near the Romulan planets. The PvP gear stores will be at these locations and outside the safe zones, they will be world PvP zones. There will be a space zone attached to the planet like a starship proving grounds.
Finally, the Foundry PvP will be available. These ones will lead to the Mk X PvP rewards.
New Content
New Sector Zone
Five new planets where each planet has one or two main mission with three to four side quests. Two new fleet actions, ground and space. One STF ten-man with five to six bosses as the ending to that story line. New PvP zone with that sector. The FAs and the STFs will have a one-minute lobby with the ability for the group to make a readiness check that will speed up the timer.
Loot: The Fleet Actions will have the Mk X sector specific gear where the missions will be grindable. Space gear for Space mission and ground gear for ground mission. There will be TAC, SCI, and ENG gear rather than cross-class.
Ten-Man STF: Two Modes, Normal and Elite. Five to Six bosses with each having accolades and the class gear similar to the Fleet Action but with Mk XI and Mk XII.
There will be the specie-specific Lock Boxes, and on each faction?s staging ground, there will be Lobi Consortium store?s content specific gear. For the Zen Store, there will be cotent-specific gear (Character Unlock), like the UFP Security Special Forces costume set or the KDF Anti-Guerrilla costume set.
This new zone will cost money to access: 900 zen account unlock for the zone with no fleet actions or the stf, but for 1500 zen the player will get it all plus a pet or a new costume per character. 2500 zen will unlock it account wide plus the new pet or costume set. After the next season, this zone will be reduced in price, and by the third season afterwards, this zone will be free.
This can be done every other seasons, with the intermediary season will be sector updates, bug fixes, and a big event.
This big event will continue a story line or end one. This event and a sector update will cost 500 zen per character or 1200 for account character. The sector update could be a re-mastered mission for 200 zen per character or 600 for account wide.
Crafting Revamp
The crafting system needs to be able for everyone to craft low-level gear to the elite crafters who can craft the high-end gear.
Put back in the ability to craft for fellow players into the game. DOFF chains will be level specific.
There will be three levels of Crafters. In order to get to these levels, the player will need to complete a specific mission such as craft x many items and gather x many materials from each exploration zone.
Everyday Crafter: These will be the ability to craft regular consumables like hypos and white gear. The cost of dilthium materials to these will be small.
The items will be able to be replicated on the ship, however if you want consumables, you will need to go to the crew lounge, engineer items need to go engineering, tac items need to go the armory, and sci items need to go to sickbay. This will need the ship store license for 200 zen (tri-character unlock).
Master Crafter: These craters will be able to craft repair and injury items, green and blue gear, specialty consumables like hypos+shield boosters. The dilithium materials will be more expensive, however there will be specials like buy five for the cost of four. In order to get to this level, the player will need to buy a Master Crafter license for like 500 zen (character unlock, but a special for three character unlocks at 1200 zen) This will come with a title, a exocomp or a robot pet, and a costume. This level will have access to sector-specific craftable items like the Defera Balance Booster (an example) and the Master Fleet License will be available.
The Master Crafter will be able to create a storage bin during events, fleet actions, and stfs of consumables on site. The storage bin will be stocked with crafted items with fixed prices that go to the player.
Elite Crafter: These crafters will be able to craft all the gear, all the consumables, all the repair and injury items. Same set up as Master Crafter for dilithium materials. The license will be the Elite Crafter license for like 700 zen (character unlock, but a special for three character unlocks at 1300 zen) This will come with a title, a mat gatherable pet, a costume, and a freighter will be unlocked. Sector-specific items will be unlocked and the new Fleet Crafter License will be available.
The ship will be similar set up to the Taufli-class freighter, but the player will charge like anything from (1,000 EC to 25,00 EC) to come onto the ship and have their own store (stocked by themselves this will be like a ship only bank with prices). This ship will give the player the ability to craft blue items on the ship. This will set up a small neutral faction of traders and merchants which the freighter can be reskinned into a UFP freighter, Orion freighter, a Ferengi freighter, or a Rigellian freighter for zen points.
The Elite Crafter will be able to create a storage bin during events, fleet actions, and stfs of consumables and green level gear. The bin will need to be stocked and priced.
The Fleet Crafter License will come with two levels:
Master Fleet Crafter License will cost 100 Fleet Marks, 25,000 Dilthium, plus 100 zen (per Character) plus the Master Crafter License. The Master Fleet Crafter will have access to the Fleet Bank Storage (Materials and other stuff used to craft) and manage the Fleet Bank. The MFC will have access to the Fleet Crafting area and the mats will be geared towards mass production. During Events, Fleet Actions, and STFs, the EFCL will give a fleet storage bin of green level items and consumables with profits going to the fleet.
Elite Fleet Crafter License will cost 150 Fleet Marks, 35,000 dilithium, plus 150 zen (per character) plus the Elite Crafter License. Same access as the Master Fleet Crafter, however, a Fleet Store will be added to the freighter (prices cannot be modified on ship). During Events, Fleet Actions, and STFs, the EFCL will give a fleet storage bin of blue level items and fleet purple items with profits going to the fleet.
The Delta Flyer Crafting Mission needs to be put back in the game. When this mission was taken away, one of most ingenious homages to Star Trek was taken away and the spirit of this game has suffered.
The Foundry
The Featured episodes will have good loot and the Foundry needs to get bug fixes.
Foundry Created Sector Zone- This zone will have a central planet hub for both factions. The Featured Episodes will be put into a story-chain as specified with parameters set down in the forums and the created episodes will be voted on by how well it fits into the story-chain. The completed story-chain can be a big event with the authors being recognized with loot and other items every four or five months, not on the same month as the PvP Tourney.
This zone will have the Foundry PvP battlegrounds.
The ability for the Foundry Author to advertise their missions at social zones where the mission can be played at Starfleet Academy, Klingon Academy, or the Fleet Starbases where they have the holodecks for a price (such as 400 zen).
When an event comes up, at all the social zones, there will be representatives advertising the event, such as Q at ESD, but Q will be at Memory Alpha, Starbase 39, Granalda Outpost, and the others.
Monthly Events
This game needs more monthly events. Events like the Q?s Winter Wonderland were very popular (as a player, this time was very busy in game) and Game Anniversary.
However, we need more events like in April its Bajoran Festival of Lights and event-related missions such as promotion of event-related Foundry missions, event-related PvP small tourneys. At this event, gear and items that can only be acquired at this event, such as the PvP/E gear or updated 2409 specie ship (like a 2409 era Cardassian Ship or a Bajoran ship). Of course, Zen Store and Lobi Store will get event-specific items.
These events will be in a different sector for each month. Such as the Romulan Remembrance Day held at Hobus or the Romulan capital planet or First Contact Day at Starfleet Academy (which can be a celebration of cultures to include the Klingons) or Klingon Day of the Dead at First City (which can be the Klingon version celebrating just Klingon culture). For UFP and KDF players, they can go to the event at DS9. There will need to be a sectorial hub in each section for the events and to set up the mini-faction starting zones.
Event-specific DOFF chains will be introduced. At these events, there will be event-specific items that cannot be down on one day or one event.
Sector Events
These events are good, but however they need to be fixed. The Borg and the Defera zones need to be fixed. I would like to be able to play the old stuff and new players should be able to play these zones. Which means there needs to be more advertising for the older ones where the loot is comparable to the new ones, not at first, but after a couple of months.
Fleet Events
Fleet sponsored events like a Fleet Member authored Foundry episode story chain with loot sponsored by the fleet or a Fleet-sponsored PvP tourney, which can be at the PvP planet or the Foundry PvP zone.
A fleet calendar needs to be added. A fleet can advertise at the social zones for a certain amount of fleet marks, EC, and/or zen for a specific amount of time that will advertise Fleet events and fleet membership drives. The Fleets will have fleet-specific accolades such as the first the time that the fleet completes a fleet action, event, and stf. These accolades will unlock Fleet Trophy area in the fleet Starbase, which will be a public area for all non-fleet members.
A more in-depth accolade or a player encyclopedia where the player can easily chart the acquired gear, titles, and accolades, while another are where for items that needs to be acquired.
These can be available at level 50 in a Mini-Faction Pack available in the zen store for 2500. These will include three vessels, sci, eng, and tac, a small craft, and a costume pack. The faction?s starting zone which would be a sectorial hub, such as the Romulan capital planet. These starting zones will be miniature versions of the larger UFP and KDF ones, something similar to DS9. The appropriate UI will be included, like a Dark Green for the Romulans, Purplish for the Dominion, and so on.
The crafting lvls will be used from the players? main alts, so if the player was an elite crafter then they will be one, but they will have to buy a new license. The Foundry can used to create mini-faction-centric story arcs that can be created with similar process as the other Foundry story-arcs.
In Conclusion: This will be a lot of work to implement, but a lot of the features I laid out will be able to be re-used a lot to cut down on in-house costs. STO needs to be able to keep players playing every month to attracting new players to show that the game does not have large down times.
I love these forums. Maybe it sounds unkind but - there is really no need for the game developers to be themselves creative at all. There are great ideas posted to the forums every day. All they need to do is read them, and implement them.
Just forget the idea with pvp only items, its a bad idea in principle.
Well, the PvP only items would coincide with the PvP tourneys and in order to PvP more competitive. I think it would be awesome to see the tourney's champion all gilded in the gear being promoted at ESD and other zones.
As much as we need more KDF only content, the devs have said on many occasions that is not where the money is. So we ask them to make cross-factional content and have the Foundry create the story-arcs with Cryptic monitoring the missions. The Foundry is STO's most unique feature, and instead of using it as a fan-fiction creator, lets get this thing to create STO canon. If the Devs doesnt have the time nor the money to create, at least they can supervise and give feed back.
of course KDF isn't where the money is, no one is going to want to play a half assed made faction, if you don't put work into it of course your not going to get a good return, and if the attitude stays the same as it is currently well then don't expect anything to change.
Well, negativity towards won't change their mind about the KDF, so we as players will do something about it.
The events are what keep players coming back, yes it would be nice to have some story content created, but realistically, we burn through it in a matter of hours. So, that is what the seasons should be used for. The events are the filler so we won't get bored, granted some will be, but you cannot please everyone.
Well, the PvP only items would coincide with the PvP tourneys and in order to PvP more competitive. I think it would be awesome to see the tourney's champion all gilded in the gear being promoted at ESD and other zones.
As much as we need more KDF only content, the devs have said on many occasions that is not where the money is. So we ask them to make cross-factional content and have the Foundry create the story-arcs with Cryptic monitoring the missions. The Foundry is STO's most unique feature, and instead of using it as a fan-fiction creator, lets get this thing to create STO canon. If the Devs doesnt have the time nor the money to create, at least they can supervise and give feed back.
Who cares about silly stupid events or fighting the borg..... Give us the Iconians......
The events are what keep players coming back, yes it would be nice to have some story content created, but realistically, we burn through it in a matter of hours. So, that is what the seasons should be used for. The events are the filler so we won't get bored, granted some will be, but you cannot please everyone.